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Rosa pendulina

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Rosa pendulina
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Rosa
R. pendulina
Binomial name
Rosa pendulina
    • Ozanonia alpina(L.ex Hartm.) Gand.
    • Ripartia pyrenaicaGand.
    • Rosa adenophoraKit.
    • Rosa adjectaD‚s‚gl.
    • Rosa affinisSternb.
    • Rosa alpinaL.
    • Rosa alpinavar.aculeataSer.
    • Rosa alpinasubsp.aculeata(Ser.) Arcang.
    • Rosa alpinavar.adjecta(D‚s‚gl.) Nyman
    • Rosa alpinavar.bordereanaRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.glandulosa(Bellardi ex Ser.) Nyman
    • Rosa alpinavar.globosaDesv.
    • Rosa alpinavar.gratianopolitanaRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.heterophyllaRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.humilisRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.intermediaGren.
    • Rosa alpinavar.laevisSer.
    • Rosa alpinasubsp.laevis(Ser.) Arcang.
    • Rosa alpinavar.lagenaria(Vill.) Ser.
    • Rosa alpinavar.lamotteanaRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.latifoliaSer.
    • Rosa alpinavar.lixoniensisRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.macroacanthaRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.macrophyllaHagenb.
    • Rosa alpinavar.monspeliaca(Gouan) Steud.
    • Rosa alpinasubsp.monspeliaca(Gouan) Nyman
    • Rosa alpinavar.montisludoviciRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.noricaJ.B.Keller
    • Rosa alpinavar.nudaGren.
    • Rosa alpinavar.nudipesRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.ovoideaRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.pendulina(L.) Loisel. & Michel
    • Rosa alpinavar.provincialisRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.pseudopyrenaicaRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.pubescensGren.
    • Rosa alpinavar.pyrenaica(Gouan) Ser.
    • Rosa alpinasubsp.pyrenaica(Gouan) Nyman
    • Rosa alpinavar.rotundifoliaBoullu
    • Rosa alpinavar.setosaSer.
    • Rosa alpinavar.subglobosaRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.sublaevisRouy
    • Rosa alpinavar.vestitaGren.
    • Rosa alpiniformisHaynald ex Borb s
    • Rosa aucuparioidesDebeaux
    • Rosa balcanicaDimitrov
    • Rosa balsameaKit.
    • Rosa brandisiiJ.B.Keller ex Wiesb.
    • Rosa cinnamomeaL.
    • Rosa cinnamomeavar.globosaDesv.
    • Rosa coccialbaKmet
    • Rosa croaticaKit. ex Kanitz
    • Rosa detonsaDebeaux
    • Rosa diplacantha(Borb s) Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa filispinaDebeaux
    • Rosa glandulosaBellardi
    • Rosa hybridaVill.
    • Rosa inermisTurra
    • Rosa × intercalarisD‚s‚gl.
    • Rosa laevis(Ser.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.
    • Rosa lagenariaVill.
    • Rosa majalisvar.globosa(Desv.) P.V.Heath
    • Rosa × malyiA.Kern.
    • Rosa monspeliacaGouan
    • Rosa odoratissimaScop.
    • Rosa pendulaSalisb.
    • Rosa pendulaRoth
    • Rosa pendulinavar.aculeata(Ser.) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.adenophora(Kit.) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.alpina(L. ex Hartm.) Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa pendulinavar.balsamea(Kit.) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.borbasiiR.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.bosniaca(J.B.Keller & Wiesb.) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.croatica(Kit.) Borb s
    • Rosa pendulinavar.curtidens(H.Christ) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.ebelii(Heinr.Braun) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinasubsp.ebeliiHeinr.Braun
    • Rosa pendulinavar.globosa(Desv.) Hayek
    • Rosa pendulinavar.imhoofiiR.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.intercalaris(D‚s‚gl.) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.intermedia(Gren.) C.Vicioso
    • Rosa pendulinavar.laevis(Ser.) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.lagenaria(Vill.) Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa pendulinasubsp.mediterraneaKl št.
    • Rosa pendulinavar.norica(J.B.Keller) Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa pendulinavar.opacaChrshan.
    • Rosa pendulinavar.ovoidea(Rouy) C.Vicioso
    • Rosa pendulinavar.popoviiChrshan.
    • Rosa pendulinavar.pseudopyrenaica(Rouy) C.Vicioso
    • Rosa pendulinavar.pubescens(W.D.J.Koch) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.pyrenaica(Gouan) Fiori
    • Rosa pendulinavar.rupestrisCrantz ex Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa pendulinavar.scabriuscula(H.Christ) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.setosa(Ser.) R.Keller
    • Rosa pendulinavar.sternbergii(Heinr.Braun) Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa pendulinavar.sublaevis(Rouy) C.Vicioso
    • Rosa pimpinellifoliasubsp.alpinaL. ex Hartm.
    • Rosa pyrenaicaGouan
    • Rosa recurvaKit.
    • Rosa reversaW.D.J.Koch
    • Rosa rubrifoliavar.glandulosaBellardi ex Ser.
    • Rosa rupestrisCrantz
    • Rosa semisimplex(Borb s) Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa semisimplexvar.adenophora(Kit.) Borb s ex R.Keller
    • Rosa setosa(Ser.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.
    • Rosa stenodonta(Borb s) Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa tenuiflora(Borb s) Heinr.Braun
    • Rosa turbinataVill.
    • Rosa villarsiiTratt. ex Link

Rosa pendulina,(syn.Rosa alpina), theAlpine roseormountain rose,is a species of wildrosefound in the mountains of central and southern Europe. It appears to have survived inglacial refugiain the Alps and Carpathians, and spread out from there.[4]A climbing shrub with deep pink flowers and relatively few thorns, it has had a history of cultivation as an ornamental plant.

Botanical illustration



Rosa pendulinais a climbing (or rambling) shrub between 0.5 and 2m, rarely 3m tall. The flowers are typically semi-doubled and deep pink to fuchsia, brightening towards the center. It can be distinguished from other members of its genus by its relative lack of thorns (prickles), especially higher up on the plant, its oblong fruits (hips) which hang downwards (are pendulous, hence the specific epithet), its hispid peduncles and petioles, and its smooth stems and branches.[5]The chromosome number is 4n = 28.[6]

Ripe hips



It prefers to grow in relatively warmer, shadier, and wetter areas alongside streams, in openings in forests, or on rock piles, between 350 and 2,500m above sea level.[1]

It is mostly found in the subalpine zone of the mountains of Central and Southern Europe: thePyrenees,theMassif Central,theAlps(at elevations of up to 2300–2600m in the various parts of the range), throughout theCarpathians(up to 1800m in theTatras), in Czechia and adjacent areas of Germany and Poland, in theApenninesand in the mountains of theBalkan Peninsula(at elevations of 1000–2500m in Bulgaria).[7][8][9]

It has been introduced toNew Englandand can be found growing as a garden escapee elsewhere.



Often called by its synonymRosa alpina,the Alpine rose has been in cultivation for hundreds of years (c.1683), with many varieties that are practically forgotten today.[10][11][12]It has contributed genetically to an unknown, but large, number of extant rose cultivars.[13]It flowers early, has a pleasing, strong fragrance, and is nearly thornless, all desirable traits for rose breeders. An undesirable trait is that it has weakpedicelssupporting the flowers, which leads to the pendulous habit of the fruits. It is hardy toUSDA Zone 4a.



Numerous varieties (and even subspecies) were described forR. pendulinaandR. alpina(see list of synonyms), but these have all been collapsed intoR. pendulina.



Rosa pendulinais said to be the parent of a number of hybrids.



Many of these cultivars are quite old and would be assessed differently usingmodern standards.Rose fanciers tended to call all sports,chance seedlings,regional variants, natural hybrids, and artificial hybrids "varieties" rather than "cultivars". Some, such as the Boursault roses, would probably be consideredGroupstoday. Simply having someR. pendulinaancestry, such as with theMoomin rose(Rosa'Tove Jansson'), does not make a rose a cultivar ofR. pendulina.

  • 'Amadis' (Crimson Boursault. The Boursaults are said to beR. chinensis×R. pendulinawith some uncertainty)[25][26]: 7 
  • 'Bourgogne'[27]
  • 'Calypso' (Blush Boursault)[28]
  • 'Harstad'[29]
  • 'Inermis', also called 'Morletti' or 'Morlettii'[28][26]: 166 
  • 'Mount Everest'[26]: 259 
  • 'Nana'[30]
  • 'Plena'[31](could be 'Inermis')


  1. ^ab"IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Alpen-Rose".IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.August 2013.
  2. ^Sp. Pl.1:492. 1753
  3. ^"Rosa pendulina L."The Plant List.
  4. ^Daneck, Hana; Fér, Tomáš; Marhold Fls, Karol (2016)."Glacial survival in northern refugia? Phylogeography of the temperate shrubRosa pendulinaL. (Rosaceae): AFLP vs. Chloroplast DNA variation ".Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.119(3): 704–718.doi:10.1111/bij.12619.
  5. ^ Wilkes, John (1827).Encyclopædia Londinensis, Vol 22.p. 374.
  6. ^Bojnanský, Vít; Fargašová, Agáta (7 November 2007).Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East-European Flora: The Carpathian Mountains Region.p. 257.ISBN9781402053610.
  7. ^Kurtto, Arto; Lampinen, Raino; Junikka, Leo (2004).Atlas florae Europaeae, distribution of vascular plants in Europe. 13: Rosaceae (Spiraea to Fragaria, excl. Rubus).Helsinki: Committee for mapping the flora of Europe and Societas Biologica Fennica. pp. 55–56.ISBN978-951-9108-14-8.
  8. ^Meusel, Hermann; Jäger, E.; Weinert, E. (1965).Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora.Vol. [Band I]. Jena: Fischer. T535, K224.
  9. ^Dimitrov, Stojan (1973). "Shipka – Rosa L.". In Vǎlev, Stoju; Asenov, Ivan (eds.).Flora na Narodna Republika Bǎlgarija(in Bulgarian). Vol. V. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. pp. 158–59.
  10. ^Harkness, Peter (2003).The Rose: An Illustrated History.p. 101.ISBN9781552977873.
  11. ^Wilson, Ernest Henry (1917).Aristocrats of the Garden.p. 12.ISBN9781429012928.
  12. ^Harrison, Joseph (1851).The Floricultural Cabinet and Florist's Magazine.London: Whittaker and Co. p. 154.
  13. ^Raymond, Olivier; Gouzy, Jérôme; Just, Jérémy; Badouin, Hélène; Verdenaud, Marion; Lemainque, Arnaud; Vergne, Philippe; Moja, Sandrine; Choisne, Nathalie; Pont, Caroline; Carrère, Sébastien; Caissard, Jean-Claude; Couloux, Arnaud; Cottret, Ludovic; Aury, Jean-Marc; Szécsi, Judit; Latrasse, David; Madoui, Mohammed-Amin; François, Léa; Fu, Xiaopeng; Yang, Shu-Hua; Dubois, Annick; Piola, Florence; Larrieu, Antoine; Perez, Magali; Labadie, Karine; Perrier, Lauriane; Govetto, Benjamin; Labrousse, Yoan; et al. (2018)."TheRosagenome provides new insights into the domestication of modern roses ".Nature Genetics.50(6): 772–777.doi:10.1038/s41588-018-0110-3.PMC5984618.PMID29713014.
  14. ^Bulletin de la Société Botanique de Genève 7: 147. 1894
  15. ^Fl. Fr., 6: 410. 1900
  16. ^Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubünd., N.F., 31, Beil.: 58. 1889
  17. ^Fl. Nieder-Österr.: 776. 1892 (non Chabert in Cariot, 1865; nom. inval.)
  18. ^Mém. Soc. Acad. Maine Loire 28: 104. 1873
  19. ^Fl. Fr., 6: 408. 1900
  20. ^Redouté, P.J. Les Roses 3: 21. 1824
  21. ^Descr. Icon. Pl. Hung. 3: 293–294, t. 264. 1810-11
  22. ^Bull. Soc. Haller. 3: 178. 1853
  23. ^Ess. Monogr. Ros. Frib.: 8. 1818
  24. ^Fl. Als., 1: 247. 1852
  25. ^Botanica's Roses: Over 1,000 Pages & over 2,000 Roses Listed.2000. p. 607.ISBN9781571456618.
  26. ^abcShepherd, Roy E.; Meikle, Catherine E.; Rowley, Gordon (1958).Modern Roses V: A Concise Descriptive List of All Roses in Commerce or of Historical or Botanical Importance.Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: J. Horace McFarland Company in Cooperation with The American Rose Society.
  27. ^Schneider, Peter (14 December 2012).Right Rose, Right Place: 3509 Perfect Choices for Beds, Borders, Hedges, and Screens, Containers, Fences, Trellises, and More.p. 46.ISBN9781603420471.
  28. ^abThe Plantsman.1984. p. 123.
  29. ^"Rosa pendulina'Harstad'".Retrieved25 May2020.Tentatively accepted name
  30. ^"Rosa pendulina'Nana'".Retrieved25 May2020.
  31. ^"Rosa pendulina'Plena'".Retrieved30 May2020.Name Status Unchecked