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Mathabar Singh Thapa,shown with sideburns of the style worn byHinduKshatriyamilitary commanders in theIndian subcontinent.

Sideburns,sideboards,[1]orside whiskersarefacial hairgrown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to run parallel to or beyond the ears. The termsideburnsis a 19th-centurycorruptionof the originalburnsides,named afterAmerican Civil WargeneralAmbrose Burnside,[2]a man known for his unusual facial hairstyle that connected thick sideburns by way of amoustache,but left the chinclean-shaven.


Kaiser Wilhelm I
Wilhelm I,German Emperor,sported large sideburns; this style was often referred to as "side whiskers"
Ambrose Burnside
U.S. GeneralAmbrose Burnside,after whom sideburns are named.
Other 19th century examples
Werner von Siemens
German inventorWerner von Siemens(1816–1892)
David Chubinashvili
Georgian lexicographerDavid Chubinashviliwith "mutton-chops"
J. V. Snellman
Relatively short sideburns onJ. V. Snellman(1806–1881), a Finnish philosopher and statesman
20th century examples

Sideburns can be worn and grown in combination with other styles of facial hair, such as themoustacheorgoatee,but once they extend from ear to ear via the chin they cease to be sideburns and become abeard,chinstrap beard,orchin curtain.

Indigenous men ofColombiaandMexico,including Aztecs, shaved their heads and wore their braided sideburns long, said to be wearing "balcarrotas", rarely seen in modern times, but prized in the 16th century as a mark of virile vanity and banned by the colonial authorities inNew Spain,resulting in rioting in 1692.[3]


Sideburns are present on statues and masks of Romans dating back to the 1st Century[4].Elagabalusis depicted with sideburns and a mustache.

Following the fashion in Europe youngSouth Americancriollosadopted sideburns. Many of the independence heroes of South America, includingJosé de San Martín,Manuel Belgrano,Antonio José de Sucre,Bernardo O'Higgins,José Miguel Carrera,andAntonio Nariñohad sideburns and are as such depicted on numerous paintings, coins and banknotes.

Nineteenth-century sideburns were often far more extravagant than those seen today, similar to what are now called mutton chops, but considerably more extreme. In period literature, "side whiskers" usually refers to this style, in which the whiskers hang well below the jaw line. As with beards, sideburns went quickly out offashionin the early twentieth century. InWorld War I,in order to secure a seal on agas mask,men had to be clean-shaven; this did not affectmustaches.

In 1936, PresidentFranklin Rooseveltbriefly experimented with sideburns on a yachting cruise, provoking laughter from wifeEleanor.[5]Sideburns made a comeback in the mid-1950s whenMarlon Brandosported them as the title character inThe Wild One(1953). Further spurred byElvis Presley,sideburns were sported by "hoods", "greasers",and" rockers "seeking to highlight their rebellious post-pubescent manliness.[6]Sideburns later gained popularity in thecounterculture of the 1960s:the struggle of a New Jersey youth to wear sideburns to his public high school graduation made a newspaper article in 1967.[7]Sideburns were associated with young mods and hippies, but in the '70s became prevalent in all walks of life. "Lambchop" sideburns also became a symbol of the gay club scenes ofSan FranciscoandSydney,as did thehandlebar mustache.For the most part, sideburns have never gone out of fashion. They have continued to be popular among rock musicians, and even become a notable feature of such musicians likeStephen Stills,Neil Young,George Jones,andLemmy.

Notable 21st century examples includeEmmanuel Macron,Javier Milei,Cem Özdemir,Viktor Yushchenko,David Pountney,Adam Sandler,John LithgowandDavid Tennant.

Because of sideburns' multifarious history, they may be seen as stuffilyVictorian;an indicator of roughness, vice, orrebelliousness;[8]a characteristic ofrock 'n' roll;or merely a retro fashion revival.

See also[edit]


  1. ^"AskOxford".Archived fromthe originalon September 26, 2007.Retrieved2007-06-27.
  2. ^Goolrick, William K.Rebels Resurgent: Fredericksburg to Chancellorsville.p. 29.
  3. ^Joaquín García Icazbalceta."Vocabulario de mexicanismos: comprobado con ejemplos y comparado con los de otros paises hispano-americanos".Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.RetrievedMarch 1,2013.
  4. ^https:// metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/547851
  5. ^"President Grows crop of Sideburns: Mrs. Roosevelt Laughs Heartily as He Arrives at Campobello".The New York Times28 July 1936. Retrieved 9 September 2008.
  6. ^"Sideburns a la Presley Aren't Ivy; Dern of Penn Quits Track Rather Than Alter Appearance".The New York Times,9 February 1957. Retrieved 9 September 2008.
  7. ^"Youth With Sideburns Is Graduated in Jersey".The New York Times,13 June 1967. Retrieved 9 September 2008.
  8. ^In the 1965 novelFor KicksbyDick Francis,one character advises another that, to go undercover as a disreputablestablelad, "Then, if I might suggest it, it would be a good idea for you to grow a couple of sideburns. It's surprising what a lot of distrust can be caused by an inch of extra hair in front of the ears!"Francis, Dick(1990).For Kicks.New York: Armchair Detective Library. p. 19.ISBN978-0-922890-59-0.

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