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Coordinates:53°23′56″N6°14′49″W/ 53.39889°N 6.24694°W/53.39889; -6.24694
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Folly in Santry Demesne
Folly in Santry Demesne
Santry is located in Dublin
Coordinates:53°23′56″N6°14′49″W/ 53.39889°N 6.24694°W/53.39889; -6.24694

Santry(Irish:Seantrabh,meaning 'Old tribe') is a suburb on thenorthsideofDublin,Ireland, borderingCoolock,Glasnevin,KilmoreandBallymun.It straddles the boundary of Dublin City Council andFingal County Counciljurisdictions.

The character of the area has changed in the last 100 years, from a district centred on a large estate, and later a small village, to a modern, rather dispersed, mixed-use suburb. Much of the old village is gone and where there were once fields full of crops, and wild woodlands of all sorts, there are now housing estates, anathletics stadium,a shopping complex, industrial parks, and busy roads leading toDublin Airportwhich is nearby.

Trinity College Libraryhas a depository at Santry which holds three million books.[1]

Santry is also the name of acivil parishin the ancientbaronyofCoolock.[2]


Santry is an anglicisation of the Irish placenameSeantrabh[3][needs IPA](pronounced Shan-trav) meaning "old tribe" with the name referenced as far back as 828 AD.[4]TheGreat Book of Lecanrefers to a tribe called the Almanii who inhabited the area, which may have been the source of the name.

During theVikinginvasions Norse farmers are recorded as settling in the north Dublin area, which proved to be excellent farmland. These Norsemen were famous for their agricultural prowess, and crafts. They also brought new pastimes and strangeScandinavianphrases which are thought to survive to today further away from the city.[citation needed]

After this time people began to refer to the area north of theRiver Tolka,including from Santry and north to Swords, Lusk, and beyond as "Fingal",which translates as" fair-haired foreigner ". The name was confined to songs, poems, folk memory and some antiquarian titles until a re-organization of local government in the 1990s set upFingaland Fingal County Council.

In the 12th century, the neighbourhood of Santry was at the hands of Mac Gilla Mocholmog, chief of Fingal, who then established his base in Santry.[5]

About 1170Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Meathgranted Santry to one of his most trusted lieutenants,Adam de Feypo.[citation needed]

In 1581 the lands and title of Santry were awarded toWilliam Nugentwho then lost it after falling out of favour with the Crown because of his religion. In 1620 the lands of Santry were confiscated from Nugent's aristocratic but Catholic offspring, the Barnewalls. The Protestant Barry family (originally from Cork) took charge of the estate and tenants and became the Lords of Santry where they remained in title for three or four generations.King Charles IImadeJames Barry,then only a knight,Baron Barry of Santry(for services rendered).[6]

Santry was the scene of violence in the early months of theIrish Rebellion of 1641,when a punitive expedition of Parliamentarians led by Sir Charles Coote mistakenly massacred a group of local farm labourers, who were sleeping in the fields there. Coote had assumed they were rebels preparing to attack Dublin.

In theIrish Rebellion of 1798United Irishmenfrom all over Fingal marched south towards Dublin city but were met by a company of local yeomanry (government militia) from Santry village and were massacred. The bloodshed was so bad in this action that the area at the northern gateway to Santry Demesne (now near the Little Venice Restaurant) was known as "Bloody Hollows" for several years after. Later aRoyal Irish Constabularystation was located on the site of the present-day restaurant.

In recent decades suburban housing estates have been built around Santry, including most recently some initially controversial developments within Santry Demesne. Hotels have also appeared.


Santry Demesne (Santry Court)[edit]

Santry Court(also referred to as Santry Park or Santry Woods) is ademesnesituated within Santry, in the administration ofFingal County Counciland adjacent toMorton Stadium,the national athletics stadium. It contains a walled garden, a lake, monuments and has theSantry Rivergoing through it. The stadium was the venue for theEuropean Cross Country Championshipsin 2009.

Where the new Santry Demesne public park is situated, on part of the estate lands, was once a palatial old house and gardens, built in the 18th century. This was once the largest house in northCounty Dublinand people travelled from far and wide to be received by the owners, the Barry family.[7]A number of hints of the house still exist in the park, including the house foundations, front steps, tree avenue and walled garden.[citation needed]A small bend in the Santry River (which forms the boundary of the park today) was widened to create a small pond for the boating pleasure of Georgian ladies and gentlemen who resided at, and visited, the house.

In 1912 KingVictor Emmanuelof Italy presented the Barrys/Domvilles with a gift of 16 foreign tree species.[8]The house fell into disrepair, initially at the turn of the 20th century as the estate proved not to be economically viable but ultimately after the Domville family departed Ireland post-independence in 1921. It came into the possession of the State, which intended to repair it and use it as a mental asylum. This plan was shelved by the start ofWorld War II;the need to increase security around Dublin Airport meant it was used as an army depot, and part of the gardens as a firing range. There are many theories locally about what happened next but it appears as if soldiers of the Irish army caused a fire and the house was severely damaged in 1947, followed by demolition shortly afterwards.[citation needed]

In 1972, part of the demesne was sold toTrinity College Dublin,and was developed with sports grounds, as well as a book storage facility for its library system.[9]

As of 2010, the walled garden was leased to a community group to run as a Community Garden; the 4-acre plot is divided into three sections an ornamental section, heritage and kitchen garden.[10]Several varieties of plants, vegetables and fruit are grown by the 90 volunteers in the garden, since 2013 there is also a bee apiary.[citation needed]

A number of tree species in Santry include native trees such as oak, ash, beech and rowan, as well as the more exotic Spanish chestnuts, Californian redwood (Sequoias), Italian walnut, Lebanon cedar, Horse chestnut, Sweet chestnut, Beech, Evergreen Oak, and Chinese Pines.[citation needed]

The Santry family[edit]

The house was built by the 3rd Lord Barry of Santry in 1703. Steps and wings were added byHenry Barry, 4th Baron Barry of Santry1740–50, who was a member of the Hell Fire Club, and was convicted of the murder of a porter at an inn in Palmerstown in 1739. He received the death penalty but was reprieved and lost his title. After the death of Lord Barry of Santry in 1751, the estate was inherited by his uncleSir Compton Domvile, 2nd Baronet.It remained with the Domvile family until the death in 1935 ofSir Compton Meade Domvile, 4th Baronet,when the estate passed to his nephew SirHugo Poë,who assumed the surname Domvile.[citation needed]

Swiss Cottages[edit]

The Swiss Cottages that are still associated in memory with Santry are largely no longer extant. The cottages were built in 1840 by Lady Domville who, after a visit to Switzerland, decided to build 11 Swiss-style cottages for the farm workers and estate staff. Unfortunately, 10 of the 11 cottages were demolished due to their dilapidation. While the last remaining cottage still stands in Santry, it is not in its original conception and the building was adapted into an office block in 1984 and today houses a pharmacy. Morton Stadium now stands on the site of what were the gardens at the rear of the house. The only contemporary reminder of the Swiss Cottages is found in the name of a local pub, ‘The Swiss Cottage’. In 2019The Swiss Cottagepub was demolished, and work commenced on a new apartment complex on the site.[11]

Santry-Ballymun Charter School (Santry Lodge)[edit]

Originally built as a mill circa 1700, on the Santry River, to the northwest of Santry Demesne, on the old Ballymun Road, the Charter School was established in 1744 by The Incorporated Society for Promoting English Protestant Schools in Ireland, supported by Dublin Corporation and on land sourced fromLuke Gardiner,with a house provided by ArchbishopHugh Boulter.[12]The School closed in 1840, and the building was renamedSantry Lodge.[citation needed]


Much of modern Santry is made up of housing estates, which are a mixture of private and social housing, with most estates being made up of the former.[citation needed]Reflecting the area's roots, many of their names start with 'Shan', such as Shanliss, Shanowen, Shanglas, Shanboley, Shanvarna and Shangan (the latter having been encroached upon by the growing area of neighbouring Ballymun during its redevelopment).[citation needed]There are also estates such as Magenta, Lorcan, as well as more recent developments such as Aulden Grange, Woodlawn, Oak, Larkhill, Knightswood and the apartment complexes of Northwood.[citation needed]


Dublin Corporation Housing Scheme[edit]

By 1930, Dublin had experienced being the capital of the newly independent state for roughly a decade. The citizens housing council released two reports in the 1930s that demonstrated the extent of the issue and Dublin Corporation were aware that the slums were not being cleared as rapidly as they wished. In 1938, Dr Hernon, the city manager, disclosed a five-year plan that would result in an additional 12,000 dwellings built at a cost of about £7.5m. This was said to be roughly half of what had been suggested by the citizens housing council but it was believed that it was an enthusiastic target. The corporation came to the conclusion that 17,000 families needed to be relocated. The foundation of the five-year plan was the assumption that, 12,000 dwellings was the maximum that could be accomplished with the resources available, and in the city manager's judgment, it was impractical to commit to committing to 5,000 dwellings each year as indicated by the citizens housing council.[13]

There were only a few smaller settlement clusters where development had already begun in places such as Larkhill, which would eventually grow into significant suburbs. The first phase of a housing programme for 1,500 homes over a five-year period was proposed, with construction beginning at Cabra West, Rutland Avenue, Donnycarney, Sarsfield Road, Crumlin, Ellenfield, Larkhill and Terenure. Additional homes would be constructed to these, and schools, shops, churches, libraries, and other amenities would be made available. A £7 million total budget was planned. These ideas were important and were believed to have a significant impact on the city but there was no overarching plan in place. There was no clear vision for the city and no idea of the ideal type of urban setting. There were no agents of development other than the corporation, and no system was proposed to mediate the complicated connection between public and private actors. By 1943, Dublin corporation had only created a ‘sketch’ plan as required by the 1934 law.[13]

Larkhill Housing Scheme[edit]

The Larkhill scheme was an addition to the ongoing Ellenfield project. Both were near the upcoming Associated Properties’ Wadelai development. A total of 537 homes were to be constructed in Larkhill. The total number of dwellings built in Larkhill, which was completed 1939, was slightly higher than anticipated. Larkhill construction was relatively modest, and an independent development with straightforward access to the major thoroughfare, but local circulation was controlled to lessen through traffic. The houses that were built were a mixture of short terraces with different lengths. With the Larkhill development, it was a comparable experience. Within the confines of Larkhill Road is a development that is somewhat oblong and tear-shaped. At the peak of the Larkhill project along Glendun Road, a sizeable semicircular park was created. It was also intended to add to the construction that had already been done along Larkhill and Ellenfield.[13]


Retail and services[edit]

Besides several local shops, Santry contains a substantial retail facility, the 'Omni ParkShopping Centre', which also features a cinema, IMC Santry (previously called the Omniplex Cinema), and several restaurants. There is also a retail park in Northwood, Gulliver's In addition, Santry is home to the Crowne Plaza hotel, several restaurants, multiple gymnasiums, a track and field stadium, several medical facilities, a go-karting/paint-balling arena, anAIBbank, an industrial estate, a skate park, several B&B's, several pubs, an outdoor 'Astro' soccer stadium and local primary and secondary schools. Santry is just a few minutes' drive from Dublin Airport. The Santry Sports Clinic is located in Santry Demense and provides a wide range of mainly sports-related orthopaedic therapy.


Santry is served by Holy Child National School (infant class boys, girls to 6th class) and Holy Child Boys National School in Larkhill, and Gaelscoil Cholmcille, and for second level: Margaret Aylward School, Whitehall House,St. Aidan's C.B.S.,Plunket College and Clonturk Community College.[citation needed]Our Lady of Mercy College in Beaumont,Maryfield College,Rosmini, Dominican College Griffith Avenue and Trinity Comprehensive School in Ballymun would also serve some of the population of Santry.


Santry is part of the Whitehall-Larkhill-Santry Roman Catholic parish, served by the Church of the Holy Child, opened in 1944,[14]and by BlessedMargaret Ballchurch[15]opened in 1994 (named after one of the Dublin Martyrs). TheChurch of Irelandcommunity are served bySt. Pappan's Church,which is part of the Santry,Glasnevin(St. Mobhi's) andFinglas(St. Canice's) Grouping of Parishes,[16][17]in Santry village (the former St. Pappin's or St. Pappan's Catholic church was just off Santry Avenue in Ballymun, built in 1846 during the famine times. Workers were paid in food and the land was provided by the Domville family ofSantry Woods;it is now a nursing home. This had replaced an earlier St. Pappan's Catholic church on Santry Avenue built in 1797). There is an old graveyard beside St. Pappan's and a parish hall. While Blessed Margaret's (a chapel of ease for Whitehall church) was being developed, the St. Pappan's Parish Hall was used by the Catholic community for weekly mass. At one point, St. Pappan's Catholic Church in Ballymun, shared seats with St. Pappan's Church of Ireland, and they moved the seats between the churches between services.[18]

A more recent development is the Dublin Christian Life Church, in Schoolhouse Lane, a Chinese Christian community.[19][20]Another new church is the Christian Fellowship Church, off Coolock Lane.[21]


Morton Stadium


Santry is the base of a number of sports clubs such as the association football clubsSt. Kevin's Boys Clubestablished in 1959[22]who play in Shanowen Road, Ellenfield park, Albert College park, Coolgreena and off the Old Airport Road and Lorcan Celtic established in 1987[23]who play in Lorcan Green.Sporting Fingal F.C.played their home games at the Morton Stadium during their three seasons in the League of Ireland, from 2008 to 2011 when they disbanded.


Clonliffe Harriers Athletic Club is based in the Morton Stadium in Santry, which they built in 1955.[24]

Other sports[edit]

Trinity College has sports grounds on a former part of the Santry Demense off Santry Avenue; this includes facilities for rugby, soccer, Gaelic football, hurling and hockey pitches.[25]

Santry TaeKwon-Do meet in Astro Park.[citation needed]

Greyhound racing and speedway[edit]

Greyhound racingandspeedwaytook place at the Santry Sports Stadium (not to be confused with the Morton Stadium.[26]) The greyhound racing was operational from August 1945 until 1951 and the speedway operated from 1948 until 1951.[27][28]

Community groups and facilities[edit]

The Greenfield Park Residents Association works on behalf of residents of the Greenfield Estate, which comprises Shanliss, Shanard, Shanowen, Oldtown and parts of Ballymun Road and Collins Avenue, and has a Residents Community Club on Shanliss Avenue.[citation needed]The Lorcan Estate Residents Association is based in Lorcan Green.[citation needed]The Santry Forum, based in the Santry Community Resource Centre, off Coolock Lane, represents residents in the Santry and Whitehall area.[29]

Industrial estates[edit]

Santry has long[vague]been the location of a number of businesses and industries, from Chrysler and the Talbot factory on Shanowen Road (which became the Garda Station), to IT companies and logistic service providers associated with nearby Dublin Airport. Businesses based here include Kellogg's.[citation needed]Industrial estates and business parks in the area include Airways Industrial Estate, Furry Park Industrial Estate, Santry Hall Industrial Estate, Shanowen Road Business Park, St John's Court Office Park and Woodford Business Park.[citation needed]


Public transport comprises a number of bus routes, operated byDublin Bus[30]andGo-Ahead Ireland[31]

16 – From Ballinteer to Airport
N4 - from The Point toBlanchardstownvia Collins Ave

27b – FromHarristowntoEden Quay– turns away from Santry at the Santry Demesne junction
17a - fromBlanchardstowntoKilbarrackviaFinglas

33 – FromBalbrigganto Lower Abbey Street
41 – From Swords Manor to Lower Abbey Street
41b – From Rolestown to Lower Abbey Street
41c – From Swords Manor to Lower Abbey Street
104 – From Clontarf Road to DCU

Although Santry isn’t served by rail, the upcomingMetroLinkis planned to pass near Santry, with Ballymun and Northwood as the nearest stations.


  1. ^Trinity College Library Dublin."Stacks Requests".Retrieved10 May2012.
  2. ^Placenames Database of Ireland- Santry civil parish
  3. ^"Seantrabh/Santry".
  4. ^"Seantrabh/Santry".logainm.ie.Retrieved4 July2023.
  5. ^"Mac Gilla Mo Cholmóc, Domnall | Dictionary of Irish Biography".dib.ie.Retrieved4 July2023.
  6. ^Kingston, Rev. John (1953).Parish of Fariview.Dundalk: Dundalgan Press Ltd. pp. 34–43.
  7. ^Santry House
  8. ^History Santry Woodsgeocaching
  9. ^Save Santry Wood for the peopleby Robert Allen, An Phoblacht, November 6, 1997.
  10. ^Santry Community Garden Website
  11. ^North Dublin locals in mourning after popular pub, The Swiss Cottage closes down ahead of redevelopmentby Gavin O'Callaghan, Irish Mirror, June 4, 2019.
  12. ^Irish Charter Schoolsby Kenneth Milne, Church of Ireland Board of Education, The Irish Journal of Education, 1974 viu 1 pp 3 29.
  13. ^abcBrady, Joseph (2014).Dublin, 1930-1950: the emergence of the modern city.Dublin. p. 235.ISBN978-1-84682-519-4.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  14. ^Larkhill/Whitehall/SantryArchived2013-12-03 at theWayback MachineDublin Diocese Website.
  15. ^The Chapel of the Blessed Margaret Ball
  16. ^Santryireland.anglican.org
  17. ^Pappans PeopleSantry St. Pappans Church Website/Blog.
  18. ^St. Pappan's ChurchArchived2013-12-03 at theWayback MachineDublin Public Libraries
  19. ^Devout Chinese to build their own church in Dublinby Colin Coyle, The Times, September 24, 2017.
  20. ^Dublin Christian Life Church
  21. ^Christian Fellowship Church
  22. ^St. Kevins Boys Club- club website
  23. ^Lorcan Celtic FC- club website
  24. ^HistoryThe Morton Games.
  25. ^Santry Sports GroundsTrinity College Dublin.
  26. ^Barnes, Julia (1988).Daily Mirror Greyhound Fact File, page 422.Ringpress Books.ISBN0-948955-15-5.
  27. ^"Santry Greyhound Track - 30 October 1950".Dublin Evening Mail.1950.
  28. ^"SANTRY SPEEDWAY".Greyhound Derby.
  29. ^Santry Forum- Community Group.
  30. ^"Home - Dublin Bus".dublinbus.ie.Retrieved12 April2023.
  31. ^"Go Ahead Ireland".goaheadireland.ie.Retrieved12 April2023.

External links[edit]