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Reanap,alsoReanapa(cuneiform:𒊑𒀀𒈾𒉺ri-a-na-pa) was anancient Egyptiancommissioner, of the 1350–1335 BCAmarna letters,written from a 15–20 yeartime period.Of the 382 El-Amarna letterscorrespondence,Reanapa is referenced in three:

  • EA 292–Titled:Like a pot held in pledge,seeAdda-danu.
  • EA 315–Titled:"Like a command of the Sun"
  • EA 326–Titled:"A new commissioner"

Two short letters


The topic of two short letters, EA 315, and 326 isReanapa,and no intrigues of other cities/city-states,or individuals, are involved. Theprostration formulato thepharaoh,and subservience to the king's authority can be seen.

EA 315, by Pu-Ba'lu of Yursa


Letter no. 2 of 3 by Pu-Ba'lu:

[To the kin]g, my lord, my god, the Sun from the sky: Message ofPu-Ba'lu,the ruler ofYursa,the dirt at your feet. I indeedprostratemyself at the feet of the king, my lord, 7 times and 7 times, on the back and on the sto[ma]ch.
I am indeed guard[ing] the city of the king, [my] lo[rd], and the place of the king, my lord, the Sun fr[om the sk]y. Whatever the king, my lord, has commanded—I am indeed observing, day and night, the order of the king, my lord.
As to[R]eanapa,thecommissioner[of the kin]g, (my) lord, what the king, my lord, commanded ( i.e. through him), [ismig]htylike the command of theSunin the sky. [Wh]o is thedogthat would not [ob]serve the orders of the king, my lord, [the Sun] f[ro]m the sky?

EA 326, by Yidya of Ašqaluna


Letter no. 7 of 7 by Yidya:

To the king, my lord, my god, [my] Sun, the Sun from the sky: Message ofYidya,your servant, the dirt at your feet, the groom of your horses. I indeedprostratemyself, on the [back] and on the stomach, at the feet of the king, my lord, 7 times and 7 times.
I am indeed guarding the city of the king, my lord. May the gods of the king, my lord, [guard] his cities, and may the[power]fulhands of the king guard his entire land.
I have heard the word of the king, my lord, to hiscommissioner.Since he was unable to guard the land of the king, my lord, the king, my lord, has now appointedReanapaas [com]missioner of the king, my lord. He brings to m[e] whatever seems good to the king, my lord.
[Wha]tever procee[ds] from the mouth of the king, my lord, I indeed observe it day and nig(ht). —EA 326, lines 1-24 (complete)

See also



  • Moran, William L.The Amarna Letters.Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, 1992. (softcover,ISBN0-8018-6715-0)