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Rasa(rásāरसा) is the name of a western tributary of theIndusin theRigveda(verse 5.53.9). The word rasa means "moisture, humidity" inVedic Sanskrit.

InRV 9.41.6,RV 10.108 and in theNiruktaofYaska,it is the name of a mythical stream supposed to flow around the Earth and the atmosphere (compareOceanus), also referring to the underworld in theMahabharataand thePuranas(compareStyx).

The corresponding term inAvestanisRanha/Raŋhā.In theVendidad,Ranha is mentioned just afterHapta-Həṇdu,and may possibly refer to the ocean.[1]

Witzel makes the case that the verse is a remembrance of distant emigration and denotes the riverVolgain the steppe homeland of the aryans:- "IIr. river *Raså corresponds in name to the Vedic Raså (RV, JB), the E.Ir. (Avest.) Rahå, and the N.Ir. *Rahå that ispreserved in Greek as Rhå and designates the R. Volga".[2][3]

See also[edit]

  • Rasa,dew in Lithuanian


  1. ^Sethna, K D (1992).The problem of Aryan origins from an Indian point of view.New Delhi: Aditya Prakasana.ISBN9788185179674.
  2. ^Witzel, Michael (11 October 2016)."Autochthonous Aryans? The evidence from Old Indian and Iranian texts".Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies.7(3): 1–93.doi:10.11588/EJVS.2001.3.830.ISSN1084-7561.
  3. ^See alsoWitzel, Michael (17 April 2008),Addendum to EJVS 7-3, notes 45-46(PDF),doi:10.11588/XAREP.00000118

Further reading[edit]