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Cavalry saber from the early 19th century
Service history
WarsEarly Modern warfare,Ottoman Wars,Napoleonic Wars,American Revolution,American Civil War,Franco-Prussian War,Philippine Revolution,Spanish–American War,Philippine–American War,World War I,Polish–Soviet War,World War II
Production history
ProducedEarly modern period

Asabre(French:[ˈsabʁ],orsaberinAmerican English) is a type ofbackswordwith a curved blade associated with thelight cavalryof theearly modernandNapoleonicperiods. Originally associated with Central European cavalry such as thehussars,the sabre became widespread in Western Europe during theThirty Years' War.Lighter sabres also became popular with infantry of the early 17th century. In the 19th century, models with less curving blades became common and were also used byheavy cavalry.

The military sabre was used as aduellingweapon inacademic fencingin the 19th century, giving rise to a discipline of modernsabre fencing(introduced in the1896 Summer Olympics) loosely based on the characteristics of the historical weapon in that it allows for cuts as well as thrusts.



The Englishsabreis recorded from the 1670s, as a direct loan from French, where thesabreis an alteration ofsable,which was in turn loaned from GermanSäbel,Sabelin the 1630s. The German word is on record from the 15th century, loaned from Polishszabla,which was itself adopted from Hungarianszabla(14th century, laterszablya).[1] The spread of the Hungarian word to neighboring European languages took place in the context of theOttoman wars in Europeof the 15th to 17th centuries. The spellingsaberbecame common inAmerican Englishin the second half of the 19th century.[2]

The origin of the Hungarian word is unclear. It may itself be a loan from South Slavic (Serbo-Croatiansablja,Common Slavic*sabľa), which would ultimately derive from aTurkicsource.[3]In a more recent suggestion, the Hungarian word may ultimately derive from aTungusicsource, viaKipchak Turkicselebe,with later metathesis (ofl-btob-l) and apocope changed to*seble,which would have changed its vocalisation in Hungarian to the recordedsabla,perhaps under the influence of the Hungarian wordszab-"to crop; cut (into shape)".[4]





Thoughsingle-edged cutting swordsalready existed in the Ancient world, such as the ancient Egyptian and Sumeriansickle swords,these (usually forward instead of backward curving) weapons were chopping weapons for foot soldiers. This type of weapon developed into such heavy chopping weapons as the GreekMachairaand Anatolian Drepanon, and it still survives as the heavyKukrichopping knife of theGurkhas.However, in ancient China foot soldiers and cavalry often used a straight, single edged sword, and in the sixth century CE a longer, slightly curved cavalry variety of this weapon appeared in southern Siberia. This "proto-sabre" (theTurko-Mongol sabre) had developed into the true cavalry sabre by the eight century CE, and by the ninth century, it had become the usual side arm on the Eurasian steppes. The sabre arrived in Europe with theMagyarsand theTurkic expansion.[5][6][7]These oldest sabres had a slight curve, short, down-turnedquillons,the grip facing the opposite direction to the blade and a sharp point with the top third of the reverse edge sharpened.[8][9]

Early modern period

The Sword Dance(1890) byPaja Jovanović
Aszablaused byPolish Hussars,17th century

The introduction of the sabre proper in Western Europe, along with the termsabreitself, dates to the 17th century, via the influence of theszablatype ultimately derived from these medieval backswords. The adoption of the term is connected to the employment of Hungarianhussar(huszár) cavalry by Western European armies at the time.[citation needed]Hungarian hussars were employed aslight cavalry,with the role of harassing enemyskirmishers,overrunning artillery positions, and pursuing fleeing troops. In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, many Hungarian hussars fled to other Central and Western European countries and became the core of light cavalry formations created there.[10][unreliable source?]The Hungarian termszablyais ultimately traced to thenorthwestern Turkicselebe,with contamination from the Hungarian verbszab"to cut".[11]

The original type of sabre, or Polishszabla,was used as acavalryweapon, possibly inspired by Hungarian or widerTurco-Mongolwarfare.

Thekarabelawas a type ofszablapopular in the late 17th century, worn by thePolish–Lithuanian Commonwealthnobility class, theszlachta.While designed as a cavalry weapon, it also came to replace various types of straight-bladed swords used by infantry.[12]TheSwiss sabreoriginated as a regular sword with a single-edged blade in the early 16th century, but by the 17th century began to exhibit specialized hilt types.

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth


In the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (16th–18th century) a specific type of sabre-likemelee weapon,theszabla,was used. Richly decorated sabres were popular among thePolish nobility,who considered it to be one of the most important pieces of men's traditional attire. With time, the design of the sabre greatly evolved in the commonwealth and gave birth to a variety of sabre-like weapons, intended for many tasks. In the following centuries, the ideology ofSarmatismas well as the Polish fascination withOrientalcultures, customs, cuisine and warfare resulted in theszablabecoming an indispensable part of traditional Polish culture.

Modern use

A BritishHussargeneral with a scabbardedkilijof Turkish manufacture (1812)
Thebriquet,typical infantry sabre of theNapoleonic Wars
French Navy sabre of the 19th century, boarding sabre
Lieutenant ColonelTeófilo Marxuach's M1902 officer's sabre and scabbard at the National Historic Trust site atCastillo San CristóbalinSan Juan, Puerto Rico

The sabre saw extensive military use in the early 19th century, particularly in theNapoleonic Wars,during whichNapoleonused heavycavalrycharges to great effect against his enemies. Shorter versions of the sabre were also used as sidearms by dismounted units, although these were gradually replaced byfascine knivesandsword bayonetsas the century went on. Although there was extensive debate over the effectiveness of weapons such as the sabre andlance,the sabre remained the standard weapon of cavalry for mounted action in most armies untilWorld War Iand in a few armies untilWorld War II.Thereafter it was gradually relegated to the status of aceremonial weapon,and most horse cavalry was replaced byarmoured cavalryfrom the 1930s onward.

Where horse-mounted cavalry survived into World War II it was generally as mounted infantry without sabres. However the sabre was still carried by German cavalry until after the Polish campaign of 1939, after which this historic weapon was put into storage in 1941.[13] Romanian cavalry continued to carry their straight "thrusting" sabres on active service until at least 1941.[14][15]

Napoleonic era


Sabres were commonly used by the British in the Napoleonic era for light cavalry and infantry officers, as well as others. The elegant but effective 1803 pattern sword that the British Government authorized for use by infantry officers during the wars againstNapoleonfeatured a curved sabre blade which was often blued and engraved by the owner in accordance with his personal taste, and was based on the famously agile1796 light cavalry sabrethat was renowned for its brutal cutting power. Sabres were commonly used throughout this era by all armies, in much the same way that the British did.

The popularity of the sabre had rapidly increased in Britain throughout the 18th century for both infantry and cavalry use. This influence was predominately from southern and eastern Europe, with the Hungarians and Austrians listed as sources of influence for the sword and style of swordsmanship in British sources. The popularity of sabres had spread rapidly through Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries, and finally came to dominance as a military weapon in the British army in the 18th century, though straight blades remained in use by some, such as heavy cavalry units. (These were also replaced by sabres soon after the Napoleonic era).

The introduction of 'pattern' swords in the British army in 1788 led to a brief departure from the sabre in infantry use (though not for light cavalry), in favour of the lighter and straight bladedspadroon.The spadroon was universally unpopular, and many officers began to unofficially purchase and carry sabres once more. In 1799, the army accepted this under regulation for some units, and in 1803, produced a dedicated pattern of sabre for certain infantry officers (flank, rifle and staff officers). The 1803 pattern quickly saw much more widespread use than the regulation intended due to its effectiveness in combat, and fashionable appeal.

Pattern 1796 light cavalry sabre


The most famous British sabre of the Napoleonic era is the 1796 light cavalry model, used by troopers and officers alike (officers versions can vary a little, but are much the same as the pattern troopers sword). It was in part designed by the famousJohn Le Marchant,who worked to improve on the previous (1788) design based on his experience with the Austrians and Hungarians. Le Marchant also developed the first official British military sword exercise manual based on this experience, and his light cavalry sabre, and style of swordsmanship went on to heavily influence the training of the infantry and the navy.

The 1796 light cavalry sword was known for its brutal cutting power, easily severing limbs, and leading to the (unsubstantiated) myth that the French put in an official complaint to the British about its ferocity. This sword also saw widespread use with mounted artillery units, and the numerous militia units established in Britain to protect against a potential invasion by Napoleon.

Mameluke swords


Though the sabre had already become very popular in Britain, experience in Egypt did lead to a fashion trend formameluke swordstyle blades, a type of Middle Easternscimitar,by some infantry and cavalry officers. These blades differ from the more typical British ones in that they have more extreme curvatures, in that they are usually not fullered, and in that they taper to a finer point. Mameluke swords also gained some popularity in France as well.Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington,himself carried a mameluke-style sword. In 1831, the 'Mameluke' sword became the pattern sword for British generals, as well as officers of the United States Marine Corps; in this last capacity, it is still in such use at the present time.

United States


The American victory over the rebellious forces in the citadel ofTripoliin 1805, during theFirst Barbary War,led to the presentation of bejewelled examples of these swords to the senior officers of theUS Marines.Officers of the US Marine Corps still use a mameluke-pattern dress sword. Although some genuine Turkishkilijsabres were used by Westerners, most "mameluke sabres" were manufactured in Europe; although their hilts were very similar in form to the Ottoman prototype, their blades, even when an expandedyelmanwas incorporated, tended to be longer, narrower and less curved than those of the truekilij.

In theAmerican Civil War,the sabre was used infrequently as a weapon, but saw notable deployment in theBattle of Brandy Stationand at East Cavalry Field at theBattle of Gettysburgin 1863. Many cavalrymen—particularly on theConfederateside—eventually abandoned the long, heavy weapons in favour ofrevolversandcarbines.

The last sabre issued toUS cavalrywas thePatton saberof 1913, designed to be mounted to the cavalryman's saddle. The Patton saber is only a saber in name as it is a straight, thrust-centric sword. A US War Department circular dated 18 April 1934 announced that the saber would no longer be issued to cavalry, and that it was to be completely discarded for use as a weapon. Only dress sabers, for use by officers only, and strictly as a badge of rank, were to be retained.[16]



During the 19th and into the early 20th century, sabres were also used by both mounted and dismounted personnel in some European police forces. When the sabre was used bymounted policeagainst crowds, the results could be devastating, as portrayed in a key scene inDoctor Zhivago.The sabre was later phased out in favour of thebaton,or nightstick, for both practical and humanitarian reasons. TheGendarmerieof Belgium used them until at least 1950,[17]and the Swedish police forces until 1965.[18]

Dress uniform


Swords with sabre blades remain a component of thedress uniformsworn by most national army, navy, air force,marineandcoast guardofficers.Some militaries also issue ceremonial swords to their highest-rankingnon-commissioned officers;this is seen as an honour since, typically, non-commissioned,enlisted/other-rankmilitary service members are instead issued acutlassblade rather than a sabre. Swords in the modern military are no longer used as weapons, and serve only ornamental or ceremonial functions. One distinctive modern use of sabres is in thesabre arch,performed for servicemen or women getting married.

Modern sport fencing


Themodern fencing sabrebears little resemblance to the cavalry sabre, having a thin, 88 cm (35 in) long straight blade. Rather, it is based upon the Italian dueling saber of classical fencing. One of the three weapons used in the sport offencing,it is a very fast-paced weapon with bouts characterized by quick footwork and cutting with the edge. The valid target area is from the waist up excluding the hands.

The concept of attacking above the waist only is a 20th-century change to the sport; previously sabreurs used to pad their legs against cutting slashes from their opponents. The reason for the above waist rule is unknown,[19]as the sport of sabre fencing is based on the use of infantry sabres, not cavalry sabres.

In recent years, Saber fencing has been developing inHistorical European Martial Arts,with blades that closely resemble the historical types, with techniques based on historical records.

See also



  1. ^Held, Robert [Hrsg (2021),Polish sabres: their origins and evolution,Heidelberg University Library,doi:10.11588/artdok.00007440,retrieved3 October2023
  2. ^e.g. Report on the Military Academy at West Point, United States Congressional serial set, Volume 1089, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1861,p. 218.
  3. ^There are some alternative suggestions, deriving the term from a natively Slavic word; e.g. Brückner (Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego.1927) adduced Slavisabl"rooster" and Menges (The Oriental elements in the vocabulary of the oldest Russian epos,1951) attempted to connect the Arabicsaif.
  4. ^Possible Tungusic cognates includeManchuseleme"dagger",Evenksälämä"sword", argued to be a natively Tungusic formation ofsele"iron" plus a denominal suffix-meby Stachowski (2004). Marek Stachowski, "The Origin of the European Word for Sabre",Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia9 (2004), p. 135, citing V. Rybatzki,Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 7(2002), p. 115), Menges,Ural-altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge 3(1983), p. 125.
  5. ^Gamber, O. (1978)Waffe und Rüstung Eurasiens,p. 84, 98, 120, 124, 280
  6. ^Nicolle, D. (2007)Attila and the Nomad Hordes,p. 48
  7. ^Nicolle, D. (1990)Crusader Warfare: Muslims, Mongols and the struggle against the Crusades,p. 175.Fashion, Forensic."Magyar".Forensic Fashion.Retrieved24 July2015.
  8. ^Imperial, Manning."Catalogue".Manning Imperial.Manning Imperial. Archived fromthe originalon 24 July 2015.Retrieved24 July2015.
  9. ^Lángó, Péter."Archaeological Research on the Conquering Hungarians. A Review".Academia.edu.Academia.edu.Retrieved24 July2015.
  10. ^Bavariaraised its first hussar regiment in 1688 and a second one in about 1700.Prussiafollowed suit in 1721 whenFrederick the Greatused hussar units extensively during theWar of the Austrian Succession.France established a number of hussar regiments from 1692 onward, recruiting originally from Hungary and Germany, then subsequently from German-speaking frontier regions within France itself. The first hussar regiment in France was founded by a Hungarian lieutenant namedLadislas Ignace de Bercheny. Hungarian-history.huArchived15 April 2008 at theWayback Machine
  11. ^Marek Stachowski (2004)."The origin of the European word for sabre"(PDF).Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia.9.Krakow.
  12. ^Alaux, Michel.Modern Fencing: Foil, Epee, and Sabre.Scribner's, 1975, p. 123.
  13. ^Fowler, Jeffrey T. (25 November 2001).Axis Cavalry in World War II.p. 43.ISBN1-84176-323-3.
  14. ^Fowler, Jeffrey T. (25 November 2001).Axis Cavalry in World War II.p. 46.ISBN1-84176-323-3.
  15. ^Klaus Richter, Weapons & Equipment of the German Cavalry: 1935-1945, p. 25,ISBN978-0-8874-0816-8
  16. ^Randy Staffen, pages=76–77 "The Horse Soldier 1776–1943, Volume IV", UE443.S83, University of Oklahoma 1979
  17. ^BELGIUM SAYS 'NO' TO LEOPOLD(Newsreel).Pathé News.3 August 1950.
  18. ^RAMSEY., SYED (12 May 2016).Tools of war;history of weapons in medieval times.[Place of publication not identified]: ALPHA EDITIONS.ISBN9789386019813.OCLC971222281.
  19. ^J. Christoph Amberger,The Secret History of the Sword,1996 Hammerterz Forum, revised edition 1999 Multi-media Books, Inc.ISBN1-892515-04-0
  • W. Kwaśniewicz,Dzieje szabli w Polsce,Warszawa (History of the Sabre in Poland),Dom wydawniczy Bellona,1999ISBN83-11-08894-2.
  • Wojciech Zablocki, "Ciecia Prawdziwa Szabla",Wydawnictwo "Sport i Turystyka"(1989) (English abstract by Richard Orli, 2000,kismetaArchived22 March 2017 at theWayback Machine).
  • Richard Marsden,The Polish Saber,Tyrant Industries (2015)