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Sally Priesand

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Sally Jane Priesand
Born(1946-06-27)June 27, 1946(age 78)
Years active1972–2006
Employer(s)Stephen Wise Free Synagogue,Temple Beth El,Lenox Hill Hospital,Monmouth Reform Temple
Parent(s)Rose Elizabeth (Welch) Priesand, Irving Theodore Priesand

Sally Jane Priesand(born June 27, 1946) is America's first femalerabbiordainedby a rabbinical seminary, and the second formally ordained female rabbi in Jewish history, afterRegina Jonas.[1][2]Priesand was ordained by theHebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religionon June 3, 1972, at thePlum Street Templein Cincinnati.[3]After her ordination she served first as assistant and then as associate rabbi atStephen Wise Free SynagogueinNew York City,and later led Monmouth Reform Temple inTinton Falls, New Jerseyfrom 1981 until her retirement in 2006. She is featured in numerous books includingRabbis: The Many Faces of JudaismandFifty Jewish Women who Changed the World.[4]

Early life and education


Sally Jane Priesand was born June 27, 1946, inCleveland,Ohiointo aJewishfamily. Her parents, Irving Theodore, an engineer,[5]and Rose Elizabeth (Welch) Priesand[6]were not religiously observant but they were active in Jewish organizations. Her mother served as president of the sisterhood of their temple, while her father was president of aB'nai B'rithlodge.[7]Her family lit Shabbat candles, celebrated Chanukah and had a Passover Seder to which the children were encouraged to invite a non-Jewish friend to share in the festivities and learn about Judaism.[8]The family first attended a non-egalitarianConservativesynagogue,[5]and later attended Beth Israel-West Temple, aReformcongregation on Cleveland's West Side, where Priesand began to display a commitment to Judaism and Jewish life as a teenager.[6]Priesand did not becomeBat Mitzvahbut was confirmed and continued her religious school education through the twelfth grade.[8]At the age of 16, she decided she wanted to be a rabbi.[9]She later described her decision to become a rabbi as "an affirmation of my belief in God, in the worth of each individual, and in Judaism as a way of life."[10]

While still in high school, she requested admission information fromHebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religionin Cincinnati (HUC-JIR). In answer to her letter, the school responded:

"We are pleased to learn of your interest in our college.... Since you state in your letter that your interests lean specifically to the rabbinate, we would have to inform you candidly that we do not know what opportunities exist for women in the active rabbinate, since we have, as yet, not ordained any women."[11]And another letter stated: "... You might also ascertain from Rabbi Litt, and he in turn from other rabbis, just what would be the disposition of the rabbinate respecting someone like you who is interested in being ordained by the College-Institute. While we have had women students, none so far, has taken the full course of study which would lead to graduation and ordination as a rabbi. Therefore, some clear knowledge on your part of what it will mean to you to have graduated from our school is essential for you prior to your thinking about entering. The question of a woman as a rabbi is a question for the rabbis rather than for the school. There is no attempt on our part to discourage you but to direct your thinking...."[12]

Entering theUniversity of Cincinnatiin 1964, she was accepted into the joint program of HUC-JIR and the University of Cincinnati.[9]She graduated with aBachelorof Hebrew Letters and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from HUC-JIR and the University of Cincinnati in 1968.[4]

Rabbinic school


Upon her graduation, she was admitted to HUC-JIR's rabbinic school without undergoing a formal application process,[13]being the only woman among 35 men.[14]While still in rabbinical school, she received a great deal of attention from the media. In April 1971, she was the subject of an article inThe New York Times,titled "Her Ambition Is to Become a Rabbi – And a Housewife", in which she stated:

"I'm not an active supporter of women's lib.... I don't need it. But I do think the feminist movement is important because it is time for us to overcome psychological and emotional objections. We must fulfill our potential as creative individuals."[15]

Despite opposition – many said she was at HUC-JIR to marry a rabbi and become arebbetzinrather than to officiate as a rabbi –[10]she became the first woman at Hebrew Union College to make it to ordination, an accomplishment she credits to her parents and to RabbiNelson Glueck,the college's president who died a few months before her ordination.[16]

Her rabbinical thesis, "Historic and Changing Role of the Jewish Woman", published in 1975 under the titleJudaism and the New Woman,was intended to encourage women's participation in Judaism.[7][17][18]

It was only many years later that she learned her ordination certificate from HUC had different wording for her title than the certificates of men graduating with her. "It came as a shock to me," she noted. "When I was ordained I was told I would be getting an empty tube because they had forgotten to change the language to the feminine" on the ordination scroll. "I just accepted that. When I finally got it I thought the title, which they had changed to 'rav u'morah,' was what all my classmates got, too." In actuality, male candidates' certificates identified them by the Reform movement's traditional "morenu harav," or "our teacher the rabbi," while female candidates' certificates only used the term "rav u'morah," or "rabbi and teacher", up until 2016. After four years of deliberation, HUC decided to give women a choice of wording beginning in 2016, including the option to have the same wording as men.[19]





Priesand was ordained on June 3, 1972, by Glueck's successor as HUC-JIR's president RabbiAlfred Gottschalkat thePlum Street Templein Cincinnati,[3]making her the first woman to be ordained as a rabbi in the United States and believed to be only the second woman ever to be formally ordained in the history of Judaism.[20]

Gottschalk called the ordination of Priesand "historic", one that breaks stereotypes and allows "Jewish women to consider seeking the rabbinate" and a testament to Reform Judaism's efforts at achieving "equality of women in the congregation of the Lord".[20]By acquiescing to women's ordination at a time of social and political changes in American life, the Reform movement portrayed itself as continuing its historic project of adapting Judaism to respond to modernity while simultaneously demonstrating its commitment to women's equality.[21]

After her ordination, then member ofCongressBella Abzugarranged for her to deliver the opening prayer at theHouse of Representatives,making her the first Jewish woman to do so.[22]

Rabbinical positions


Upon ordination, she was interviewed by some synagogues for her "public value, so they could say they were first", as she says, but others would not speak to her, and she was the last of her class to get a job. She was offered a position atStephen Wise Free SynagogueinNew York City,where she served for seven years under Rabbi Edward Klein,[23]first as Assistant Rabbi and then as Associate Rabbi, leaving the congregation in 1979, when she realised that she would not succeed Klein as senior rabbi. Not able to find a full-time position, she served as part-time rabbi of Temple Beth El inElizabeth, New Jerseyand as Chaplain at Manhattan'sLenox Hill Hospitaluntil 1981, when she became rabbi of Monmouth Reform Temple inTinton Falls, New Jersey.She originally thought her "obligation was to get a bigger congregation",[23]but rejected the traditional model which encourages rabbis to look for larger pulpits and remained at Monmouth Reform Temple, a congregation of 365 families,[16]where she "forged a creative partnership with... her congregation, acting upon her belief that a rabbi's primary task is to help Jews take responsibility for their Judaism".[6]

In 1986 at Monmouth Reform Temple, she and cantor Ellen Sussman became the first all-women team of rabbi and cantor in any congregation.[24]Also during her rabbinate, Monmouth Reform Temple created a Social Action Committee which launched a nationally recognizedgun safetycampaign (Please ASK, which was given an award in 2003 by theReligious Action Center of Reform Judaism),[14]was a leader in the fight againstdrunk driving,created a permanent Fund for the Homeless to support the work of Interfaith Neighbors, sponsored an annual food drive for The Center inAsbury Park,continued to host an annualMonmouth Countyarts festival, and instituted an annual "Mitzvah Day" of charitable volunteerism.[25]

Documentary appearance


Priesand appeared in a 2005 documentary, titledAnd the Gates Opened: Women in the Rabbinate,which features stories of and interviews with her, rabbiSandy Eisenberg Sasso,and rabbiAmy Eilberg.[26][27]

Health issues


In 1987, Priesand was diagnosed withbreast cancer,which struck again eight years later, and in 2003, she was diagnosed withthyroid cancer.She was able to continue working during her treatments for breast cancer, but the thyroid cancer treatments forced her to take a three-month leave of absence. Her illness affected her rabbinate, making her "more sensitive and aware of the needs of others who were dealing with health crises", she said.[14]

Organizational affiliations


Priesand has served on the board of every major institution of Reform Judaism, including theCentral Conference of American Rabbis,theUnion for Reform Judaismand theHebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.She is a member of Jewish Women International,Hadassah,theNational Council of Jewish Women,theNational Organization for Womenand theNational Breast Cancer Coalition.In her local community, she is an Honorary Vice President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Monmouth County and President of Interfaith Neighbors, an organization whose primary purpose is to provide rental assistance and support services for those who are homeless. She also chairs the Clergy Advisory Committee ofPlanned Parenthoodof Central New Jersey and serves on the board of the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Education Center atBrookdale Community College,and the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County.[4]

Retirement and current life


Priesand retired from Monmouth Reform Temple on June 30, 2006, after 25 years of service to that congregation.[16]She explained her retirement, saying: "I'm retiring by choice, because I believe that rabbis should know when to leave and when it's time to inject 'newness' into synagogue life." She intends to remain "a part of the temple family" as rabbi emerita, adding "being here has been the fulfillment of my dream to be a congregational rabbi, which is why I went to rabbinic school in the first place." Upon her retirement, Monmouth Reform Temple set up the "Sally Priesand Endowment Fund for the Future" in her honor to preserve and protect the temple's legacy.[14]

Priesand lives inOcean Township,New Jersey,with herBoston Terrier,Shadow.[28]She intends to establish a Monmouth Countykollel,a center for adult Jewish study.[14]Her hobbies includephotographyand abstractwatercolor.She had her first solo exhibition in the Backman Gallery at HUC-JIR in New York in 2002, in honor of the thirtieth anniversary of her ordination, and exhibits annually in theMonmouth Festival of the Arts.[28]

In 2007, she invited her female rabbinic colleagues of all denominations to join her in donating their professional and personal papers to theAmerican Jewish Archivesin Cincinnati, Ohio, in order to document the history of women in the rabbinate. The first ever exhibit of the historical memorabilia of her career was displayed at the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County in the winter of 2010.[28]

On December 6, 2010, at Temple Reyim inNewton, Massachusetts,Priesand and the other three first American ordained women rabbis of four denominations of American Judaism met for the first time in an event called "First Lights", videotaped by the Los Angeles-basedStory Archive of Women Rabbis,a project which videotapes interviews with women rabbis from all streams of Judaism and archives their stories online.[29]Priesand together withSandy Eisenberg Sasso,the firstReconstructionistfemale rabbi ordained in 1974,Amy Eilberg,the firstConservativefemale rabbi ordained in 1985, andSara Hurwitz(see below), lit Chanuka candles together with some 30 other women rabbis, and then spoke about their experiences.[30]

40th anniversary of ordination


Priesand was honored in several events on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of her ordination in 2012. In March 2012, the Annual Convention of theCentral Conference of American Rabbiscelebrated the 40th anniversary of women's ordination by calling Priesand to the Torah at the Monday morning prayer service;[31]through May 2012, theUnion for Reform Judaismwas running a blog to celebrate "Forty Years of Women" in honor of the anniversary;[32]and Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion honored her as special guest at the June 2, 2012 ordination ceremony at Plum Street Temple, during which 13 candidates were ordained – eight of them women.[33] On the day of the anniversary on June 3, 2012, Priesand, Eisenberg Sasso, Eilberg, and Hurwitz met for a "Four First Women Rabbis" discussion at Monmouth Reform Temple for a celebration honoring the four first women rabbis ordained in North America in their respective denominations, and the 40th anniversary of Priesand's ordination.[34][35]

After her 40th ordination anniversary


In 2014 Priesand was one of those who attended the ceremony when a memorial plaque toRegina Jonas,the first woman to be ordained as a rabbi, was unveiled atTheresienstadtin the Czech Republic, where Regina Jonas had been deported to and worked in for two years.[36][37]There is a short documentary about the trip on which this plaque was unveiled, titledIn the Footsteps of Regina Jonas,which includes Priesand.[38]

50th anniversary of ordination


Two exhibits on the Cincinnati campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion marked the fiftieth anniversary of Priesand's ordination;[39]Priesand herself was the keynote speaker at the opening reception for them.[40]One of those exhibits was the art exhibit “Holy Sparks”, which featured 24 Jewish women artists, who had each created an artwork about a female rabbi who was a first in some way.[41][42]Joan Roth created the artwork about Priesand.[42]The other exhibit, called "Sally Priesand Paves the Way", featured "documents relating to Rabbi Sally J. Priesand's journey to becoming the first woman rabbi ordained in North America", and memorabilia and personal artifacts donated by Priesand.[39]

The anniversary was also marked by a number of articles in various media outlets.[43][44][45]



Priesand is the author ofJudaism and the New Woman,and a contributor toWomen Rabbis: Exploration and Celebration,and toA Treasury of Favorite Sermons by Leading American Rabbis.She also wrote the foreword to the bookThe Sacred Calling: Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate,published in 2016, which contains one piece called "Letters from Hebrew Union College to Sally J. Priesand" and another called "The Ordination of Sally J. Priesand, A Historic Interview".[46][47]

Awards and honors


In 1973, Priesand was awarded an honorary doctor of humane letters degree fromFlorida International University.[14]

In 1979, theSupersisterstrading card set was produced and distributed; card number 6 featured Priesand's name and picture.[48]

From 1981 to 1983,Bonnie Tiburziput on three “Women of Accomplishment” luncheons for theWings Clubhonoring certain women, including Priesand.[49]

In 1997, Priesand received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR).[14]In the same year, the Rabbi Sally J. Priesand Visiting Professorship in Jewish Women's Studies was established in her honor atHUC-JIR.[4]

In 2006, upon her retirement, Monmouth Reform Temple dedicated its sanctuary doors in her honor; they are inscribed with the following words, "פִּתְחוּ לִי שַׁעֲרֵי צֶדֶק אָבֹא בָם אוֹדֶה יָהּ Open the gates of righteousness for me that I may enter and praise God."[50]

Also in 2006 upon her retirement, Monmouth Reform Temple set up the "Sally Priesand Endowment Fund for the Future" in her honor to preserve and protect the temple's legacy.[14]

On April 23, 2009, she received the prestigiousElizabeth Blackwell Awardgiven byHobart and William Smith CollegesinGeneva, New Yorkto women whose lives exemplify outstanding service to humanity. The award is named after Dr.Elizabeth Blackwell(1821–1910), the first woman in America to receive the Doctor of Medicine degree.[4]

In 2010, in honor of its 125th anniversary,Good Housekeepingmagazine named her one of "125 women who changed our world".[51]

In 2023, Priesand became the first female rabbi to have her portrait featured in an exhibition at theNational Portrait Gallery.That portrait was an inkjet print of a photograph from 2022 by Joan Roth.[52][53]

The Rabbi Sally J. PriesandWRJAward was created to honor the 45th anniversary of Priesand's ordination. The award is given out once every year to a graduatingHebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of ReligionCincinnati campus woman, chosen because she "exemplif[ies] the mission and values of WRJ and embod[ies] the qualities that Rabbi Priesand has exhibited throughout her career, including her clarity of vision, her commitment to excellence, her professionalism, her dedication to the continuity of Reform Judaism, her passion, and her perseverance.[54]

The poem “Let my people go that we may serve You”, byMerle Feld,was commissioned by theWomen's Rabbinic Networkin honor of Priesand.[55]

See also



  1. ^"America's First Female Rabbi Reflects on Four Decades Since Ordination".eJewish Philanthropy.May 8, 2012.
  2. ^"StackPath".lib.usm.edu.
  3. ^abZola, Gary Phillip, ed. (1996).Women Rabbis: Exploration & Celebration: Papers Delivered at an Academic Conference Honoring Twenty Years of Women in the Rabbinate, 1972-1992.Hebrew Union College Press. p. 20.ISBN0-87820-214-5.
  4. ^abcde"Rabbi Sally J. Priesand".Hobart and William Smith Colleges. April 2009.RetrievedMay 23,2012.
  5. ^abKaresh, Sara E.; Hurvitz, Mitchell M. (2005). "Priesand, Sally".Encyclopedia of Judaism.Infobase Publishing. pp. 404–405.ISBN978-0816069828.
  6. ^abcNadell, Pamela S. (March 1, 2009)."Sally Jane Priesand".Jewish Women's Archive: Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia.RetrievedMay 23,2012.
  7. ^abAntler, Joyce (1997).The Journey Home: Jewish Women and the American Century.Simon and Schuster. pp. 296–297.ISBN0-68483-444-8.
  8. ^ab"Blackwell Award Ceremony. Rabbi Sally J. Priesand: Reflections on My Life as a Rabbi".Hobart and William Smith Colleges. April 23, 2009.RetrievedMay 25,2012.
  9. ^abPriesand writes in a statement: "I decided I wanted to be a rabbi in 1962 at the age of 16. Fortunately, my parents gave me one of the greatest gifts a parent can give a child: the courage to dare and to dream. With their encouragement, I was able to remain focused on my goal, relatively unconcerned that no woman had ever been ordained rabbi by a theological seminary and determined to succeed despite the doubts I heard expressed in the organized Jewish community.""Sally Priesand".Jewish Women's Archive.RetrievedApril 3,2011.
  10. ^abPriesand, Sally (1975).Judaism and the New Woman.Behrman House. Preface.ISBN0-87441-230-7.
  11. ^"The Trailblazing Legacy of Rabbi Sally Priesand".NPR. January 7, 2007.RetrievedMay 23,2012.
  12. ^"Jewish Women and the Feminist Revolution: Collection: Sally Priesand".Jewish Women's Archive.
  13. ^Zola, Gary Phillip, ed. (1996).Women Rabbis: Exploration & Celebration: Papers Delivered at an Academic Conference Honoring Twenty Years of Women in the Rabbinate, 1972-1992.Hebrew Union College Press. p. 35.ISBN0-87820-214-5.
  14. ^abcdefghHuber, Jill (2006)."America's first female rabbi prepares for retirement".New Jersey Jewish News.RetrievedMay 24,2012.
  15. ^Vecsey, George (April 13, 1971)."Her Ambition Is to Become a Rabbi -- And a Housewife"(PDF).The New York Times.RetrievedMay 23,2012.
  16. ^abcZakrzewski, Paul (May 20, 2006)."Pioneering Rabbi Who Softly Made Her Way".The New York Times.RetrievedApril 4,2011.
  17. ^"Sally Jane Priesand".Jewish Women's Archive.June 23, 2021.
  18. ^Weiss, Andrea L. (February 23, 2022)."The Would-Be Rabbis".Hadassah Magazine.
  19. ^Why a small word change is a big deal for Reform women rabbisJTA, May 31, 2016
  20. ^abBlau, Eleanor."1st Woman Rabbi in U.S. Ordained; She May Be Only the Second in History of Judaism",The New York Times,June 4, 1972. Retrieved September 17, 2009. "Sally J. Priesand was ordained at the Isaac M. Wise Temple here today, becoming the first woman rabbi in this country and it is believed, the second in the history of Judaism."
  21. ^Levitats, Isaac; Rothkoff, Aaron; Nadell, Pamela S. (2007)."Semikhah".InBerenbaum, Michael;Skolnik, Fred(eds.).Encyclopaedia Judaica.Vol. 18 (2nd ed.). Detroit: Macmillan Reference. pp. 274–279.ISBN978-0-02-866097-4.
  22. ^Finkelstein, Norman H. (2002).Forged in Freedom: Shaping the Jewish-American Experience.Jewish Publication Society. pp.156–157.ISBN0827607482.
  23. ^abAlperin, Michele (May 11–24, 2012)."America's first female rabbi reflects on four decades since ordination"(PDF).Jewish Press of Tampa.RetrievedMay 25,2012.
  24. ^Rebecca Einstein Schorr; Alysa Mendelson Graf (May 17, 2016).The Sacred Calling: Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate.CCAR Press.ISBN978-0-88123-280-6.
  25. ^"WOMAN of ACTION – Sally Jan Preisand".acelebrationofwomen.org.
  26. ^Brown, Ellen Schur (March 27, 2008)."What women bring to the rabbinate".Cleveland Jewish News.RetrievedOctober 27,2015.
  27. ^"BCC Professor & BCC Graduate Win EMMY Awards".CUNY. April 27, 2006. Archived fromthe originalon March 4, 2016.RetrievedOctober 27,2015.
  28. ^abc"Rabbi Priesand's Resume (pdf)".Monmouth Reform Temple. Archived fromthe originalon June 16, 2012.RetrievedMay 24,2012.
  29. ^Chottiner, Lee (July 1, 2011)."Pioneering clergy".The Jewish Chronicle.RetrievedJune 6,2012.
  30. ^Imber, Elizabeth (December 8, 2010)."Celebrating the First Lights of Women Rabbis".Jewish Women's Archive.RetrievedJune 6,2012.
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  32. ^"Looking Back on a Month of Strong Women".URJ. May 31, 2012.RetrievedJune 6,2012.
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  38. ^"Short Film: In the Footsteps of Regina Jonas | Jewish Women's Archive".Jwa.org.RetrievedSeptember 13,2016.
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  43. ^Merritt, Jim (June 4, 2022)."Asking the Clergy: Reflecting on 50 years of female rabbis".Newsday.RetrievedJune 6,2012.
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  45. ^Cohen, Debra Nussbaum (March 2022)."Transforming the Rabbinate Over 50 Years".Hadassah Magazine.RetrievedJune 6,2012.
  46. ^Jaffe, Hirshel (May 4, 2016)."The Message of the Sacred Calling: Our Journey to True Equality | RavBlog".Ravblog.ccarnet.org.RetrievedMay 26,2016.
  47. ^Zauzmer, Julie (December 14, 2012)."'I not only envisioned it. I fought for it': The first female rabbi isn't done yet ".The Washington Post.RetrievedMay 26,2016.
  48. ^Wulf, Steve (March 23, 2015)."Supersisters: Original Roster".ESPN.RetrievedJune 4,2015.
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  51. ^"125 Women Who Changed Our World".Good Housekeeping.RetrievedMay 24,2012.
  52. ^"National Portrait Gallery to display portrait of first ordained woman rabbi in US history".jhvonline.
  53. ^"How Does the Smithsonian Decide Who Gets Into the National Portrait Gallery?".December 14, 2023.
  54. ^"Rabbi Sally J. Priesand WRJ Award Granted to HUC-JIR Student | Women of Reform Judaism".Wrj.org. June 4, 2018.RetrievedJune 14,2018.
  55. ^Feld, Merle (February 13, 2023)."'Let my people go that we may serve You': A Poem in Honor of Rabbi Sally J. Priesand ".RavBlog: Central Conference of American Rabbis.

