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TheSanhuangjing(Tam Hoàng kinh,Book of Three Emperors), also known as theSanhuang Neiwen(Tam Hoàng nội văn) or theSanhuangwen(Tam Hoàng văn), is a fundamentalDaoistbook which claims those who chant it can become an emperor.

The Daoist master Zheng Yin reportedly transmitted such texts as the Sanhuang Neiwen, which Zheng considered to be among the most important alchemical scriptures, toGe Hongduring theJin dynasty.According to Ge, theSanhuangjingwas mainly about controlling and summoning ghosts and spirits, talismans and charts, and methods of meditation, and thus was a talismanic book.

All copies of theSanhuangjingwere ordered burned byEmperor Taizong of Tangin 647 CE, due to its supposed ability to bestow imperial status upon the reader. TheChongxuanschool Daoist masterCheng Xuanyingparticipated in its investigation.

Fragments of theSanhuangjingexist in theDaozang.
