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Random variable

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Arandom variable(also calledrandom quantity,aleatory variable,orstochastic variable) is amathematicalformalization of a quantity or object which depends onrandomevents.[1]The term 'random variable' in its mathematical definition refers to neither randomness nor variability[2]but instead is a mathematicalfunctionin which

  • thedomainis the set of possibleoutcomesin asample space(e.g. the setwhich are the possible upper sides of a flipped coin headsor tailsas the result from tossing a coin); and
  • therangeis ameasurable space(e.g. corresponding to the domain above, the range might be the setif say headsmapped to -1 andmapped to 1). Typically, the range of a random variable is set ofreal numbers.
This graph shows how random variable is a function from all possible outcomes to real values. It also shows how random variable is used for defining probability mass functions.

Informally, randomness typically represents some fundamental element of chance, such as in the roll of adice;it may also represent uncertainty, such asmeasurement error.[1]However, theinterpretation of probabilityis philosophically complicated, and even in specific cases is not always straightforward. The purely mathematical analysis of random variables is independent of such interpretational difficulties, and can be based upon a rigorous axiomatic setup.

In the formal mathematical language ofmeasure theory,a random variable is defined as ameasurable functionfrom aprobability measure space(called thesample space) to ameasurable space.This allows consideration of thepushforward measure,which is called thedistributionof the random variable; the distribution is thus aprobability measureon the set of all possible values of the random variable. It is possible for two random variables to have identical distributions but to differ in significant ways; for instance, they may beindependent.

It is common to consider the special cases ofdiscrete random variablesandabsolutely continuous random variables,corresponding to whether a random variable is valued in a countable subset or in an interval ofreal numbers.There are other important possibilities, especially in the theory ofstochastic processes,wherein it is natural to considerrandom sequencesorrandom functions.Sometimes arandom variableis taken to be automatically valued in the real numbers, with more general random quantities instead being calledrandom elements.

According toGeorge Mackey,Pafnuty Chebyshevwas the first person "to think systematically in terms of random variables".[3]


Arandom variableis ameasurable functionfrom a sample spaceas a set of possibleoutcomesto ameasurable space.The technical axiomatic definition requires the sample spaceto be a sample space of aprobability triple(see themeasure-theoretic definition). A random variable is often denoted by capitalRoman letterssuch as.[4]

The probability thattakes on a value in a measurable setis written as


Standard case[edit]

In many cases,isreal-valued,i.e..In some contexts, the termrandom element(seeextensions) is used to denote a random variable not of this form.

When theimage(or range) ofis finitely or infinitelycountable,the random variable is called adiscrete random variable[5]: 399 and its distribution is adiscrete probability distribution,i.e. can be described by aprobability mass functionthat assigns a probability to each value in the image of.If the image is uncountably infinite (usually aninterval) thenis called acontinuous random variable.[6][7]In the special case that it isabsolutely continuous,its distribution can be described by aprobability density function,which assigns probabilities to intervals; in particular, each individual point must necessarily have probability zero for an absolutely continuous random variable. Not all continuous random variables are absolutely continuous.[8]

Any random variable can be described by itscumulative distribution function,which describes the probability that the random variable will be less than or equal to a certain value.


The term "random variable" in statistics is traditionally limited to thereal-valuedcase (). In this case, the structure of the real numbers makes it possible to define quantities such as theexpected valueandvarianceof a random variable, itscumulative distribution function,and themomentsof its distribution.

However, the definition above is valid for anymeasurable spaceof values. Thus one can consider random elements of other sets,such as randomBoolean values,categorical values,complex numbers,vectors,matrices,sequences,trees,sets,shapes,manifolds,andfunctions.One may then specifically refer to arandom variable oftype,or an-valued random variable.

This more general concept of arandom elementis particularly useful in disciplines such asgraph theory,machine learning,natural language processing,and other fields indiscrete mathematicsandcomputer science,where one is often interested in modeling the random variation of non-numericaldata structures.In some cases, it is nonetheless convenient to represent each element of,using one or more real numbers. In this case, a random element may optionally be represented as avector of real-valued random variables(all defined on the same underlying probability space,which allows the different random variables tocovary). For example:

  • A random word may be represented as a random integer that serves as an index into the vocabulary of possible words. Alternatively, it can be represented as a random indicator vector, whose length equals the size of the vocabulary, where the only values of positive probability are,,and the position of the 1 indicates the word.
  • A random sentence of given lengthmay be represented as a vector ofrandom words.
  • Arandom graphongiven vertices may be represented as amatrix of random variables, whose values specify theadjacency matrixof the random graph.
  • Arandom functionmay be represented as a collection of random variables,giving the function's values at the various pointsin the function's domain. Theare ordinary real-valued random variables provided that the function is real-valued. For example, astochastic processis a random function of time, arandom vectoris a random function of some index set such as,andrandom fieldis a random function on any set (typically time, space, or a discrete set).

Distribution functions[edit]

If a random variabledefined on the probability spaceis given, we can ask questions like "How likely is it that the value ofis equal to 2? ". This is the same as the probability of the eventwhich is often written asorfor short.

Recording all these probabilities of outputs of a random variableyields theprobability distributionof.The probability distribution "forgets" about the particular probability space used to defineand only records the probabilities of various output values of.Such a probability distribution, ifis real-valued, can always be captured by itscumulative distribution function

and sometimes also using aprobability density function,.Inmeasure-theoreticterms, we use the random variableto "push-forward" the measureonto a measureon.The measureis called the "(probability) distribution of"or the" law of". [9]The density,theRadon–Nikodym derivativeofwith respect to some reference measureon(often, this reference measure is theLebesgue measurein the case of continuous random variables, or thecounting measurein the case of discrete random variables). The underlying probability spaceis a technical device used to guarantee the existence of random variables, sometimes to construct them, and to define notions such ascorrelation and dependenceorindependencebased on ajoint distributionof two or more random variables on the same probability space. In practice, one often disposes of the spacealtogether and just puts a measure onthat assigns measure 1 to the whole real line, i.e., one works with probability distributions instead of random variables. See the article onquantile functionsfor fuller development.


Discrete random variable[edit]

Consider an experiment where a person is chosen at random. An example of a random variable may be the person's height. Mathematically, the random variable is interpreted as a function which maps the person to his or her height. Associated with the random variable is a probability distribution that allows the computation of the probability that the height is in any subset of possible values, such as the probability that the height is between 180 and 190 cm, or the probability that the height is either less than 150 or more than 200 cm.

Another random variable may be the person's number of children; this is a discrete random variable with non-negative integer values. It allows the computation of probabilities for individual integer values – the probability mass function (PMF) – or for sets of values, including infinite sets. For example, the event of interest may be "an even number of children". For both finite and infinite event sets, their probabilities can be found by adding up the PMFs of the elements; that is, the probability of an even number of children is the infinite sum.

In examples such as these, thesample spaceis often suppressed, since it is mathematically hard to describe, and the possible values of the random variables are then treated as a sample space. But when two random variables are measured on the same sample space of outcomes, such as the height and number of children being computed on the same random persons, it is easier to track their relationship if it is acknowledged that both height and number of children come from the same random person, for example so that questions of whether such random variables are correlated or not can be posed.

Ifare countable sets of real numbers,and,thenis a discrete distribution function. Herefor,for.Taking for instance an enumeration of all rational numbers as,one gets a discrete function that is not necessarily a step function (piecewise constant).

Coin toss[edit]

The possible outcomes for one coin toss can be described by the sample space.We can introduce a real-valued random variablethat models a $1 payoff for a successful bet on heads as follows:

If the coin is afair coin,Yhas aprobability mass functiongiven by:

Dice roll[edit]

If the sample space is the set of possible numbers rolled on two dice, and the random variable of interest is the sumSof the numbers on the two dice, thenSis a discrete random variable whose distribution is described by theprobability mass functionplotted as the height of picture columns here.

A random variable can also be used to describe the process of rolling dice and the possible outcomes. The most obvious representation for the two-dice case is to take the set of pairs of numbersn1andn2from {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (representing the numbers on the two dice) as the sample space. The total number rolled (the sum of the numbers in each pair) is then a random variableXgiven by the function that maps the pair to the sum: and (if the dice arefair) has a probability mass functionfXgiven by:

Continuous random variable[edit]

Formally, a continuous random variable is a random variable whosecumulative distribution functioniscontinuouseverywhere.[10]There are no "gaps",which would correspond to numbers which have a finite probability ofoccurring.Instead, continuous random variablesalmost nevertake an exact prescribed valuec(formally,) but there is a positive probability that its value will lie in particularintervalswhich can bearbitrarily small.Continuous random variables usually admitprobability density functions(PDF), which characterize their CDF andprobability measures; such distributions are also calledabsolutely continuous;but some continuous distributions aresingular,or mixes of an absolutely continuous part and a singular part.

An example of a continuous random variable would be one based on a spinner that can choose a horizontal direction. Then the values taken by the random variable are directions. We could represent these directions by North, West, East, South, Southeast, etc. However, it is commonly more convenient to map the sample space to a random variable which takes values which are real numbers. This can be done, for example, by mapping a direction to a bearing in degrees clockwise from North. The random variable then takes values which are real numbers from the interval [0, 360), with all parts of the range being "equally likely". In this case,X= the angle spun. Any real number has probability zero of being selected, but a positive probability can be assigned to anyrangeof values. For example, the probability of choosing a number in [0, 180] is12.Instead of speaking of a probability mass function, we say that the probabilitydensityofXis 1/360. The probability of a subset of [0, 360) can be calculated by multiplying the measure of the set by 1/360. In general, the probability of a set for a given continuous random variable can be calculated by integrating the density over the given set.

More formally, given anyinterval,a random variableis called a "continuous uniformrandom variable "(CURV) if the probability that it takes a value in asubintervaldepends only on the length of the subinterval. This implies that the probability offalling in any subintervalisproportionalto thelengthof the subinterval, that is, ifacdb,one has

where the last equality results from theunitarity axiomof probability. Theprobability density functionof a CURVis given by theindicator functionof its interval ofsupportnormalized by the interval's length:Of particular interest is the uniform distribution on theunit interval.Samples of any desiredprobability distributioncan be generated by calculating thequantile functionofon arandomly-generated numberdistributed uniformly on the unit interval. This exploitsproperties of cumulative distribution functions,which are a unifying framework for all random variables.

Mixed type[edit]

Amixed random variableis a random variable whosecumulative distribution functionis neitherdiscretenoreverywhere-continuous.[10]It can be realized as a mixture of a discrete random variable and a continuous random variable; in which case theCDFwill be the weighted average of the CDFs of the component variables.[10]

An example of a random variable of mixed type would be based on an experiment where a coin is flipped and the spinner is spun only if the result of the coin toss is heads. If the result is tails,X= −1; otherwiseX= the value of the spinner as in the preceding example. There is a probability of12that this random variable will have the value −1. Other ranges of values would have half the probabilities of the last example.

Most generally, every probability distribution on the real line is a mixture of discrete part, singular part, and an absolutely continuous part; seeLebesgue's decomposition theorem § Refinement.The discrete part is concentrated on a countable set, but this set may be dense (like the set of all rational numbers).

Measure-theoretic definition[edit]

The most formal,axiomaticdefinition of a random variable involvesmeasure theory.Continuous random variables are defined in terms ofsetsof numbers, along with functions that map such sets to probabilities. Because of various difficulties (e.g. theBanach–Tarski paradox) that arise if such sets are insufficiently constrained, it is necessary to introduce what is termed asigma-algebrato constrain the possible sets over which probabilities can be defined. Normally, a particular such sigma-algebra is used, theBorel σ-algebra,which allows for probabilities to be defined over any sets that can be derived either directly from continuous intervals of numbers or by a finite orcountably infinitenumber ofunionsand/orintersectionsof such intervals.[11]

The measure-theoretic definition is as follows.

Letbe aprobability spaceandameasurable space.Then an-valued random variableis a measurable function,which means that, for every subset,itspreimageis-measurable;,where.[12]This definition enables us to measure any subsetin the target space by looking at its preimage, which by assumption is measurable.

In more intuitive terms, a member ofis a possible outcome, a member ofis a measurable subset of possible outcomes, the functiongives the probability of each such measurable subset,represents the set of values that the random variable can take (such as the set of real numbers), and a member ofis a "well-behaved" (measurable) subset of(those for which the probability may be determined). The random variable is then a function from any outcome to a quantity, such that the outcomes leading to any useful subset of quantities for the random variable have a well-defined probability.

Whenis atopological space,then the most common choice for theσ-algebrais theBorel σ-algebra,which is the σ-algebra generated by the collection of all open sets in.In such case the-valued random variable is called an-valued random variable.Moreover, when the spaceis the real line,then such a real-valued random variable is called simply arandom variable.

Real-valued random variables[edit]

In this case the observation space is the set of real numbers. Recall,is the probability space. For a real observation space, the functionis a real-valued random variable if

This definition is a special case of the above because the setgenerates the Borel σ-algebra on the set of real numbers, and it suffices to check measurability on any generating set. Here we can prove measurability on this generating set by using the fact that.


The probability distribution of a random variable is often characterised by a small number of parameters, which also have a practical interpretation. For example, it is often enough to know what its "average value" is. This is captured by the mathematical concept ofexpected valueof a random variable, denoted,and also called thefirstmoment.In general,is not equal to.Once the "average value" is known, one could then ask how far from this average value the values oftypically are, a question that is answered by thevarianceandstandard deviationof a random variable.can be viewed intuitively as an average obtained from an infinite population, the members of which are particular evaluations of.

Mathematically, this is known as the (generalised)problem of moments:for a given class of random variables,find a collectionof functions such that the expectation valuesfully characterise thedistributionof the random variable.

Moments can only be defined for real-valued functions of random variables (or complex-valued, etc.). If the random variable is itself real-valued, then moments of the variable itself can be taken, which are equivalent to moments of the identity functionof the random variable. However, even for non-real-valued random variables, moments can be taken of real-valued functions of those variables. For example, for acategoricalrandom variableXthat can take on thenominalvalues "red", "blue" or "green", the real-valued functioncan be constructed; this uses theIverson bracket,and has the value 1 ifhas the value "green", 0 otherwise. Then, theexpected valueand other moments of this function can be determined.

Functions of random variables[edit]

A new random variableYcan be defined byapplyinga realBorel measurable functionto the outcomes of areal-valuedrandom variable.That is,.Thecumulative distribution functionofis then

If functionis invertible (i.e.,exists, whereis'sinverse function) and is eitherincreasing or decreasing,then the previous relation can be extended to obtain

With the same hypotheses of invertibility of,assuming alsodifferentiability,the relation between theprobability density functionscan be found by differentiating both sides of the above expression with respect to,in order to obtain[10]

If there is no invertibility ofbut eachadmits at most a countable number of roots (i.e., a finite, or countably infinite, number ofsuch that) then the previous relation between theprobability density functionscan be generalized with

where,according to theinverse function theorem.The formulas for densities do not demandto be increasing.

In the measure-theoretic,axiomatic approachto probability, if a random variableonand aBorel measurable function,thenis also a random variable on,since the composition of measurable functionsis also measurable.(However, this is not necessarily true ifisLebesgue measurable.[citation needed]) The same procedure that allowed one to go from a probability spacetocan be used to obtain the distribution of.

Example 1[edit]

Letbe a real-valued,continuous random variableand let.




Example 2[edit]

Supposeis a random variable with a cumulative distribution

whereis a fixed parameter. Consider the random variableThen,

The last expression can be calculated in terms of the cumulative distribution ofso

which is thecumulative distribution function(CDF) of anexponential distribution.

Example 3[edit]

Supposeis a random variable with astandard normal distribution,whose density is

Consider the random variableWe can find the density using the above formula for a change of variables:

In this case the change is notmonotonic,because every value ofhas two corresponding values of(one positive and negative). However, because of symmetry, both halves will transform identically, i.e.,

The inverse transformation is

and its derivative is


This is achi-squared distributionwith onedegree of freedom.

Example 4[edit]

Supposeis a random variable with anormal distribution,whose density is

Consider the random variableWe can find the density using the above formula for a change of variables:

In this case the change is notmonotonic,because every value ofhas two corresponding values of(one positive and negative). Differently from the previous example, in this case however, there is no symmetry and we have to compute the two distinct terms:

The inverse transformation is

and its derivative is


This is anoncentral chi-squared distributionwith onedegree of freedom.

Some properties[edit]

  • The probability distribution of the sum of two independent random variables is theconvolutionof each of their distributions.
  • Probability distributions are not avector space—they are not closed underlinear combinations,as these do not preserve non-negativity or total integral 1—but they are closed underconvex combination,thus forming aconvex subsetof the space of functions (or measures).

Equivalence of random variables[edit]

There are several different senses in which random variables can be considered to be equivalent. Two random variables can be equal, equal almost surely, or equal in distribution.

In increasing order of strength, the precise definition of these notions of equivalence is given below.

Equality in distribution[edit]

If the sample space is a subset of the real line, random variablesXandYareequal in distribution(denoted) if they have the same distribution functions:

To be equal in distribution, random variables need not be defined on the same probability space. Two random variables having equalmoment generating functionshave the same distribution. This provides, for example, a useful method of checking equality of certain functions ofindependent, identically distributed (IID) random variables.However, the moment generating function exists only for distributions that have a definedLaplace transform.

Almost sure equality[edit]

Two random variablesXandYareequalalmost surely(denoted) if, and only if, the probability that they are different iszero:

For all practical purposes in probability theory, this notion of equivalence is as strong as actual equality. It is associated to the following distance:

where "ess sup" represents theessential supremumin the sense ofmeasure theory.


Finally, the two random variablesXandYareequalif they are equal as functions on their measurable space:

This notion is typically the least useful in probability theory because in practice and in theory, the underlyingmeasure spaceof theexperimentis rarely explicitly characterized or even characterizable.


A significant theme in mathematical statistics consists of obtaining convergence results for certainsequencesof random variables; for instance thelaw of large numbersand thecentral limit theorem.

There are various senses in which a sequenceof random variables can converge to a random variable.These are explained in the article onconvergence of random variables.

See also[edit]


Inline citations[edit]

  1. ^abBlitzstein, Joe; Hwang, Jessica (2014).Introduction to Probability.CRC Press.ISBN9781466575592.
  2. ^Deisenroth, Marc Peter (2020).Mathematics for machine learning.A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.ISBN978-1-108-47004-9.OCLC1104219401.
  3. ^George Mackey (July 1980). "Harmonic analysis as the exploitation of symmetry – a historical survey".Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.New Series.3(1).
  4. ^"Random Variables".mathsisfun.Retrieved2020-08-21.
  5. ^Yates, Daniel S.; Moore, David S; Starnes, Daren S. (2003).The Practice of Statistics(2nd ed.). New York:Freeman.ISBN978-0-7167-4773-4.Archived fromthe originalon 2005-02-09.
  6. ^"Random Variables".stat.yale.edu.Retrieved2020-08-21.
  7. ^Dekking, Frederik Michel; Kraaikamp, Cornelis; Lopuhaä, Hendrik Paul; Meester, Ludolf Erwin (2005)."A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics".Springer Texts in Statistics.doi:10.1007/1-84628-168-7.ISBN978-1-85233-896-1.ISSN1431-875X.
  8. ^L. Castañeda; V. Arunachalam & S. Dharmaraja (2012).Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications.Wiley. p. 67.ISBN9781118344941.
  9. ^Billingsley, Patrick (1995).Probability and Measure(3rd ed.). Wiley. p. 187.ISBN9781466575592.
  10. ^abcdBertsekas, Dimitri P. (2002).Introduction to Probability.Tsitsiklis, John N., Τσιτσικλής, Γιάννης Ν. Belmont, Mass.: Athena Scientific.ISBN188652940X.OCLC51441829.
  11. ^Steigerwald, Douglas G."Economics 245A – Introduction to Measure Theory"(PDF).University of California, Santa Barbara.RetrievedApril 26,2013.
  12. ^Fristedt & Gray (1996,page 11)


External links[edit]