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Records of the Three Kingdoms

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Records of the Three Kingdoms
A fragment of the biography ofBu Zhifrom theRecords of the Three Kingdoms,part of theDunhuang manuscripts
AuthorChen Shou
Original titleTam Quốc Chí
LanguageClassical Chinese
Publication date
280s or 290s
Publication placeChina
Records of the Three Kingdoms
Chinese name
Traditional ChineseTam quốcChí
Simplified ChineseTam quốcChí
Vietnamese name
VietnameseTam quốc chí
Hán-NômTam Quốc Chí
Korean name
HanjaTam Quốc Chí
Japanese name
KyūjitaiTam Quốc Chí
ShinjitaiTam Quốc Chí

TheRecords of the Three Kingdomsis a Chineseofficial historywritten byChen Shouin the late 3rd century CE, covering theend of the Han dynasty(c. 184– 220 CE) and the subsequentThree Kingdomsperiod (220–280 CE). It is regarded as to be the authoritativesource textfor these periods. Compiled following the reunification of China under theJin dynasty (266–420),the work chronicles the political, social, and military events within rival statesCao Wei,Shu HanandEastern Wuinto a single text organized by individual biography.

TheRecordsare the primary source of information for the 14th-century historical novelRomance of the Three Kingdoms,considered to be one of thefour classic novelsemblematic ofwritten vernacular Chinese.

While large subsections of the work have been selected and translated into English, the entire corpus has yet to receive an unabridged English translation.

Origin and structure[edit]

TheBook of HanandRecords of the Three Kingdomsjoin the original Han-era universal historyRecords of the Grand Historianto constitute the first three entries in theTwenty-Four Historiescanon, with each work cementing the new genre's literary and historiographical qualities as established bySima Qian.TheRecords of the Three Kingdomsconsist of 65fasciclesdivided into three books—one per eponymous kingdom—totaling around 360,000Chinese charactersin length. TheBook of Wei,Book of Shu,andBook of Wureceive 30 fascicles, 15 fascicles, and 20 fascicles respectively. Each fascicle is organised in the form of one or more biographies.

The authorChen Shouwas born in present-dayNanchong,Sichuan,then in the state ofShu Han.After theConquest of Shu by Weiin 263, he became an official historian under the government of theJin dynasty,and created a history of theThree Kingdomsperiod. After theConquest of Wu by Jinin 280, his work received the acclaim of senior ministerZhang Hua.

Prior to the Jin dynasty, both the states ofCao Weiand Wu has already composed their own official histories: theBook of WeibyWang Chen,Xun Yi,andRuan Ji;and theBook of WubyWei Zhao,Hua He,Xue Ying,Zhou Zhao (Chu chiêu), and Liang Guang (Lương quảng). Additionally,Yu Huanhad completed his privately compiled history of Wei, theWeilüe.Chen Shou used these texts as the foundation of theRecords of the Three Kingdoms.However, since the state of Shu lacked an official history bureau, theBook of Shuin theRecordswas composed by Chen Shou himself based on his earlier personal notes about events in Shu and other primary sources he collected, such as his previously compiled writings ofZhuge Liang.[1]

TheRecords of the Three Kingdomsused the year 220 CE—when the last emperor of the Han dynasty was forced to abdicate to Cao Pi—as the year in which the Wei dynasty was established. TheRecordsrefer to the rulers of Wei as 'Emperors' and those of Shu and Wu as 'Lords' or by their personal names.


Due to the biographical rather than primarily annalistic arrangement of the work, assigning dates to the historical content is both imprecise and non-trivial. Certain fascicles contain background information about their subjects' forebears which date back centuries before the main record. For example, the biography ofLiu Yanbegins with discussing his ancestorLiu Yu's enfeoffment at Jingling (present-dayTianmen,Hubei) in around 85 CE.[2]The first event to receive detailed description throughout the work is theYellow Turban Rebellionin 184. Many biographies make passing mention of the event, but more concrete information such as correspondence and troop movements during the uprising can be found in fragmentary form in at least four fascicles: the biographies ofCheng Yu,[3]Yu Jin,[4]Liu Bei,[5]andSun Jian.[6]

The three books in theRecords of the Three Kingdomsend at different dates, with the main section of theBook of Weiending with the abdication ofCao Huanin 265, theBook of Shuending with the death ofLiu Shanin 271, and theBook of Wuending with the death ofSun Haoin 284.[7]

One abstract regarding the chronology is translated as follows:

In the 24th year (of Jian'an), theFormer Lordbecame the King of Hanzhong, and he appointed(Guan) Yuas the General of the Vanguard. In the same year, (Guan) Yu led his men to attackCao Renat Fan.Lord CaosentYu Jinto aid (Cao) Ren. In autumn, great rains caused theHan Riverto flood. (Yu) Jin and all seven armies he oversaw were inundated.[8]


Book of Wei( Ngụy thư )[edit]

# Title Translation Notes
Fascicle 1 Võ Đế kỷ Annals of Emperor Wu Cao Cao
Fascicle 2 Văn đế kỷ Annals of Emperor Wen Cao Pi
Fascicle 3 Minh đế kỷ Annals of Emperor Ming Cao Rui
Fascicle 4 Tam Thiếu Đế kỷ Annals of the three young emperors Cao Fang,Cao Mao,Cao Huan
Fascicle 5 Hậu phi truyền Biographies of empresses and concubines Lady Bian,Lady Zhen,Guo Nüwang,Empress Mao,Empress Guo
Fascicle 6 Đổng nhị Viên Lưu truyền Biographies of Dong, the two Yuans, and Liu Dong Zhuo,Yuan Shao,Yuan Shu,Liu Biao
Fascicle 7 Lữ Bố tang hồng truyền Biographies ofLü BuandZang Hong Zhang Miao,Chen Deng
Fascicle 8 Nhị Công Tôn đào bốn trương truyền Biographies of the two Gongsuns, Tao, and the four Zhangs Gongsun Zan,Tao Qian,Zhang Yang,Gongsun Du,Zhang Yan,Zhang Xiu,Zhang Lu
Fascicle 9 Chư Hạ Hầu tào truyền Biographies of the Xiahous and Caos Xiahou Dun,Han Hao,Xiahou Yuan,Cao Ren,Cao Chun,Cao Hong,Cao Xiu,Cao Zhen,Cao Shuang,Xiahou Shang,Xiahou Xuan
Fascicle 10 Tuân Úc Tuân du Giả Hủ truyền Biographies ofXun Yu,Xun You,andJia Xu
Fascicle 11 Viên trương Lương Quốc điền vương bỉnh quản truyền Biographies of Yuan, Zhang, Liang, Guo, Tian, Wang, Bing, and Guan Yuan Huan,Zhang Fan,Zhang Cheng,Liang Mao,Guo Yuan,Tian Chou,Wang Xiu,Bing Yuan,Guan Ning
Fascicle 12 Thôi mao từ gì Hình Tư Mã truyền Biographies of Cui, Mao, Xu, He, Xing, and Sima Cui Yan,Mao Jie,Xu Yi,He Kui,Xing Yong,Bao Xun,Sima Zhi
Fascicle 13 Chung diêu hoa hâm vương lãng truyền Biographies ofZhong Yao,Hua Xin,andWang Lang Zhong Yu,Wang Su
Fascicle 14 Trình quách đổng Lưu Tưởng Lưu truyền Biographies of Cheng, Dong, Guo, Liu, Jiang, and Liu Cheng Yu,Cheng Xiao,Guo Jia,Dong Zhao,Liu Ye,Jiang Ji,Liu Fang
Fascicle 15 Lưu Tư Mã lương trương ôn giả truyền Biographies of Liu, Sima, Liang, Zhang, Wen, and Jia Liu Fu,Liu Jing,Sima Lang,Liang Xi,Zhang Ji (Derong),Zhang Ji (Jingzhong),Wen Hui,Jia Kui
Fascicle 16 Nhậm tô đỗ Trịnh thương truyền Biographies of Ren, Su, Du, Zheng, and Cang Ren Jun,Su Ze,Du Ji,Zheng Hun,Cang Ci
Fascicle 17 Trương vui với trương từ truyền Biographies of Zhang, Yue, Yu, Zhang, and Xu Zhang Liao,Yue Jin,Yu Jin,Zhang He,Xu Huang
Fascicle 18 Nhị Lý tang văn Lữ hứa điển nhị bàng diêm truyền Biographies of the two Lis, Zang, Wen, Lü, Xu, Dian, the two Pangs, and Yan Li Dian,Li Tong,Zang Ba,Wen Ping,Lü Qian,Xu Chu,Dian Wei,Pang De,Pang Yu,Yan Wen
Fascicle 19 Nhậm thành trần Tiêu Vương truyền Biographies of the princes of Rencheng, Chen, and Xiao Cao Zhang,Cao Zhi,Cao Xiong
Fascicle 20 Võ văn thế vương công truyền Biographies of nobles in Emperors Wu and Wen's time Cao Ang,Cao Shuo,Cao Chong,Cao Ju (Prince of Pengcheng),Cao Yu,Cao Lin (Prince of Pei),Cao Gun,Cao Xuan,Cao Jun (Prince of Chenliu),Cao Ju (Prince of Fanyang),Cao Gan,Cao Zishang,Cao Biao,Cao Ziqin,Cao Zicheng,Cao Zizheng,Cao Zijing,Cao Jun (Duke of Fan),Cao Ziji,Cao Hui,Cao Mao (Prince of Laoling),Cao Xie,Cao Rui (Prince of Beihai),Cao Jian,Cao Lin (Prince of Donghai),Cao Li,Cao Yong,Cao Gong,Cao Yan
Fascicle 21 Vương vệ nhị Lưu truyền Biographies of Wang, Wei, and the two Lius Wang Can,Wei Ji,Liu Yi,Liu Shao,Fu Gu
Fascicle 22 Hoàn nhị trần từ vệ Lư truyền Biographies of Huan, the two Chens, Xu, Wei, and Lu Huan Jie,Chen Qun,Chen Tai,Chen Jiao,Xu Xuan,Wei Zhen,Lu Yu
Fascicle 23 Cùng thường dương đỗ Triệu Bùi truyền Biographies of He, Chang, Yang, Du, Zhao, and Pei He Qia,Chang Lin,Yang Jun,Du Xi,Zhao Yan,Pei Qian
Fascicle 24 Hàn thôi cao tôn vương truyền Biographies of Han, Cui, Gao, Sun, and Wang Han Ji,Cui Lin,Gao Rou,Sun Li,Wang Guan
Fascicle 25 Tân bì dương phụ cao đường long truyền Biographies ofXin Pi,Yang Fu,andGaotang Long
Fascicle 26 Mãn điền dắt quách truyền Biographies of Man, Tian, Qian, and Guo Man Chong,Tian Yu,Qian Zhao,Guo Huai
Fascicle 27 Từ hồ nhị vương truyền Biographies of Xu, Hu, and the two Wangs Xu Miao,Hu Zhi,Wang Chang,Wang Ji
Fascicle 28 Vương vô khâu Gia Cát Đặng chung truyền Biographies of Wang, Guanqiu, Zhuge, Deng and Zhong Wang Ling,Guanqiu Jian,Zhuge Dan,Deng Ai,Zhong Hui
Fascicle 29 Phương kỹ truyền Biographies offangshiand artisans Hua Tuo,Du Kui,Zhu Jianping,Zhou Xuan,Guan Lu
Fascicle 30 Ô hoàn Tiên Bi đông di truyền Biographies of theWuhuan,Xianbei,andDongyi Wuhuan, Xianbei,Buyeo,Goguryeo,Okjeo,Yilou,Yemaek,Samhan,Wa(Wajinden); and a long footnote at the end containing the chapter on theXirong,or ‘Peoples of the West’ from theWeilüe,or “Brief Account of the Wei Dynasty,” composed byYu Huanin the second third of the 3rd century CE.

Book of Shu( Thục thư )[edit]

# Title Translation Notes
Fascicle 31 Lưu nhị mục truyền Biographies of the two Governor Lius Liu Yan,Liu Zhang
Fascicle 32 Trước chủ truyền Biography of the Former Lord Liu Bei
Fascicle 33 Sau chủ truyền Biography of the Later Lord Liu Shan
Fascicle 34 Nhị chủ phi tử truyền Biographies of concubines and sons of the two Lords Lady Gan,Empress Wu,Empress Zhang (former),Empress Zhang (later),Liu Yong,Liu Li,Liu Xuan
Fascicle 35 Gia Cát Lượng truyền Biography ofZhuge Liang Zhuge Qiao,Zhuge Zhan,Dong Jue
Fascicle 36 Đóng cửa mã hoàng Triệu truyền Biographies of Guan, Zhang, Ma, Huang, and Zhao Guan Yu,Zhang Fei,Ma Chao,Huang Zhong,Zhao Yun
Fascicle 37 Bàng Thống pháp chính truyện Biographies ofPang TongandFa Zheng
Fascicle 38 Hứa mi tôn giản y Tần truyền Biographies of Xu, Mi, Sun, Jian, Yi, and Qin Xu Jing,Mi Zhu,Mi Fang,Sun Qian,Jian Yong,Yi Ji,Qin Mi
Fascicle 39 Đổng Lưu mã trần đổng Lữ truyền Biographies of Dong, Liu, Ma, Chen, Dong, and Lü Dong He,Liu Ba,Ma Liang,Ma Su,Chen Zhen,Dong Yun,Chen Zhi,Huang Hao,Lü Yi
Fascicle 40 Lưu Bành Liêu Lý Lưu Ngụy dương truyền Biographies of Liu, Peng, Liao, Li, Liu, Wei, and Yang Liu Feng,Peng Yang,Liao Li,Li Yan,Liu Yan,Wei Yan,Yang Yi
Fascicle 41 Hoắc vương hướng trương dương phí truyền Biographies of Huo, Wang, Xiang, Zhang, Yang, and Fei Huo Jun,Huo Yi,Wang Lian,Xiang Lang,Xiang Chong,Zhang Yi,Yang Hong,Fei Shi
Fascicle 42 Đỗ chu đỗ hứa Mạnh tới Doãn Lý tiếu khích truyền Biographies of Du, Zhou, Du, Xu, Meng, Lai, Yin, Li, Qiao, and Xi Du Wei,Zhou Qun,Zhang Yu,Du Qiong,Xu Ci,Hu Qian,Meng Guang,Lai Min,Yin Mo,Li Zhuan,Qiao Zhou,Xi Zheng
Fascicle 43 Hoàng Lý Lữ mã vương trương truyền Biographies of Huang, Li, Lü, Ma, Wang, and Zhang Huang Quan,Li Hui,Lü Kai,Ma Zhong,Wang Ping,Zhang Ni
Fascicle 44 Tưởng uyển phí y khương duy truyền Biographies ofJiang Wan,Fei Yi,andJiang Wei
Fascicle 45 Đặng trương tông dương truyền Biographies of Deng, Zhang, Zong, and Yang Deng Zhi,Zhang Yi,Zong Yu,Liao Hua,Yang Xi

Book of Wu( Ngô thư )[edit]

# Title Translation Notes
Fascicle 46 Tôn phá lỗ thảo nghịch truyền Biographies of Sun Who Destroys Barbarians, and Sun Who Attacks Rebels Sun Jian,Sun Ce
Fascicle 47 Ngô chủ truyền Biography of the Lord of Wu Sun Quan
Fascicle 48 Tam tự chủ truyền Biographies of the three heirs Sun Liang,Sun Xiu,Sun Hao
Fascicle 49 Lưu diêu Thái Sử Từ sĩ tiếp truyền Biographies ofLiu Yao,Taishi Ci,andShi Xie Ze Rong,Liu Ji
Fascicle 50 Phi tần truyền Biographies of concubines and ladies Lady Wu,Wu Jing,Lady Xie,Lady Xu,Bu Lianshi,Empress Dayi,Empress Jinghuai,Empress Pan,Quan Huijie,Empress Zhu,Empress Dowager He,Teng Fanglan
Fascicle 51 Tông thất truyền Biographies of nobles Sun Jing,Sun Yu,Sun Jiao,Sun Huan,Sun Ben,Sun Fu,Sun Yi,Sun Kuang,Sun Shao,Sun Huan
Fascicle 52 Trương cố Gia Cát bước truyền Biographies of Zhang, Gu, Zhuge, and Bu Zhang Zhao,Zhang Cheng,Zhang Xiu,Gu Yong,Gu Shao,Gu Tan,Gu Cheng,Zhuge Jin,Bu Zhi
Fascicle 53 Trương nghiêm trình hám Tiết truyền Biographies of Zhang, Yan, Cheng, Kan, and Xue Zhang Hong,Yan Jun,Cheng Bing,Kan Ze,Xue Zong
Fascicle 54 Chu Du lỗ túc Lã Mông truyền Biographies ofZhou Yu,Lu Su,andLü Meng
Fascicle 55 Trình hoàng Hàn Tưởng chu trần đổng cam lăng từ Phan đinh truyền Biographies of Cheng, Huang, Han, Jiang, Zhou, Chen, Dong, Gan, Ling, Xu, Pan, and Ding Cheng Pu,Huang Gai,Han Dang,Jiang Qin,Zhou Tai,Chen Wu,Dong Xi,Gan Ning,Ling Tong,Xu Sheng,Pan Zhang,Ding Feng
Fascicle 56 Chu trị chu nhiên Lữ phạm chu Hoàn truyền Biographies ofZhu Zhi,Zhu Ran,Lü Fan,andZhu Huan Shi Ji,Zhu Yi
Fascicle 57 Ngu lục trương Lạc lục ngô chu truyền Biographies of Yu, Lu, Zhang, Luo, Lu, Wu, and Zhu Yu Fan,Lu Ji,Zhang Wen,Luo Tong,Lu Mao,Wu Can,Zhu Ju
Fascicle 58 Lục tốn truyền Biography ofLu Xun Lu Kang
Fascicle 59 Ngô chủ ngũ tử truyền Biographies of the five sons of the Lord of Wu Sun Deng,Sun Lü,Sun He,Sun Ba,Sun Fen
Fascicle 60 Hạ toàn Lữ chu chung ly truyền Biographies of He, Quan, Lü, Zhou, and Zhongli He Qi,Quan Cong,Lü Dai,Zhou Fang,Zhongli Mu
Fascicle 61 Phan tuấn lục khải truyền Biographies ofPan JunandLu Kai
Fascicle 62 Là nghi hồ tổng truyền Biographies ofShi YiandHu Zong
Fascicle 63 Ngô phạm Lưu đôn Triệu đạt truyền Biographies ofWu Fan,Liu Dun,andZhao Da
Fascicle 64 Gia Cát đằng nhị tôn bộc dương truyền Biographies of Zhuge, Teng, the two Suns, and Puyang Zhuge Ke,Teng Yin,Sun Jun,Sun Chen,Puyang Xing
Fascicle 65 Vương lâu hạ Vi hoa truyền Biographies of Wang, Lou, He, Wei, and Hua Wang Fan,Lou Xuan,He Shao,Wei Zhao,Hua He


During the fifth century, theLiu Song dynastyhistorianPei Songzhi(372–451) extensively annotated Chen Shou'sRecords of the Three Kingdomsusing a variety of other sources, augmenting the text to twice the length of the original. This work, completed in 429, became one of the official histories of theThree Kingdomsperiod, under the titleSanguozhi zhu( Tam Quốc Chí chúzhumeaning "notes" ). Bibliographical records indicate that up until Pei's own Liu Song dynasty, Chen Shou's three books had circulated individually rather than as a single work.[9]

Pei collected other records to add information he felt should be added. He provided detailed explanations to some of the geography and other elements mentioned in the original. He also included multiple accounts of the same events. Sometimes, the accounts he added contradicted each other, but he included them anyway since he could not decide which version was the correct one. If Pei added something that sounded wrong, he would make a note or even offer a correction. In regard to historical events and figures, as well as Chen Shou's original text, he added his own commentary.[10]Crucially, he cited his sources in almost every case.


TheRecords of the Three Kingdomswas the main source of inspiration for the 14th centuryRomance of the Three Kingdoms,one of the four greatClassic Chinese Novels.As such the records is considered one of the most influential historical and cultural texts in Chinese history. In addition, the records provide one of the earliest accounts of Korea and Japan. Chen'sRecordsset the standard for how Korea and Japan would write their official histories as well.[11]

Influence on Asia[edit]

Chen'sRecordsis the chronologically final text of the "Four Histories" (Bốn sử), which together influenced and served as a model for Korean and Japanese official histories.[11]

TheRecordsare important to the research of early Korean (삼국지Samguk ji) and Japanese history ( Tam Quốc Chí Sangokushi). It provides, among other things, the first detailed account of Korean and Japanese societies such asGoguryeo,YemaekandWa.The passages in Fascicle 30 about the Wa, where theYamatai-kokuand its rulerQueen Himikoare recorded, are referred to as theWajindeninJapanese studies.The Japanese did not have their own records until more than three centuries later, with the earliest extant native record being theKojikiof 712.[12]

Romance of the Three Kingdoms[edit]

The text forms the foundation on which the 14th-century novelRomance of the Three KingdomsbyLuo Guanzhongis based. In addition, Chen Shou's literary style and vivid portrayal of characters have been a source of influence for the novel.[11]

TheRecordsinclude biographies of historical figures such asCao CaoandGuan Yuwho feature prominently in theRomance of the Three Kingdoms,though theRomancealso includes a number ofcharactersandstoriesthat are fictional. However, most of the historical facts were drawn from Chen'sRecords.[11]


TheRecords of the Three Kingdomshas not been fully translated into English. William Gordon Crowell alludes to a project to translate Chen Shou's work with Pei Songzhi's commentary in full, but it was apparently discontinued.[13]Parts of that project are published by Robert Joe Cutter and William Gordon Crowell under the titleEmpresses and Consorts: Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States With Pei Songzhi's Commentary(University of Hawaii Press,1999), which includes the translations for fascicles 5, 34, and 50.[14]

Other translations include Kenneth J. Dewoskin'sDoctors Diviners and Magicians of Ancient China: Biographies of Fang-Shih(Columbia University Press,1983), which includes a full translation of fascicle 29.Rafe de Crespigny,in addition to his translation of Sun Jian's biography (Fascicle 46), also translated excerpts of theRecords of the Three Kingdomsin his translation of theZizhi Tong gianthat deals with the last years of the Han dynasty, as doesAchilles Fang,who translated theZizhi Tong gianfascicles that deal with the Three Kingdoms period proper. TheZizhi Tong gianfascicles in question draw heavily fromRecords of the Three Kingdoms.Further excerpts of theRecordscan be found in varioussourcebooksdealing with East Asian history.

Below is a table containing the known English translations of theRecords of the Three Kingdomsthat have been published in academia:[15]

Fascicle Title of translation Translator(s) Publish year URL/page numbers Notes
5 (Wei 5) Empresses and Consorts: Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States With Pei Songzhi's Commentary Robert Joe Cutter and William Gordon Crowell 1999 pp. 89–114 Lady Bian,Lady Zhen,Guo Nüwang,Empress Mao,Empress Guo
8 (Wei 8) Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, 2nd Ed Patricia Buckley Ebrey 2009 pp.84–5 The section titled "Heterodox Bandits" is an unannotated translation of theDianlüefootnote of theZhang Luchapter, about Zhang Xiu (Trương tu)
9 (Wei 9) Early Medieval China: A Sourcebook Timothy M. Davis 2013 pp. 135–46 Translation of the correspondence betweenXiahou XuanandSima Yifrom the biography of Xiahou Xuan
29 (Wei 29) Doctors Diviners and Magicians of Ancient China: Biographies of Fang-Shih Kenneth J. Dewoskin 1983 Hua Tuo,Du Kui,Zhu Jianping, Zhou Xuan,Guan Lu
"The Biography of Hua-t'o from theHistory of the Three Kingdoms"inThe Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature Victor H. Mair 1994 pp. 688–696 Hua Tuo
30 (Wei 30) Sourcebook of Korean Civilization: Volume One: From Early Times to the 16th Century Michael C. Rogers 1993 pp.13–24 Buyeo,Goguryeo,Okjeo,Yemaek,Samhan(abridged,Yilouomitted)
"Chinese Accounts of Koguryŏ and its Neighbours" inThe Review of Korean Studies,Volume 15 Number 2 Kenneth H. J. Gardiner 2012 pp. 91–113 Buyeo,Goguryeo,Okjeo
"The Account of the Han in theSanguozhi—An Annotated Translation "inEarly KoreaVol. 2 (The Samhan Period in Korean History) Mark E. Byington 2009 pp. 125–52 Samhan
Japan in the Chinese dynastic histories: Later Han through Ming dynasties Ryūsaku TsunodaandLuther Carrington Goodrich 1951 pp. 8–16 Wa (Japan)only
Himiko and Japan's Elusive Chiefdom of Yamatai: Archaeology, History, and Mythology J. Edward Kidder 2007 pp. 12–18
Treatise on the People of Wa in the Chronicle of the Kingdom of Wei: The World's Earliest Written Text on Japan Arikiyo Saeki andJoshua A. Fogel 2018
The Peoples of the West from the Weilüe Ngụy lược by Yu Huan cá hoạn: A Third Century Chinese Account Composed between 239 and 265 CE. John E. Hill 2004 [1] Translation of the longXirongfootnote from theWeilüe,includes descriptions of theWestern Regionsincluding Rome
31 (Shu 1) Record of The Three Kingdoms: The History of Shu – Fascicle One: “The Two Shepherds Liu” William Gordon Crowell 2005 [2] Liu Yan,Liu Zhang
32 (Shu 2) Record of The Three Kingdoms: The History of Shu – Fascicle Two: “The Former Lord” William Gordon Crowell 2006 [3] Liu Bei
34 (Shu 4) Empresses and Consorts: Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States With Pei Songzhi's Commentary Robert Joe Cutter and William Gordon Crowell 1999 pp. 115–21 Lady Gan,Empress Wu,Empress Zhang (former),Empress Zhang (later),Liu Yong,Liu Li,Liu Xuan
35 (Shu 5) Zhuge Liang: Strategy, Achievements, and Writings Ralph D. Sawyer 2014 Zhuge Liang(partial translation)
39 (Shu 9) Record of The Three Kingdoms: The History of Shu – Fascicle Nine: Biographies of Dong He, Liu Ba, Ma Liang, Chen Zhen, Dong Yun, and Lü Yi William Gordon Crowell 2006 [4] Dong He,Liu Ba,Ma Liang,Ma Su,Chen Zhen,Dong Yun,Chen Zhi,Lü Yi
42 (Shu 12) Sanguo Zhi Fascicle 42: The Biography of Qiao Zhou J. Michael Farmer 2017 [5] Qiao Zhouonly
46 (Wu 1) The Biography of Sun Chien: Being an Annotated Translation of Pages 1 to 8a of Chüan 46 of the San-kuo Chih of Ch'en Shou in the Po-na Edition Rafe de Crespigny 1966 Sun Jianonly
49 (Wu 4) Men of Hu, Men of Han, Men of the hundred man: the biography of Sī Nhiêp and the conceptualization of early Vietnamese society Stephen O'Harrow 1986 pp. 259–65 Shi Xieonly
50 (Wu 5) Empresses and Consorts: Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States With Pei Songzhi's Commentary Robert Joe Cutter and William Gordon Crowell 1999 pp. 122–36 Lady Wu,Wu Jing,Lady Xie,Lady Xu,Bu Lianshi,Empress Dayi, Empress Jinghuai,Empress Pan,Quan Huijie,Empress Zhu,Empress Dowager He,Teng Fanglan

See also[edit]



  1. ^Records of the Three Kingdoms,pp. i–ii.
  2. ^Records of the Three Kingdoms,vol. 31.
  3. ^Records of the Three Kingdoms,vol. 14.
  4. ^Records of the Three Kingdoms,vol. 17.
  5. ^Records of the Three Kingdoms,vol. 32.
  6. ^Records of the Three Kingdoms,vol. 46.
  7. ^Records of the Three Kingdoms,vol. 28.
  8. ^( 24 năm, trước chủ vì Hán Trung vương, bái vũ vì trước tướng quân, giả tiết việt. Là tuổi, vũ suất chúng công tào nhân với phàn. Tào công khiển với cấm trợ nhân. Thu, đại mưa dầm, sông Hán phiếm dật, cấm sở đốc bảy quân toàn không. )Sanguozhivol. 36.
  9. ^Records of the Three Kingdoms,p. ii.
  10. ^de Crespigny, Rafe(2004)."Chapter Nine: An Essay on the Sources for the History of Wu 170-230"(PDF).Generals of the South: The foundation and early history of the Three Kingdoms state of Wu(Internet ed.). Canberra: Faculty of Asian Studies, The Australian National University. p. 2.ISBN978-0731509010.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 6 October 2018.Retrieved10 October2018.
  11. ^abcdDurrant, Stephen (2017). "Chapter 13: Histories (ShiSử) ".The Oxford Handbook of Classical Chinese Literature (1000 BCE-900CE)(e-book ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 195–196.
  12. ^de Bary 2001,p. 3.
  13. ^Crowell, William (2005),Sanguo zhi 31 (Shu 1) Biographies of Liu Yan and Liu Zhang,archivedfrom the original on 2023-09-29,retrieved2018-05-22
  14. ^Chen, Shou; Pei, Songzhi; Cutter, Robert Joe; Crowell, William Gordon (1999).Empresses and Consorts: Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States With Pei Songzhi's Commentary.Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  15. ^Note that although there is a book that bills itself asRecords of the Three Kingdoms in Plain Language,it is not a translation ofSanguozhi,but a translation ofSanguozhi Pinghua( "Pinghua"means" plain language "), a novel that served as the basis for the later and more famousRomance of the Three Kingdoms.


  • Chen Shou(1977) [429].Pei Songzhi(ed.).Annotated Records of the Three KingdomsTam Quốc Chí chú.Taipei: Dingwen Printing.
  • de Bary, WM. Theodore (2001),Sources of Japanese Tradition,Columbia University Press
  • Cutter, Robert Joe (2015). "San guo zhi"Tam Quốc Chí.In Chennault, Cynthia L.; Knapp, Keith N.; Berkowitz, Alan J.; Dien, Albert E. (eds.).Early Medieval Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide.Berkeley, CA: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley. pp. 250–57.ISBN978-1-55729-109-7.
  • Three Kingdoms: A Historical Novel.Translated by Roberts, Moss. University of California Press. 1991.ISBN0-520-22503-1.
  • Zhang, Xiuping; et al. (1993).100 Books That Influenced China: Sanguo Zhi(in Chinese). Nanning: Guangxi People's Press.ISBN9787219023396.

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