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Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah

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Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah(Hebrew:רב שמואל בר יהודה) was aBabylonianamoraof the third generation.


He was born to a family of converts,[1]and studied under RabbiJudah bar Ezekielin Babylonia. Judah said of him that he relied on Shmuel for all matters.[2]

He eventually traveled to the land of Israel to study underRabbi Yochananand RabbiEleazarinTiberias,after which he returned to Babylonia, bringing many teachings of the Amoraim of Israel to Babylonia, particularly those of Rabbi Yochanan. It is mentioned that he also learnt fromRabbi ZeiraandSamuel bar Isaac,and in the name of Abba. The AmoraAbayealso learned matters ofHalachahwith him.

His daughter died in his lifetime, and the sages, includingUllacame to console him.[3]


  1. ^According toRabbeinu Tam(TosafotYevamot 101b s.v. Veana Ger Ana; Tosafot Niddah 49b s.v. Hada Leatuyei Ger, Shmuel and his father converted separately. However, according toRi Hazaken(Tosafot Yevamot 102a s.v. Leinyan Halitzah) Shmuel's mother was Jewish.
  2. ^Yevamot 101b
  3. ^Bava Kamma 38a