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Shikhandi fights Kripa.
GenderFemale, later turned male[1]
SpouseUnnamed princess ofDasarna

Shikhandi(Sanskrit:शिखण्डी,romanized:Śikhaṇḍī) is a character in theHinduepicMahabharata.Born as Shikhandini, daughter ofDrupada,the King ofPanchala,Shikhandi becomes a biological male after agreeing to a sex exchange with ayaksha.He is the brother ofDraupadi,the female protagonist of the epic, who is thecommon wifeof thePandavas.[2]

Shikhandi, whose natal female identity is sometimes renderedShikhandini,[3]is the reincarnation ofAmba,a princess who was abducted byBhishmaat asvayamvaraand later spurned by him. The prince fights in theKurukshetra Waron the side of his brothers-in-law, the Pandavas, and is instrumental in causing the death of Bhishma. He also engages in combat with great warriors likeAshwatthama,Kripa,andKritavarma.

InJavanesewayangtradition, Shikhandi is known asSrikandiand is born as a male, and changes into a female. She becomes the second wife of the Pandava brotherArjuna,Draupadi being the first.[4][5]



Previous birth


In the majority of the versions of the Mahabharata,[6]Shikhandi is described as being a princess named Amba in his previous birth. Amba was the eldest daughter of theKing of Kashi.Along with her sisters,AmbikaandAmbalika,she was won by Bhishma at theirsvayamvara.After defeating several kings, including KingSalva,Bhishma returned to Hastinapura with the princesses, and presented them as brides to his younger half-brother,Vichitravirya,the king.[7]

Before her wedding ceremony could commence, Amba told Bhishma that she had fallen in love with the King of Salva, and was not ready to marry anyone else. Hearing this from her, Bhishma sent Amba with grandeur to her desired husband. However, Salva rejected her, stating that as Bhishma had bested him at the svayamvara, he regarded him to be her rightful husband. Amba returned to Bhishma and demanded that he marry her according toKshatriyadharma,but Bhishma declined, due to his vow of celibacy. Lamenting her misfortune, the princess decided to retire to the forest and practise austerities for the remainder of her life. As she wandered, she came across anashrama,and informed the sages within of her plight. One of the sages happened to be maternal grandfather, Hotravahana, who sympathised with her state of mind, and told her thatParashurama,Bhishma's martial guru, would come to her aid. Parashurama visited Hastinapura, and commanded his disciple to marry Amba. Bhishma refused to obey him, once again citing his vow. Furious, Parashurama engaged in a terrible duel against Bhishma on the field ofKurukshetrafor twenty-three days, employingastras,but was unable to best him. He regretfully informed Amba of his failure to change his mind. The princess spent twelve years engaged in severe austerities, which scorched the heavens themselves. Shiva appeared to grant her a boon of her choice, and she solicited the death of Bhishma. Shiva told Amba that she would be born as a girl who would later become a man in her next life, and become amaharathiwho would slay Bhishma in battle. Overjoyed, the princess lit a funeral pyre, prayed for the death of Bhishma, and self-immolated.[8]

According to an iteration byC. Rajagopalachari,she resorted to a penance and received a garland of blue lotuses from the godKartikeya,and it was foretold that anyone wearing the garland would become the cause of Bhishma's death. She went to thePanchala,as it were a mighty empire known for its military prowess. However, no one was willing to champion her cause, fearful of antagonising Bhishma. Amba, in anger, hung the garland on the gates of KingDrupadaand left in agony.[9]

Sex exchange


Due to his childlessness, King Drupada propitiated Shiva, who told the king that a girl would be born to him, who in due course, would become a man. When Shikhandi was born to Drupada's queen, she was raised and dressed as a boy. When Shikhandi reached the traditional age of maturity, Drupada decided to offer her hand in marriage to the daughter of Hiranyavarman, the King of Dasharna. Shikhandi's wife soon realised that her husband was not a man, and Hiranyavarman soon caught wind of this information. Outraged, he sent a messenger to Drupada to determine the truth, and started preparations for war with the latter. Drupada insisted that Shikhandi was indeed a man. Distressed by her parents' suffering, Shikhandi left the city, deciding to fast to death. She found a forest that humans were terrified to enter, because it was inhabited by ayakshanamed Stunakarna. She entered the premises of the yaksha, and started to perform austerities. When Stunakarna enquired regarding her practices, Shikhandi told him her tale. Feeling compassionate, the yaksha offered to exchange his sex with her for a certain period of time, to which Shikhandi agreed. Shikhandi returned to his father as a man, and informed him of this incident. Relieved, Drupada invited Hiranyavarman to send envoys to inspect the manhood of his son. A number of women were dispatched by Hiranyavarman to Drupada, who confirmed Shikhandi's manhood. Thus, the two kings were able to renew their peace.[10]

WhenKuberavisited Stunakarna's premises, the yaksha did not greet him due to her female form. Angered, Kubera cursed the yaksha, stating that the sex exchange that had been performed would be permanent. When the yaksha begged Kubera to lift the curse, the latter told her that she would regain her birth sex after the death of Shikhandi.[11]

Kurukshetra War


Before theKurukshetra War,Bhimaopts for Shikhandi to be the commander-in-chief of the Pandava army, as he was born to kill Bhishma, butArjunaandKrishnapreferDhrishtadyumnainstead. Shikhandi is made the commander of one of the sevenakshauhinisof the Pandava army.

On the first day of the war, Shikhandi confrontsAshwatthama,and both warriors wound each other several times, before withdrawing from the battle. On the seventh day of the war, he confronts Ashwatthama again, and manages to wound him on the forehead. However, an enraged Ashwatthama destroys his chariot, and wounds him badly. Luckily,Satyakicomes to his rescue.

On the night of the ninth day of battle, after a decisive defeat, thePandavasand Krishna visitBhishma.Yudhishthiraurges the grandsire to tell them how he may be slain, to prevent the devastating loss of Kshatriya lives. Bhishma informs them that it was impossible for him to be vanquished while he wielded arms; However, he would refuse to fight Shikhandi, since he was originally a woman, and Arjuna may vanquish him when he lays down his arms.[12]So, in the next day's fight, Shikhandi rides with Arjuna, placed in the forefront of the Pandava forces. Numerous warriors of theKauravaarmy attempt to stop the pair from reaching Bhishma. However, with the assault of the warriors of the Pandava army, Arjuna and Shikhandi push through, and reach Bhishma. Riding behind Shikhandi, Arjuna attacks Bhishma with a devastating volley of hundreds of arrows, the latter is unable to counter, with Shikhandi in the way. Bhishma falls from his chariot and his role in the war ends, giving up his life on the auspiciousUttaryana.[13]

On the twelfth day of the war, Shikhandi's only son, Kshatradeva, is killed by Duryodhana’s son,Lakshmana Kumara.On the night of fourteenth day, Shikhandi is defeated byKripacharyaand is wounded on the sixteenth day, and faints whenKritavarma's arrow pierces his armour. After the death ofShalya,Shikhandi greatly destroys the retreating Kaurava army on the seventeenth day of the war.

Shikhandi, along with theUpapandavas,are killed by Ashwatthama on the 18th day of the war. Dazed, Shikhandi is killed in a sword fight with Ashwatthama when Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, andKritavarmaattacked the Pandava camp at night.[14]

According toDevdutt Pattanaik,Ashwatthama kills Shikhandi's lover in front of him; in other versions, it is Shikhandi's partner who is butchered.[15]


  1. ^"The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 6".sacred-texts.Retrieved22 January2020.
  2. ^wisdomlib.org (28 September 2011)."Shikhandi, Śikhaṇḍi, Śikhaṇḍin, Shikhandin, Śikhaṇḍī, Sikhandī, Shikhamdi, Sikhamdi: 31 definitions".wisdomlib.org.Retrieved16 November2022.
  3. ^wisdomlib.org (28 January 2019)."Story of Śikhaṇḍī".wisdomlib.org.Retrieved16 November2022.
  4. ^Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture.International Academy of Indian Culture. 1980. p. 283.
  5. ^Hartana, S.S., 2017. Origins, journeys, encounters: a cultural analysis of wayang performances in North America (Doctoral dissertation).page=49[1]
  6. ^Sorabji, Cornelia, and Warwick Goble. Shikhandi: The Maiden-knight and Other Stories. Bombay: Blackie and Son, 1916. Print.
  7. ^"The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva: Sambhava Parva: Section LXVII".
  8. ^wisdomlib.org (9 January 2015)."Bhishma Battles Parashurama [Chapter 4]".wisdomlib.org.Retrieved16 November2022.
  9. ^Rajagopalachari, Raja (1951).Mahabharata.Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. p.22.
  10. ^wisdomlib.org (9 January 2015)."Bhishma Assesses the Heroes and Reveals Shikhandi's Mysterious Birth [Chapter 6]".wisdomlib.org.Retrieved16 November2022.
  11. ^wisdomlib.org (28 January 2019)."Story of Ambā".wisdomlib.org.Retrieved16 November2022.
  12. ^wisdomlib.org (9 January 2015)."The Ninth Day of the Great Battle; The Invincible Bhishma [Chapter 9]".wisdomlib.org.Retrieved16 November2022.
  13. ^wisdomlib.org (9 January 2015)."The Tenth Day of Hostilities; The Fall of the Grandsire Bhishma [Chapter 10]".wisdomlib.org.Retrieved16 November2022.
  14. ^"MAHABHARATA - After the Battle".Archived fromthe originalon 17 June 2012.Retrieved17 June2012.
  15. ^Pattanaik, Devdutt. Shikhandi and Other Tales They Don't Tell You. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print