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Superman dynasty

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TheSuperman dynasty,an extension of the House of El, is a lineage ofDC Comicssuperheroes. The term is used for the descendants of Kal-El, the original Superman, who continue to uphold his legacy of heroism well into the 853rd century, as depicted in theDC One Millioncrossover. Repeated references to members of the Superman dynasty, as Superman's "descendants" and at least one reference to them as the "blood of his blood" would seem to indicate that they are, in fact, the biological descendants of Superman in some fashion.


Thefamily emblemof the House of El.

The Superman dynasty starts with the House of El, andKal-El.Unable to save Krypton,Jor-Eldecides to send his only son toEarth.Under the yellow sun,Kal-Elbecomes the first super-poweredKryptonianknown asSuperman.Superman is later joined byKon-El,a clone who would become known asSuperboy.Kara Zor-Elhis cousin, who would become known asSupergirl,as well asKara Zor-L,also known asPower Girl,theEarth-Twocounterpart of Super-girl, andthe Eradicator,an artificial intelligence created by Kem-L.

In the future timeline ofDC One Million,the death ofLois Lanecompels Superman to leaveEarthand wander the universe alone at the end of the 21st century. This version ofKal-Elis immortal and is unclear within the comics on how he acquired it. In his place, he leaves his heir, who is called Superman Secundus. From that point on, descendants of Superman continue to protect his adopted home world for centuries, with at least one Superman emerging in each generation. As time passes, and more sources of power are discovered, new superpowers are added to the inheritance of the Supermen. Among these powers are the ten alien sensory powers brought into the lineage by the marriage of the Superman of the 67th century and Gzntplzk, queen of the 5th dimension (home in the 20th century toMister Mxyzptlk), including super-ESP.Their powers are increased significantly again at the dawn of the 700th century, when the original Superman finally returns from his wandering, takes up residence on Earth's sun, and enters into a pact with the Superman of that time to provide them access to the vast powers he had gained in the 68,000 years he had been gone, in return for the dynasty's vow to continue to protect Earth.

The members of the Superman dynasty continue to be at the forefront of super heroism for centuries, leading such groups as the Office of Deputy Superhunters in the 250th century, the Justice League of the Atom (sometime after the 364th), andJustice Legion Alphain the 853rd. A number of Supermen from different eras, including the Superman of the 853rd century, also form a team called the Superman Squad which travels through time fighting threats to the timestream. Superman even joins thePancosmic Justice Jihad,but soon leaves over "policy issues".

A notable victory of the dynasty and its allies is the defeat of theBizarroplague in the 250th century, and the dynasty's greatest foe isSolaris,the Tyrant Sun.

The ongoing Rebirth storyline raises new important questions about the Superman Dynasty future timeline. It has been revealed that the "Convergence" versions of Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane arenotalternate reality versions of the post-Flashpoint/New 52 versions, but were in fact the original pre-Flashpoint versions somehow moved – for as-yet unknown reasons – by Doctor Manhattan to a "pocket reality" of his creation for over a decade while he created the New 52 Universe. Both versions have recently been merged into a combined Superman and Lois Lane, whose new history seems to mirror the pre-Flashpoint continuity far more than that of the New 52. This raises the question of whether, or not the Superman Dynasty timeline is now back in continuity in this reality. If so, then it is possible their half-human son Jonathan is the future "Superman Secondus" from which the rest of the Dynasty descends in the distant future. It's also equally likely that the Dynasty's timeline of the Rebirth reality is no longer the same as the one presented inDC One Million.The answers to these questions clearly remain for after the confrontation with Doctor Manhattan and all questions about his tampering with the DC Universe - particularly Superman - are answered.

House of El[edit]


  • Jor-L
  • Kal-L/Clark Kent
  • Kara Zor-L:daughter ofZor-LandAllura In-Z).She arrived on Earth as a young woman after years spent traveling in suspended animation. On Earth, she adopted the human alias Karen Starr and became a superhero known as Power Girl. She survivedCrisis on Infinite Earthsbut for many years she believed she was an Atlantean before she remembered the truth of her origins.
  • Equinox:son of Kara Zor-L from a mystical pregnancy. He aged rapidly to adulthood and disappeared during theZero Hourevent.[1]
  • Divine:a clone of Kara Zor-L created byDoctor SivanaforMaxwell Lord.[2]
  • Zor-L


  • Jor-El I:grandfather of Kal-El. He married Nimda An-Dor, and they had three sons: Jor-El II, Nim-El, and Zor-El. Their grandchildren were Kal-El, Kara Zor-El, and Don-El.
  • Jor-El II:a Kryptonian scientist who accurately predicted the Destruction of Krypton, but he was not believed. He marriedLara Lor-Van,daughter of Lor-Van and Lara Rok-Var, and they had one son: Kal-El.
  • Kal-El I
  • Kal-El/Clark Kent
  • Val-El
  • Zim-El
  • Nim-El:twin brother of Jor-El, uncle of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El,Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen#60 (April 1962). He marries Dondra Klu-Ta, and they have one son: Don-El.
  • Don-El:the son of Nim-El and Dondra Klu-Ta.
  • Zor-El:brother of Jor-El. He marriedAlura In-Zee,and they have one daughter, Kara Zor-El.
  • Kalya Var-El:daughter of Var-El, the sister of Jor-El I and Zim-El, and the great-aunt of Superman and Supergirl. She married Nim-Zee, and they had three sons: Van-Zee,[3]his twin Dik-Zee,[4]and Gem-Zee. All three of her sons survived the Destruction of Krypton whenKandorwas taken by Brainiac.
    • Van-Zee:Kandorian superhero "Nightwing", he married the Human woman Sylvia DeWitt and had twins: Lyle-Zee and Lili Van-Zee.[5]
    • Gem-Zee:had two children, Thara and Rad-Zee. Thara Gem-Zee married Ak-Var, her uncle's sidekick, who was called "Flamebird".


  • Jor-El:a Kryptonian scientist who accurately predicted the Destruction of Krypton, but he was not believed. He marriedLara Lor-Van,and they had one son: Kal-El.
  • Kal-El/Clark Kent
  • Kem-L:a distant ancestor of the modern House of El. He created theEradicator.
  • Seyg-El:father of Jor-El and Zor-El and the grandfather of Superman and Supergirl.
  • Ter-El:father of Seyg-El and the grandfather of Jor-El and Zor-El, making him the great-grandfather of Superman and Supergirl.
  • Superboy:also called Kon-El and Conner Kent, is a Genomorph hybrid of Superman andLex Luthor's DNA who resembles Kal-El and was created by Cadmus Labs.
  • Match:a clone of Conner Kent.
  • Seraph:aDNAngelcreated by Dr. Amanda Spence atProject Cadmuswith DNA donated by an unknown African-American woman inSuperboy(vol. 4) #88 (July 2001).
  • Bizarro:an imperfect copy of Superman.
  • Cir-El:also called Mia and Cheryl Kent, is a human overwritten with Superman's DNA, a hybrid created by Brainiac inSuperman 10-Cent Adventure#1.
  • Mon-El:adopted Daxamite son of Kal-El who was adopted inSuperboy#89 (June 1961) andLegion of Super-Heroes(vol. 3) #61 andSuperboy(vol. 3) #17.
  • Christopher Kent:the adopted son of Kal-El and Lois Lane. He is the biological son ofGeneral Dru-ZodandUrsa.He first appeared inAction Comics#844 (December 2006).
  • Kara Zor-El:superhero known as Supergirl. She is the daughter of Zor-El and Alura In-Ze.
  • Zor-El:brother of Jor-El. He marriedAlura In-Ze,and they have one daughter: Kara Zor-El.
  • Laurel Kent:a descendant of Superman from the thirtieth century.
  • Kent Shakespeare:a descendant of Superman from the thirtieth century.


  • Jon Lane Kent:the son of Kal-El and Lois Lane inTeen Titans(vol. 3) Annual #2 (October 2013) part of theForever Evilcrossover event.
  • Superboy:a clone created by Harvest and N.O.W.H.E.R.E. with DNA from Jon Lane Kent and an unknown donor in theNew 52.[6]
  • Jonathan Samuel Kent:son of Superman and Lois Lane, born inConvergence: Superman#2 (July 2015) and Superboy in "DC Rebirth".

Alternate universes[edit]

  • Adam Kent:son of Kal-El and Lois Lane inJLA: Created Equal(2000). Kal-El also becomes a sperm donor after all men of Earth except him and Lex Luthor are killed, and he fathers the entire meta human population of Earth.
  • Bru-El:Valora's twin and Kal-El's younger brother, he is the son ofJor-ElandLara Lor-Vanand appears inSuperman: The Last Family of Krypton(October–December 2010).
  • Valora:Bru-El's twin and Kal-el's younger sister, she is the daughter ofJor-ElandLara Lor-Vanand appears inSuperman: The Last Family of Krypton(October–December 2010).
  • Jon Kent:the son of Kal-El and Lois Lane inSon of Superman(2000).
  • Bruce:son of Kal-El and Wonder Woman inSuperman: Distant Fires(1998) andJLA: Act of God(2000).
  • Zod-Ur:son of Kal-El and Wonder Woman in the Justice Lord's reality inJustice League Beyond 2.0(Sept 2013).
  • Kell-El / Ezekiel Kent /Superman-X:Kell is a clone of Kal-El in the 41st century fromLegion of Superheroes: The Man from the Edge of Tomorrow.
  • Zod-El:brother of Jor-El inSuperman: Earth One,Volume 3 (February 2015).
  • Belinda Zee:called Superior Girl, is a Bizarro created from Kara Zor-El's DNA inSupergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade.
  • Andromeda:Supra Girl, is a version of Kara Zor-El from another dimension inSupergirl Cosmic Adventures In The Eighth Grade#5 (June 2009).
  • Carol Kent:daughter of Clark Kent and Lois Chaudhari inSuperman: Secret Identity(2004).
  • Jane Kent:daughter of Clark Kent and Lois Chaudhari inSuperman: Secret Identity(2004).
  • Clark Kent:grandson of Clark Kent and Lois Chaudhari inSuperman: Secret Identity(2004).
  • Perry Kent:grandson of Clark Kent and Lois Chaudhari inSuperman: Secret Identity(2004).
  • Jimmy Kent:grandson of Clark Kent and Lois Chaudhari inSuperman: Secret Identity(2004).
  • Brainiac's Daughter/XTC:daughter of Kara Zor-El and Brainiac 5 inKingdom Come(1996).
  • Jonathan Kent II/Hyperman:son of Kal-El and Wonder Woman inThe Kingdom(1999).
  • Joel Kent:son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane inSuperman & Batman: Generations(1999).
  • Kara Kent:daughter of Clark Kent and Lois Lane inSuperman & Batman: Generations(1999).
  • Clark Wayne / Nightwing':Clark is the son of Joel Kent and Mei-Lai Kent inSuperman & Batman: Generations2 (2001). He is adopted and raised by his stepfather, Bruce Wayne Jr. (the son ofBruce Wayne).
  • Lois Wayne and Lara Wayne: Supergirl Red and Supergirl Blue, are the daughters of Clark Wayne and Amanda Mason inSuperman & Batman: Generations2 (2001).
  • Thomas Taylor Wayne:son of Lara Wayne and Bruce Wayne Sr. Since Bruce is Lara's legal great-grandfather, Thomas is his own great-great-uncle inSuperman & Batman: Generations3 (2004).
  • Lar-El and Vara:children of Kal-El and Beautiful Dreamer inSuperman & Batman: Generations3 (2004).
  • Lara Kent:daughter of Kal-El and Wonder Woman inBatman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again.
  • Jonathan Kent:son of Kal-El and Wonder Woman inDark Knight III: The Master Race.
  • Zorn-El:cousin of Kal-El fromBatman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again.
  • Jur-Li:villainous version of Jor-El from the Pre-CrisisEarth-Three.He has one son, Kel-Li.
  • Kel-Li:villainous version of Superman from thePre-CrisisEarth Three.[7]He is Jur-Li's son.
  • Jor-Il:villainous version of Jor-El from thePost-FlashpointEarth 3. He married Lara, and they have one son: Kal-Il.
  • Kal-Il:villainous version of Superman from the Post-Flashpoint Earth 3.[8]
  • Superlad:male version of Kara Zor-El onEarth-11as seen inSuperman/Batman#22-25 (October 2005) andCountdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer: Superwoman/Batwoman#1 (December 2007).
  • Superwoman:female version of Clark Kent on Earth-11 as seen inSuperman/Batman#22-25 (October 2005) andCountdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer: Superwoman/Batwoman#1 (December 2007).
  • Jorel and Lara:scientists from the Kryptonian city Jandra-La on Vathlo Island on Earth-23. They are the parents of Kalel.[9]
  • Calvin Ellis:President of the United States on Earth 23 where he is also that universe's Superman. His birth name is Kalel. He is native to Vathlo Island on Krypton, as seen inFinal Crisis#7 (March 2009) andAction Comics(vol. 2) #9 (July 2012).


  • Halk Kar:Kal-El's foster brother from planet Thoron—a Kryptonian colony world, which is in the same solar system as Krypton.[10]He was the inspiration for the later character, Mon-El.
  • Val-Zod:Superman II, is a Kryptonian sent to Earth by his unknown parents, who were member of the house of Zod.[11]
  • "Sunshine Superman"is a refugee from Vathlo Island and a member of the Love Syndicate of Dreamworld. His Kryptonian name is unknown.[12][13]
  • Knor-El:Ken Clarkson, is the brother of Kal-El inSuperman#200 (October 1967)
  • Superman Jr. and Batman Jr.,sons created by Superman and Batman in the AI at the Fortress of Solitude and brought to life; they appear in the "Super-Sons"stories in 12 issues (between 1976 and 1980) ofWorld's Finest Comics.
  • Clark Jr,son of Kal-El and Lois Lane inSuperman#192 (January 1967).
  • Clark Jr,son of Kal-El and Lana Lang inSuperman#404 (February 1985).
  • Laney / Lanie:, is the daughter of Kal-El and Lois Lane inSuperman#215 (April 1969).
  • Lara Lane-Kent:the daughter of Kal-El and Lois Lane inThe Adventures of Superman#638 (May 2005).
  • Larry and Carole- twin children of Kal-El and Lois Lane inSuperman's Girl Friend Lois Lane#23 (February 1961) andSuperman's Girl Friend Lois Lane#39 (February 1963).
  • Laura Kent:daughter of Kal-El and Lois Lane inSuperman Family#200 (April 1980).
  • Lisa Kent:daughter of Kal-El and Lois Lane inSuperman's Girl Friend Lois Lane#91.
  • Lola Kent:daughter of Kal-El and Lois Lane inSuperman's Pal Jimmy Olsen#56 (October 1961).
  • Kal and Jor:children of Kal-El and Lana Lang inSuperman#162 (July 1963) andSuperman#166 (January 1964) andSuperman: Distant Fires(1998) andAction Comics#492 (February 1979).
  • Joan:daughter of Kal-El and Lana Lang inSuperman's Girl Friend Lois Lane#46 (January 1964). She falls in love with Larry Luthor, the son of Lex Luthor and Lois Lane.
  • Ariella Kent:daughter of Kal-El and Matrix from "Many Happy Returns", first seen inSupergirl One Million(1998).
  • Vol:son of Kal-El and Lasil inAction Comics#370 (December 1968).
  • Krys:son of Kal-El and Krysalla inAction Comics#410 (March 1972).
  • C.K.:a descendant of Superman who became a member of the Superman Squad.[14]
  • Jorel Kent:son of Kal-El and Lois Lane. He succeeds his father as "Superman II", and he is succeeded by his own son Kalel as "Superman III".[15][16]
  • Kalel Kent:son of Jorel Kent and "Mrs Jorel Kent" inSuperman#364-372 (October 1981-June 1982). He succeeds his father and grandfather as "Superman III".
  • Laurel Kent:daughter of Clark Kent. She made her first appearance is inSuperman#354 (December 1980)
  • Dave Kent:son of Kalel Kent and Melodee Sellers.[17][18]
  • Superman V:son of Dave Kent. His first actual appearance is inAction Comics#338 (June 1966).
  • Superman VI:son of Superman V.
  • Superman VII:Kanton K-73, is the son of Superman VI fromAction Comics#338 (June 1966).
  • Klar Ken T5477:Superman XX, is the older brother of Kara. He was born in 2944 as a descendant of Superman's son Jorel Kent.[19]
  • Kara:called Supergirl XX, is the younger sister of Klar Ken. She is descended from Superman's son Jorel Kent and born in the thirtieth century.[20]
  • Justice Legion S:a superhero team from the 853rd Century inDC One Millionwhich consists of one million clones of Superboy, all with different powers.
  • Superman Secundus: a descendant of Superman who succeeded the original Superman after he left Earth.
  • Kal Kent:a descendant of Superman inDC One Millionand the leader of Justice League Alpha. He is not only of Kryptonian descent since many aliens and otherworldly beings have married into the Superman Dynasty by the 853rd Century. Most notably, he descended from a princess of the Fifth Dimension.
  • Super Lad:a male clone of Kara Zor-El as seen inSupergirl#10 (October 1974).
  • Satan Girl:an evil double of Kara Zor-El created by Red Kryptonite inAdventure Comics#313 (October 1963).
  • Louise-L:Supergirl of the 5020th Century. She is descended from Superman.[21]
  • Jonathan:the son of Kal-El and Lois Lane inWhatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?(September 1986).

House of Van[edit]

  • Lor-Van:husband of Kela and the father of Lara and Zora.
  • Kela:wife of Lor-Van and the mother of Zora and Lara. She was originally known as Lara Rok-Var during the Pre-Crisis Era, but her name was changed to Kela after Flashpoint. She survived the Destruction of Krypton because she was inside the city of Kandor when it was shrunken and removed from the planet.
  • Lara Lor-Van:daughter of Lor-Van and Kela and the sister of Zora. Biological mother ofSuperman.
  • Zora Lor-Van:daughter of Lor-Van and Kela and the sister of Lara.[22]She survived the Destruction of Krypton because she was inside the city of Kandor when it was shrunken and removed from the planet. She is sometimes called Mara[23]instead, and it is presently unknown which is meant to be her "real" name.
  • Nara:grandmother of Lara Lor-Van. It is unknown whether she is her maternal or paternal grandmother.

House of Ze[edit]

  • Alura In-Zee:wife of Zor-El and the mother of Kara Zor-El.
    • OnEarth-Two,Allura In-Z is the wife of Zor-L and the mother ofKara Zor-L,who was sent to Earth in a rocket like her cousin Kal-L. Allura and Zor-L were killed in the Destruction of Krypton.
    • OnEarth-One,Allura In-Ze survived the Destruction of Krypton with the other residents ofArgo City,who were protected by the city's force field. She married Zor-El and had a daughter, Kara Zor-El. When Kara was fifteen, a meteor storm wrecked the force field, and the citizens were endangered by Kryptonite poisoning. Zor attempted to save them by creating a "Survival Zone", akin to the Phantom Zone, but when that apparently failed, Zor and Allura decided to send their daughter to Earth in a rocket. After Kara's departure, the Argoans began fading into the Phantom Zone instead of dying from radiation poisoning. Later, Kara rescues her parents from the Phantom Zone, and they shrink themselves down to settle inKandor.When Kandor is restored to full size, Allura and Zor make their home on Rokyn where they continue to live up until their daughter dies duringCrisis on Infinite Earths.Allura, Zor, and all the residents of Rokyn cease to exist after reality is rebooted by the Crisis.
    • Alura In-Ze is reintroduced afterCrisis on Infinite Earthsas a member of the Krypton Science Council and a resident of the Bottle City of Kandor imprisoned onBrainiac'sship. Her nephew Kal-El rescues Kandor from Brainiac and restores it to full-size not far from hisFortress of Solitudewhere it becomes known as "New Krypton". Under Earth's yellow sun, Alura gains all the powers of the typical Kryptonian. Unlike her husband, she is not interested in assimilating, and she causes several problems for her daughter and nephew by acting in what she thinks are the best interests of the Kryptonians, not the least of which is kidnapping several of Superman's enemies fromStryker's Islandand sending them to the Phantom Zone. Following Zor's death, she detaches New Krypton from Earth and puts into fixed orbit opposite Earth's, and she forbids Earthlings (including Kal) from setting foot on the new planet. She then frees the Phantom Zone prisoners. During the war between Earth and New Krypton, Alura is killed when New Krypton is destroyed byReactron.
    • Alura In-Ze is again reimagined afterFlashpoint.In the Prime Universe, she survived Krypton's destruction with the other residents of Argo City, but she later died when their force field failed. She is survived by her daughter Kara, who is sent to Earth in a rocket and becomes Supergirl, and her husband Zor, who is turned intoCyborg Superman.
  • General Astrais the identical twin sister of Alura In-Zee and the aunt of Kara Zor-El inSupergirl.She married her subordinateNon.Astra and Non believed that Krypton would be destroyed, and they attempted to prevent the destruction of their homeworld, resorting to violent measures, until Astra was tricked into meeting her niece Kara and was captured with her husband and followers. Astra was given a lifetime sentence in Fort Rozz. She therefore survived the Destruction of Krypton and was able to escape years later with the other prisoners of Fort Rozz. She then tried to take over Earth and fought against her niece Supergirl several times, but she gave orders that Kara was not to be injured. She was later killed by Kara's foster sister Alex Danvers during a fight withMartian Manhunter,and after her funeral and a period of mourning, her widower Non no longer respected her orders to protect Kara.

In other media[edit]


  1. ^Justice League America#108 (1996)
  2. ^Power Girl(vol. 2) #16 (November 2010)
  3. ^Superman Family#183 (May/June 1977)
  4. ^Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane#21 (November 1960)
  5. ^Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane#21
  6. ^Teen Titans(vol. 3) #1 (September 2011)
  7. ^Superman Justice League of America#29 (1964)
  8. ^Justice League(vol. 2) #23 (October 2013)
  9. ^Action Comics(vol. 2) #9 (July 2012)
  10. ^Superman#80 (January 1953)
  11. ^Earth 2#19 (March 2014)
  12. ^Animal Man#23 (May 1990)
  13. ^Final Crisis#7 (March 2009)
  14. ^Superman#707
  15. ^Superman#355 (January 1981)
  16. ^Action Comics#327 (August 1965).
  17. ^Action Comics#338 (June 1966)
  18. ^Superman#181 (November 1965)
  19. ^Superman#181 (November 1965)
  20. ^Superman(vol. 2) #137 (August 1998)
  21. ^Superman Family#215-216 (February/March 1982)
  22. ^Action Comics(vol. 2) #3
  23. ^Batman/Superman#19

External links[edit]