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AnEsperantido(pluralEsperantidoj) is aconstructed languagederived fromEsperanto.Esperantidooriginally referred to the language which is now known asIdo.The wordEsperantidocontains the affix (-ido), which means a "child (born to a parent), young (of an animal) or offspring ". Hence,Esperantidoliterally means an 'offspring or descendant of Esperanto'.

A number of Esperantidoj have been created to address a number of perceived flaws or weaknesses in Esperanto (or in other Esperantidoj) by attempting to improve thelexicon,grammar,pronunciation,ororthography.Others were created as language games or to add variety toEsperanto literature.

Language reforms[edit]

These attempted improvements were intended to replace Esperanto. Limited suggestions for improvement within the framework of Esperanto, such as orthographic reforms andriism,are not considered Esperantidos.[2]


Mundolinco(1888) was the first Esperantido, created in 1888. Changes from Esperanto include combining the adjective and adverb under the suffix-e,loss of the accusative and adjectival agreement, changes to the verb conjugations, eliminating the diacritics, and bringing the vocabulary closer to Latin, for example with superlative-osim-to replace the Esperanto particleplej"most".

1894 Esperanto reform project[edit]

Zamenhof himself proposed several changes in the language in 1894, which were rejected by the Esperanto community and subsequently abandoned by Zamenhof himself.


Ido(1907), the foremost of the Esperantidos, sought to bring Esperanto into closer alignment with Western European expectations of an ideal language, based on familiarity withFrench,English,andItalian.Reforms included changing the spelling by removingdiacriticsused in Alpha bet such asĉand re-introducing the k/q orthographic distinction; removing a couple of the more obscure phonemic contrasts (one of which,[x],has beeneffectively removedfrom standard Esperanto); ending the infinitives in-rand the plurals in-ilike Italian; eliminating adjectival agreement, and removing the need for the accusative case by setting up a fixed default word order; reducing the amount of inherent gender in the vocabulary, providing a masculine suffix and anepicenethird-person singular pronoun; replacing the pronouns and correlatives with forms more similar to theRomance languages;adding new roots where Esperanto uses theantonymicprefixmal-;replacing much of Esperanto's other regular derivation with separate roots, which are thought to be easier for Westerners to remember; and replacing much of the Germanic and Slavic vocabulary with Romance forms, such asnavofor English-derivedŝipo.See theIdoPater nosterbelow.


René de Saussure(brother of linguistFerdinand de Saussure) published numerous Esperantido proposals, starting with a response to Ido later calledAntido 1( "Anti-Ido 1" ) in 1907, which increasingly diverged from Esperanto before finishing with a more conservativeEsperanto IIin 1937. Esperanto II replacedjwithy,kvwithqu,kzwithx,and diacritic letters withj(ĵandĝ),w(ŭ), and digraphssh(ŝ),ch(ĉ); replaced the passive in-iĝ-with-ev-,the indefinite ending-aŭwith adverbial-e,the accusative-onon nouns with-u,and the plural on nouns with-n(somembrunformembrojn"members" ); dropped adjectival agreement; broke up the table of concords, changed other small grammatical words such aseyforkaj"and", and treated pronouns more like nouns, so that the plural ofli"he" islinrather thanili"they", and the accusative ofĝi"it" isju.


Romániço (1991) is an Esperantido that uses onlyRomance languagevocabulary. Its name derives from theLatinwordromanice,[3]an adjective meaning "in a Romance language". UnlikeInterlingua,it uses the immediate source forms of words in modern Romance languages, so its spellings resemble Latin in most cases.[4]It replaces all of Esperanto's non-Romance vocabulary and some of its grammar with Romance constructions, allows a somewhat more irregular orthography, and eliminates some criticized points such as case, adjectival agreement, verbal inflection for tense and mood, and inherent gender, but retains theo, a, esuffixes for parts of speech and anagglutinativemorphology. Additionally, Romániço uses thedigraphsçh(ĉ),kh(ĥ),sh(ŝ), andth(no Esperanto equivalent; represents avoiceless dental fricativeθ⟩ or anaspiratedvoiceless alveolar plosive⟩).[5]

Esperanto sen Fleksio[edit]

Esperanto sen Fleksio(Esperanto without inflexion),[6]proposed under this name by Richard Harrison in 1996[7][8][9]but based on long-term complaints from Asian Esperantists, is an experimental and unfinished proposal for a morphologically reduced variety of Esperanto.[10]The main changes are:[11][12]

  • Loss of theplural(the suffix-j),except in the new plural definite articlelaj(short forla jo) and possibly in a plural accusative prepositionnaj;singular number is marked byunuorla,plural by the new wordsjoandlaj(la jo) (and maybenaj)
  • Replacement of theaccusative case(the suffix-n)with either subject–verb–object word order or with a new prepositionnafor other word orders
  • Loss ofverb tense:past, present, and future are all subsumed under theinfinitiveending-i,though the imperative, conditional, and a single active and passive participle (-antaand-ita) remain
  • Shift from copula-plus-adjective to verb, for exampleboniinstead ofesti bona.This usage also exists in standard Esperanto.[13]

In an earlier version, the letterŭwas replaced withw,but the more recent version uses the same Alpha bet as regular Esperanto.[6]


While most Esperantidos aim to simplify Esperanto,Poliespo( "polysyntheticEsperanto ",c. 1993) makes it considerably more complex. Besides the polysynthetic morphology, it incorporates much of the phonology and vocabulary of theCherokee language.It has fourteen vowels, six of themnasalized,and threetones.

Esperantidoj for amusement[edit]

There are also extensions of Esperanto created primarily for amusement.


One of the more unorthodox Esperantidoj, grammatically, isUniversal(1923–1928).[14]It adds aschwato break up consonant clusters, marks the accusative case with a nasal vowel, hasinclusive and exclusive pronouns,uses partialreduplicationfor the plural (tablo"table",tatablo"tables" ), and inversion forantonyms(mega"big",gema"little";donu"give",nodu"receive";tela"far",leta"near" ). Inversion can be seen in:

Al gefinu o fargu kaj la egnifu o grafu.
He finished reading [lit.'to read'] and she started to write.

The antonyms areal"he" andla"she" (compareli"s/he" ), thege-(completive) andeg-(inchoative)aspects,fin-"to finish" andnif-"to begin", andgraf-"to write" andfarg-"to read".

TheUniversalreduplicated plural and inverted antonyms are reminiscent of the musical languageSolresol.


Esperant'(c. 1998)[15]is a style of speech that twists but does not quite violate the grammar of Esperanto.

The changes are morphological:

  • The nominal suffix-ois removed, as in poetry.Knabobecomesknab'.
  • The plural ending-ojis replaced with the collective suffix-ar-.Knabojbecomesknabar'.
  • Adjectives lose their-asuffixes and combine with their head nouns.Bela knabinobecomesbelknabin'.
  • In direct objects, the accusative suffix-nis replaced with the prepositionje.Knabonbecomesje knab'.
  • Verbs become nouns, and their erstwhile tense and mood suffixes move elsewhere:
    • This may be an adverb orprepositional phrase:donu hodiaŭbecomeshodiaŭu don',andestas en la ĉielobecomesest' ĉielas.
    • If the verb contains avalencysuffix, this may detach from the verb:fariĝubecomesiĝu far'.
    • If none of these options is available,jenmay be used as a placeholder:amasbecomesjenas am'.The choice of where the tense suffix ends up is largely a stylistic choice.
  • Subjects of the erstwhile verb take the prepositiondeif nouns, or become possessives if pronouns:knabo amasbecomesam' de knab',andkiu estasbecomeskies est'.
  • The articlelabecomesl'whenever the preceding word ends in a vowel.


Boys love the pretty girl.
Esperanto: Knabojamasla belanknabinon.
Esperant':Jenasam' deknabar' jel'belknabin'.

Literally, "Behold love of group of boys to the prettygirl."

See theEsperant'Pater nosterbelow.

Esperanto specializations[edit]

There are various projects to adapt Esperanto to specialized uses.Esperanto de DLT(1983) is one; it was an adaptation of Esperanto as apivot languageformachine translation.

Esperantidoj used in literature[edit]

Esperanto has little in the way of theslang,dialecticalvariation, orarchaismsfound in natural languages. Several authors have felt a need for such variation, either for effect in original literature, or to translate such variation from national literature.


Occasionally, reform projects have been used by Esperanto authors to play the role of dialects, for example standard Esperanto and Ido to translate a play written in two dialects of Italian.

La Sociolekta Triopo[edit]

Halvelik (1973) createdPopido[eo]( "Popular Idiom" ) to play the role of a substandardregisterof Esperanto that, among other things, does away with much of Esperanto's inflectional system. For example, standard Esperanto

Redonu al tiu viro lian pafilon.
"Give that man back his gun."

is in Popido,

Redonu al tu vir la pistol.

( "la" is the Popido equivalent of "lia"; the article in Popido is "lo" )

In 1969, he published part I of the Sociolekto Triopo,Arkaika Esperantoto serve as equivalent toMiddle English,Middle High Germanand the like.

Aslangcompletes the trio, calledGavaro[eo].

Archaism and Arcaicam Esperantom[edit]

Proto-Esperantowould theoretically fulfill the need for archaism, but too little survives for it to be used extensively, thoughGeraldo Mattosmade some sonnets.[16] Several items of the lexicon have become archaic.[17] In 1931Kalman Kalocsaypublished a translation[18]of theFuneral Sermon and Prayer,the first Hungarian text (12th century), in which he created fictitious archaic forms as though Esperanto were a Romance language deriving fromVulgar Latin.

Manuel Halvelikwent further in 1969 with a book onArcaicam Esperantom. Initially he studies the problem of introduced archaism and mentions earlier trials such asAndré Cherpillod's 1998 translation of a 1743 French treatise on defecation using non-standard spellings withq,w,x,ſ,[19]Ottó Haszpra's translationLa Enfermita Reĝedzinowith accents andgeminatedconsonants,[20] Lastly, he lays out the grammar of a fictitious ancestor of modern Esperanto. It echoes Proto-Esperanto in a more complex set of inflections, includingdativeandgenitive casesending in-dand-esand separate verbal inflections for person and number, as well as "retention" ofdigraphssuch asphandtz,writingcfor[k],and the use of the lettersq,w,x,y.

Comparison of Esperanto, Internasia, Ido,Esperant',andArcaicam Esperantom[edit]

The EsperantoPater nosterfollows, compared to the Internasia, Ido,Esperant'andArcaicam Esperantomversions.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Pitt, Arnold D. N. (1987)."The Spelling of Esperanto".Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society.p. 13.ISSN0950-9585.Archived fromthe originalon 9 March 2013.
  2. ^Some of the more common letter substitutions are:[1]
    • The English and French values ofts,w,andyforc,ŭ,andj,and either Englishzhandjor Frenchjanddjforĵandĝ
    • Xforĥ,reflecting its use inSpanishand theIPA;other proposalsfollow common usageand eliminate the rare letterĥentirely, and usexforksandkz
    • Quforkv
    • Single letters for the fricatives and digraphs for the affricates. Generally in such proposalsjanddjstand in forĵandĝ([ʒ]and[]). Forŝandĉ([ʃ]and[]), there are two principal approaches, eithercorxforŝand therefore eithertcortxforĉ.Thec, tcapproach is reminiscent of Frenchch, tchfor the same values, while thex, txapproach is found inBasqueand to a lesser extent inCatalanandPortuguese(withtxin native Brazilian names).
  3. ^Utis [Οὖτις]."About Romániço".Romániço: international linguaģo.Retrieved2021-10-27.
  4. ^Libert, Alan (2008).Daughters of Esperanto.Lincom Europa.ISBN9783895867484.
  5. ^"Romániço Alphabet and Pronunciation".romaniczo.Retrieved2021-10-27.
  6. ^ab"Esperanto sen fleksio".Archived fromthe originalon 2013-12-30.Retrieved2013-12-29.
  7. ^Kennaway, Richard;Some Internet resources relating to constructed languages;7 January 2005; retrieved on 29 July 2008
  8. ^Esperanto sen FleksioArchived2008-03-31 at theWayback Machine;Allverbs; retrieved on 29 July 2008
  9. ^МОВЫ СВЕТУArchived2013-12-30 at theWayback Machine;Languages of the world; retrieved on 29 July 2008
  10. ^Libert, Alan (2008).Daughters of Esperanto.Lincom.ISBN978-3895867484.
  11. ^Harrison, Rick (2004)."Esperanto sen Fleksio".Artificial Language Lab.Archived fromthe originalon 16 July 2012.
  12. ^Desquilbet, Jérôme (25 November 2004)."Esperanto sen Fleksio"(in French). Archived fromthe originalon 4 October 2011.
  13. ^Piron, Claude."Evolution Is Proof of Life".claudepiron.free.fr.Retrieved2023-03-08.
  14. ^Universal
  15. ^"Lernu je Esperant'".Meeuw.org. 1999-05-17.Retrieved2013-10-01.
  16. ^Halvelik 2010,p. 18.
  17. ^"Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto 2020".vortaro.net(in Esperanto). 2020.Retrieved9 June2021.Search for words marked as archaic ("ark.").
  18. ^Elektronika Bulteno de EASLincludes the short storyLa Mezepoka EsperantofromLingvo Stilo Formo,2nd cheap edition,Kalman Kalocsay,Budapest,Literatura Mondo,1931.
  19. ^Halvelik, Manuel (2010).Arkaika Esperanto(PDF)(in Esperanto). pp. 13–14, 18.Retrieved9 June2021.
  20. ^Halvelik 2010,pp. 13, 18.