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Coprime integers

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Innumber theory,twointegersaandbarecoprime,relatively primeormutually primeif the only positive integer that is adivisorof both of them is 1.[1]Consequently, anyprime numberthat dividesadoes not divideb,and vice versa. This is equivalent to theirgreatest common divisor(GCD) being 1.[2]One says alsoais prime toborais coprime withb.

The numbers 8 and 9 are coprime, despite the fact that neither—considered individually—is a prime number, since 1 is their only common divisor. On the other hand, 6 and 9 are not coprime, because they are both divisible by 3. The numerator and denominator of areduced fractionare coprime, by definition.

Notation and testing


When the integersaandbare coprime, the standard way of expressing this fact in mathematical notation is to indicate that their greatest common divisor is one, by the formulagcd(a,b) = 1or(a,b) = 1.In their 1989 textbookConcrete Mathematics,Ronald Graham,Donald Knuth,andOren Patashnikproposed an alternative notationto indicate thataandbare relatively prime and that the term "prime" be used instead of coprime (as inaisprimetob).[3]

A fast way to determine whether two numbers are coprime is given by theEuclidean algorithmand its faster variants such asbinary GCD algorithmorLehmer's GCD algorithm.

The number of integers coprime with a positive integern,between 1 andn,is given byEuler's totient function,also known as Euler's phi function,φ(n).

Asetof integers can also be called coprime if its elements share no common positive factor except 1. A stronger condition on a set of integers is pairwise coprime, which means thataandbare coprime for every pair(a,b)of different integers in the set. The set{2, 3, 4}is coprime, but it is not pairwise coprime since 2 and 4 are not relatively prime.



The numbers 1 and −1 are the only integers coprime with every integer, and they are the only integers that are coprime with 0.

A number of conditions are equivalent toaandbbeing coprime:

As a consequence of the third point, ifaandbare coprime andbrbs(moda),thenrs(moda).[5]That is, we may "divide byb"when working moduloa.Furthermore, ifb1,b2are both coprime witha,then so is their productb1b2(i.e., moduloait is a product of invertible elements, and therefore invertible);[6]this also follows from the first point byEuclid's lemma,which states that if a prime numberpdivides a productbc,thenpdivides at least one of the factorsb, c.

As a consequence of the first point, ifaandbare coprime, then so are any powersakandbm.

Ifaandbare coprime andadivides the productbc,thenadividesc.[7]This can be viewed as a generalization of Euclid's lemma.

Figure 1. The numbers 4 and 9 are coprime. Therefore, the diagonal of a 4 × 9 lattice does not intersect any otherlattice points

The two integersaandbare coprime if and only if the point with coordinates(a,b)in aCartesian coordinate systemwould be "visible" via an unobstructed line of sight from the origin(0, 0),in the sense that there is no point with integer coordinates anywhere on the line segment between the origin and(a,b).(See figure 1.)

In a sense that can be made precise, theprobabilitythat two randomly chosen integers are coprime is6/π2,which is about 61% (see§ Probability of coprimality,below).

Twonatural numbersaandbare coprime if and only if the numbers2a– 1and2b– 1are coprime.[8]As a generalization of this, following easily from theEuclidean algorithminbasen> 1:

Coprimality in sets


Asetof integerscan also be calledcoprimeorsetwise coprimeif thegreatest common divisorof all the elements of the set is 1. For example, the integers 6, 10, 15 are coprime because 1 is the only positive integer that divides all of them.

If every pair in a set of integers is coprime, then the set is said to bepairwise coprime(orpairwise relatively prime,mutually coprimeormutually relatively prime). Pairwise coprimality is a stronger condition than setwise coprimality; every pairwise coprime finite set is also setwise coprime, but the reverse is not true. For example, the integers 4, 5, 6 are (setwise) coprime (because the only positive integer dividingallof them is 1), but they are notpairwisecoprime (becausegcd(4, 6) = 2).

The concept of pairwise coprimality is important as a hypothesis in many results in number theory, such as theChinese remainder theorem.

It is possible for aninfinite setof integers to be pairwise coprime. Notable examples include the set of all prime numbers, the set of elements inSylvester's sequence,and the set of allFermat numbers.

Coprimality in ring ideals


TwoidealsAandBin acommutative ringRare called coprime (orcomaximal) ifThis generalizesBézout's identity:with this definition, twoprincipal ideals(a) and (b) in the ring of integersare coprime if and only ifaandbare coprime. If the idealsAandBofRare coprime, thenfurthermore, ifCis a third ideal such thatAcontainsBC,thenAcontainsC.TheChinese remainder theoremcan be generalized to any commutative ring, using coprime ideals.

Probability of coprimality


Given two randomly chosen integersaandb,it is reasonable to ask how likely it is thataandbare coprime. In this determination, it is convenient to use the characterization thataandbare coprime if and only if no prime number divides both of them (seeFundamental theorem of arithmetic).

Informally, the probability that any number is divisible by a prime (or in fact any integer)pisfor example, every 7th integer is divisible by 7. Hence the probability that two numbers are both divisible bypisand the probability that at least one of them is not isAny finite collection of divisibility events associated to distinct primes is mutually independent. For example, in the case of two events, a number is divisible by primespandqif and only if it is divisible bypq;the latter event has probabilityIf one makes the heuristic assumption that such reasoning can be extended to infinitely many divisibility events, one is led to guess that the probability that two numbers are coprime is given by a product over all primes,

Hereζrefers to theRiemann zeta function,the identity relating the product over primes toζ(2)is an example of anEuler product,and the evaluation ofζ(2)asπ2/6is theBasel problem,solved byLeonhard Eulerin 1735.

There is no way to choose a positive integer at random so that each positive integer occurs with equal probability, but statements about "randomly chosen integers" such as the ones above can be formalized by using the notion ofnatural density.For each positive integerN,letPNbe the probability that two randomly chosen numbers inare coprime. AlthoughPNwill never equal6/π2exactly, with work[9]one can show that in the limit asthe probabilityPNapproaches6/π2.

More generally, the probability ofkrandomly chosen integers being setwise coprime is

Generating all coprime pairs

Thetree rootedat (2, 1). The root (2, 1) is marked red, its three children are shown in orange, third generation is yellow, and so on in the rainbow order.

All pairs of positive coprime numbers(m,n)(withm>n) can be arranged in two disjoint completeternary trees,one tree starting from(2, 1)(for even–odd and odd–even pairs),[10]and the other tree starting from(3, 1)(for odd–odd pairs).[11]The children of each vertex(m,n)are generated as follows:

  • Branch 1:
  • Branch 2:
  • Branch 3:

This scheme is exhaustive and non-redundant with no invalid members. This can be proved by remarking that, ifis a coprime pair withthen

  • ifthenis a child ofalong branch 3;
  • ifthenis a child ofalong branch 2;
  • ifthenis a child ofalong branch 1.

In all casesis a "smaller" coprime pair withThis process of "computing the father" can stop only if eitherorIn these cases, coprimality, implies that the pair is eitheror



In machine design, an even, uniformgearwear is achieved by choosing the tooth counts of the two gears meshing together to be relatively prime. When a 1:1gear ratiois desired, a gear relatively prime to the two equal-size gears may be inserted between them.

In pre-computercryptography,someVernam ciphermachines combined several loops of key tape of different lengths. Manyrotor machinescombine rotors of different numbers of teeth. Such combinations work best when the entire set of lengths are pairwise coprime.[12][13][14][15]



This concept can be extended to other algebraic structures thanfor example,polynomialswhosegreatest common divisoris 1 are calledcoprime polynomials.

See also



  1. ^Eaton, James S. (1872).A Treatise on Arithmetic.Boston: Thompson, Bigelow & Brown. p. 49.Retrieved10 January2022.Two numbers aremutuallyprime when no whole number butonewill divide each of them
  2. ^Hardy & Wright 2008,p. 6
  3. ^Graham, R. L.; Knuth, D. E.; Patashnik, O. (1989),Concrete Mathematics/ A Foundation for Computer Science,Addison-Wesley, p. 115,ISBN0-201-14236-8
  4. ^Ore 1988,p. 47
  5. ^Niven & Zuckerman 1966,p. 22, Theorem 2.3(b)
  6. ^Niven & Zuckerman 1966,p. 6, Theorem 1.8
  7. ^Niven & Zuckerman 1966,p.7, Theorem 1.10
  8. ^Rosen 1992,p. 140
  9. ^This theorem was proved byErnesto Cesàroin 1881. For a proof, seeHardy & Wright 2008,Theorem 332
  10. ^Saunders, Robert & Randall, Trevor (July 1994), "The family tree of the Pythagorean triplets revisited",Mathematical Gazette,78:190–193,doi:10.2307/3618576.
  11. ^Mitchell, Douglas W. (July 2001), "An alternative characterisation of all primitive Pythagorean triples",Mathematical Gazette,85:273–275,doi:10.2307/3622017.
  12. ^ Klaus Pommerening. "Cryptology: Key Generators with Long Periods".
  13. ^ David Mowry. "German Cipher Machines of World War II". 2014. p. 16; p. 22.
  14. ^ Dirk Rijmenants. "Origins of One-time pad".
  15. ^ Gustavus J. Simmons. "Vernam-Vigenère cipher".



Further reading

  • Lord, Nick (March 2008), "A uniform construction of some infinite coprime sequences",Mathematical Gazette,92:66–70.