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Senapati of Mataram

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Senapati of Mataram
King of Mataram
SuccessorHanyakrawati of Mataram
BornDanang Sutawijaya or Dananjaya
Kajenar,Mataram Sultanate
Kitha Ageng Royal Cemetery,Kitha Ageng,Mataram Sultanate
  • Queen Mas Waskitajawi
  • Queen Ratna Dumilah
IssueHanyakrawati of Mataram
Regnal name
Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Panembahan Senapati ing Ngalaga Sayyidin Panatagama
Posthumous name
Panembahan Seda ing Kajenar
FatherKi Ageng Pemanahan
MotherNyi Sabinah

Panembahan Senapati,formally styledPanembahan Senapati ing Ngalaga Sayyidin Panatagama(died in Jenar (nowPurwodadi, Purworejo), 1601), was the founder of theMataram Sultanate.[1]


BornDanang Sutawijaya,known as Dananjaya, he was the son ofKi Ageng Pamanahan,a Javanese chief and retainer toJoko Tingkir,who reigned as Hadiwijaya,Sultan of Pajang.[1]It was said that Pamanahan was a descendant of the last Majapahit king. Sutawijaya'smotherwas Nyai Sabinah who, according to Javanese chronicles, was a descendant ofSunan Giri,a member ofWalisanga.Nyai Sabinah had a brother, Ki Juru Martani, who was elected as the firstpatih(viceregent) of Mataram. He had an important role in arranging a strategy to suppress Arya Penangsang's rebellion in 1549.

Sutawijaya was adopted by Hadiwijaya as an inducement because Hadiwijaya and his wife still had no children yet in that time. Hadiwijaya gave him a residence in the north of a market, thus his nickname "Raden Ngabehi Loring Pasar".[citation needed]

Early role[edit]

According to Javanese tradition, the Senopati who was Joko Tingkir's foster son assassinatedArya Penangsangof Jipang-Panolan (now inCepu,Blora Regency), making him the last direct heir of theSultans of Demak.His death established the legitimacy of the Sultanate of Pajang.[2]

Senapati ing Alaga[edit]

Ki Ageng Pamanahan was granted Mataram region in 1556. After he died in 1575, Sutawijaya succeeded him as chief of Mataram, styled Senapati Ing Ngalaga (meaning "commander in the battlefield" ).

In 1576, Ngabehi Wilamarta and Ngabehi Wuragil of Pajang came to Mataram to ask for Mataram's loyalty, given that Senapati hadn't come to Pajang for more than ayear.Senapati, who was riding his horse in Lipura village, didn't pay attention to them. However, the two senior officials were able to keep Sultan Hadiwijaya's feelings from the report they had arranged.

Divine mandate[edit]

The traditional chronicleBabad Tanah Jawialleges that Senopati, in his quest to become the supreme ruler of Java, had a spiritual alliance withNyai Roro Kidul,the Javanese goddess of theIndian Ocean.The Babad, however, derives Senopati's support from Muslim saintSunan Kalijaga,who is considered to be one of theWali Songoor 'Nine Apostles' of Islam in Java.[3]Other than Nyi Roro Kidul, Senapati also contacted the ruler ofMount Merapi.He also built fortifications and trained his soldiers.

Rebellion against Pajang[edit]

In his effort, Senapati also dared to divert the journey ofmantri pamajegan(tax collector) fromKeduandBagelenwho wanted to delivertaxto Pajang. They could be persuaded by Senapati so they swore allegiance to him.

Sultan Hadiwijaya was restless to hear about his adopted son's development. He then sent 3 messengers to investigate Mataram's development, i.e. Arya Pamalad of Tuban,Prince Benawa,and Patih Mancanegara. Senapati welcomed them with a party. However, there was a quarrel between Raden Rangga (Senapati'sson) with Arya Pamalad.

In 1582, Sultan Hadiwijaya banished Tumenggung Mayang toSemarangbecause he had helped his son, Raden Pabelan, to enterkeputren(residence for Mataram princesses) and seduce Ratu Sekar Kedaton, Sultan's youngest daughter. Raden Pabelan himself was sentenced to death and his corpse was thrown away toJenes RiverinLaweyan(currently located inSurakarta).

Pabelan's mother was Senapati's sister. Senapati then sentmantri pamajeganto liberate Tumenggung Mayang who were on a journey to exile.

Outraged by Senapati's action, Sultan Hadiwijaya invaded Mataram with his soldiers. The war then took place. Pajang's soldiers could be defeated although outnumbered Mataram's one.

Sultan Hadiwijaya fell sick on his journey back to Pajang, and died after it. On his deathbed, Sultan Hadiwijaya requested his children not to dislike Senapati and they had to treat him as the eldest brother. Senapati himself also attended his adoptive father's funeral.

King of Mataram[edit]

Arya Pangiriwas Sultan Hadiwijaya'sson-in-lawwho became Duke of Demak. Supported by Panembahan Kudus, he occupied Pajang in 1583 and ousted Prince Benawa by appointing him as Duke of Jipang.

Prince Benawa then allied with Senapati in 1586. They viewed Arya Pangiri's reign had harming the people of Pajang. The war broke out. Arya Pangiri was arrested and sent back toDemak.

Prince Benawa offered Pajang's throne to Senapati but refused. Senopati just demanded some Pajang'sheirloomsto be looked after in Mataram.

Prince Benawa became Sultan of Pajang in 1587. He requested that Pajang be merged with Mataram. He requested Senapati to be Mataram's king. Pajang then became Mataram's vassal state, administered by Prince Gagak Baning, Senapati's brother.

Since that time, Senapati became the first king of Mataram, titled Panembahan. He didn't want to use Sultan as a title to honour Sultan Hadiwijaya and Prince Benawa. His royal court was located inKotagede.


During his reign, the kingdom adhered to Javanese traditions, althoughIslamhad already been introduced toJava.The Javanese Muslim state of Pajang (and the ancient Hindu-Javanese kingdom of Mataram, still on the same site) got in trouble when Panembahan Senopati schemed to undermine the authority of the King of Pajang. Senopati had conquered the Mataram district himself and circa 1576 he conquered Pajang, imposed the new religion, and established his court. The Mataram ruler refused to embrace Islam. Many historiographical problems surrounded Senopati's reign. He concentrated his spiritual powers through meditation and asceticism. Senopati's reliance upon bothSunan KalijagaandNyai Loro Kidulin the chronicles' accounts nicely reflects the Mataram Dynasty's ambivalence towards Islam and indigenous Javanese beliefs. The straight line betweenMount Merapiat the north and the southern sea, with the Mataram kingdom at the center, was a strong concept of cosmology among the Javanese.[4]

Senopati's grandson,Sultan Agung(the Great Sultan, 1613–1645), was described as a great Muslim ruler and was claimed as the greatest of Mataram's rulers, though both Senopati and Sultan Agung established a liaison with the Goddess of the Southern Ocean ofNyai Loro Kidul.[5]

Expanding Mataram's territory[edit]

After Hadiwijaya's death, many vassal states inEast Javaseceded. The alliance of East Java's dukes was still led bySurabayaas the strongest entity. They were involved in a battle against Mataram inMojokerto,but they could be mediated byGiri Kedaton's messenger.

Other than Pajang and Demak,Patiwas also subjugated peacefully. Pati was led byDuke Pragola I,son of Ki Panjawi. His sister Queen Waskitajawi became the main queen consort of Mataram. It had made Duke Pragola I hope that Mataram would be led by his sister's descendants.

In 1590, joined troops of Mataram, Pati, Demak, and Pajang attackedMadiun,which was led byRangga Jumena(the youngest son ofSultan Trenggana), who had prepared large troops awaiting the invader. With a brilliant trickery, Madiun was conquered. Rangga Jumena fled to Surabaya, while his daughter namely Retno Dumilah was married to Senapati.

In 1591, acoup d'etattook place inKediri.Raden Senapati of Kediri was driven out by a new regent, Ratujalu, supported by Surabaya.

Raden Senapati of Kediri was adopted by Panembahan senapati as his son and he helped him to take over the throne of Kediri. The war ended with the death of both Raden Senapati with Duke Pesagi (his uncle).

In 1595, the Duke of Pasuruan intended to submit to Mataram peacefully, but was prevented by hiscommander,Rangga Kaniten. Rangga Kaniten was defeated by Panembahan Senapati in aduel.He was assassinated by the Duke of Pasuruan, who swore allegiance to Mataram.

In 1600, Duke Pragola I of Pati rebelled against Mataram. The rebellion was precipitated by the appointment of Retno Dumilah of Madiun as the second queen consort. Pati military forces were able to occupy some regions in the north of Mataram. A war broke out nearDengkeng River,where the Mataram force led by Senapati himself destroyed the Pati force.


Panembahan Senapati alias Danang Sutawijaya died in Kajenar village in 1601. He was buried inMataram Cemetery,Kotagede, and was succeeded by his sonMas Jolang,born from Ratu Mas Waskitajawi.


  1. Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Pambayun / Retna Pembayun, marriedKi Ageng Mangir,a chief of Mangir, afiefdomlocated in the west of Mataram.
  2. Pangeran Ronggo Samudra (Duke of Pati)
  3. Pangeran Puger / Raden Mas Kentol Kejuron (Duke of Demak)
  4. Pangeran Teposono
  5. Pangeran Purbaya/ RM. Damar
  6. Pangeran Rio Manggala
  7. Pangeran Adipati Jayaraga / Raden Mas Barthotot, Duke of Ponorogo
  8. Panembahan Hadi Prabu Hanyokrowati/2nd King of Mataram(Panembahan Senapati's successor, reigned from 1601 to 1613)
  9. Gusti Raden Ayu Demang Tanpa Nangkil
  10. GRAy. Wiramantri
  11. Pangeran Adipati Pringgoloyo I (Regent of Madiun,1595–1601)
  12. Ki Ageng Panembahan Juminah/Pangeran Juminah/Pangeran Blitar I (Regent of Madiun between 1601 and 1613)
  13. Pangeran Adipati Martoloyo / Raden Mas Kanitren (Regent of Madiun between 1613 and 1645)
  14. Pangeran Tanpa Nangkil


  1. ^abKraton Jogja: The History and Cultural Heritage.Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. 2002.ISBN9789799690609.
  2. ^Ricklefs, M. C. (Merle Calvin) (1981),A history of modern Indonesia: c.1300 to the present,Macmillan; Bloomington: Indiana University Press,ISBN978-0-333-24380-0- noting that Ricklefs states p.37 regarding this...Japanese legends say...- so this assertion is not historically verified
  3. ^E. Jordaan, Roy (1984)."The Mystery of Nyai Lara Kidul, Goddess of the Southern Ocean".Archipel(in French).28(1): 99–116.doi:10.3406/arch.1984.1921.
  4. ^Ricklefs 1981,p. 37Many historiographical problems surround Senapati's reign. Most of it is known only from later Mataram chronicles... quoting C.C. Berg... Mataram chroniclers attempted to create false antecedents for... see also discussion on p.38/39 as to whether Senapati was aninventionby Sultan Agung's chroniclers
  5. ^Ricklefs, M.C. (1993)A History of Modern Indonesia since c. 1300.The Macmillan Press second edition.ISBN0-333-57690-X

External links[edit]

Preceded by
None (first creation)
Panembahan of Mataram
1586 – 1601
Succeeded by