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Tay mộc thuật
Also known asTanbojutsu
Country of originJapanJapan
Olympic sportNo

Shugijutsu (Tanbojutsu)is aJapanese martial artwhich uses short sticks. It is a part ofjōdō.The techniques were used by farmers inKai Province(todayYamanashi Prefecture), the land of theTakeda clan,when they had to fight against thieves and bandits. They picked up any stick available and defended themselves. Very efficient locks for throwing the opponent to the ground, strikes and blocks also comprise this martial art.

It is thought that the actual shugi was developed to imitate the shape of the tantō scabbard[1]which was used in close combat.

InTakeda Ryu Nakamura HaSobudo, shugijutsu uses at least two short sticks with an oval section. The special geometry of the sticks increase the pain during locks and blocks.[2]On some occasions, sticks can be used as throwing weapons.

The martial art practiced by the Athosians in the science-fiction programStargate: Atlantisis based on this discipline.


  1. ^Budo Institut
  2. ^Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha Sobudo DVD, BAB,ISBN4-89422-853-X