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Clockwise, from top left: freshstrawberries;Northern cardinal;Magdalena Frąckowiakwearing a red dress atParis Fashion Week;Honor guard of ChinesePeople's Liberation Armyholdingred flags;CardinalThéodore-Adrien Sarr,Archbishop ofDakar.
Spectral coordinates
WavelengthApprox. 625–740[1]nm
About these coordinatesColor coordinates
Hex triplet#FF0000
sRGBB(r,g,b)(255, 0, 0)
HSV(h,s,v)(0°, 100%, 100%)
CIELChuv(L,C,h)(53, 179, 12°)
B:Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H:Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

Redis the color at the long wavelength end of thevisible spectrumof light, next toorangeand oppositeviolet.It has adominant wavelengthof approximately 625–740nanometres.[1]It is a primary color in theRGB color modeland a secondary color (made frommagentaandyellow) in theCMYK color model,and is thecomplementary colorofcyan.Reds range from the brilliant yellow-tingedscarletandvermillionto bluish-redcrimson,and vary in shade from the pale redpinkto the dark redburgundy.[2]

Red pigment made fromochrewas one of the first colors used inprehistoric art.TheAncient EgyptiansandMayanscolored their faces red in ceremonies;Romangenerals had their bodies colored red to celebrate victories. It was also an important color inChina,where it was used to color early pottery and later the gates and walls of palaces.[3]: 60–61 In theRenaissance,the brilliant red costumes for the nobility and wealthy were dyed withkermesandcochineal.The 19th century brought the introduction of the first synthetic red dyes, which replaced the traditional dyes. Red becamea symbolic colorofcommunismandsocialism;Soviet Russiaadopted ared flagfollowing theBolshevik Revolutionin 1917.The Soviet red bannerwould subsequently be used throughout the entire history of theSoviet Union,starting from 1922and ending withits 1991 dissolution.China adoptedits ownred flag following theChinese Communist Revolution.A red flag was also adopted byNorth Vietnamin 1954, and by all of Vietnam in 1975.

Since red is the color ofblood,it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage. Modern surveys inEuropeand theUnited Statesshow red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy. In China,India,and many other Asian countries it is the color symbolizing happiness and good fortune.[4]: 39–63 

Shades and variations

Varieties of the color red may differ inhue,chroma(also called saturation, intensity, or colorfulness), orlightness(or value, tone, orbrightness), or in two or three of these qualities. Variations in value are also calledtints and shades,a tint being a red or other hue mixed with white, a shade being mixed with black. Four examples are shown below.

Thecardinaltakes its name from the color worn by Catholiccardinals.
Pinkis a pale shade of red. Cherry blossoms in the Tsutsujigaoka Park,Sendai,Miyagi,Japan.
Vermilionis similar to scarlet, but slightly more orange. This issindoor,a red cosmetic powder used in India; someHinduwomen put a stripe of sindoor along their hair parting to show they are married.[5][6]
Rubyis the color of a cut and polishedrubygemstone.

In science and nature

Seeing red

Bulls, like dogs and many other animals, havedichromacy,which means they cannot distinguish the color red. They charge the matador's cape because of its motion, not its color.

The human eye sees red when it looks at light with a wavelength between approximately 625 and 740nanometers.[1]It is a primary color in theRGB color modeland the light just past this range is called infrared, or below red, and cannot be seen by human eyes, although it can be sensed as heat.[7]In the language of optics, red is the color evoked by light that stimulates neither the S or the M (short and medium wavelength) cone cells of the retina, combined with a fading stimulation of the L (long-wavelength) cone cells.[8]

Primatescan distinguish the full range of the colors of the spectrum visible to humans, but many kinds of mammals, such as dogs and cattle, havedichromacy,which means they can see blues and yellows, but cannot distinguish red and green (both are seen as gray). Bulls, for instance, cannot see the red color of the cape of a bullfighter, but they are agitated by its movement.[9](Seecolor vision).

One theory for why primates developed sensitivity to red is that it allowed ripe fruit to be distinguished from unripe fruit and inedible vegetation.[10]This may have driven further adaptations by species taking advantage of this new ability, such as the emergence of red faces.[11]

Red light is used to help adaptnight visionin low-light or night time, as therod cellsin the human eye are not sensitive to red.[12][13]

In color theory and on a computer screen

In theRYB color model,which is the basis oftraditional color theory,red is one of the threeprimary colors,along with blue and yellow. Painters in the Renaissance mixed red and blue to make violet:Cennino Cennini,in his 15th-century manual on painting, wrote, "If you want to make a lovely violet colour, take fine lac (red lake),ultramarine blue(the same amount of the one as of the other) with a binder "; he noted that it could also be made by mi xing blueindigoand redhematite.[14]

In the CMY andCMYKcolor models, red is a secondary color subtractively mixed from magenta and yellow.[citation needed]

In theRGB color model,red, green and blue areadditive primary colors.Red, green and blue light combined makes white light, and these three colors, combined in different mixtures, can produce nearly any other color. This principle is used to generate colors on such as computer monitors and televisions. For example, magenta on a computer screen is made by a similar formula to that used by Cennino Cennini in the Renaissance to make violet, but usingadditive colorsand light instead of pigment: it is created by combining red and blue light at equal intensity on a black screen. Violet is made on a computer screen in a similar way, but with a greater amount of blue light and less red light.[15]

Color of sunset

Sunsets and sunrises are often red because of an optical effect calledRayleigh scattering.

As a ray of white sunlight travels through the atmosphere to the eye, some of the colors are scattered out of the beam by air molecules andairborne particlesdue toRayleigh scattering,changing the final color of the beam that is seen. Colors with a shorter wavelength, such as blue and green, scatter more strongly, and are removed from the light that finally reaches the eye.[16]Atsunriseandsunset,when the path of the sunlight through the atmosphere to the eye is longest, the blue and green components are removed almost completely, leaving the longer wavelength orange and red light. The remaining reddened sunlight can also be scattered by cloud droplets and other relatively large particles, which give the sky above the horizon its red glow.[17]


Lasersemitting in the red region of the spectrum have been available since the invention of theruby laserin 1960. In 1962 the redhelium–neon laserwas invented,[18]and these two types of lasers were widely used in many scientific applications includingholography,and in education. Red helium–neon lasers were used commercially inLaserDiscplayers. The use of redlaser diodesbecame widespread with the commercial success of modernDVDplayers, which use a 660 nm laser diode technology. Today, red and red-orange laser diodes are widely available to the public in the form of extremely inexpensivelaser pointers.Portable, high-powered versions are also available for various applications.[19]More recently, 671 nm diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers have been introduced to the market for all-DPSS laser display systems,particle image velocimetry,Raman spectroscopy,and holography.[20]

Red's wavelength has been an important factor in laser technologies; red lasers, used in earlycompact disctechnologies, are being replaced by blue lasers, as red's longer wavelength causes the laser's recordings to take up more space on the disc than would blue-laser recordings.[21]


  • Marsis called the Red Planet because of the reddish color imparted to its surface by the abundantiron oxidepresent there.[22]
  • Astronomical objects that are moving away from the observer exhibit a Dopplerred shift.
  • Jupiter's surface displays aGreat Red Spotcaused by an oval-shaped mega storm south of the planet'sequator.[23]
  • Red giantsare stars that have exhausted the supply ofhydrogenin their cores and switched tothermonuclear fusionof hydrogen in a shell that surrounds its core. They have radii tens to hundreds of times larger than that of theSun.However, their outer envelope is much lower in temperature, giving them an orange hue. Despite the lower energy density of their envelope, red giants are many times more luminous than the Sun due to their large size.
  • Red supergiantslikeBetelgeuse,Antares,Mu Cephei,VV Cephei,andVY Canis Majorisone of thebiggest starsin theUniverse,are the biggest variety of red giants. They are huge in size, with radii 200 to 1700 times greater than the Sun, but relatively cool in temperature (3000–4500 K), causing their distinct red tint. Because they are shrinking rapidly in size, they are surrounded by an envelope or skin much bigger than the star itself. The envelope of Betelgeuse is 250 times bigger than the star inside.
  • Ared dwarfis a small and relativelycoolstar,which has a mass of less than half that of theSunand a surface temperature of less than 4,000K.Red dwarfs are by far the most common type of star in the Galaxy, but due to their low luminosity, from Earth, none are visible to the naked eye.[24]
  • Interstellar reddeningis caused by the extinction of radiation by dust and gas

Pigments and dyes

Food coloring

The most common synthetic food coloring today isAllura Red AC,a redazo dyethat goes by several names including:Allura Red,Food Red 17,C.I. 16035,FD&C Red 40,[25][26]It was originally manufactured from coal tar, but now is mostly made from petroleum.[27]

In Europe, Allura Red AC is not recommended for consumption by children. It is banned in Denmark, Belgium, France and Switzerland, and was also banned in Sweden until the country joined the European Union in 1994.[26]TheEuropean Unionapproves Allura Red AC as a food colorant, but EU countries' local laws banning food colorants are preserved.[28]

In the United States, Allura Red AC is approved by theFood and Drug Administration(FDA) for use incosmetics,drugs,and food. It is used in some tattoo inks and is used in many products, such assoft drinks,children's medications, andcotton candy.On June 30, 2010, theCenter for Science in the Public Interest(CSPI) called for the FDA to ban Red 40.[29]

Because of public concerns about possible health risks associated with synthetic dyes, many companies have switched to using natural pigments such ascarmine,made from crushing the tiny femalecochinealinsect. This insect, originating in Mexico and Central America, was used to make the brilliantscarletdyes of the European Renaissance.[citation needed]

Autumn leaves

The red of autumn leaves is produced by pigments calledanthocyanins.They are not present in the leaf throughout the growing season, but are actively produced towards the end of summer.[30]They develop in late summer in thesapof the cells of the leaf, and this development is the result of complex interactions of many influences—both inside and outside the plant. Their formation depends on the breakdown of sugars in the presence of bright light as the level ofphosphatein the leaf is reduced.[31]

During the summer growing season, phosphate is at a high level. It has a vital role in the breakdown of thesugarsmanufactured by chlorophyll. But in the fall, phosphate, along with the other chemicals and nutrients, moves out of the leaf into thestemof the plant. When this happens, the sugar-breakdown process changes, leading to the production of anthocyanin pigments. The brighter the light during this period, the greater the production of anthocyanins and the more brilliant the resulting color display. When the days of autumn are bright and cool, and the nights are chilly but not freezing, the brightest colorations usually develop.

Anthocyanins temporarily color the edges of some of the very youngleavesas they unfold from thebudsin early spring. They also give the familiar color to such common fruits ascranberries,red apples,blueberries,cherries,raspberries,andplums.

Anthocyanins are present in about 10% of tree species in temperate regions, although in certain areas—afamous example being New England—up to 70% of tree species may produce the pigment.[30]In autumn forests they appear vivid in themaples,oaks,sourwood,sweetgums,dogwoods,tupelos,cherrytrees andpersimmons.These same pigments often combine with the carotenoids' colors to create the deeper orange, fiery reds, and bronzes typical of many hardwood species. (SeeAutumn leaf color).

Blood and other reds in nature

Oxygenated blood is red due to the presence of oxygenatedhemoglobinthat contains iron molecules, with the iron components reflecting red light.[32][33]Red meat gets its color from the iron found in themyoglobinand hemoglobin in the muscles and residual blood.[34]

Plants likeapples,strawberries,cherries,tomatoes,peppers,andpomegranatesare often colored by forms ofcarotenoids,red pigments that also assistphotosynthesis.[35]

Hair color

Red hair only occurs in 1–2% of the human population.

Red hair occurs naturally on approximately 1–2% of the human population.[36]It occurs more frequently (2–6%) in people of northern or western European ancestry, and less frequently in other populations. Red hair appears in people with two copies of arecessive geneonchromosome 16which causes a mutation in theMC1Rprotein.[37]

Red hair varies from a deepburgundythroughburnt orangeto brightcopper.It is characterized by high levels of the reddish pigmentpheomelanin(which also accounts for the red color of the lips) and relatively low levels of the dark pigmenteumelanin.The term "redhead" (originallyredd hede) has been in use since at least 1510.[38]

In animal and human behavior

Red is associated withdominancein a number of animal species.[39]For example, inmandrills,red coloration of the face is greatest inAlphamales, increasingly less prominent in lower ranking subordinates, and directly correlated with levels oftestosterone.[40]Red can also affect the perception of dominance by others, leading to significant differences in mortality,reproductive successandparental investmentbetween individuals displaying red and those not.[41]In humans, wearing red has been linked with increased performance in competitions, including professional sport[42][43]andmultiplayer video games.[44]Controlled tests have demonstrated that wearing red does not increase performance or levels of testosterone during exercise, so the effect is likely to be produced by perceived rather than actual performance.[45]Judges oftae kwon dohave been shown to favor competitors wearing red protective gear over blue,[46]and, when asked, a significant majority of people say that red abstract shapes are more "dominant", "aggressive", and "likely to win a physical competition" than blue shapes.[39]In contrast to its positive effect in physical competition and dominance behavior, exposure to red decreases performance in cognitive tasks[47]and elicits aversion in psychological tests where subjects are placed in an "achievement" context (e.g. taking anIQ test).[48]

History and art

In prehistory and the ancient world

Inside cave 13B atPinnacle Point,an archeological site found on the coast of South Africa,paleoanthropologistsin 2000 found evidence that, between 170,000 and 40,000 years ago,Late Stone Agepeople were scraping and grindingochre,a clay colored red byiron oxide,probably with the intention of using it to color their bodies.[49]

Redhematitepowder was also found scattered around the remains at a grave site in aZhoukoudiancave complex nearBeijing.The site has evidence of habitation as early as 700,000 years ago. The hematite might have been used to symbolize blood in an offering to the dead.[3]: 4 

Red, black and white were the first colors used by artists in theUpper Paleolithicage, probably because natural pigments such as red ochre and iron oxide were readily available where early people lived.Madder,a plant whose root could be made into a red dye, grew widely in Europe, Africa and Asia.[50]Thecave of Altamirain Spain has a painting of a bison colored with red ochre that dates to between 15,000 and 16,500 BC.[51]

A red dye calledKermeswas made beginning in theNeolithic Periodby drying and then crushing the bodies of the females of a tinyscale insectin the genusKermes,primarilyKermes vermilio.The insects live on the sap of certain trees, especiallyKermes oaktrees near the Mediterranean region. Jars of kermes have been found in a Neolithic cave-burial at Adaoutse,Bouches-du-Rhône.[52]: 230–31 Kermes from oak trees was later used by Romans, who imported it from Spain. A different variety of dye was made fromPorphyrophora hamelii(Armenian cochineal)scale insects that lived on the roots and stems of certain herbs. It was mentioned in texts as early as the 8th century BC, and it was used by the ancient Assyrians and Persians.[53]: 45 

In ancient Egypt, red was associated with life, health, and victory. Egyptians would color themselves with red ochre during celebrations.[54]Egyptian women used red ochre as acosmeticto redden cheeks and lips[55]and also usedhennato color their hair and paint their nails.[56]

The ancient Romans woretogaswith red stripes on holidays, and the bride at a wedding wore a red shawl, called aflammeum.[4]: 46 Red was used to color statues and the skin of gladiators. Red was also the color associated with army; Roman soldiers wore red tunics, and officers wore a cloak called apaludamentumwhich, depending upon the quality of the dye, could be crimson,scarletor purple. InRoman mythologyred is associated with the god of war,Mars.[57]Thevexilloidof theRoman Empirehad a red background with the lettersSPQRingold.A Roman general receiving atriumphhad his entire body painted red in honor of his achievement.[58]

The Romans liked bright colors, and manyRoman villaswere decorated with vivid red murals. The pigment used for many of the murals was calledvermilion,and it came from the mineralcinnabar,a common ore ofmercury.It was one of the finest reds of ancient times – the paintings have retained their brightness for more than twenty centuries. The source of cinnabar for the Romans was a group of mines nearAlmadén,southwest ofMadrid,in Spain. Working in the mines was extremely dangerous, since mercury is highly toxic; the miners were slaves or prisoners, and being sent to the cinnabar mines was a virtual death sentence.[59]

The Middle Ages

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, red was adopted as a color of majesty and authority by theByzantine Empire,and the princes of Europe. It also played an important part in the rituals of theRoman Catholic Church,symbolizing the blood of Christ and the Christian martyrs.[60][61]

In Western Europe, EmperorCharlemagnepainted his palace red as a very visible symbol of his authority, and wore red shoes at his coronation.[53]: 36–37 Kings, princes and, beginning in 1295, Roman Catholic cardinals began to wear red coloredhabitus.WhenAbbe SugerrebuiltSaint Denis Basilicaoutside Paris in the early 12th century, he addedstained glasswindows colored blue cobalt glass and red glass tinted with copper. Together they flooded the basilica with a mystical light. Soon stained glass windows were being added to cathedrals all across France, England and Germany. In medieval painting red was used to attract attention to the most important figures; bothChristand theVirgin Marywere commonly painted wearing red mantles.

In western countries red is a symbol of martyrs and sacrifice, particularly because of its association with blood.[57]Beginning in the Middle Ages, the Pope and Cardinals of theRoman Catholic Churchwore red to symbolize the blood of Christ and the Christian martyrs. The banner of the Christian soldiers in theFirst Crusadewas a red cross on a white field, theSt. George's Cross.According to Christian tradition,Saint Georgewas a Roman soldier who was a member of the guards of the EmperorDiocletian,who refused to renounce his Christian faith and was martyred. The Saint George's Cross became theFlag of Englandin the 16th century, and now is part of theUnion Flagof the United Kingdom, as well as the Flag of the Republic ofGeorgia.[53]: 36 


InRenaissancepainting, red was used to draw the attention of the viewer; it was often used as the color of the cloak or costume ofChrist,theVirgin Mary,or another central figure.

InVenice,Titianwas the master of fine reds, particularlyvermilion;he used many layers of pigment mixed with a semi-transparent glaze, which let the light pass through, to create a more luminous color. The figures of God, the Virgin Mary and two apostles are highlighted by their vermilion red costumes.

QueenElizabeth Iof England liked to wear bright reds, before she adopted the more sober image of the "Virgin Queen".

Red costumes were not limited to the upper classes. In RenaissanceFlanders,people of all social classes wore red at celebrations. One such celebration was captured inThe Wedding Dance(1566) byPieter Bruegel the Elder.

The painterJohannes Vermeerskilfully used different shades and tints of vermilion to paint the red skirt inThe Girl with the Wine Glass,then glazed it with madder lake to make a more luminous color.

Reds from the New World

In Latin America, theAztec people,theParacas cultureand other societies usedcochineal,a vivid scarlet dye made from insects. From the 16th until the 19th century, cochineal became a highly profitable export fromSpanish Mexicoto Europe.

18th to 20th century

In the 18th century, red began to take on a new identity as the color of resistance and revolution. It was already associated with blood, and with danger; a red flag hoisted before a battle meant that no prisoners would be taken. In 1793-94, red became the color of theFrench Revolution.A redPhrygian cap,or "liberty cap", was part of the uniform of thesans-culottes,the most militant faction of the revolutionaries.[62]

In the late 18th century, during a strike English dock workers carried red flags, and it thereafter became closely associated with the new labour movement, and later with theLabour Partyin the United Kingdom, founded in 1900.

In Paris in 1832, a red flag was carried by working-class demonstrators in the failedJune Rebellion,an event immortalised inLes Misérables), and later in the1848 French Revolution.[63]The red flag was proposed as the new national French flag during the 1848 revolution, but was rejected by at the urging of the poet and statesmanAlphonse Lamartinein favour of the tricolor flag. It appeared again as the flag of the short-livedParis Communein 1871. It was then adopted byKarl Marxand the new European movements ofsocialismandcommunism.Soviet Russiaadopted a red flag following theBolshevik Revolutionin 1917. The People's Republic of China adopted the red flag following theChinese Communist Revolution.It was adopted byNorth Vietnamin 1954, and by all of Vietnam in 1975.


Courage and sacrifice

Surveys show that red is the color most associated with courage.[4]: 43 In western countries red is a symbol of martyrs and sacrifice, particularly because of its association with blood.[57]Beginning in the Middle Ages, the Pope and Cardinals of theRoman Catholic Churchwore red to symbolize the blood of Christ and the Christian martyrs. The banner of the Christian soldiers in theFirst Crusadewas a red cross on a white field, theSt. George's Cross.According to Christian tradition,Saint Georgewas a Roman soldier who was a member of the guards of the EmperorDiocletian,who refused to renounce his Christian faith and was martyred. The Saint George's Cross became theFlag of Englandin the 16th century, and now is part of theUnion Flagof the United Kingdom, as well as the Flag of the Republic ofGeorgia.[53]: 36 

Hatred, anger, aggression, passion, heat and war

While red is the color most associated with love, it also the color most frequently associated withhatred,anger,aggressionand war. People who are angry are said to "see red."Red is the color most commonly associated with passion and heat. Inancient Rome,red was the color ofMars,thegod of war—the planetMarswas named for him because of its red color.[4]: 42, 53 

Warning and danger

Red is the traditional color of warning and danger, and is therefore often used on flags. In the Middle Ages up through theFrench Revolution,ared flagshown in warfare indicated the intent to take no prisoners.[64][65]Similarly, a red flag hoisted by apirate shipmeant no mercy would be shown to their target.[66][67]In Britain, in the early days of motoring, motor cars had to follow a man with a red flag who would warn horse-drawn vehicles, before theLocomotives on Highways Act 1896abolished this law.[68]In automobile races, the red flag is raised if there is danger to the drivers.[69]In international football, a player who has made a serious violation of the rules is shown a redpenalty cardand ejected from the game.[70]

Several studies have indicated that red carries the strongest reaction of all the colors, with the level of reaction decreasing gradually with the colors orange, yellow, and white, respectively.[71][72]For this reason, red is generally used as the highest level of warning, such as threat level of terrorist attack in the United States. In fact, teachers at a primary school in the UK have been told not to mark children's work inred inkbecause it encourages a "negative approach".[73]

Red is the international color of stop signs and stop lights on highways and intersections. It was standardized as the international color at theVienna Convention on Road Signs and Signalsof 1968. It was chosen partly because red is the brightest color in daytime (next to orange), though it is less visible at twilight, when green is the most visible color. Red also stands out more clearly against a cool natural backdrop of blue sky, green trees or gray buildings. But it was mostly chosen as the color for stoplights and stop signs because of its universal association with danger and warning.[4]: 54 The 1968Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signalsof 1968 uses red color also for the margin of danger warning sign, give way signs and prohibitory signs, following the previous German-type signage (established by Verordnung über Warnungstafeln für den Kraftfahrzeugverkehr in 1927).

The color that attracts attention

Fashion modelMagdalena FrackowiakatParis Fashion Week(Fall 2011)

Red is the color that most attracts attention. Surveys show it is the color most frequently associated with visibility, proximity, and extroverts.[citation needed]It is also the color most associated with dynamism and activity.[4]: 48, 58 

Red is used in modern fashion much as it was used in Medieval painting; to attract the eyes of the viewer to the person who is supposed to be the center of attention. People wearing red seem to be closer than those dressed in other colors, even if they are actually the same distance away.[4]: 48, 58 Monarchs, wives of presidential candidates and other celebrities often wear red to be visible from a distance in a crowd. It is also commonly worn by lifeguards and others whose job requires them to be easily found.[74][75]

Because red attracts attention, it is frequently used in advertising, though studies show that people are less likely to read something printed in red because they know it is advertising, and because it is more difficult visually to read than black and white text.[4]: 60 

Seduction, sexuality and sin

Red by a large margin is the color most commonly associated with seduction, sexuality, eroticism and immorality, possibly because of its close connection with passion and with danger.[4]: 55 

Red was long seen as having a dark side, particularly inChristiantheology. It was associated with sexual passion, anger, sin, and the devil.[76][77]In theOld Testamentof theBible,theBook of Isaiahsaid: "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow."[78]In theNew Testament,in theBook of Revelation,the Antichrist appears as a red monster, ridden by a woman dressed in scarlet, known as theWhore of Babylon.[79]

Satanis often depicted as colored red and/or wearing a red costume in both iconography andpopular culture.[77][80]By the 20th century, the devil in red had become a folk character in legends and stories. The devil in red appears more often in cartoons and movies than in religious art.[citation needed]

In 17th-century New England, red was associated withadultery.In the 1850 novel byNathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,set in aPuritanNew Englandcommunity, a woman is punished for adultery with ostracism, her sin represented by a red letter 'A' sewn onto her clothes.[81][77]

Red is still commonly associated withprostitution.At various points in history, prostitutes were required to wear red to announce their profession.[77]Houses of prostitution displayed a red light. Beginning in the early 20th century, houses of prostitution were allowed only in certain specified neighborhoods, which became known asred-light districts.Large red-light districts are found today inBangkokandAmsterdam.[82][83]

In thehandkerchief code,the color red signifies interest in the sexual act offisting.[84]

In both Christian and Hebrew tradition, red is also sometimes associated with murder or guilt, with "having blood on one's hands", or "being caught red-handed.[85]

In religion

  • InChristianity,red is associated with the blood of Christ and the sacrifice ofmartyrs.In theRoman Catholic Churchit is also associated withpentecostand the Holy Spirit. Since 1295, it is the color worn by Cardinals, the senior clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. Red is theliturgical colorfor the feasts of martyrs, representing the blood of those who suffered death for their faith. It is sometimes used as the liturgical color forHoly Week,includingPalm SundayandGood Friday,although this is a modern (20th-century) development. In Catholic practice, it is also the liturgical color used to commemorate the Holy Spirit (for this reason it is worn at Pentecost and during Confirmation masses). Because of its association with martyrdom and the Spirit, it is also the color used to commemorate saints who were martyred, such as St. George and all the Apostles (except for the Apostle St. John, who was not martyred, where white is used). As such, it is used to commemorate bishops, who are the successors of the Apostles (for this reason, when funeral masses are held for bishops, cardinals, or popes, red is used instead of the white that would ordinarily be used).
  • InBuddhism,red is one of the five colors which are said to have emanated from theBuddhawhen he attained enlightenment, ornirvana.It is particularly associated with the benefits of the practice of Buddhism; achievement, wisdom, virtue, fortune and dignity. It was also believed to have the power to resist evil. In China red was commonly used for the walls, pillars, and gates of temples.
  • In theShintoreligion of Japan, the gateways of temples, calledtorii,are traditionally painted vermilion red and black. The torii symbolizes the passage from the profane world to a sacred place. The bridges in the gardens of Japanese temples are also painted red (and usually only temple bridges are red, not bridges in ordinary gardens), since they are also passages to sacred places. Red was also considered a color which could expel evil and disease.
  • InTaoism,red is sometimes used to symbolizeyang.[86]
  • InChinese folk religion,red is also sometimes used to symbolize yang in the context of the creatorPangu,who hatched out of acosmic eggcolored like ataijitu.[87]Some art of Pangu colored yang as red.[87]In addition, red is also an auspicious color according to Chinese beliefs.[88]

Military uses

Red uniform

The red military uniform was adopted by the English Parliament'sNew Model Armyin 1645, and was still worn as a dress uniform by the British Army until the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914. Ordinary soldiers wore red coats dyed withmadder,while officers wore scarlet coats dyed with the more expensivecochineal.[53]: 168–69 This led to British soldiers being known asred coats.

In the modern British army, scarlet is still worn by theFoot Guards,theLife Guards,and by some regimental bands ordrummersfor ceremonial purposes.OfficersandNCOsof those regiments which previously wore red retain scarlet as the color of their "mess" or formal evening jackets. TheRoyal Gibraltar Regimenthas a scarlet tunic in its winter dress.

Scarlet is worn for some full dress, military band or mess uniforms in the modern armies of a number of the countries that made up the former British Empire. These include the Australian, Jamaican, New Zealand, Fi gian, Canadian, Kenyan, Ghanaian, Indian, Singaporean, Sri Lankan and Pakistani armies.[89]

The musicians of theUnited States Marine Corps Bandwear red, following an 18th-century military tradition that the uniforms of band members are the reverse of the uniforms of the other soldiers in their unit. Since the US Marine uniform is blue with red facings, the band wears the reverse.

Red Sergeis the uniform of theRoyal Canadian Mounted Police,created in 1873 as theNorth-West Mounted Police,and given its present name in 1920. The uniform was adapted from the tunic of theBritish Army.Cadets at theRoyal Military College of Canadaalso wear red dress uniforms.

TheBrazilian Marine Corpswears a red dress uniform.

NATO Military Symbols for Land Based Systemsuses red to denote hostile forces, hence the terms "red team"and"Red Cell"to denote challengers during exercises.[90]

In sports

The first known team sport to feature red uniforms waschariot racingduring the lateRoman Empire.The earliest races were between two chariots, one driver wearing red, the other white. Later, the number of teams was increased to four, including drivers in light green and sky blue. Twenty-five races were run in a day, with a total of one hundred chariots participating.[91]

Today many sports teams throughout the world feature red on their uniforms. Along withblue,red is the most commonly used non-white color in sports. Numerous national sports teams wear red, often through association with their national flags. A few of these teams feature the color as part of their nickname such as Spain (with theirassociation football(soccer) national team nicknamedLa Furia Rojaor "The Red Fury" ) and Belgium (whosefootball teambears the nicknameRode Duivelsor "Red Devils" ).

In clubassociation football(soccer), red is a commonly used color throughout the world. Among European notable club teams most often playing at home in red shirts includeBayern Munich,Benfica,Liverpool,Manchester UnitedandRoma.Furthermore, many prominent teams play in partially red color schemes, involving different-colored sleeves or stripes. A number of teams' nicknames feature the color. A redpenalty cardis issued to a player who commits a serious infraction: the player is immediately disqualified from further play and his team must continue with one fewer player for the game's duration.

Rosso Corsais the red international motor racing color of cars entered by teams from Italy. Since the 1920s Italian race cars ofAlfa Romeo,Maserati,Lancia,and laterFerrariandAbarthhave been painted with a color known asrosso corsa( "racing red" ). National colors were mostly replaced inFormula Oneby commercial sponsor liveries in 1968, but unlike most other teams, Ferrari always kept the traditional red, although the shade of the color varies.Ducatitraditionally run red factory bikes in motorcycleWorld Championshipracing.

The color is commonly used for professional sports teams in Canada and the United States with elevenMajor League Baseballteams, elevenNational Hockey Leagueteams, sevenNational Football Leagueteams and elevenNational Basketball Associationteams prominently featuring some shade of the color. The color is also featured in the league logos of Major League Baseball, the National Football League and the National Basketball Association.[92]In the National Football League, a red flag is thrown by the head coach to challenge a referee's decision during the game. During the 1950s when red was strongly associated withcommunismin the United States, the modernCincinnati Redsteam was known as the "Redlegs" and the term was used on baseball cards. After the red scare faded, the team was known as the "Reds" again.[93]

Inbo xing,red is often the color used on a fighter's gloves.George Foremanwore the same red trunks he used during his loss toMuhammad Aliwhen he defeatedMichael Moorer20 years later to regain the title he lost. Boxers named or nicknamed "red" includeRed Burman,Ernie "Red" Lopez,and his brotherDanny "Little Red" Lopez.

On flags

Countries with red on their flags; the shades of red correspond to those on their respective flags.

Red is the most common color found in national flags, found on the flags of 77 percent of the 210 countries listed as independent in 2016; far ahead of white (58 percent); green (40 percent) and blue (37 percent).[94]TheBritish flagbears the colors red, white and blue; it includes thecrossofSaint George,patron saint of England, and thesaltireofSaint Patrick,patron saint of Ireland, both of which are red on white.[95]: 10 Theflag of the United Statesbears the colors of Britain,[96]the colors of the Frenchtricoloreinclude red as part of the old Paris coat of arms, and other countries' flags, such as those ofAustralia,New Zealand,andFiji,carry a small inset of the British flag in memory of their ties to that country.[95]: 13–20 Many former colonies of Spain, such asMexico,Colombia,Costa Rica,Cuba,Ecuador,Panama,Peru,Puerto RicoandVenezuela,also feature red-one of the colors of the Spanish flag-on their own banners. Red flags are also used to symbolize storms, bad water conditions, and many other dangers.

The red on theflag of Nepalrepresents thefloral emblemof the country, therhododendron.

Red, blue, and white are also thePan-Slavic colorsadopted by the Slavic solidarity movement of the late nineteenth century. Initially these were the colors of the Russian flag; as the Slavic movement grew, they were adopted by other Slavic peoples includingSlovaks,Slovenes,andSerbs.The flags of theCzech RepublicandPolanduse red for historic heraldic reasons (seeCoat of arms of PolandandCoat of arms of the Czech Republic) & not due to Pan-Slavic connotations. In 2004Georgiaadopted a new whiteflag,which consists of four small and one big red cross in the middle touching all four sides.

Red, white, and black were the colors of theGerman Empirefrom 1870 to 1918, and as such they came to be associated with German nationalism. In the 1920s they were adopted as the colors of theNaziflag. InMein Kampf,Hitler explained that they were "revered colors expressive of our homage to the glorious past." The red part of the flag was also chosen to attract attention – Hitler wrote: "the new flag... should prove effective as a large poster" because "in hundreds of thousands of cases a really striking emblem may be the first cause of awakening interest in a movement." The red also symbolized the social program of the Nazis, aimed at German workers.[97]Several designs by a number of different authors were considered, but the one adopted in the end was Hitler's personal design.[98]

Red, white, green and black are the colors ofPan-Arabismand are used by many Arab countries.[99]

Red, gold, green, and black are the colors ofPan-Africanism.Several African countries thus use the color on their flags, including South Africa,Ghana,Senegal,Mali,Ethiopia,Togo,Guinea,Benin,andZimbabwe.ThePan-African colorsare borrowed from theflag of Ethiopia,one of the oldest independent African countries.[99][100]Rwanda, notably, removed red fromits flagafter theRwandan genocidebecause of red's association with blood.[101]

The flags of Japan andBangladeshboth have a red circle in the middle of different colored backgrounds. The flag of thePhilippineshas a red trapezoid on the bottom signifying blood, courage, and valor (also, if the flag is inverted so that the red trapezoid is on top and the blue at the bottom, it indicates a state of war). The flag ofSingaporehas a red rectangle on the top. The field of theflag of Portugalis green and red. The Ottoman Empire adopted several different red flags during the six centuries of its rule, with the successorRepublic of Turkeycontinuing the 1844 Ottomanflag.

In politics

The redPhrygian capworn bysans-culottesduring theFrench Revolution
Logo of theGerman Social Democratic Party

In 18th-century Europe, red was usually associated with the monarchy and with those in power. ThePopewore red, as did theSwiss Guardsof theKings of France,the soldiers of theBritish Armyand theDanish Army.

In the Roman Empire, freed slaves were given a redPhrygian capas an emblem of their liberation. Because of this symbolism, the red "Liberty cap" became a symbol of the American patriots fighting for independence from England. During theFrench Revolution,theJacobinsalso adapted the redPhrygian cap,and forced the deposed KingLouis XVIto wear one after his arrest.[62]

Socialism and communism

In the 19th century, with theIndustrial Revolutionand the rise of worker's movements, red became the color ofsocialism(especially theMarxistvariant), and, with theParis Communeof 1871, of revolution.[63]

In the 20th century, red was the color first of the RussianBolsheviksand then, after the success of theRussian Revolutionof 1917, ofcommunist partiesaround the world. However, after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia went back to the pre-revolutionary blue, white and red flag.

Red also became the color of manysocial democraticparties in Europe, including theLabour Partyin Britain (founded 1900); theSocial Democratic Party of Germany(whose roots went back to 1863) and theFrench Socialist Party,which dated back under different names, to 1879. TheSocialist Party of America(1901–1972) and theCommunist Party USA(1919) both also chose red as their color.

Members of theChristian-Social People's PartyinLiechtenstein(founded 1918) advocated an expansion of democracy and progressive social policies, and were often referred to disparagingly as "Reds" for their social liberal leanings and party colors.[102]

TheChinese Communist Party,founded in 1920, adopted the red flag and hammer and sickle emblem of the Soviet Union, which became the national symbols when the Party took power in China in 1949. Under Party leaderMao Zedong,the Party anthem became "The East Is Red",[103]and Mao Zedong himself was sometimes referred to as a "red sun".[104]During theCultural Revolutionin China, Party ideology was enforced by theRed Guards,and thesayings of Mao Zedongwere published as a little red book in hundreds of millions of copies. Today the Chinese Communist Party claims to be the largest political party in the world, with eighty million members.[105]

Beginning in the 1960s and the 1970s, paramilitary extremist groups such as theRed Army Factionin Germany, theJapanese Red Armyand theShining PathMaoist movement inPeruused red as their color. But in the 1980s, some European socialist and social democratic parties, such as the Labour Party in Britain and the Socialist Party in France, moved away from the symbolism of the far left, keeping the red color but changing their symbol to a less-threatening red rose.

Red is used around the world by political parties of the left or center-left. In the United States, it is the color of the Communist Party USA, and of theSocial Democrats, USA.

United States

A map of the U.S. showing theblue states,which voted for the Democratic candidate in the 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections, and thered states,which voted for theRepublican Party

In the United States, political commentators often refer to the "red states", which voted for Republican candidates in the last four presidential elections, and "blue states", which voted for Democrats. This convention is relatively recent: before the2000 presidential election,media outlets assigned red and blue to both parties, sometimes alternating the allocation for each election. Fixed usage was established during the 39-day recount following the 2000 election, when the media began to discuss the contest in terms of"red states" versus "blue states".[106]States which voted for different parties in two of the last four presidential elections are called "Swing States", and are usually colored purple, a mix of red and blue.[107]

Social and special interest groups

Such names as Red Club (a bar), Red Carpet (a discothèque) or Red Cottbus and Club Red (event locations) suggest liveliness and excitement. TheRed Hat Societyis a social group founded in 1998 for women 50 and over. Use of the color red to call attention to an emergency situation is evident in the names of such organizations as the Red Cross (humanitarian aid), Red Hot Organization (AIDS support), and the Red List of Threatened Species (ofIUCN). In reference to humans, term "red" is often used in the West to describe theindigenous peoples of the Americas.[108]


Many idiomatic expressions exploit the various connotations of red:

Expressing emotion
  • "to see red" (to be angry or aggressive)[109][110]
  • "to have red ears / a red face" (to be embarrassed)[111]
  • "to paint the town red" (to have an enjoyable evening, usually with a generous amount of eating, drinking, dancing)[112]
Giving warning
  • "to raise a red flag" (to signal that something is problematic)[113]
  • "like a red rag to a bull" (to cause someone to be enraged)[114][115]
  • "to be in the red" (to be losing money, from the accounting convention of writing deficits and losses inred ink)[116][117]
Calling attention
  • "ared letter day"(a special or important event, from the medieval custom of printing the dates of saints' days and holy days in red ink.)[118][119]
  • "to roll out thered carpet"(to formally welcome an important guest)[120][121]
  • "to give red-carpet treatment" (to treat someone as important or special)[121]
  • "to catch someone red-handed" (to catch or discover someone doing something bad or wrong)[122]
Other idioms
  • "to tie up inred tape".In England red tape was used by lawyers and government officials to identify important documents. It became a term for excessive bureaucratic regulation. It was popularized in the 19th century by the writerThomas Carlyle,who complained about "red-tapism".[123]
  • "red herring".A false clue that leads investigators off the track. Refers to the practice of using a fragrant smoked fish to distract hunting or tracking dogs from the track they are meant to follow.[124][125]
  • "red ink" (to show a business loss)[126]

See also


Notes and citations

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