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Seleucus VI Epiphanes

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Seleucus VI Epiphanes
A coin bearing the portrait of the Seleucid king Seleucus VI
Seleucus VI's portrait on the obverse of atetradrachmminted inAntioch
King of Syria
Reign96–94 BC
PredecessorAntiochus VIII,Antiochus IX
SuccessorDemetrius III,Antiochus X,Antiochus XI,Philip I
Died94 BC
Regnal name
Seleucus Epiphanes Nicator
FatherAntiochus VIII

Seleucus VI Epiphanes Nicator(Ancient Greek:Σέλευκος Ἐπιφανής Νικάτωρ,romanized:Séleukos Epiphanís Nikátor;between 124 and 109 BC – 94 BC) was aHellenisticSeleucidmonarch whoruled Syriabetween 96 and 94 BC. He was the son ofAntiochus VIIIand hisPtolemaic EgyptianwifeTryphaena.Seleucus VI lived during a period of civil war between his father and his uncleAntiochus IX,which ended in 96 BC when Antiochus VIII was assassinated. Antiochus IX then occupied the capitalAntiochwhile Seleucus VI established his power-base in westernCiliciaand himself prepared for war. In 95 BC, Antiochus IX marched against his nephew, but lost the battle and was killed. Seleucus VI became the master of the capital but had to share Syria with his brotherDemetrius III,based inDamascus,and his cousin, Antiochus IX's sonAntiochus X.

According to the ancient historianAppian,Seleucus VI was a violent ruler. He taxed his dominions extensively to support his wars, and resisted allowing the cities a measure of autonomy, as had been the practice of former kings. His reign did not last long; in 94 BC, he was expelled from Antioch by Antiochus X, who followed him to the Cilician city ofMopsuestia.Seleucus took shelter in the city where his attempts to raise money led to riots that eventually claimed his life in 94 BC. Ancient traditions have different versions of his death, but he was most probably burned alive by the rioters. Following his demise, his brothersAntiochus XIandPhilip Idestroyed Mopsuestia as an act of revenge and their armies fought those of Antiochus X.

Name, family and early life[edit]

A coin struck by Antiochus VIII of Syria (reigned 125-96 BC). Portrait of Antiochus VIII on the obverse; depiction of Zeus holding a star and staff on the reverse
Coin ofAntiochus VIII,father of Seleucus VI

"Seleucus" was a dynastic name in theSeleucid dynasty,[note 1][2][3]and it is theMacedonianvariant of the GreekΖάλευκος(zaleucus), meaning 'the shining white'.[note 2][7][8]Antiochus VIIImarried thePtolemaicEgyptian princessTryphaenainc.124BC,[9]shortly after his ascension to the throne; Seleucus VI was the couple's eldest son.[note 3][11]From 113BC, Antiochus VIII had to contend with his half-brotherAntiochus IXfor the throne. The civil war continued for more than a decade;[12]it claimed the life of Tryphaena in 109 BC,[13]and ended when Antiochus VIII was assassinated in 96BC.[14]In the aftermath of his brother's murder, Antiochus IX advanced on the capitalAntiochand took it; he also married the second wife and widow of Antiochus VIII,Cleopatra Selene.[15]According to an inscription, the city ofPrienesent honors to "Seleucus son of King Antiochus son of KingDemetrius";the embassy probably took place before Seleucus VI ascended the throne as the inscription does not mention him as a king.[16]The embassy of Priene probably met Seleucus VI inCilicia;Antiochus VIII might have sent his son to that region as astrategos.[17]


Coin struck by Seleucus VI in Seleucia on the Calycadnus, modern Silifke. The obverse contain a portrait of the king and the reverse depicts the goddess Athena and has the king's name and titles inscribed.
Tetradrachm of Seleucus VI fromSeleucia on the Calycadnus,which served as his first capital
Coin of Seleucus VI. Obverse depict the king horned. Reverse depicts the god Zeus.
Tetradrachm minted in Antioch depicting Seleucus VI with horns
Coin of Seleucus VI. Obverse depict the king bearded. Reverse depicts the god Zeus.
Tetradrachm depicting Seleucus VI bearded

Following his father's death, Seleucus VI declared himself king and took the city ofSeleucia on the Calycadnusin western Cilicia as his base,[18][19]while his brotherDemetrius IIItookDamascus.[20]The volume of coins minted by the new king in Seleucia on the Calycadnus surpassed any other mint known from the late Seleucid period, and most of the coins were produced during his preparations for war against Antiochus IX,[note 4][23]a conflict that would end in the year 96/95 BC (217SE (Seleucid year)).[note 5][17]This led the numismatist Arthur Houghton to suggest an earlier death for Antiochus VIII and a longer reign for Seleucus VI beginning in 98 or 97BC instead of 96BC.[19]The numismatistOliver D. Hoovercontested Houghton's hypothesis, as it was not rare for a king to double his production in a single year at times of need,[25]and the academic consensus prefers the year 96BC for the death of Antiochus VIII.[26]

Titles and royal image[edit]

AncientHellenistickings did not useregnal numbers.Instead, they employed epithets to distinguish themselves from other kings with similar names; the numbering of kings is a modern practice.[27][28]Seleucus VI appeared on his coins with the epithetsEpiphanes(God Manifest) andNicator(Victorious).[note 6][21]As being the son of Antiochus VIII was the source of his legitimacy as king, Seleucus VI sought to emphasize his descent by depicting himself on the coinage with an exaggerated hawk-nose in the likeness of his father.[32]

Another iconographic element of Seleucus VI's coinage is the short vertical stubby horns above thetemplearea; the meaning of this motif has been debated among scholars. It is likely an allusion to Seleucus VI's descent from his grandfatherDemetrius II,who utilized the same motif. The specific meaning of the horns is not clear, but it could have been an indication that the king was a manifestation of a god;[33]the stubby horns sported by Seleucus VI probably carried the same meaning as those of his grandfather.[note 7][36]In the Seleucid dynasty, currency struck during campaigns against a rival (or usurper) showed the king with a beard.[37]Seleucus VI was depicted with a beard, which was later removed from coins, indicating the fulfilment of a vengeance vow to avenge his father.[36]

Struggle against Antiochus IX[edit]

In Seleucia on the Calycadnus, Seleucus VI prepared for war against his uncle, whose forces probably occupied central Cilicia and confined his nephew to the western parts of the region.[19]The king needed a harbor for Seleucia on the Calycadnus and probably founded the city ofElaiussato serve that purpose.[note 8][41]Seleucus VI gathered funds for his coming war from the cities of Cilicia, includingMopsuestia,which seems to have been taxed on several occasions.[42]During his reign, it is estimated that Seleucus VI produced 1,200talentsof coins to support his war effort, enough to pay ten thousand soldiers for two years.[43]On the reverse of bronze coins produced in a mint whose location is not known, coded uncertain mint 125, a motif depicting achelysformed in the shape of a Macedonian shield appeared on the reverse. This motif was probably meant to rally the support of military Macedonian colonists in the region.[36]Those coins were probably produced in Syria, in a city half the way betweenTarsusin Cilicia and Antioch; therefore, they were probably minted in the course of Seleucus VI's campaign against Antiochus IX.[44]

Map depicting the kingdom of Syria in the year 95 BC when it was divided between Seleucus VI in the north with his capital at Antioch; Demetrius III in the south with his capital at Damascus; and Antiochus X in the west with his base at Arwad.
Syria in 95 BC

Antiochus IX took note of Seleucus VI's preparations; after the latter started his march on Antioch in 95BC,[45]Antiochus IX left the capital and moved against his nephew. Seleucus VI emerged victorious while his uncle lost his life, either by committing suicide according to the 3rd-century historianEusebius,or by being executed according to the 1st-century historianJosephus.[46]Soon afterwards, Seleucus VI entered the capital; Cleopatra Selene probably fled before his arrival.[17]

Policy and the war against Antiochus X[edit]

In 144 SE (169/168 BC), KingAntiochus IVallowed nineteen cities to mint municipal bronze coinage in their own names, indicating his awareness of the mutual dependency of cities and the monarchy on each other.[note 9][47]This movement towards greater autonomy continued as the cities sought to emancipate themselves from the central power, adding the phrase "sacred and autonomous" to their coinage.[50]Seleucus VI did not follow the policy of his forebears. In Cilicia, as long as he reigned, autonomy was not granted; a change in the political status of Cilician cities was apparently not acceptable for Seleucus VI.[51]

Seleucus VI controlled Cilicia and Syria Seleucis (Northern Syria).[note 10][40]Antiochus IX had a son,Antiochus X;according to Josephus, he fled to the city ofAraduswhere he declared himself king.[57]Seleucus VI attempted to kill his cousin and rival but the plot failed,[58]and Antiochus X married Cleopatra Selene to enhance his position.[59]The archaeologistAlfred Bellingerbelieved that Seleucus VI prepared for his coming war against Antiochus X in Elaiussa.[40]In 94BC, Antiochus X advanced on the capital Antioch and drove Seleucus VI out of northern Syria into Cilicia.[26]According to Eusebius, the final battle took place near Mopsuestia, and ended with the defeat of Seleucus VI.[60]

Death and legacy[edit]

Drawing of an inscription in Ancient Greek.
Drawing of an inscription found on the base of statue erected on the island ofDelosfor Seleucus VI (reconstructed byThéophile Homolle,1884)[a]
Coin minted by Antiochus XI and Philip I. The obverse depict them together with Antiochus XI appearing ahead of Philip. The reverse contain the kings' names to the right and their epithets to the left. In the middle of the reverse, Zeus is depicted sitting on a throne holding a sceptre and holding a Nike in his hand which is stretched toward the inscription of the epithets.
Jugatecoin ofAntiochus XIandPhilip I,who sought revenge for the death of their brother Seleucus VI

Described by the 2nd-century historianAppianas "violent and extremely tyrannical",[61]Seleucus VI took shelter in Mopsuestia,[62]and attempted to tax the residents again, which led to his death during riots.[63][64]The year of his demise is not clear; Eusebius placed it in 216 SE (97/96 BC), which is impossible considering that a market weight of Seleucus VI from Antioch dated to 218 SE (95/94 BC) has been discovered. The 4th-century historianJeromehas 219 SE (94/93 BC) as the year of Seleucus VI's demise, which is more plausible.[65]The year 94BC is the academically accepted date for the death of Seleucus VI.[66]No spouse or children were recorded for Seleucus VI.[67]According to the 1st-century biographerPlutarch,the 1st-century BCRomangeneralLucullussaid that theArmenianking,Tigranes II,who conquered Syria in 83BC, "put to death the successors ofSeleucus,and [carried] off their wives and daughters into captivity ". Given the fragmentary nature of ancient sources regarding the late Seleucid period, the statement of Lucullus leaves open the existence of a wife or daughter of Seleucus VI.[68]

Ancient traditions preserve three accounts regarding Seleucus VI's death: the oldest, by Josephus, has a mob burning the king and his courtiers in the royal palace. Appian shares the burning account but has the city's gymnasium as the scene. According to Eusebius, Seleucus VI discovered the intention of the residents to burn him, and took his own life. Bellinger considered the account of Josephus to be the most probable; he noted that Eusebius presented suicide accounts for other Seleucid kings who were recorded as having been killed by other historians, such asAlexander Iand Antiochus IX. Bellinger believed that the 3rd-century historianPorphyry,the source of Eusebius' stories about the Seleucids, was attempting to "tone down somewhat the horrors of the Seleucid house".[69]

The city ofAthensshared a close relation with the Seleucid kings, and statues of Syrian monarchs set up by Athenian citizens on the island ofDelostestify to this;[70]a citizen named Dionysius dedicated a statue for Seleucus VI between 96 and 94BC.[note 11][73][74]In deference to his late brother, KingAntiochus XIadopted the epithetPhiladelphus(brother loving).[75]Along with his twinPhilip I,Antiochus XI proceeded to avenge Seleucus VI; the brothers sacked and destroyed Mopsuestia.[76]Antiochus XI then headed to Antioch in 93BC and expelled Antiochus X.[77]

Family tree[edit]

Family tree of Seleucus VI
Seleucus IV[i]Laodice IV[i][ii]Ptolemy V[iii]Cleopatra I[iii]
Demetrius I[ii]Laodice V[ii]Ptolemy VI[iv]Cleopatra II[iv]
Demetrius II[v]Cleopatra Thea[vi]Cleopatra III[vii]Ptolemy VIII[vii]
Antiochus VIII[viii]Tryphaena[viii]
Seleucus VI
  1. ^abHoover 2000,p. 107
  2. ^abcHoover 2000,p. 108
  3. ^abOgden 1999,p. 82
  4. ^abOgden 1999,p. 83
  5. ^Wright 2012,p. iii
  6. ^Ogden 1999,p. 149
  7. ^abOgden 1999,p. 87
  8. ^abOgden 1999,pp. 153, 156

See also[edit]


  1. ^In Greek:

    [Βασιλ]έα Σ[έλευκον Ἐπιφανῆ]
    [βασιλ]έως Ἀν[τιόχου Φιλομήτορος]
    [Διον]ύσιος [...]
    [Ἀθη]ναῖος τ[...]
    [Ἀπό]λλωνι, Ἀ[ρτέμιδι, Λητοῖ].

    English translation:

    (implied: Dedicated to the) King S[eleukos Epiphanes],
    (son) of king An[tiochos Philometor],
    [Dion]ysios [...]
    the [Athe]nian [...]
    to [Apo]llo, A[rtemis, Leto].

  1. ^It was customary to name the eldest son after the dynasty's founderSeleucus I,while a younger son would be named Antiochus.[1]
  2. ^The linguistRadoslav Katičićconsidered it comparable toλευχός,meaning 'white'.[4]The name Zaleucus is etymologically related to brightness. The historianFrank Adcockagreed with the linguistOtto Hoffmannwho considered Seleucus and Zaleucus different pronunciations of the same name.[5][6]
  3. ^Ancient sources do not mention the name of Seleucus VI's mother but it is generally assumed by modern scholars that she was Tryphaena, who was mentioned explicitly byPorphyryas the mother of Seleucus VI's younger brothersAntiochus XIandPhilip I.[10]
  4. ^HistorianHenry Noel Humphreysconsidered the coins of Seleucus VI to be the beginning of decadence in Syro-Greek art.[21]The coins minted at Seleucia on the Calycadnus were also reduced 0.5 g (0.018 oz) in weight compared to the coins minted during the reigns of Antiochus VIII and Antiochus IX in Antioch.[22]
  5. ^Some dates in the article are given according to theSeleucid era.Each Seleucid year started in the late autumn of aGregorian year;thus, a Seleucid year overlaps two Gregorian ones.[24]
  6. ^The author of4 Maccabeesmentions a king called "Seleucus Nicanor", but no Seleucid king is known to have borne this epithet. The academic consensus considers this to be a historical error on the side of the author.[29]Historian Matthijs den Dulk suggested that this was not a mistake; all Greek manuscripts of 4 Maccabees, aside from one, have "Nicanor", but the Syriac manuscripts have "Nicator". Despite Nicator being the official rendering used by the only two kings who bore the epithet, Seleucus I and Seleucus VI, "Nicanor" was also used by ancient historians, such asPolybius,JosephusandPorphyry,in reference to Seleucus I.[30]Historian Jan Willem van Henten suggested that the intended king was Seleucus VI rather than Seleucus I. Den Dulk rejected this hypothesis because the author of 4 Maccabees mentioned that "Seleucus Nicanor" reigned before the time of the Jewish high priestOnias III,who is separated from Seleucus VI by almost a century. This makes the identification of "Seleucus Nicanor" with Seleucus VI difficult.[31]
  7. ^In the case of Demetrius II, different scholars suggested several interpretations.Roland Smithand Robert Fleischer suggested that it indicated the godDionysus Taureos.Niklaus Dürr suggested that the horns represented aheifer,and was meant to representIo.Thomas Fischerand Kay Ehling considered it a possible allusion toSeleucus I,the founder of the dynasty.[34]Hoover and Arthur Houghton considered it a sign of divine attributes, utilized by Demetrius II following the example of his ancestors, such as Seleucus I,Seleucus IIandAntiochus III.[35]
  8. ^The earliest Seleucid coins attributed to Elaiussa were struck by Seleucus VI.[38]The archaeologistAlfred Bellingerattributed rare issues of Antiochus VIII to Elaiussa, but this has not been widely accepted by scholars.[39][40]The earliest mention of the name "Elaiussa" comes from coins autonomously issued by the city after the demise of Seleucus VI.[38]
  9. ^Antiochus IV needed the cities' loyalty, and thus, conferred the prerogative on them.[47]Minting coinage was a sign of autonomy, derived from the tradition of Greekpoleis(i.e. city states).[48]The autonomy of Seleucid cities did not affect the cities' obligations towards the king so long as the monarchy was strong, but when the center became weaker, during the era of Antiochus VIII and Antiochus IX, the cities acquired traditional powers of Greek poleis.[49]
  10. ^Regarding the geographical extent of Seleucus VI's dominions:
    • TheRomansestablished a province ofCiliciain 102 BC, but it did not include areas geographically in the region, and the city ofSidewas the easternmost point of that province.[52]
    • The Italian numismatistNicola Francesco Haym,based on a coin of Seleucus VI, proposed that the king's realm extended beyond theEuphratesriver to theTigris,and that he held court in the city ofNisibis.Haym reached his conclusion by reading the monogram on the coin, which he thought represented the city of Nisibis.[53]This coin was minted in Seleucia on the Calycadnus according to modern numismatists, such as Houghton.[54]Following the defeat ofAntiochus VII(died 129 BC) in his war againstParthia,the Euphrates became Syria's eastern border.[55]Parthia established the river as its western border and included the region ofOsroene.[56]
  11. ^The inscription is damaged; it was reconstructed byThéophile Homolle,[71]then byPierre Roussel,who read the damaged king's name as "Seleucus".[72]Homolle identified the king as Seleucus VI and this identification has been accepted by many scholars, including Roussel.[71]



  1. ^Taylor 2013,p.9.
  2. ^Bevan 2014,p.56.
  3. ^Hoover 1998,p.81.
  4. ^Katičić 1976,p.113.
  5. ^Adcock 1927,p. 97.
  6. ^Hoffmann 1906,p.174.
  7. ^Libanius 1992,p. 111.
  8. ^Ogden 2017,p.11.
  9. ^Otto & Bengtson 1938,pp. 103, 104.
  10. ^Bennett 2002,p. note 7.
  11. ^Ogden 1999,pp. 153, 156.
  12. ^Kosmin 2014,p.23.
  13. ^Wright 2012,pp. 11.
  14. ^Ogden 1999,pp. 153–154.
  15. ^Dumitru 2016,pp. 260–261.
  16. ^Sumner 1978,p. 150.
  17. ^abcDumitru 2016,p. 262.
  18. ^Josephus 1833,p.420.
  19. ^abcHoughton 1989,p. 98.
  20. ^Houghton & Müseler 1990,p. 61.
  21. ^abHumphreys 1853,p.134.
  22. ^Houghton 1992,p. 133.
  23. ^Houghton 1989,pp. 97–98.
  24. ^Biers 1992,p. 13.
  25. ^Hoover 2007,p. 286.
  26. ^abHoughton 1989,p. 97.
  27. ^McGing 2010,p.247.
  28. ^Hallo 1996,p.142.
  29. ^Den Dulk 2014,p. 133.
  30. ^Den Dulk 2014,p. 134.
  31. ^Den Dulk 2014,p. 135.
  32. ^Wright 2011,p. 46.
  33. ^Houghton, Lorber & Hoover 2008,p. 562.
  34. ^Houghton, Lorber & Hoover 2008,p. 411.
  35. ^Houghton, Lorber & Hoover 2008,p. 412.
  36. ^abcHoughton, Lorber & Hoover 2008,p. 552.
  37. ^Lorber & Iossif 2009,p. 112.
  38. ^abEquini Schneider 1999b,p.34.
  39. ^Houghton & Moore 1988,pp. 67–68.
  40. ^abcHoughton 1989,p. 78.
  41. ^Tempesta 2013,p. 31.
  42. ^Bellinger 1949,p. 73.
  43. ^Aperghis 2004,p.239.
  44. ^Houghton, Lorber & Hoover 2008,p. 560.
  45. ^Downey 2015,p.133.
  46. ^Bellinger 1949,pp. 72–73.
  47. ^abMeyer 2001,p. 506.
  48. ^Howgego 1995,pp. 41, 43.
  49. ^Bar-Kochva 1976,p.219.
  50. ^Equini Schneider 1999a,p.380.
  51. ^Houghton & Bendall 1988,p. 85.
  52. ^Oktan 2011,pp. 268, 273.
  53. ^Haym 1719,p.42.
  54. ^Houghton 1989,p. 93.
  55. ^Hogg 1911,p.184.
  56. ^Kia 2016,p. 55.
  57. ^Josephus 1833,p.421.
  58. ^Appian 1899,p.324.
  59. ^Dumitru 2016,p. 264.
  60. ^Eusebius 1875,p.259.
  61. ^Langer 1994,p.244.
  62. ^Ogden 1999,p. 154.
  63. ^Houghton 1998,p. 66.
  64. ^Bellinger 1949,pp. 73–74.
  65. ^Hoover 2007,p. 289.
  66. ^Houghton, Lorber & Hoover 2008,p. 551;Houghton 1987,p. 79;Lorber & Iossif 2009,pp. 102–103;Roussel & Launey 1937,p. 47;Habicht 2006,p.172;Wright 2011,p. 42.
  67. ^Ogden 1999,p. 156.
  68. ^Dumitru 2016,pp. 269–270.
  69. ^Bellinger 1949,p. 74.
  70. ^Habicht 2006,p.171.
  71. ^abRoussel & Launey 1937,p. 47.
  72. ^Roussel 1916,p.67.
  73. ^Habicht 2006,p.172.
  74. ^Grainger 1997,p.65.
  75. ^Coloru 2015,p. 177.
  76. ^Houghton 1987,p. 79.
  77. ^Houghton, Lorber & Hoover 2008,p. 573.


External links[edit]

Seleucus VI Epiphanes
Born:UnknownDied:94 BC
Preceded by King of Syria
96–94 BC
with Antiochus IX(96–95 BC)
Demetrius III(96–94 BC)
Antiochus X(95–94 BC)
Succeeded by
Demetrius III
Antiochus X
Antiochus XI
Philip I