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Roger Brereley

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Roger Brereley(Brearley, Brierley etc.) (1586–1637) was an English clergyman, known as the founder of theGrindletoniansect. His actual views are known from surviving sermons, perhaps reconstituted from notes; those held by the Grindletonians may well have differed considerably from those attributed to them by opponents in polemics. Brereley was in his own view a supporter ofCalvinisticorthodoxy, not a sectary, and he censuresJacobus Arminius.



He was born on 4 August 1586, atMarland,then a hamlet in the parish ofRochdale,where Thomas Brereley, his father, and Roger, his grandfather, were farmers. He had three brothers and two sisters younger than himself. His younger sister was married to Robert Doughty, headmaster of the grammar school at Wakefield. Brereley himself began life as apuritan.He took orders and becameperpetual curateof Grindleton Chapel, in the parish ofMitton in Craven;Grindletonis about two miles north ofClitheroe.He held (in 1626) a close inCastleton,in the manor of Rochdale, which had belonged to his grandfather. His preaching was simple and spiritual, and his followers soon became distinguished as a group. Brereley himself, in his pieceOf True Christian Liberty,writes:

And now men say, I'm deeply drown'd in schism,
Retyr'd from God's grace unto Grindletonism.

Some fifty charges were exhibited against Brereley at York by direction of the high commission, in his first appearance in 1617. This trial was one of two such occasions[1]and was followed by another in 1627, still held before ArchbishopTobias Matthew,who died in 1628.[2]Matthew sustained Brereley in the exercise of his ministry, and he preached inYork Cathedral.In 1631 Brereley was instituted to the living ofBurnley,Lancashire.He died in June 1637, and was buried 13 June. He married Ann Hardman in 1615 and left six children - Alice, Thomas, Mary, John, Roger & Abel. John and Roger were both ordained and served in different parishes in Lancashire; Abel died in 1696, when he is described as a chapman (trader). Alice kept her father's sermon notes, which she later showed to Josias Collier, who edited and published them.



His literary remains are:

  • A Bundle of Soul-convincing, directing, and comforting Truths; clearly deduced from divers select texts of Holy Scripture,sermons printed for James Brown, bookseller in Glasgow, 1670 (this edition consists of twenty-seven sermons, and the biographicalEpistle to the Reader,by J. C., identified as Josias Collier or Collyer,[3]who says of the origin of the volume: 'After his death a few headnotes of some of his sermons came to my view,' perhaps implying that the notes were Brereley's own).
  • Another edition, London, printed by J. R. for Samuel Sprunt, 1677, is probably a reprint from an earlier issue; it reckons the sermons as twenty-six in number, what is Sermon 22 in the 1670 edition being not numbered, but headed ' Exposition,' &c. (it is on the beatitudes). It contains also, after the sermons, pieces in verse:The Preface of Mr. Brierly;Of True Christian Liberty;The Lord's Replyin four sections alternating with three headedThe Soul's Answer;The Song of the Soul's Freedom,Self Civil War.

Grindletonians and their reputation


Brereley had a local following, attracting worshippers from the nearbyGiggleswickparish ofChristopher Shute,but became more widely known after the proceedings against him. In 1618 the diaristNicholas Asshetonrecords the burial of one John Swinglehurst as of a follower of 'Brierley'.Thomas Shephardknew of him in 1622.[2]

In a sermon preached atPaul's Crosson 11 February 1627, and published under the title ofThe White Wolfe,1627,Stephen Denison,minister ofSt. Catherine Cree,charges the 'Gringltonian (sic)familists' with holding nine points of an antinomian tendency. These nine points are repeated from Denison byEphraim Pagittin hisHeresiography(2nd ed. 1645, p. 89), and glanced at byAlexander Ross,Πανσεβεια (2nd ed. 1655, p. 365). In 1635John Webster,curate atKildwick,was before a church court charged with being a Grindletonian, and simultaneously inNew EnglandJohn Winthropthought thatAnne Hutchinsonwas one.[2]The last known Grindletonian died in the 1680s.[1]

In Fiction


A fictional portrayal of Brereley is found inFarmer's Son(2018) by Walter King[4]This takes Brereley's story from his arrival in Gisburne in 1613 as assistant to the vicar, Rev. Henry Hoyle, through his founding of the congregation in a redundant chapel at Grindleton, to his return from imprisonment in York, where he faced charges of heterodoxy, in October 1617.


  1. ^abFrancis J. Bremer, Tom Webster,Puritans and Puritanism in Europe and America: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia(2006), p. 31.
  2. ^abcChristopher Hill,The World Turned Upside Down(1972), pp. 81-4.
  3. ^"Chetham's Library MS A.2.24".chethams.org.uk.Archived fromthe originalon 18 August 2002.
  4. ^Kindle Direct PublishingISBN9781728944067



Further reading

  • Nigel Smith,Elegy for a Grindletonian: poetry and heresy in northern England, 1615-1640.Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 33:2 (2003), 335-52.