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TheSQL/MED( "Management of External Data" ) extension to theSQLstandard is defined byISO/IEC 9075-9:2008 (originally defined for SQL:2003). SQL/MED provides extensions to SQL that define foreign-data wrappers and datalink types to allow SQL to manage externaldata.External data is data that is accessible to, but not managed by, an SQL-basedDBMS.This standard can be used in the development offederated database systems.


  • PostgreSQLhas support for some SQL/MED since version 9.1.[1][2]
  • LucidDBhas support for SQL/MED.[3]
  • MariaDBhas support for SQL/MED with the CONNECT storage engine.[4]The implementation uses different syntax than the official standard.
  • Farragohas support for SQL/MED.[5]
  • IBM Db2has support for SQL/MED.[6]
  • Teiidhas support for SQL/MED.[7]
  • Microsoft SQL Serverhas internal support for SQL/MED. DATALINK is provided by the FILESTREAM[8](SQL Server 2008) and FileTable (SQL Server 2012) functionnalities and external data wrapper by the EXTERNAL TABLEs and PolyBase[9]

See also


