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Russian cursive

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Text written by a foreign student in Russian cursive. The text is called Встреча в Бразилии (meeting in Brazil).

Russian cursiveis a variant of the Russian Alpha bet used for writing by hand. It is typically referred to as(ру́сский) рукопи́сный шрифт(rússky) rukopísny shrift,"(Russian) handwritten font". It is the handwritten form of the modernRussianCyrillic script,used instead of theblock lettersseen in printed material. In addition, Russianitalicsfor lowercase letters are often based on Russian cursive (such as lowercaseт,which resembles Latinm). Most handwritten Russian, especially in personal letters and schoolwork, uses the cursive Alpha bet. In Russian schools most children are taught from first grade how to write with this script.


Aukasewritten in the 17th-century Russian chancery cursive

The Russian (and Cyrillic in general) cursive was developed during the 18th century on the base of the earlier Cyrillictachygraphicwriting (ско́ропись,skoropis,"rapid or running script" ), which in turn was the 14th–17th-centurychancery handof the earlier Cyrillicbookhandscripts (calledustavandpoluustav). It became the handwritten counterpart of so-called "civil"(orPetrine) printed script of books. In order[clarification needed],modern Cyrillicitalictypefaces are based (in their lowercase part) mostly on the cursive shape of the letters.

18th-century Russian italic font, note unusual "square" minusculeв

The resulting cursive bears many similarities with the Latin cursive.[1]For example, the modern Russian cursive letter "п"may coincide with Latin cursive" n "(𝓃) (despite having completely different sound values); both upright and italic printed typefaces demonstrate less similarity.

One must not confuse the historical Russian chancery hand (ско́ропись,skóropis'), the contemporary Russian cursive (рукопи́сное письмо́,rukopísnoe pis'mó) and the contemporary Russianstenography.The latter is completely different from the other two, though it is sometimes calledско́ропись,skóropis',like the former.


Russian cursive is much like contemporary English and other Latin cursives. But unlike Latin handwriting, which can range from fully cursive to heavily resembling the printed typefaces and where idiosyncratic mixed systems are most common, it is standard practice to write in Russian cursive almost exclusively.


There exists some ambiguity from the fact that several lowercase cursive letters consist (entirely or in part) of the element that is identical to the dotless Latin cursive letterı,the cursive Greek letterιor a half of the cursive letteru,namelyи, л, м, ш, щ, ы.Therefore, certain combinations of these Russian letters cannot be unambiguously deciphered without knowing the language or without a broader context. For example, in the wordsволшебник,"magician" andдомик,"little house" the combinationsлшandмиare written identically. The wordлишишь,"you will deprive" written in cursive consists almost exclusively of these elements. There are examples of different words that become absolutely identical in their cursive form, e.g.мщу"I avenge" andлицу(dative ofлицо"face" ). The most radical form of this, though not well known, is the Tajik wordмиллииmeaning 'national'. It consists only of these elements.

Some words in Russian may pose a challenge due to the similarities between the letters Ш, Щ, И, Л, М in cursive.

The word решили (reshili), which means "they decided", or "it was decided". In red, a decomposition of the handwritten text showing the block letter equivalent.

Variants, use of diacritics[edit]

A signature ofFyodor Dostoevskyshowing a stylized macron above the ⟨т⟩ in "Достоевскій"

In some forms of cursive, the distinction betweenтandшmay become elusive because both are written in the shapes of eithermorɯ.To alleviate this case of ambiguity, ahorizontal barcan be written above the character (likeor rarelyɯ̅) if it isт,or below (likeɯ̲or rarely) if it isш.Also, writingтin its printed form (theTshape) rather than its usualmshape is common.

The letterдmay also be written in the shape ofor.

Differences to Serbian and Macedonian cursives[edit]

Several letters in Russian cursive are different from the cursive used in theSerbianandMacedonianlanguages. Thus, Serbian/Macedonian cursive lowercase г looks the same as in Russian with additional macron, п is written like the cursive Latinuwith macron (ū), and the letter т is written in the shape ofɯ̅.[2][3]


See also[edit]


  1. ^Белоконь, Е. А. (2001).Характеристика почерков XVIII-XIX вв. и термины в описаниях собраний рукописей[Characteristic handwriting XVIII-XIX centuries. and terms in descriptions of manuscript collections].Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины: специальные функции и гуманитарные перспективы; тезисы докладов и сообщений XIII научной конференции[Auxiliary Historical Disciplines: Special Functions and Humanitarian Perspectives; Abstracts of Reports and Communications of the XIII Scientific Conference] (in Russian). Moscow.Термины «скоропись» и «курсив» в русской палеографии применяются параллельно, в то же время, в развитии русской скорописи намечаются тенденции, позволяющие выделить новый тип письма, схожий с латинским курсивным письмом, близким к современному. Если в частной сфере применения и в каллиграфии быстрее произошел переход к использованию курсивного письма, то в делопроизводственной традиции эти типы письма довольно долго сосуществовали.
    ≈ "Terms 'tachygraphy' and 'cursive' coexist in the Russian palaeography; meanwhile, in the development of the Russian tachygraphy there are tendencies that allow us to separate a new type of writing, one closer to the Latin cursive similar to its modern form. In the private sphere and in calligraphy, transition to the cursive writing occurred faster, but in the tradition of record keeping, these types of writing coexisted for a long time.
    {{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  2. ^Peshikan, Mitar; Jerković, Jovan; Pižurica, Mato (1994).Pravopis srpskoga jezika.Beograd: Matica Srpska. p. 42.ISBN86-363-0296-X.
  3. ^Pravopis na makedonskiot jazik(PDF).Skopje: Institut za makedonski jazik Krste Misirkov. 2017. p. 3.ISBN978-608-220-042-2.