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Coat of arms of the Razumovsky family (1914)

TheHouse of RazumovskyorRozumovsky(Russian:Разумовский,Ukrainian:Розумовський,German:Razumofsky) is the nameImperial Russiannoble family ofZaporozhian Cossackorigin fromSiveria.The main family line became extinct in the 19th century, while its Austrian branch exists to this day. The Austrian branch was started byGrigory Razumovsky,who was forced to relocate to theAustrian Empirein 1816, after he received the hereditary title ofPrincein 1815 fromFrancis I, Emperor of Austria.



The family traces its origin to akhutircalled Lemeshi (today a village inChernihiv Raion,Chernihiv Oblast).

Yakiv Rozum and his son Hryhoriy were registered Cossacks of theKiev Regiment.[1]Hryhoriy's son, Oleksiy (Alexei), was the first to use the name Rozumovsky.[1]

Ivan Yakovlevich Rozum was raised to the rank of Count of the Holy Roman Empire by Emperor Charles VII, but died without children. His brother, Grigoriy Yakovlevich Rozum, had two children — Kirill and Alexey. After Alexey became a favorite of the Russian EmpressElizabeth of Russia,the family name was changed to Razumovsky for all Rozums. Notable representatives of the family include:

  • Grigory Kirillovich Razumovsky(1759–1837) - the fifth son of Kirill, known from his writings in the West as Gregor or Grégoire, he was a geologist, botanist and zoologist, as well as prominent political dissenter with Imperial Russia, who lost his Russian allegiance in 1811 and was subsequently incorporated into the Bohemian nobility and accorded the rank of Count in theAustrian Empire.Gregor was the first to describe and classify theLissotrion helveticus.His branch of the family survives to this day.
  • Leon (Lev) Grigorievich Razumovsky von Wigstein (1816–1868), grandson of Kirill, son of aforementioned Count Grigory and his wife, Baroness Theresa Elisabeth Schenk von Castell (1785-1818), envoy ofSaxe-Coburgto the court ofNapoleon III.Father of Camillo Lvovich Razumovsky.
  • Kamillo Lvovich Razumovsky von Wigstein (1853–1917), son of aforementioned Count Leon and his wife, Maria Rosa Albrecht, Baroness von Löwenstern (1814-1889), philanthropist inCzech Silesia;built numerous churches, schools and hospitals aroundOpava(todayCzech Republic) and in Western Ukraine; caused a commotion by flouting the social conventions of the 19th century Vienna when he married a woman of theJewish faith,Marie Wiener von Welten (1856-196), daughter of Eduard,RitterWiener von Welten (1822-1886) and his wife, HenrietteGoldschmidt(b. 1829).
  • Andreas Andreievich Razumovsky von Wigstein (1929–2002), grandson of the latter, elder son of Count Andreas Wolfgang Razumovsky von Wigstein (1892-1981) and his wife, Princess Katharina zuSayn-Wittgenstein(1895-1983), well-known political analyst and media figure in Germany and Austria; expelled fromCzechoslovakia,where he had been posted as a correspondent for theFrankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,in 1967 for warning of an imminent invasion byWarsaw Pacttroops; analysed and published a book in 1981 on the forces leading to the dismembering ofYugoslavia.
  • Dorothea Razumovsky von Wigstein (*1935-2014), née Princess zuSolms-Hohensolms-Lich,wife of aforementioned Count Andreas Andreievich, well-known media-figure and political analyst, widely criticised for adopting a stance during conflicts arising from the dismemberment of Yugoslavia that was interpreted as being too pro-Serb.
  • Katharina Razumovsky von Wigstein(*1961), daughter of the aforementioned, artist living in Vienna, Austria and Moscow, Russia.
  • Gregor (Grigoriy) Razumovsky von Wigstein (*1965), son of the aforementioned, President of the Razumovsky Society for Art and Culture, which supports artistic exchange and co-operation between East and West; also the honorary president of theEuropean Institute for the Furtherance of Democracy,an Austrian-basedthink-tank.

See also





  • Maria Razumovsky.Die Rasumovskys: eine Familie am Zarenhof. Köln 1998. — 300 S.
  • Разумовская М. А.Разумовские при царском дворе: Главы из российской истории, 1740-1815 гг. СПб., 2004. — 272 с.
  • Розанов С. С.Родственные связи семейства Разумовских: Книга 1: Род и потомство К.Г. Разумовского. Родословная роспись: Справочное генеалогическое издание. — М.: Ирисъ, 2007. — 120 с.