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Smaller midrashim

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A number ofmidrashimexist which are smaller in size, and generally later in date, than those dealt with in the articlesMidrash HaggadahandMidrash Halakah. Despite their late date, some of these works preserve material from theApocryphaand Philo of Alexandria. These small works, were in turn used by later larger works, such asSefer haYashar (midrash).Important editors and researchers of this material includeAbraham ben Elijah of Vilna,Adolf Jellinek,andSolomon Aaron Wertheimer.

Principal works[edit]

The chief of these works are:

Survey of Collections[edit]

The more recent (circa 1900) collections of small midrashim referred to above and inMidrash Haggadahare the following:

  • A. Jellinek,B. H.parts i.-iv., Leipsic, 1853–57; parts v.-vi., Vienna, 1873–78;
  • Ḥayyim M. Horowitz,Agadat Agadot,etc., Berlin, 1881;
  • idem,Bet 'Eḳed ha-Agadot: Bibliotheca Haggadica,2 parts, Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1881;
  • idem,Kebod Ḥuppah,ib. 1888;
  • idem,Tosefta Attiḳta: Uralte Tosefta's,i.-v., ib. 1889-90;
  • S. A. Wertheimer,Batte Midrashot,i.-iv., Jerusalem, 1893–97;
  • idem,Leḳeṭ Midrashim,ib. 1903;
  • L. Grünhut,Sefer ha-Liḳḳuṭim, Sammlung Aelterer Midraschim.etc., i-vi., ib. 1898-1903; comp. alsoAbraham Wilna,Rab Pe'alim,ed.S. Chones,pp. 133 et seq.,H. L. Strack,in Herzog-Hauck,Real-Encyc.s.v. "Midrasch."

Other small midrashim and mystical literature[edit]

In these collections, especially inA. Jellinek'sBet ha-Midrash,there are many small midrashim, either edited there for the first time or reprinted, as well as a number of works under other names, a discussion of which belongs rather to an article on mystic literature. The following treatises, however, may be mentioned here, the titles being given for the most part according to Jellinek:

  • Agadat Mashiaḥ(Haggadah of the Messiah; ib. iii. 141 et seq.).
  • Baraita Ma'ase Bereshit(inS. Chones' addenda toAbraham Wilna'sRab Pe'alim,pp. 47 et seq.); alsoSeder Rabbah de-Bereshit(in Wertheimer, l.c. i. 1-31).
  • Gan 'Eden we-Gehinnom(Paradise and Hell; ib. v. 42 et seq.).
  • Ma'aseh R. Yehoshua' b. Levi(History of R. Joshua b. Levi; ib. ii. 48 et seq.).
  • Midrash Konen(inB. H.ii. 23-39);
  • Be-Ḥokmah Yasad(Divine Wisdom; ib. v. 63-69)
  • Masseket Gehinnom(Tractate of Gehenna; ib. i. 147-149)
  • Milḥamot ha-Mashiaḥ(War of the Messiah; ib. vi. 117 et seq.)
  • Misterot R. Shim'on b. Yoḥai(Mysteries of R. Simeon b. Yoḥai; ib. iii. 78 et seq.).
  • Otiyot de-Rabbi Aḳiba(Alphabetical Midrash of R. Akiba; first and second recensions inB. H.iii. 12-64; comp. ib. v. 31-33; vi., p. xl.; Wertheimer, l.c. ii. 23 et seq.)
  • Hekalot Rabbati(Great Hekalot; inB. H.iii. 83-108);
  • Masseket Hekalot(Tractate Hekalot; ib. ii. 40-47; comp. also ib. i. 58 et seq., iii. 161 et seq., vi. 109 et seq.);
  • Baraita Ma'ase Merkabah(in Wertheimer, l.c. ii. 15-25).
  • Otiyot Mashiaḥ(Signs of the Messiah; ib. ii. 58-63).
  • Pirḳe Eliyahu(Sections Concerning the Messiah; ib. iii. 68 et seq.).
  • Seder Gan 'Eden(Description of Paradise; ib. ii. 52 et seq.; second recension, ib. iii. 131-140; additions, ib. 194-198).
  • Sefer Eliyahu(Apocalypse of Elijah; ib. iii. 65 et seq.).
  • Sefer Zerubbabel(Book of Zerubbabel; ib. ii. 54-57; comp. also Wertheimer, l.c. ii. 25 et seq., 29 et seq.).


  • Jacob Elbaum.The Hebrew Narrative Anthology in the Middle AgesProoftexts (2004) pp. 176ff.


This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Singer, Isidore;et al., eds. (1901–1906)."Smaller Midrashim".The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.