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Coordinates:35°46′10″N10°49′31″E/ 35.7694°N 10.8253°E/35.7694; 10.8253
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Ruspinawas aPhoenician,CarthaginianandRomantown located inMonastir,Tunisia,situated in Roman times inAfrica propria,and mentioned byPliny the ElderandPtolemy.[1]


ThePhoenicianandPunicnameršpn(𐤓‬𐤔‬𐤐𐤍) orršpnt(𐤓‬𐤔‬𐤐𐤍𐤕) seems to mean "AngleCape".[2]It was used for the cape and hills at the south end of theBay of Hammametand for the main settlement near the cape.[2]The Punic name was variouslyhellenizedasRhouspînon(Greek:Ῥουσπῖνον),[3]Rhouspino,(Ῥουσπίνῳ),[4]Rhouspína(Ῥουσπίνα),[5]orRhoúspina(Ῥούσπινα)[6]but consistentlylatinizedas Ruspina.[2]


The exact location of the city is uncertain. Nathan Davis believes it was located at modern dayMonastir.Multiple tombs and ruins have been discovered in this city that may have been part of Ruspina.[7]


TheCarthaginiantown came underRomanhegemony after thePunic Wars.In 46BC, the town was the first in Africa to ally itself withJulius Caesarduringhis civil war.[8]The same year, theBattle of Ruspinawas a victory forPompey's allyT. Labienus.



  1. ^Macbean, A.(1773).A Dictionary of Ancient Geography: Explaining the Local Appellations in Sacred, Grecian, and Roman History.London: G. Robinson. p.14.OCLC6478604.Africa propria (Pliny's Natural History).
  2. ^abcHuss (2006).
  3. ^Strabo,Geogr.,Book XVII, Ch. iii, §12.
  4. ^Strabo, Geography,§17.3.12
  5. ^Ptol.,Geogr.,Book IV, Ch. iii, §9.
  6. ^Cass. Dio,Rom. Hist.,Book XLII, Ch. lviii, §4.
  7. ^Davis, Nathan (1862-01-01).Ruined Cities Within Numidian and Carthaginian Territories.J. Murray.
  8. ^Jul. Caes.,Bell. Afr.,Book VI, §7, and Book IX, §1.


  • Huss, Werner(2006), "Ruspina",Brill's New Pauly Encyclopedia of the Ancient World,Leiden: Brill.

35°46′10″N10°49′31″E/ 35.7694°N 10.8253°E/35.7694; 10.8253