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Carved conches or Vamavarta shankhas,c. 11–12th century,Pala period,India: The leftmost one is carved with the image ofLakshmiandVishnu,and has silver additions.
A shankha, 19th century
A Shankha (conch shell) with Vishnu emblem carved

Ashankha(Sanskrit:शंख,romanized:Śankha,lit.'conch') has religious ritual importance inHinduism.

InHinduism,the shankha calledpanchajanyais a sacred emblem of the Hindu preserver deityVishnu.[1]It is still used as atrumpetin Hindu ritual, and in the past was used as a war trumpet.[2]According to Arunava Bose, "The shankha is praised in Hindu scriptures as a giver of fame, longevity and prosperity, the cleanser of sin and the abode of goddessLakshmi,who is the goddess of prosperity and consort ofVishnu".[3]

The shankha is displayed inHindu artin association with Vishnu. As a symbol of water, it is associated with female fertility and serpents (nāgas).[4]

The shankha is one of the eight auspicious symbols ofBuddhism,theAshtamangala,and represents the pervasive sound of Buddhism.[5]


Thisshellis from asea snailspeciesTurbinella pyrumin the familyTurbinellidae.This species is found living in the Indian Ocean and surrounding seas. The shell is porcelaneous (i.e. the surface of the shell is strong, hard, shiny, and somewhat translucent, likeporcelain).[6]It could also be the shell of any suitable sea snail which had a hole made for the performer's embouchure.

The overall shape of the main body of the shell is oblong or conical. In the oblong form, it has a protuberance in the middle, but tapers at each end. The upper portion (thesiphonal canal) is corkscrew-shaped, while the lower end (thespire) is twisted and tapering. Its colour is dull, and the surface is hard, brittle and translucent. Like all snail shells, the interior is hollow. The inner surfaces of the shell are very shiny, but the outer surface exhibits high tuberculation.[7]In Hinduism, the shiny, white, soft shankha with pointed ends and heavy is the most sought after.[8]


In English, the shell of this species is known as the "divine conch" or the "sacred chank". It may also be simply called a "chank" or conch. There are two forms of the shanka: a more common form that is "right-turning" or dextral in pattern, and a very rarely encountered form of reverse coiling or "left-turning" or sinistral.[9]Based on its direction of coiling, the shankha has two varieties:[10][11]

  • TheVamavarta( "left-turned" as viewed with the aperture uppermost): A "very commonly occurring dextral form of the species, where the shell coils or whorls expand in a clockwise spiral when viewed from the apex of the shell."[9]In Hinduism, adakshinavarta shankhasymbolizes infinite space and is associated with Vishnu.[12]TheVamavarta shankharepresents the reversal of the laws of nature and is linked withShiva.[13]
  • TheDakshinavarta shankhais a "very rare sinistral form of the species, where the shell coils or whorls expand in a counterclockwise spiral if viewed from the apex of the shell."[9]

TheDakshinavarta shankhais believed to be the abode of the prosperity goddessLakshmi– the consort of Vishnu, and hence this type of shankha is considered ideal for medicinal use. It is a very rare variety from theIndian Ocean.This type of shankha has three to seven ridges visible on the edge of theapertureand on thecolumellaand has a special internal structure. The right spiral of this type reflects the motion of the planets. It is also compared with the hair whorls onthe Buddha's head that spiral to the right. The long white curl between Buddha's eyebrows and the conch-like swirl of his navel are also akin to this shankha.[11][14]

TheVaraha Puranatells that bathing with theDakshinavarta shankhafrees one from sin. TheSkanda Purananarrates that bathing Vishnu with this shankha grants freedom from sins of seven previous lives. ADakshinavarta shankhais considered to be a rare "jewel" orratnaand is adorned with great virtues. It is also believed to grant longevity, fame and wealth proportional to its shine, whiteness and largeness. Even if such a shankha has a defect, mounting it in gold is believed to restore the virtues of the shankha.[8]


Hindu priest blowing a shankha during apuja

In its earliest references, the shankha is mentioned as atrumpetand in this form it became an emblem of Vishnu. Simultaneously, it was used as a votive offering and as a charm to keep away the dangers of the sea. It was the earliest known sound-producing agency as a manifestation of sound, and the other elements came later, hence it is regarded as the origin of the elements. It is identified with the elements themselves.[15][16]

To make a trumpet or wind instrument, one drills a hole near the tip of theapexof the shankha. When air is blown through this hole, it travels through the whorls of the shankha, producing a loud, sharp, shrill sound. This sound is the reason the shankha was used as a war trumpet, to summon helpers and friends. Shanka continued to be used in battles for a long time. The sound it produced was calledshankanad.[citation needed]

Nowadays, the shankha is blown at the time of worship in Hindu temples and homes, especially in the ritual of the Hinduaarti,when light is offered to the deities. The shankha is also used to bathe images of deities, especially Vishnu, and for ritual purification. No hole is drilled for these purposes, though the aperture is cut clean or rarely the whorls are cut to represent five consecutive shells with five mouths.[17][18]

The shankha is used as a material for making bangles, bracelets and other objects.[17]Because of its aquatic origin and resemblance to the vulva, it has become an integral part of theTantricrites. In view of this, its symbolism is also said to represent female fertility. Since water itself is a fertility symbol, shankha, which is an aquatic product, is recognised as symbolic of female fertility. In ancientGreece,shells, along withpearls,are mentioned as denoting sexual love and marriage, and also mother goddesses.[15]

Different magic and sorcery items are also closely connected with this trumpet. This type of device existed long before theBuddhistera.[citation needed]


Shankha is used inAyurvedamedicinal formulations to treat many ailments. A powder made from the shell material is used inayurvedaas a treatment for stomach ailments.[19]It is prepared as conch shell ash, known in Sanskrit asshankha bhasma,which is prepared by soaking the shell in lime juice and calcinating in covered crucibles, 10 to 12 times, and finally reducing it to powder ash.[7]Shankha ash contains calcium, iron and magnesium and is considered to possess antacid and digestive properties.[20]


A sacred shankha on the flag of the erstwhileKingdom of Travancore

The sound of the shankha symbolises the sacredOmsound. Vishnu holding the conch represents him as the god of sound. TheBrahma Vaivarta Puranadeclares that shankha is the residence of both Lakshmi and Vishnu, bathing by the waters led through a shankha is considered like bathing with all holy waters at once. Sankha Sadma Purana declares that bathing an image of Vishnu with cow milk is as virtuous as performing a millionyajnas(fire sacrifices), and bathing Vishnu withGangesriver water frees one from the cycle of births. It further says "while the mere sight of the conch (shankha) dispels all sins as the Sun dispels the fog, why talk of its worship?"[8]Padma Puranaasserts the same effect of bathing Vishnu by Ganges water and milk and further adds doing so avoids evil, pouring water from a shankha on one's own head before a Vishnu image is equivalent to bathing in the pious Ganges river.[17]

InBuddhism,the conch shell has been incorporated as one of the eight auspicious symbols, also calledAshtamangala.The right-turning white conch shell (Tibetan:དུང་གྱས་འཁྱིལ,Wylie:dung gyas 'khyil), represents the elegant, deep, melodious, interpenetrating and pervasive sound of Buddhism, which awakens disciples from the deep slumber of ignorance and urges them to accomplish their own welfare and the welfare of others.[citation needed]

The shankha was the Royal State Emblem ofTravancoreand also figured on the royal flag of theJaffna kingdom.It is also the election symbol of the Indian political partyBiju Janata Dal.[21]The shankha was also used by sikh warriors before they started the war. The maryada is still practiced by all nihangs while doing aarti aarta prayer and is used in hola mohalla festival as well.

The shankha (representing the conch ofthe presiding deity of Padmanabhaswamy Templeis a part of the state emblem of the Indian state ofKerala.The symbol was derived from the erstwhile emblems of the Indianprincely stateofTravancore,and theKingdom of Cochin.[22]

Hindu iconography[edit]

A shankha carved

Shankha is one of the main attributes of Vishnu. Vishnu's images, either in sitting or standing posture, show him holding the shankha usually in his left upper hand, whileSudarshana Chakra(chakra– discus),gada(mace) andpadma(lotus flower) decorate his upper right, the lower left and lower right hands, respectively.[23]

Theshankhaon the right is the icon for Vishnu at the Dattatreya temple, Bhaktapur Nepal

Avatarsof Vishnu likeMatsya,Kurma,Varaha,andNarasimhaare also depicted holding the shankha, along with the other attributes of Vishnu.Krishna– avatar of Vishnu is described possessing a shankha called Panchajanya. Regional Vishnu forms likeJagannathandVithobamay be also pictured holding the shankha. Besides Vishnu, other deities are also pictured holding the shankha. These include the sun godSurya,Indra– the king of heaven and god of rain[24]the war godKartikeya,[25]the goddessVaishnavi[26]and the warrior goddessDurga.[27]Similarly,Gaja Lakshmistatues showLakshmiholding a shankha in the right hand and lotus on the other.[28]

Sometimes, the shankha of Vishnu is personified asAyudhapurusha"weapon-man" in the sculpture and depicted as a man standing beside Vishnu or his avatars.[29]This subordinate figure is called the Shankhapurusha who is depicted holding a shankha in both the hands. Temple pillars, walls,gopurams(towers), basements and elsewhere in the temple, sculpted depictions of the shankha and chakra – the emblems of Vishnu – are seen.[30]The city ofPurialso known asShankha-kshetrais sometimes pictured as a shankha or conch in art with theJagannathtemple at its centre.[27]

The shanka is one of the four symbols found on ashaligram,an iconographicfossilstone particularly found in theGandaki Riverin Nepal which is worshipped by Hindus as a representative of Vishnu.[31]

Hindu mythology[edit]

A Hindu legend in theBrahma Vaivarta Puranarecalls the creation of conchs:Shivaflung a trident towards theasuras,burning them instantaneously. Their ashes flew in the sea creating conchs.[8]Shankha is believed to be a brother of Lakshmi as both of them were born from the sea. A legend describes an asura named Shankhasura, who was killed by Vishnu's fishavatar,Matsya.[32]

The conch Panchajanya is one of the many materials that emerged during thechurning of the ocean.[33]

Asadhusounding theshankha

In theHindu epicsof theRamayanaand theMahabharata,the symbol of shankha is widely adopted. In the Ramayana epic,Lakshmana,BharataandShatrughnaare considered part-incarnations ofShesha,Sudarshana Chakra,and Panchajanya, respectively, whileRama,their eldest brother, is considered one of theDashavatara,the tenavatarsof Vishnu.[34]

During theKurukshetra War,Krishna, as the charioteer of thePandavaprince and a protagonist of the epic –Arjuna– resounds the Panchajanya to declare war. Panchajanya in Sanskrit means 'having control over the five classes of beings'.[18]All five Pandava brothers are described having their own shankhas.Yudhishthira,Bhima,Arjuna,NakulaandSahadevaare described to possess shankhas named Ananta-Vijaya, Poundra-Khadga, Devadatta, Sughosha and Mani-pushpaka, respectively.[8]

In theBhagavad Gita,the name of different Shankhas ofPandavasand Kauravas are mentioned:

Then, Lord Krsna blew His conchshell, called Pancajanya; Arjuna blew his, the Devadatta; and Bhima, the voracious eater and performer of Herculean tasks, blew his terrific conchshell called Paundram

— Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 15[35]

King Yudhisthira, the son of Kunti, blew his conchshell, the Anantavijaya, and Nakula and Sahadeva blew the Sughosa and Manipuspaka. That great archer the King of Kasi, the great fighter Sikhandi, Dhrstadyumna, Virata and the unconquerable Satyaki, Drupada, the sons of Draupadi, and the others, O King, such as the son of Subhadra, greatly armed, all blew their respective conchshells

— Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 16–18[35]

Association with nāgas[edit]

Because of the association of the shankha with water,nāgas(serpents) are often named after the shankha. The list of Nāgas in theMahabharata,HarivamshaandBhagavata Puranainclude Shankha, Mahashankha, Shankhapala, and Shankachuda. The last two are also mentioned in the BuddhistJataka Talesand theJimutavahana.[36]A legend states that while using a shankha as part of meditative ritual, asadhublew his shankha in the forest of village Keoli and a snake crept out of it. The snake directed the sadhu that he should be worshipped as Nāga Devata (Serpent God) and since then it has been known as Shanku Naga. Similar legends are narrated at many other places inKullu districtinHimachal Pradesh.[37]

See also[edit]


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