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Service record

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Aservice recordis a collection of either electronic or printed material which provides adocumentaryhistoryof a person's activities and accomplishments while serving as a member of a givenorganization.Service records are most often associated with themilitary,but are commonly found in other groups, such as largecorporationsor for use byemployeesof a civiliangovernment.

Australian armed forces[edit]

Service records for theAustralian Army,are available at the National Archives of Australia website.[1]The service records of the Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force are also available.

World War I service records provide the dates when the person was "in the field", that is with his unit on active service, if and when they embarked for oversea service, and the names of the units in which the person served. The service record also documents other changes—promotions, transfers, time at base, the date and place of sickness or wounding, and the names of hospital or clearing station where the person was treated.


Canadian military service records are held by either theDepartment of National DefenceorLibrary and Archives Canadadepending on the age of the file. The Library and Archives Canada is responsible for with acquiring, preserving, and providing accessibility for military service files.

Library and Archives Canada holds publicly open military service records are available for personnel serving before 1914, personnel in the First World War, personnel who died in service in the Second World War, and records relating to medals, honours and awards. Library and Archives Canada holds restricted records for regular service members between 1919–1997, reserve members between 1919–2007, andNewfoundland Militiaserving in the Second World War.[2]


Pakistan Militarymaintains the service records in the official"Digest of Service".[3]

Nazi Germany[edit]

The records ofNazi Germanyare extensive and the record keeping ability of theNazi Partywas generally considered to be extremely meticulous. Service records of Nazi organizations are maintained at theBerlin Document Center,inBerlin, Germany,with severalmicrofichecopies of these records available at theNational Archives and Records AdministrationinCollege Park, Maryland.

Records of theWehrmacht,that is the regular armed forces of Germany duringWorld War II,are maintained at theBundesarchiv,also inBerlin.

United States[edit]

Service records of theUnited States armed forcesare considered vital documents both for historical reasons and also to help secureveteranbenefits for discharged or retired service members. In addition, service records of the U.S. military provide a chronology of a service member's career and thus ensure accurate tracking of accomplishments, activities, and promotions.

Military service records of active duty personnel are maintained by the various branches of the U.S. armed forces. Service records of retired and discharged personnel are maintained at theMilitary Personnel Records CenterinSt. Louis, Missouri;after 2005, most U.S. military service records are retained by the military branch since most such records are electronically stored.

Typical makeup of a United States military paper service record


  1. ^National Archives of Australia. Service records for: Boer War; First World War; inter war; Second World War and post war periods
  2. ^"Requests for Military Service Files".Library and Archives Canada.Retrieved8 July2021.
  3. ^Maj Gen Mohammad Cheema, Col Mushtaq Madni and Major Aamir Mushtaq Cheema, 2008,History of Pakistan Army Aviation: 1947-2017,Historical Section of Army Aviation Directorate,General Headquarters (Pakistan Army)GHQ,Rawalpindi,Pakistan, pp 262.