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SQL:2011orISO/IEC 9075:2011(under the general title "Information technology – Database languages – SQL" ) is the seventh revision of theISO(1987) andANSI(1986) standard for theSQLdatabasequery language.It was formally adopted in December 2011.[1]The standard consists of 9 parts which are described in detail inSQL. The next version isSQL:2016.

New features[edit]

One of the main new features is improved support fortemporal databases.[2][3]Language enhancements for temporal data definition and manipulation include:

  • Time period definitionsuse two standard table columns as the start and end of a named time period, withclosed set-open setsemantics. This provides compatibility with existing data models, application code, and tools
  • Definition ofapplication time period tables(elsewhere calledvalid timetables), using thePERIODFORannotation
  • Update and deletion of application time rows withautomatic time period splitting
  • Temporalprimary keysincorporating application time periods with optional non-overlapping constraints via theWITHOUTOVERLAPSclause
  • Temporalreferential integrityconstraints for application time tables
  • Application time tables are queried using regular query syntax or using newtemporal predicatesfor time periods includingCONTAINS,OVERLAPS,EQUALS,PRECEDES,SUCCEEDS,IMMEDIATELYPRECEDES,andIMMEDIATELYSUCCEEDS(which are modified versions ofAllen’s interval relations)
  • Definition ofsystem-versioned tables(elsewhere calledtransaction timetables), using thePERIODFORSYSTEM_TIMEannotation andWITHSYSTEMVERSIONINGmodifier. System time periods are maintained automatically. Constraints for system-versioned tables are not required to be temporal and are only enforced on current rows
  • Syntax fortime-slicedandsequencedqueries on system time tables via theASOFSYSTEMTIMEandVERSIONSBETWEENSYSTEMTIME...AND...clauses
  • Application time and system versioning can be used together to providebitemporaltables

Support in database management systems[edit]

SAP HANA2.0 SP03 supports system-versioned tables[4]using the standard select syntaxFORSYSTEM_TIMEASOF'<timestamp1>'[5]SAP HANA2.0 SP04 adds (partial) support for application-time versioning[6]

IBM DB2version 10 claims to be the first database to have a conforming implementation of this feature in what they call "Time Travel Queries",[7][8]although they use the alternative syntaxFORSYSTEM_TIMEASOF.

OracleOracle 12c supports temporal functionality in compliance with SQL:2011.[9]Versions 10g and 11g implement thetime-slicedqueries in what they callFlashback Queries,using the alternative syntaxASOFTIMESTAMP.[10]Notably both of Oracle's implementations depend on the databasetransaction logand so only allow temporal queries against recent changes which are still being retained for backup.

Microsoft SQL Server(version 2016) implements temporal tables withSYSTEM_VERSIONING.[11]

MariaDB10.3 implements system-versioned tables.[12]MariaDB 10.4.3 added support for application-versioned tables.[13]

PostgreSQLrequires installation of thetemporal_tables extension.Temporal Tables Extension supports the system-period temporal tables only, but does not follow the SQL:2011 design.

EbeanORM supports History AS OF and VERSIONS BETWEEN queries on PostgreSQL andMySQLusingtriggers, history tables and views.

CockroachDBhas supportedASOFSYSTEMTIMEqueries since at leastv1.0.7.[14][15]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Paulley (December 16, 2011), "SQL:2011 is published",IA,Sybase, archived fromthe original(blog)on July 11, 2012
  2. ^Zemke, Fred. "What's new in SQL:2011".ACM SIGMOD Record 41.1 (2012): 67-73
  3. ^Kulkarni, Krishna, and Jan-Eike Michels. "Temporal features in SQL: 2011".ACM SIGMOD Record 41.3 (2012): 34-43
  4. ^"SAP Help Portal".
  5. ^"SAP Help Portal".
  6. ^"SAP Help Portal".
  7. ^"Data management".IBM.
  8. ^"Data management".IBM.
  9. ^http:// oracle /webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/db/12c/r1/ilm/temporal/temporal.html[bare URL]
  10. ^"Database SQL Reference".
  11. ^"Temporal Tables - SQL Server".16 October 2023.
  12. ^"Changes & Improvements in MariaDB 10.3".
  13. ^"Application-Time Periods".
  14. ^"AS OF SYSTEM TIME | CockroachDB Docs".
  15. ^"Time-Travel Queries: SELECT witty_subtitle FROM THE FUTURE".Cockroach Labs.22 June 2016.

External links[edit]