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Siddi, Sheedi
Siddi community in India
Total population
1,300,000 (estimated)[citation needed]
Regions with significant populations
Pakistan250,000 to 1 million[1][2][3]
Karnataka10,477 (2011 census)[5]
Daman and Diu193[5]
Currently spoken:
Various South Asian languagesandEnglish
Sidi language
Predominantly:Sunni Islam;minority:Hinduism,Christianity(Catholic)

TheSiddi(pronounced[sɪdːiː]), also known as theSheedi,Sidi,orSiddhi,are an ethnic minority group inhabitingPakistanandIndia.They are primarily descended from theBantu peoplesof theZanjcoast inSoutheast Africa,most of whom came to the Indian subcontinent through theIndian Ocean Slave Trade.[6]Others arrived as merchants, sailors,indentured servants,and mercenaries.[7]



There are conflicting hypotheses on the origin of the nameSiddi.One theory is that the word derives fromsahibi,anArabicterm of respect in North Africa, similar to the wordsahibin modern India and Pakistan.[8]A second theory is that the termSiddiis derived from the title borne by the captains of the Arab vessels that first brought Siddi settlers to India; these captains were known asSayyid.[9]A different name occasionally used for the Siddi is the term "Habshi". While originally used to refer specifically to theHabesha peoples,Ethio-Semitic-speakers fromAbyssinia,the term later became more broadly used to refer to Africans of any ethnicity, but not necessarily referring to the Siddi specifically.[10][11]

Siddis are also sometimes referred to as Afro-Indians.[12][13][14]Siddis were referred to asZanjiby Arabs; in China, varioustranscriptionsof this Arabic word were used, includingXinji( tân cát ) andJinzhi( tân chi ).[15][16][17][18]



The Siddi population derived primarily fromBantu peoplesofSoutheast Africawho were brought to theIndian subcontinentas slaves.[7]Most of these migrants were or else becameMuslims,while a small minority becameHindu.[8]TheNizam of Hyderabadalso employed African-origin guards and soldiers.[19][20]

The first Siddis are thought to have arrived inIndiain 628 CE at theBharuchport. Several others followed with the firstArab Islamic conquest of the subcontinentin 712 CE.[21]The latter group are believed to have been soldiers withMuhammad bin Qasim's Arab army, and were calledZanjis.

Some Siddis escaped slavery to establish communities in forested areas. Siddis were also brought as slaves by theDeccan Sultanates.These Siddis embracedDeccani Muslim culture,and identified with the DeccaniIndian Muslimpolitical faction against the Iranian Shia immigrants.[22]Several former slaves rose to high ranks in the military and administration, the most prominent of which wasMalik Ambar.[23]

Geographical distribution



Sidis of Madras

Harris (1971) provides a historical survey of the eastward dispersal of slaves from Southeast Africa to places like India.[24]Hamilton (1990) argues that Siddis in India, their histories, experiences, cultures, and expressions, are integral to theAfrican Diasporaand thus, help better understand the dynamics of dispersed peoples.[citation needed]More recent focused scholarship argues that although Siddis are numerically a minority, their historic presence in India for over five hundred years, as well as their self-perception, and how the broader Indian society relates to them, make them a distinct Bantu/Indian.[25]Historically, Siddis have not existed only within binary relations to the nation state and imperial forces[clarification needed].They did not simply succumb to the ideologies and structures of imperial forces[clarification needed],nor did they simply rebel against imperial rule.[26]The Siddi are recognized as ascheduled tribein 3 states and 1 union territory:Goa,Gujarat,Maharashtra,KarnatakaandDaman and Diu.[27]



In the 18th century, a Siddi community arrived with theArab,and frequently served ascavalryguards to the Asif JahiNizam of Hyderabad's army. TheAsif Jahi rulerspatronised them with rewards and the traditionalMarfa musicgained popularity and would be performed during official celebrations and ceremonies.[28][29][30]


Siddi Folk dancers, at Devaliya Naka,Sasan Gir,Gujarat.

Supposedly presented as slaves by thePortugueseto the local Prince,Nawab of Junagadh,the Siddis also live aroundGir Forest National Parkand Wildlife sanctuary.[31]On the way to Deva-dungar is the village of Sirvan, inhabited entirely by Siddis. They were brought 300 years ago from Portuguese colonial territories for the Nawab of Junagadh. Today, they follow very few of their original customs, with a few exceptions like the traditional Dhamal dance.[32]

Although Gujarati Siddis have adopted the language and many customs of their surrounding populations, some of their Bantu traditions have been preserved. These include theGomamusic and dance form, which is sometimes calledDhamaal(Gujarati: ધમાલ, fun).[33]The term is believed to be derived from theNgoma drummingand traditional dance forms of the Bantu people inhabiting Central, East and Southern Africa.[34]The Goma also has a spiritual significance and, at the climax of the dance, some dancers are believed to be vehicles for the presence of Siddi saints of the past.[35]

Gomamusic comes from theKiswahiliword "ngoma", which means a drum or drums. It also denotes any dancing occasion where traditional drums are principally used.

The majority of the Siddis in Gujarat are Muslims (98.7%), with very few followingHinduism(1%).[36]


A Siddi girl from the town ofYellapurinUttara Kannadadistrict, Karnataka, India.

TheSiddis of Karnataka(also spelledSiddhis) are an ethnic minority group of mainly Bantu descent that has madeKarnatakatheir home for the last 400 years.[7]There is a 50,000-strong Siddhi population across India, of which more than a third live inKarnataka.[37]In Karnataka, they are concentrated aroundYellapur,Haliyal,Ankola,Joida,MundgodandSirsitaluks ofUttara Kannadaand inKhanapurofBelgaumandKalaghatagiofDharwad district.Many members of the Siddis community of Karnataka had migrated toPakistanafter independence and have settled inKarachi,Sindh.

A plurality of the Siddis in Karnataka followHinduism(41.8%), followed by Islam (30.6%) and Christianity (27.4%).[38]



In Pakistan, locals of Bantu descent are called "Sheedi". They live primarily along theMakraninBalochistan,and lowerSindh.[39]The estimated population of Sheedis in Pakistan is 250,000.[3]Many Sheedis have largely assimilated into the largerBalochidentity,[40][41][42]and linguistically, they speak variations ofBalochi,Sindhi(in Karachi), and have created a distinct dialect ofUrdunamedMakrani,with Urdu words mixed with Balochi and Sindhi expressions and common English terms, mainly picked up from English films and TV series.[43]

Many Sheedis today in Pakistan particularly in Sindh are of mixed heritage, and have traditionally intermarried mostly with people such as theMallaahs(fisherpeople),Khaskheli(laborers),Khatri(dyeing community) and Kori (clothmakers). The children of interracial marriage of aSindhiman and a Sheedi woman are called Gadra/Guda.[44][45]



Sheedis are largely populated in different towns and villages in lowerSindh.In the city ofKarachi,the main Sheedi centre is the area ofLyariand other nearby coastal areas. Most Sheedis in Karachi are historically associated with the fishing business, traditionally working as fishermen, sailors and small boat operators. They also constitute the largest labour force employed at thePort of Karachiand harbour.[43]

Sheedis inSindhalso proudly call themselves the Qambranis, in reverence toQambar,the freed slave ofAli,the fourthRashid Caliph.[7][46]Tanzeela Qambranibecame the first Sheedi woman to be elected as the member ofProvincial Assembly of Sindhin2018 Pakistani general election.[47][48]



Recent advances in genetic analyses have helped shed some light on theethnogenesisof the Siddi.Genetic genealogy,although a novel tool that uses the genes of modern populations to trace their ethnic and geographic origins, has also helped clarify the possible background of the modern Siddi.



AY-chromosomestudy by Shah et al. (2011) tested Siddi individuals in India for paternal lineages. The authors observed theE1b1a1-M2haplogroup, which is frequent amongBantu peoples,in about 42% and 34% of Siddis fromKarnatakaandGujarat,respectively. Around 14% of Siddis from Karnataka and 35% of Siddis from Gujarat also belonged to the Sub-SaharanB-M60.The remaining Siddis had Indian associated or Near Eastern-linked clades, including haplogroupsP,H,R1a-M17,J2andL-M20.[49]

Thangaraj (2009) observed similar, mainly Bantu-linked paternal affinities amongst the Siddi.[50]

Qamar et al. (2002) analysed Makrani Sheedis in Pakistan and found that they instead predominantly carried Indian-associated or Near Eastern-linked haplogroups.R1a1a-M17(30.30%),J2(18.18%) andR2(18.18%) were their most common male lineages.[51]Only around 12% carried Africa-derived clades, which mainly consisted of the archaichaplogroup B-M60,of which they bore the highest frequency of any Pakistani population Underhill et al. (2009) likewise detected a relatively high frequency ofR1a1a-M17(25%) subclade among Makrani Sheedis.[52]



According to anmtDNAstudy by Shah et al. (2011), the maternal ancestry of the Siddi consists of mostly Bantu-associated haplogroups with barely any Indian-associated haplogroups, reflecting insignificant female gene flow from neighbouring Indian populations. About 95% of the Siddis from Gujarat and 99% of the Siddis from Karnataka belonged to various Bantu-derivedmacro-haplogroup Lsubclades. The latter mainly consisted ofL0andL2asublineages associated with Bantu women. The remainder possessed Indian-specific subclades of the Eurasian haplogroupsMandN,which points to recent admixture with autochthonous Indian groups.[7]

Autosomal DNA


Narang et al. (2011) examined theautosomalDNAof Siddis in India. According to the researchers, about 58% of the Siddis' ancestry is derived from Bantu peoples. The remainder is associated with locals North and Northwest Indian populations, due to recent admixture events.[53]

Similarly, Shah et al. (2011) observed that Siddis in Gujarat derive 66.90%–70.50% of their ancestry from Bantu forebears, while the Siddis in Karnataka possess 64.80%–74.40% such Southeast African ancestry. The remaining autosomal DNA components in the studied Siddi were mainly associated with local South Asian populations. According to the authors, gene flow between the Siddis' Bantu ancestors and local Indian populations was also largely unidirectional. They estimate this admixture episode's time of occurrence at within the past 200 years or eight generations.[7]


Siddi tribal dance performance in Delhi

While they have assimilated in many ways to the dominant culture,[54]they have also kept some ancestral practices especially in music and dance.[55]Like other ethnic groups separated by geography, there are both differences and similarities in cultural practices among the Siddi.



When it comes to dress, women and men dress in typical South Asian attires. Siddi women wear the garments predominant in their locale, which can be colorfulsarisaccessorised withbindisin India.[56]Men wear what is generally appropriate for men in their communities.[54]



The annualSheedi Melafestival in Pakistan is the key event in the Sheedi community's cultural calendar.[57]Some glimpses of the rituals at the festival include visit to sacred alligators atMangopir,playing music and dance.[58]Clearly, the instrument, songs and dance appear to be derived from Africa.[59]

They are also active in cultural activities and annual festivals, like the Habash Festival, with the support of several community organisations. InSindh,Sheedi men perform a unique dance on "mugarman" an ancestral traditional musical instrument of Sheedis, dressed in their traditional attire with markings on face, they also perform dangerous stunts while performing like spitting fire out of mouth, the dance is generally called as Sheedi dance.[60][61]



Generally, the Siddi primarily associate and marry members of their own communities.[62]It is rare for the Siddi to marry outside of their communities although in Pakistan a growing number of the Sheedi intermarry as a way to dilute their African lineage and reduce racial discrimination and prejudice.[63]

Siddi communities, although classified as a tribe by the Indian government, primarily live in agricultural communities where men are responsible for the farming and women are responsible for the home and children.[55]Outside of their communities, men also tend to be employed as farm hands, drivers, manual laborers, and security guards.[54]

As in other aspects of life, the Siddi have adopted the common dietary practices of the dominant society. An example of a staple meal would be a large portions of rice with dal and pickles.[62]



Athletics has been an important part of the Siddi community and has been a means to uplift youth and a means of escape from poverty and discrimination.[64][65][66]Footballandbo xingare the most popular sports, and some of the most notable boxers and footballers in Pakistan have mostly emerged fromLyari,which is one of the ethnic heartlands of the community.[43]

Sheedi dominatedPakistan national football teamin 1964

The Sheedi community has played a large role in Pakistani football history. In its early years,football in Pakistanwas mainly concentrated toBalochistanand the locality of Lyari,[67]from where majority of players of thePakistan national football teamwere recruited mainly in the 1960s, which is often regarded as the earlygolden ageof Pakistani football.[68][69]Notable players during this period includeAbdul Ghafoor,nicknamed the "PakistaniPelé"and" Black Pearl of Pakistan ",[70]Muhammad Umer,Musa Ghazi,Abid Ghazi,Turab Ali,Abdullah Rahi,Murad Bakhsh,Qadir Bakhsh,Maula Bakhsh,among others.[68][69]



Siddis are primarily Muslims, although some areHindusand others belong to theCatholic Church.[71]Majority of Sheedis in Pakistan belong to the SunniBarelvischool of faith.[43]TheSufisaintPir Manghois regarded by many as an importantWali,and the annualSheedi Melafestival is the key event in the Sheedi community's cultural calendar.[57]

They are also active in cultural activities and annual festivals, like the Habash Festival, with the support of several community organisations. In Sindh Sheedi men perform a unique dance on "mugarman" an ancestral traditional musical instrument of Sheedis, dressed in their traditional attire with markings on face, they also perform dangerous stunts while performing like spitting fire out of mouth, the dance is generally called as Sheedi dance.[60][61]

Films and books

  • From Africa...To Indian Subcontinent: Sidi Music in the Indian Ocean Diaspora(2003) by Amy Catlin-Jairazbhoy, in close collaboration withNazir Ali Jairazbhoyand the Sidi community.
  • Mon petit diable (My Little Devil)(1999) was directed by Gopi Desai.Om Puri,Pooja Batra,Rushabh Patni,Satyajit Sharma.
  • Razia Sultan(1983), an Indian Urdu film directed byKamal Amrohi,is based on the life ofRazia Sultan(played byHema Malini) (1205–1240), the only femaleSultan of Delhi(1236–1240), and her speculated love affair with the Abyssinian slaveJamal-ud-Din Yakut(played byDharmendra). He was referred to in the movie as ahabshee.
  • A Certain Grace: The Sidi, Indians of African Descentby Ketaki Sheth, Photolink, 2013.[72]
  • Shaping Membership, Defining Nation: The Cultural Politics of African Indians in South Asia(2007) by Pashington Obeng.
  • Inside a Lost African Tribe Still Living in India Today(2018) by Asha Stuart
  • #unfair(2019) a film produced byPublic Service Broadcast Trustdirected by Wenceslaus Mendes,Paranjoy Guha Thakurta,Anushka Matthews, Mohit Bhalla

Notable Siddis


See also



  1. ^"First African-Pakistani Lawmaker Fights to Claim Power".2 September 2020.
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  3. ^abParacha, Nadeem (26 August 2018),"Smokers' corner: Sindh's African roots",Dawn.
  4. ^"The Siddis: Discovering India's little known African-origin community".The New Indian Express.2 March 2018.Retrieved13 August2021.
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