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Ranged weapon

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A period illustration of theBattle of Crécy.English longbowmen figure prominently in the foreground at right where they drive away the Frenchcrossbowmen.

Aranged weapon[dubiousdiscuss]is anyweaponthat can engage targets beyond hand-to-hand distance, i.e. at distances greater than the physical reach of the user holding the weapon itself. The act of using such a weapon is also known asshooting.It is sometimes also calledprojectile weaponormissile weaponbecause it typically works by launching solidprojectiles( "missiles" ), though technically afluid-projector (which throws outpressurized streamsofliquidor evengas) and adirected-energy weapon(which does not involve any tangible projectile) are also ranged weapons. In contrast, a weapon intended to be used inhand-to-hand combatis called amelee weapon.

Ranged weapons give the attacker an advantage (especially when performing anambush) because the target is often getting hit from beyond immediate visual range, therefore making it more difficult for the defenders to react and hit back effectively.[1]It also puts distance between the attacker and the opponent, which is a safer combat option since the close physical contact during melee fights often puts the attacker within the immediate striking range of enemy counterattacks and thus at an equal risk of getting hurt or killed.

The line between ranged and melee weapons is not entirely definite; for instance,spears,axes,daggers,andknivescan be used for boththrowingand hand-to-hand combat, depending on purpose and situation, and a ranged weapon can also be used as a melee weapon inclose encounters,such as thebuttstockof arifleused forbutt-stroking,a rifle with abayonetfixed to the front end used as an improvised spear, ahandgunused forpistol-whipping,and even anarrowbeing used as ahand pickin desperate situations.

Early ranged weapons often included specifically designed hand-thrown weapons such asdarts,javelins,slings,as well as elastic weapons such asslingshots,bowsandcrossbows;and more complexsiege engineslikestone throwers,catapults,ballistasandtrebuchets.These ranged weapons were extremely effective inancientandearlymedieval warfare,especially when useden masse,as they gave the wielder an opportunity to launch multiple rounds of attack before an enemy armed with melee weapons or shorter-ranged missile weapons could even get close enough to pose a threat. After the invention ofgunpowderand the development offirearms,gun-type pneumatic ranged weapons became the dominant weapon of choice inarmed conflicts,even inclose combat.Inmodern warfare,ranged weaponry is also used bothtacticallyandstrategicallyin the form of long-rangeartilleries,rockets,guided missiles,andunmanned aerial vehicles (aka drones).The maximum effective range of a weapon is the greatest distance from which the weapon can be fired while still consistently inflicting casualties or damage. When a modern missile can be launched from beyond the effective range of counterattack, it is termed astandoff missile.

List of ranged weapons[edit]

Prehistoric, ancient, and medieval period[edit]

Reconstructionof apost-Marianpilum

Early modern period[edit]

Late modern and contemporary period[edit]

155 mmM198 howitzer
Exocet missile in flight

Most modern projectile weapons fall into the broader category of eitherdirect fireorindirect fire,with the former often being regarded asgunsand the latter asartillery.While some are small and light enough to be operated by individuals (i.e.small armsandgrenade launchers), mostrequire a team of individualsto service, maneuver and operate.

Future and conceptual weapon period[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^McDonald, James."Medieval Weapons".Medieval Weapons & Armour.Retrieved22 May2015.

Further reading[edit]

  • Gray, David (2002)Bows of the World.The Lyons Press.ISBN1-58574-478-6
  • (1992)The Traditional Bowyers Bible Volume 1.The Lyons Press.ISBN1-58574-085-3.
  • (1992)The Traditional Bowyers Bible Volume 2.The Lyons Press.ISBN1-58574-086-1.
  • (1994)The Traditional Bowyers Bible Volume 3.The Lyons Press.ISBN1-58574-087-X.
  • The ballistics of the sling, Thom Richardson, Royal Armouries Yearbook, Volume 3 1998.

External links[edit]