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Single instruction, single data

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Incomputing,single instruction stream, single data stream(SISD) is acomputer architecturein which a single uni-coreprocessorexecutes a single instruction stream, to operate on data stored in a single memory. This corresponds to thevon Neumann architecture.

SISD is one of the four main classifications as defined inFlynn's taxonomy.In this system, classifications are based upon the number ofconcurrentinstructions and data streams present in the computer architecture. According toMichael J. Flynn,SISD can have concurrent processing characteristics.Pipelined processorsandsuperscalar processorsare common examples found in most modern SISD computers.[2][3]

Instructions are sent to the control unit from the memory module and are decoded and sent to the processing unit which processes on the data retrieved from memory module and sends back to it.


  1. ^Flynn, Michael J.(September 1972)."Some Computer Organizations and Their Effectiveness"(PDF).IEEE Transactions on Computers.C-21(9): 948–960.doi:10.1109/TC.1972.5009071.
  2. ^Quinn, Michael J. Chapter 2: Parallel Architectures,Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP.Boston: McGraw Hill, 2004.ISBN0-07-282256-2
  3. ^Ibaroudene, Djaffer. Chapter 1: Motivation and History,Parallel Processing.St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX. Spring 2008.