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Regime change

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Regime changeis the partly forcible or coercive replacement of one governmentregimewith another. Regime change may replace all or part of thestate'smost critical leadership system, administrative apparatus, orbureaucracy.Regime change may occur through domestic processes, such asrevolution,coup,or reconstruction of government followingstate failureorcivil war.[1]It can also be imposed on a country by foreign actors through invasion,overtorcovert interventions,orcoercive diplomacy.[2][3]Regime change may entail the construction of new institutions, the restoration of old institutions, and the promotion of newideologies.[2]

According to a dataset by Alexander Downes, 120 leaders were removed through foreign-imposed regime change between 1816 and 2011.[2]



Internal regime change


Regime change can be precipitated by revolution or acoup d'état.For example, theFrench Revolution,theRussian Revolution,and theIranian Revolution.

Foreign-imposed regime change


Foreign-imposed regime change is the deposing of a regime by a foreign state, which can be achieved through covert means or by direct military action. Interstate war can also culminate into a foreign-imposed regime change for the losers, as occurred for theAxis Powersin 1945.[additional citation(s) needed]Foreign-imposed regime change is sometimes used by states as a foreign policy tool.[4]According to a dataset by Alexander Downes, 120 leaders have been successfully removed through foreign-imposed regime change between 1816 and 2011.[2]

During theCold War,theUnited Statesand theSoviet Unionfrequently intervened in elections and engaged in attempts at regime change, both covertly and overtly.[5][6][7][8]According toMichael Poznansky,covert regime change became more common when non-intervention was codified into international law, leading states that wanted to engage in regime change to do so covertly and conceal their violations of international law.[9]

Regime promotion


According toJohn Owen IV,there are four historical waves of forcible regime promotion:[10]

  1. Catholicism vs Protestantism: From the 1520s to the early 18th century
  2. Republicanism vs Constitutional monarchy vs Absolute monarchy: From the 1770s to the late 19th century
  3. Communism vs Liberalism vs Fascism: From the late 1910s to the 1980s
  4. Secular government vs Islamism: post-1990



Studies by Alexander Downes, Lindsey O'Rourke and Jonathan Monten indicate that foreign-imposed regime change seldom reduces the likelihood of civil war,[2]violent removal of the newly imposed leader,[2]and the probability of conflict between the intervening state and its adversaries,[11][2]as well as does not increase the likelihood ofdemocratization(unless regime change comes with pro-democratic institutional changes in countries with favorable conditions for democracy).[12]Downes argues,[2]

The strategic impulse to forcibly oust antagonistic or non-compliant regimes overlooks two key facts. First, the act of overthrowing a foreign government sometimes causes its military to disintegrate, sending thousands of armed men into the countryside where they often wage an insurgency against the intervener. Second, externally-imposed leaders face a domestic audience in addition to an external one, and the two typically want different things. These divergent preferences place imposed leaders in a quandary: taking actions that please one invariably alienates the other. Regime change thus drives a wedge between external patrons and their domestic protégés or between protégés and their people.

Research by Nigel Lo, Barry Hashimoto, andDan Reiterhas contrasting findings, as they find that interstate "peace following wars last longer when the war ends in foreign-imposed regime change."[13]However, research by Reiter and Goran Peic finds that foreign-imposed regime change can raise the probability of civil war.[14]

By country


See also



  1. ^Hale, Henry E. (2013-05-10)."Regime Change Cascades: What We Have Learned from the 1848 Revolutions to the 2011 Arab Uprisings".Annual Review of Political Science.16(1): 331–353.doi:10.1146/annurev-polisci-032211-212204.ISSN1094-2939.
  2. ^abcdefghDownes, Alexander B. (2021).Catastrophic Success: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Goes Wrong.Cornell University Press.ISBN978-1-5017-6115-7.
  3. ^Levin, Dov; Lutmar, Carmela (2020)."Violent Regime Change: Causes and Consequences".Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1954.ISBN978-0-19-022863-7.
  4. ^Peic, Goran (July 2011). "Foreign-Imposed Regime Change, State Power and Civil War Onset, 1920-2004".British Journal of Political Science.41(3): 453–475.doi:10.1017/s0007123410000426.S2CID154222973– via JSTOR.
  5. ^Levin, Dov H. (2019-01-01). "Partisan electoral interventions by the great powers: Introducing the PEIG Dataset".Conflict Management and Peace Science.36(1): 88–106.doi:10.1177/0738894216661190.ISSN0738-8942.S2CID157114479.
  6. ^O’Rourke, Lindsey A. (2019-11-29). "The Strategic Logic of Covert Regime Change: US-Backed Regime Change Campaigns during the Cold War".Security Studies.29:92–127.doi:10.1080/09636412.2020.1693620.ISSN0963-6412.S2CID213588712.
  7. ^Levin, Dov H. (2016-06-01)."When the Great Power Gets a Vote: The Effects of Great Power Electoral Interventions on Election Results".International Studies Quarterly.60(2): 189–202.doi:10.1093/isq/sqv016.ISSN0020-8833.
  8. ^Levin, Dov H. (7 September 2016)."Sure, the U.S. and Russia often meddle in foreign elections. Does it matter?".The Washington Post.Retrieved 21 May 2019.
  9. ^Poznansky, Michael (2020).In the Shadow of International Law: Secrecy and Regime Change in the Postwar World.Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-009661-8.
  10. ^IV, John M. Owen (2010).The Clash of Ideas in World Politics: Transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change, 1510-2010.Princeton University Press.ISBN978-1-4008-3676-5.
  11. ^Downes, Alexander B.; O'Rourke, Lindsey A. (2016)."You Can't Always Get What You Want: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Seldom Improves Interstate Relations".International Security.41(2): 43–89.doi:10.1162/ISEC_a_00256.ISSN0162-2889.S2CID52994000.
  12. ^Downes, Alexander B.; Monten, Jonathan (2013)."Forced to Be Free? Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Rarely Leads to Democratization".International Security.37(4): 90–131.doi:10.1162/ISEC_a_00117.ISSN0162-2889.JSTOR24480621.S2CID3640183.
  13. ^Lo, Nigel; Hashimoto, Barry; Reiter, Dan (2008)."Ensuring Peace: Foreign-Imposed Regime Change and Postwar Peace Duration, 1914–2001".International Organization.62(4): 717–736.doi:10.1017/S0020818308080259.ISSN1531-5088.S2CID154513807.
  14. ^Peic, Goran; Reiter, Dan (2011)."Foreign-Imposed Regime Change, State Power and Civil War Onset, 1920–2004".British Journal of Political Science.41(3): 453–475.doi:10.1017/S0007123410000426.ISSN1469-2112.S2CID154222973.

Further reading

  • Downes, Alexander B. (2021).Catastrophic Success: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Goes Wrong.Cornell University Press.ISBN978-1-5017-6115-7.