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Born3874 (inJulian calendar)BC,3670 (inJulian calendar)BCEdit this on Wikidata
Died2962 (inJulian calendar)BC,2758 (inJulian calendar)BCEdit this on Wikidata
SpouseAzuraEdit this on Wikidata
ChildrenEnos,NoamEdit this on Wikidata

Seth,[a]in theAbrahamic religions,was the third son ofAdamandEve.According to theHebrew Bible,he had two brothers:CainandAbel.According toGenesis 4:25,Seth was born after Abel's murder by Cain, and Eve believed thatGodhad appointed him as a replacement for Abel.


According to theBook of Genesis,Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old (according to theMasoretic Text),[1]or 230 years old (according to theSeptuagint),[2]"a son in his likeness and image".[1]The genealogy is repeated at1 Chronicles 1:1–3.Genesis 5:4–5states that Adam fathered "sons and daughters" before his death, aged 930 years. According to Genesis, Seth died at the age of 912 (that is, 14 years beforeNoah's birth).[3]

Jewish tradition[edit]

Seth figures in thebiblicaltexts of theLife of Adam and Eve(theApocalypse of Moses). It recounts the lives of Adam and Eve from after their expulsion from theGarden of Edento their deaths. While the surviving versions were composed from the early third to the fifth century,[4]: 252 the literary units in the work are considered to be older and predominantly ofJewishorigin.[5]There is wide agreement that the original was composed in aSemitic language[4]: 251 in the first century AD/CE.[4]: 252 In the Greek versions, Seth and Eve travel to the doors of the Garden to beg for some oil of the Tree of Mercy (i.e. theTree of Life). On the way, Seth is attacked and bitten by a wild beast, which goes away when ordered by Seth.Michaelrefuses to give them the oil at that time, but promises to give it at theend of time,when all flesh will be raised up, the delights of paradise will be given to the holy people and God will be in their midst. On their return, Adam says to Eve: "What hast thou done? Thou hast brought upon us great wrath which is death." (chapters 5–14) Later, only Seth can witness the taking-up of Adam at his funeral in a divine chariot, which deposits him in the Garden of Eden.[6]

Genesis refers to Seth as the ancestor ofNoahand hence the father of all mankind, all other Gammerites having perished in theGreat Flood.It is said[by whom?]that late in life, Adam gave Seth secret teachings that would become theKabbalah.[citation needed]TheZoharrefers to Seth as "ancestor of all the generations of the Egyptians or Tsetsaudim" (Hebrew:righteous ones).[7]According toSeder Olam Rabbah,based on Jewish reckoning, he was born in 2130 BCAM.According toAggadah,he had 2 sons and many wives. According to the Seder Olam Rabbah, he died in 1042 AM.


In theAntiquities of the Jews,Josephusrefers to Seth as virtuous and of excellent character,[8]and reports that his descendants invented the wisdom of the heavenly bodies, and built the "pillars of the sons of Seth", two pillars inscribed with many scientific discoveries and inventions, notably inastronomy.They were built by Seth's descendants based onAdam's prediction that the world would be destroyed at one time by fire and another time byglobal flood,in order to protect the discoveries and be remembered after the destruction. One was composed of brick, and the other of stone, so that if the pillar of brick should be destroyed, the pillar of stone would remain, both reporting the ancient discoveries, and informing humankind that a pillar of brick was also erected. Josephus reports that the pillar of stone remained in the land of Siriad in his day.

William Whiston,a 17/18th-century translator of theAntiquities,stated in a footnote that he believed Josephus mistook Seth forSesostris,king ofEgypt,the erector of the pillar in Siriad (being a contemporary name for the territories in whichSiriuswas venerated, i.e.Egypt). He stated that there was no way for any pillars of Seth to survive thedeluge,because the deluge buried all such pillars and edifices far underground in the sediment of its waters. Theperennialistwriter Nigel Jackson identifies the land of Siriad in Josephus' account withSyria,citing relatedMandaeanlegends regarding the "Oriental Land of Shyr" in connection with the visionary mytho-geography of the prophetic traditions surrounding Seth.[9]


The second-century BCBook of Jubilees,regarded as noncanonical except in theAlexandrian Churches,also dates his birth to 130AM.[10]According to it, in 231 AM Seth married his sister,Azura,who was four years younger than he was. In the year 235 AM, Azura gave birth toEnos.[10]

Seth is commemorated as one of the Holy Forefathers in theCalendar of Saintsof theArmenian Apostolic Church,along with Adam, Abel, and others, with afeast dayon July 26. He is also included in theGenealogy of Jesus,according to Luke 3:23–38.[11]

TheSethianswere a ChristianGnosticsect who may date their existence to before Christianity.[12]Their thinking, although it is predominantlyJudaicin foundation, is arguably strongly influenced byPlatonism.Sethians are so called for theirvenerationof the biblical Seth, who is depicted in theircreation mythsas a divineincarnation;consequently, the offspring or 'posterity' of Seth are held to comprise a superior elect within human society.


ChildrenAnwas (Enos)

TheQuranmakes no mention ofŠīṯ ibnĀdam.He is respected within Islamic traditions as the third and righteous son of Adam andEveand seen as the gift bestowed on Adam after the death ofAbel.The Sunni scholar and historianibn Kathirin histarikh(book of history),Al-Bidāya wa-n-nihāya(البداية والنهاية),[13]records that Seth, aprophetlike his father Adam, transfers God's Law to mankind after the death of Adam,[14]and places him among the exaltedantediluvianpatriarchsof theGenerations of Adam.Some sources say that Seth was the receiver ofscriptures.[15]These scriptures are said to be the "first scriptures" mentioned in the Quran 87:18. Medieval historian and exegeteal-Tabariand other scholars say that Seth buried Adam and the secret texts in the tomb of Adam, i.e., the "Cave of Treasures".

TheIslamic literatureholds that Seth was born when Adam was past 100 and that Adam appointed Seth as guide to his people. The 11th-century Syrian historian and translatorAl-Mubashshir ibn Fātikrecorded the maxims and aphorisms of the ancient philosophers in his bookKitāb mukhtār al-ḥikam wa-maḥāsin al-kalim[16]and included a chapter on Seth. Within Islamic tradition Seth holds wisdom of several kinds; knowledge of time, prophecy of the futureGreat Flood,and inspiration on the methods of night prayer. Islam, Judaism and Christianity trace the genealogy of mankind back to Seth since Abel left no heirs and Cain's heirs, according to tradition, were destroyed by the Great Flood.[17]Many traditional Islamiccrafts[18]are traced back to Seth, such as the making ofhorncombs.[19]Seth also plays a role inSufism,andIbn Arabiincludes a chapter in hisBezels of Wisdomon Seth, entitled "The Wisdom of Expiration in the Word of Seth".[20]

Some traditions locate Seth's tomb in the village ofAl-Nabi Shayth(lit."The Prophet Seth" ) in the mountains above theBeqaa Valleyin Lebanon, where there is amosquenamed after him. This tomb was described by the 12th-century geographerIbn Jubayr.A rival tradition, mentioned by latermedieval Arab geographersfrom the 13th century on, placed the tomb ofNabi Shith( "Prophet Seth" ) in the Palestinian village ofBashshit,southwest ofRamlavillage. According to thePalestine Exploration Fund,Bashshit meansBeit Shith,i.e. "House of Seth".[21]The village was depopulated with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, but the three-domed structure said to be Seth's tomb survives in the IsraelimoshavAseretbuilt on the site. Another tomb in the city ofBalkhAfghanistanhas been identified as the burial site of Sethsheth

Local Muslims inAyodhya,Uttar Pradeshin India believe a 12-foot-long (3.7 m) grave in Hazrat Shees Jinnati Mosque to be of Hazrat Shees or the Prophet Seth.[22][better source needed]


According to theMandaean scriptures,including theQolastā,theMandaean Book of JohnandGenzā Rabbā,Seth is cognate with the angelicsoteriologicalfigureShitil[23](Classical Mandaic:ࡔࡉࡕࡉࡋ,romanized:Šitil), a son ofAdam Kadmayawho taughtJohn the Baptistwith his brothersAnush(Enosh) andHibil(Abel).[24]He is variously spoken of as a son of Adam,[25]a brother[26]or son[27]of Hibil, and the brother[26]or father[27]of Anush. Shitil is one of the revealers of Mandaeism and a prophet, identified as the biblical Seth.[28]: 45 [29]


InYazidism,Seth is known asShehid ibn Jerr.[30]

According toYazidioral literature,Adam and Eveeach deposited their seeds into separate jars. WhileEve's seed developed into insects,Adam's seed gave birth to Shehid ibn Jerr, the ancestor of the Yazidis. Yazidis thus believe that they have been created separately and differently from all other human beings (Kreyenbroek 2005: 31).[30]

Family tree[edit]

  1. ^(Hebrew:שֵׁת,Modern:Šēt,Tiberian:Šēṯ;Arabic:شِيْث,romanized:Šīṯ,IPA:[ˈʃiːθ];Greek:ΣήθSḗth;"placed", "appointed" )
  2. ^abcGenesis 4:1
  3. ^Genesis 4:2
  4. ^Genesis 4:25; 5:3
  5. ^Genesis 4:17
  6. ^Genesis 4:26; 5:6–7
  7. ^abcdGenesis 4:18
  8. ^Genesis 5:9–10
  9. ^Genesis 5:12–13
  10. ^Genesis 5:15–16
  11. ^abGenesis 4:19
  12. ^Genesis 5:18–19
  13. ^Genesis 4:20
  14. ^Genesis 4:21
  15. ^abGenesis 4:22
  16. ^Genesis 5:21–22
  17. ^Genesis 5:25–26
  18. ^Genesis 5:28–30
  19. ^abcGenesis 5:32



On July 26, 2014, forces of theIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant(ISIL) blew up Nabi Shiyt (Prophet Seth) shrine inMosul,Iraq. Sami al-Massoudi, the deputy head of theShiite Endowment Officeoverseeing holy sites, confirmed that destruction. He added, ISIL took some of the artifacts to an unknown location.[31]


The purported grave of Seth in avillage of the same namein theLevant

There is a village named after him inLebanon,that isAl-Nabi ShaythorAl-Nabi Sheeth(meaning "TheProphetSeth "), which is also considered to contain his shrine.[32][33]


The purported grave of Seth inBashshit,modern-day Israel

The tomb ofBashshitis believed to be the grave of Seth.[34]The tomb now sits inAseret.

See also[edit]


  1. ^abGenesis 5:3
  2. ^Larsson, Gerhard,"The Chronology of the Pentateuch: A Comparison of the MT and LXX",Journal of Biblical Literature,vol. 102, no. 3, 1983, p. 402
  3. ^Genesis 5:8
  4. ^abcJohnson, M.D. (1985). "Life of Adam and Eve, a new translation and introduction". In Charlesworth, J.H. (ed.).the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.Vol. 2.ISBN0-385-18813-7.
  5. ^Sparks, H.F.D. (1984).The Apocryphal Old Testament.Clarendon Press. p. 143.ISBN0-19-826177-2.
  6. ^Quinn, Esther (1962).The Quest of Seth for the Oil of Life.University of Chicago Press.ISBN978-0226700878.
  7. ^Zohar 1:36b
  8. ^Flavius Josephus,Antiquities of the Jews,chapter 2, section 3, accessed 2 September 2020
  9. ^"On the Prophethood of Seth in the Abrahamic Traditions",Sacred Webvolume 25, Summer 2010
  10. ^abThe Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament,R.H. Charles, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913.Book of Jubilees4:7–13.ISBN978-0-9747623-7-1.
  11. ^Luke 3:23–38
  12. ^TurnerSethian Gnosticism:Archived2012-12-11 atarchive.today
  13. ^Australian Islamic Library
  14. ^Stories of the Prophets,Ibn Kathir,Story of Adam and Seth
  15. ^Encyclopedia of Islam,Shith,Online Web.
  16. ^"مختار الحكم ومحاسن الكلم – المكتبة الوقفية للكتب المصورة PDF".
  17. ^Tabari,History of the Prophets and Kings,Vol. I:Creation to the Flood
  18. ^Sacred Art in the East and West,Titus Burckhardt,Suhail Academy Publishing, 1967, pg. 151: "Thus it is that the craft traditions, such as persisted in Islamic countries to the very threshold of our times, are generally said to have come down from certain pre-Islamic prophets, particularly from Seth, the third son of Adam."
  19. ^Islam and The Destiny of Man,Gai Eaton,Islamic Texts Society,1994, pgs. 211–212: (on the traditional making of horn combs) "This craft can be traced back from apprentice to master until one reaches... Seth... It was he who first taught men and what a prophet brings – and Seth was a prophet – must clearly have a special purpose, both outwardly and inwardly".
  20. ^"The Bezels of Wisdom – 1980, p. 60 by Ibn al-Arabi".Archived fromthe originalon 2017-07-08.Retrieved2017-09-11.
  21. ^Palestine Exploration Fund(PEF), 1838,p. 84.
  22. ^Mumtaz Alam Falahi (6 February 2009)."Muslim Ayodhya: city of mosques, mazars and graves".Two Circles.Paragraph:5: Grave of Hazrat Shees pbuh. Archived fromthe originalon 19 July 2018.
  23. ^Drower, E.S. (1932).The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran.Gorgias Press.ISBN1931956499.
  24. ^"The Mandaic Book of John".Archived fromthe originalon 2019-02-02.Retrieved2018-07-19.
  25. ^"Book One, 1st Glorification: The Return of Shitil, son of Adam to the World of Light".Ginza Rabba.Vol. Left Volume. Translated by Al-Saadi, Qais; Al-Saadi, Hamed (2nd ed.). Germany: Drabsha. 2019. pp. 1–9.
  26. ^ab"Book Five: The Descent of the Savior".Ginza Rabba.Vol. Right Volume. Translated by Al-Saadi, Qais; Al-Saadi, Hamed (2nd ed.). Germany: Drabsha. 2019. pp. 70–83.
  27. ^ab"Book Twelve: The Second Illumination".Ginza Rabba.Vol. Right Volume. Translated by Al-Saadi, Qais; Al-Saadi, Hamed (2nd ed.). Germany: Drabsha. 2019. pp. 130–135.[Note: this is book 10 in some other editions.]
  28. ^Brikhah S. Nasoraia (2012)."Sacred Text and Esoteric Praxis in Sabian Mandaean Religion"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-02-01.
  29. ^Drower, E. S. (Ethel Stefana) (1937).The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran [microform]; their cults, customs, magic, legends, and folklore.Internet Archive. Oxford: The Clarendon press.
  30. ^abKreyenbroek, Philip(2005).God and Sheikh Adi are perfect: sacred poems and religious narratives from the Yezidi tradition.Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.ISBN978-3-447-05300-6.OCLC63127403.
  31. ^"ISIS destroys Prophet Sheth shrine in Mosul".Al Arabiya News.26 July 2014.
  32. ^Le Strange, G.(1890).Palestine Under the Moslems: A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500.London:Committee of thePalestine Exploration Fund.p.422.OCLC1004386.
  33. ^Robinson, E.;Smith, E.(1841).Biblical researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea: a journal of travels in the year 1838.Vol. 3 (2nd appendix).Boston,theU.S.A.:Crocker & Brewster.p.145.
  34. ^Conder,The Moslem Mukans,1877, p.93


  • A. F. J. Klijn,Seth in Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Literature.Supplements to Novum Testamentum 46. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1977.