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Sukarni before 1959
3rd Indonesian Ambassador to the People's Republic of China
In office
1961 – March 1964
Preceded bySukarjo Wiryopranoto
Succeeded byDjawoto
Personal details
Born(1916-07-14)14 July 1916
Blitar,Dutch East Indies
Died7 May 1971(1971-05-07)(aged 54)
AwardsNational Hero of Indonesia

Sukarni Kartodiwirjo(14 July 1916 – 7 May 1971) was an Indonesianfreedom fighterand activist who demanded independence for Indonesia during theDutch colonial eraand theJapanese occupation,and was the chairman of theMurba Partyuntil his death.



Sukarni was born on 14 July 1916 in Sumberdiran, Garum,Blitar.The name Sukarni inJavanesemeans "to pay more attention".[1]He was the fifth child of Dimun Kartodiwirjo, son of PrinceDiponegoro's right-hand man Onggomerto, and Supiah, a woman fromKediri.[2][3]Sukarni's older siblings were Hono, Sukarlim, Sukarmilah, Sukardi, while the younger siblings were Suparti, Endang Sarti, Endi Sukarto, Sukarjo, and an unnamed sibling who died as a child.[4][5]Sukarni studied at Mardisiswo in Blitar, similar school toTaman Siswathat time.[6]Sukarni continued to study at Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS; Dutch school for natives).[7]When Sukarni graduated from HIS and registered for Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO; secondary school), his father died in 1929.[6]After graduating from MULO, Sukarni then continued his study to Kweekschool (teacher school) and Volks Universiteit (People University).[7]

According to Emalia Iragiliati, Sukarni became a follower ofSukarnoinBandungwhen he was studying journalism, encouraged by Sukarno's elder sister, Wardoyo, in Blitar.[8][9]

In 1930, Sukarni joined Perhimpunan Pemuda Pelajar Indonesia, which was later renamed to Indonesia Muda, and became the chairman of the Blitar section.[10][11]He also joined Persatuan Pemuda Rakyat Indonesia (Perpri) section Purworejo. In 1933 he became the chairman of Indonesia Muda sectionPurworejo.[12]Due to his activities in Indonesia Muda, Sukarni was expelled from MULO but he was allowed to take a special examination so he still graduated.[13]Sukarni once created PPPI's rival, Persatuan Pemuda Kita because the former did not allow youths who had not attended school to join. After creating this, later both groups were merged and became Indonesia Muda.[11]At the Indonesia Muda congress in Surabaya, Sukarni managed to persuade congress participants to approve his idea allowing youths that hadn't attended school to join Indonesia Muda.[14]In 1934, he was appointed as the chairman of Pengurus Besar Indonesia Muda.[15]Sukarni helped Anwari and elder sister of Sukarno, Wardoyo, to establish thePartindoBlitar chapter and for the first time metWikana,Asmara Hadi,andSK Trimurti.[16]At the end of 1935, Sukarni was appointed as chairman of the PerpriJakartasection.[12]In 1936, Sukarni translatedTan Malaka's brochures and pamphlets fromDutchtoIndonesianand distributed them.[17]He managed to escape the arrest of Indonesia Muda members in the head office in Jakarta on 19 June 1936.[18]The colonial government searched for Sukarni due to his article inIndonesia Mudamagazine encouraging youths to unite against colonialism.[19]

Sukarni who was pursued by the government then decided to go to Borneo. He said goodbye to his mother in Blitar and entrusted the Indonesia Muda leadership toRuslan Abdulgani.[20]Sukarni lived in disguise under the name Maidi Borneo area from 1937 to 1940. He traveled toBanjarmasin,then moved to Murung Pudak working as coolie atBataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij(BPM). He then moved to Sangasanga and worked as servant at one of BPM official's houses. He subsequently moved to Balikpapan and served as a data recorder in the BPM topography department.[21]

Sukarni eventually was arrested by the colonial government there before theJapanese attacked the Dutch East Indies- sometime in 1940 according to Husein Yusuf,[22]while in disguise as the employee of the department of BPM.[23]He was brought toSamarindabefore being jailed inJava,which was chosen overBoven Digulbecause Japanese army had attacked the Dutch Indies.[24]Sukarni was then brought to Jakarta viaSurabaya.[22]Sukarni initially was jailed inPasar Baruprison.[25]Sukarni was later released and lived withAntarastaff.[26]

Sukarni, as well as employees ofAntarasuch asAdam Malik,A.M. Sipahutar, Pandu Kartawiguna, and Abdul Hakim, and other activists such as Asmara Hadi, Mulia, Wasdji Kartawiganda, and Wikana were arrested in December 1941 because the Dutch colonial government considered them dangerous.[26]At first they were jailed in Pasar Baru prison. They then moved toSukabumi,thenGarutthen Sukabumi again.[27]Before being transferred toAustralia,they were then moved toNusakambanganon 2 March 1942 and settled there.[28][27]The transport ship in which they were deported, KPM Tawali, along with other ships docked there then were destroyed by Japanese attacks on 4 and 5 March.[29]On 10th, all of the prisoners were set free including Sukarni, Adam Malik, and Wikana.[24][27]On 15th, Sukarni and the others traveled toMaosby foot. They then crossed theSerayu Riverthen walked again to Jeruklegi. There they went to Jakarta using train fromBandung.In this train, Sukarni met Nursjiar, his future wife.[30]

In Jakarta, Sukarni worked for several news agencies such asAntara,which was later replaced byDōmei TsushinandSendenbu(theJapanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies's propaganda department).[31][24]During this time, according to Adam Malik, and according to Emalia Iragiliati that time was 1942, Sukarni married Nursjiar.[32][33]Sukarni and the other young men worked inSendenbuand other Japanese office to infiltrate and find information.[34]

Sukarni persuaded chairman of Perhimpunan Pelajar-Pelajar IndonesiaChairul Salehand chairman of Baperpi Supeno to establish an educational institution for Indonesian young men. At the end of 1942 the Ashrama[a]Angkatan Baru or Ashrama Pemuda at Menteng 31 was founded and aided bySendenbu.[36]In 1943, the first two were responsible for organizing the institution as chairman and vice chairman respectively helped by A.M. Hanafi as secretary and I. Wiejaja as treasurer.[24][37]

In this period, Sukarni also had some connection to Tan Malaka who worked at a Japanese factory in Bayah,Banten,at the time.[31][37]Sukarni had been visited by Tan Malaka using the alias Husin, which Sukarni did not know. They discussed politics for a day before Husin visited other activists such as Chairul Saleh andTjokroaminoto,who Husin had not met, andAchmad Subardjo.[38]

Sukarni became a father in 1943 after Nursjiar gave birth Luhantara, their first son. A year later, they had another son, Kumalakanta.[39]

Sukarni took part in the Kongres Pemuda meeting held between 16 and 18 May 1945 inVilla Isola,Bandung. The desire of the young men forIndonesian independenceincreased after the meeting, especially in Java.[40]In that year, Sukarni was also the chairman of the Committee van Actie Menteng 31.[41]

On 3 June 1945, Sukarni and 32 other young men held a meeting at Gedung Gambir Selatan. The result of the meeting was the appointment of 10 committee members led byB.M. Diahand Sukarni, Sudiro, Sjarif Thajeb, Harsono Tjokroaminoto, Wikana, Chairul Saleh, Gultom, Supeno, and Asmara Hadi, who were responsible for discussing the formation of Gerakan Angkatan Baru Indonesia which was founded on 15 June.[42]

Sometimes inPreparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence(PPKI) meetings, the youth had some problem with the older generation. Sukarni and Chairul Saleh were transferred due to this.[43]

Ashrama 31 was then dissolved on 15 August 1945 immediately after the Japanese army.[44]The activists from various youth groups then formed the Committee van Actie headed by Sukarni, Chairul Saleh and Wikana as vice-chairmen, and Adam Malik, Pandu Kartawiguna, Maruto Nitimihardjo, Djohar Nur, Darwis, A.M. Hanafi, and Armunanto as members.[45]

At Sukarno's house on the night of 15 August, young men urged him to declare the independence of Indonesia. According to Sukarno in his autobiography, Sukarni was there urging him, but according to Sukarni, that time he was at Cikini 71 waiting the result of the discussion.[46]The young men didn't want the independence as a present from Japanese.[47]During the wait, Sukarni, dr Muwardi, Dr. Sutjipto, Chairul Saleh, Wikana, Jusuf Kunto, and the others planned the abduction of Sukarno-Hatta.[48]Sukarni talked to Sukarno supporting the other young men's argument to declare independence when they began the abduction at dawn on the 16th.[46]

Sukarni, Singgih, Muwardi, and Jusuf Kunto took Sukarno and Hatta to Rengasdengklok while Wikana and Chairul Saleh waited in Jakarta.[49]Latief Hendradiningrat fromPembela Tanah Air(PETA) borrowed the youths' military uniforms and pistols to fool Japanese soldiers.[50]Sukarni and Kunto went with Hatta, while Sukarno, his wifeFatmawati,and their son Guntur traveled in another car. They arrived in Jakarta in the evening the same day after Achmad Subardjo followed them and managed to persuade the young men to go home.[51][49]

Sukarno and Hatta were brought to Rear AdmiralMaeda's house. Sukarni stated that he already prepared the revolt in several places in Jakarta. Maeda disagreed with the revolt because it was more dangerous than a proclamation. Sukarni, accompanied bySayuti Melikand Maeda's subordinate Nishijima, then informed the people that were ready to cancel the revolt.[52]

Sukarni and the other young men were at the house, now theFormulation of Proclamation Text Museum,during the writing of the proclamation manuscript.[49]Sukarni advised the others to choose only Sukarno and Hatta to sign the declaration instead of all people who were there that time.[53]

After theCentral Indonesian National Committee(KNIP) was given the authority as the legislative on 17 October, Sukarni demanded the reform of the organization and appointedSjahriras the chairman instead ofKasman Singodimejoand as the formateur of the KNIP Working Group[54]In November, Sukarni joined the Chairul Saleh-led Badan Kongres Pemuda in Yogyakarta.[55]

In 1946, Sukarni's third child, Parialuti Indarwati, was born.[56]On 31 March 1946,Persatuan Perdjuanganleaders were arrested by government authorities ordered by Sjahrir including Tan Malaka, secretary general Sukarni, and Sayuti Melik.[57]In 1947, Sukarni was imprisoned in Ponorogo prison, Madiun, along with Tan Malaka,Moh. Yamin,and Ahmad Subardjo. Sukarni and Tan Malaka were then transferred to Magelang prison.[58]They were released in September 1948 from the prison.[59]

In November 1948, Sukarni was elected as chairman ofMurba Partyin the first congress mainly suggested by Tan Malaka.[60]Mainly Sukarni-led Murba opposed the government policies especiallyLinggarjati,Renville,andKMB,except thedecreereimposing 1945 Constitution.[61]

Sukarni managed to escape from Yogyakarta down theCode Riverafter thesecond military aggressionwas started.[62]Sukarni and the other traveled toImogirithenGunungkidulescaping from Dutch army.[63]Outside Yogyakarta, Sukarni helped Lieutenant ColonelSuhartocarrying out guerrilla attacks.[64]During these time, Sukarni strangely disguised under the name Suharto.[65]

In 1949, Nursjiar gave birth to her fourth child, Goos Murbantoro.[56]In 1952, Sukarni and Husein Yusuf traveled toBalikpapanto meet the former old friends during at work at BPM.[22]In 1953, Sukarni's last child, Emalia Iragiliati was born in Yogyakarta.[66]

After thegeneral election in 1955,Sukarni was appointed as a member of legislature.[66]

Sukarni was appointed by Sukarno as ambassador to thePeople's Republic of Chinamid 1960.[67]The leadership of Murba was passed to Wasid Suwarto. Sukarni then returned in March 1964.[68][69]

After Indonesian's foreign diplomacy was inclined toPekingandcommunism,Sukarni was arrested on 5 January 1965 charged with sedition and attempting to assassinate Sukarno using the Badan Pendukung Sukarnoisme,[70]while according to Hasyim Darif, Sukarni was arrested because of his action against theCommunist Party of Indonesia(PKI).[71][69]According to A. Hamzah Tuppu, Sukarno was provoked byAidit.[72]He was detained in the detention center inAttorney General's office.[70]After the transition toNew Order,in 1966 Sukarni was released.[73]

Sukarni became the chairman of Murba after the party had been prohibited during Sukarni's detention.[74]When a rumor spread that Sukarno was about to be brought before a military court, Sukarni asked Hamzah Tuppu personally to prevent it. Sukarni reasoned that if Sukarno was imprisoned, the republic would end because it had no dignity mentioning a detainee every year in the independence celebration.[75]

Sukarni was elected as 4th Chairman of Dewan Harian Nasional of Angkatan '45 after its first congress in April (pp. 258–9, according to Mayjen. M. Jasin) or September 1966 in Gelora Senayan.[76]Sukarni was then involved in Delegasi '45 along with other Angkatan '45 to persuade Sukarno to disband the PKI to avoid civil war.[77]

In 1967, Sukarni became a member of theSupreme Advisory Council.[78]

In 1970, Sukarni and Rasjidi were involved in Musyawarah Besar Angkatan '45 in Berastagi, North Sumatera.[79]

Several times in 1971, Sukarni was admitted toCipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.[80]

Before the1971 general election,Sukarni persuaded other social and political elements to join Murba.[81]On 5 May 1971, Sukarni requested Darif to write his general election campaign speech when they met in the evening that day. Two days later on the morning of 7 May, Sukarni died in Jakarta.[82]His remains were buried inTaman Makam Pahlawan Kalibata.[83]

Political views


Sukarni considered theInvestigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence(BPUPK) to be dominated by older Indonesians and thePreparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence(PPKI) by Japanese military-backed old activists.[84]

According to Hasyim Darif, Sukarni was influenced by Sukarno mainly during the underground activities against the Dutch colonial government and Japanese military government when the two met and discussed politics, but Sukarni was against Sukarno during the National Revolution.[85]Sukarni was also influenced by Tan Malaka during the Dutch and Japanese era through Tan Malaka's writings. Tan Malaka influenced Sukarni both political theory and practices duringNational Revolution.Both of them opposed the Indonesian government compromising with the Dutch including when concluding theLinggadjati Agreement,theRenville agreement,and theRound Table Conference.[86]Khalid Rasjidi described Sukarni as "the most loyal and most trusted Tan Malaka's disciple."[87]After Sukarno declared theNasakomphilosophy, Sukarni was against PKI political activities.[71]

Moh. Padang stated that "Murba was Sukarni, Sukarni was Murba; without Sukarni Murba didn't exist."[88]

Iragiliati citing Sukarni, said that Indonesianmurba(musyawarah rakyat banyak; deliberation of common people) is different than western version. Indonesian version prioritizes family relationship.[17]

Roeslan Abdulgani described the political view of Sukarni as "radical-revolutionary" while his way of life was "filled with the soul of democracy".[89]



Sukarni was posthumously awarded the Bintang Maha Putera IV medal.[90]According to the Emalia Iragiliati, youngest daughter of Sukarni, Sukarni was able to speak Javanese, Indonesian, Dutch, German, and Japanese.[91]

An exhibition about Sukarni andGSSJ Ratulangiewas held from 6 until 30 August 2009 in theFormulation of Proclamation Text Museum,Jakarta.[92]

On 7 November 2014, the government of Indonesia made Sukarni aNational Heroalong withDjamin Ginting,Mohammad Mangoendiprojo,andAbdul Wahab Chasbullahthrough Presidential Decree No. 115/TK/2014.[93]


  1. ^According to Khalid Rasjidi,ashramaat that time meant "political educational institution", not like the wordasramain modern Indonesian, which means dormitory.[35]


  1. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 17.
  2. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 17–18.
  3. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 21.
  4. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 19.
  5. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 79.
  6. ^abMustoffa 1986,p. 20.
  7. ^abSukarni 2013,p. 24.
  8. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 25.
  9. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 81.
  10. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 22, 32.
  11. ^abSukarni 2013,p. 26.
  12. ^abMustoffa 1986,p. 101.
  13. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 264.
  14. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 265.
  15. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 32, 101.
  16. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 62.
  17. ^abSukarni 2013,p. 50.
  18. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 32, 98.
  19. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 74.
  20. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 29.
  21. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 218.
  22. ^abcMustoffa 1986,p. 219.
  23. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 32, 103.
  24. ^abcdMustoffa 1986,p. 32.
  25. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 98, 103.
  26. ^abMustoffa 1986,p. 103.
  27. ^abcMustoffa 1986,p. 104.
  28. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 87.
  29. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 32, 87, 104.
  30. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 105.
  31. ^abSuhartono 2007,p. 88.
  32. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 185.
  33. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 30.
  34. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 185–186.
  35. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 148.
  36. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 47.
  37. ^abMustoffa 1986,p. 106.
  38. ^Muljana 2008,p. 27.
  39. ^Sukarni 2013,pp. 10, 31.
  40. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 48.
  41. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 72.
  42. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 33, 216.
  43. ^Suhartono 2007,p. 101.
  44. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 107.
  45. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 107, 134–135.
  46. ^abMustoffa 1986,pp. 35–36.
  47. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 65.
  48. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 51.
  49. ^abcMustoffa 1986,p. 37.
  50. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 89.
  51. ^Muljana 2008,pp. 34–35.
  52. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 79.
  53. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 34.
  54. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 54.
  55. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 144.
  56. ^abSukarni 2013,pp. 10, 37.
  57. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 81–82.
  58. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 275–276.
  59. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 154, 156.
  60. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 59, 61.
  61. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 61–62, 114–115.
  62. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 235.
  63. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 277.
  64. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 236.
  65. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 53.
  66. ^abSukarni 2013,p. 38.
  67. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 61.
  68. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 158.
  69. ^abSukarni 2013,p. 40.
  70. ^abMustoffa 1986,p. 63.
  71. ^abMustoffa 1986,p. 116.
  72. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 196.
  73. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 66.
  74. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 159.
  75. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 195–196.
  76. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 232.
  77. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 258.
  78. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 44.
  79. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 151.
  80. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 250.
  81. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 175.
  82. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 117–118.
  83. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 240.
  84. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 50.
  85. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 114.
  86. ^Mustoffa 1986,pp. 114–115.
  87. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 152.
  88. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 207.
  89. ^Mustoffa 1986,p. 73.
  90. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 3.
  91. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 23.
  92. ^Sukarni 2013,p. 48.
  93. ^Prihandoko (7 November 2014)."Empat Tokoh Dianugerahi Gelar Pahlawan Nasional".Tempo.Retrieved21 December2015.


  • Muljana, Slamet (2008).Kesadaran Nasional dari Kolonialisme Sampai Kemerdekaan.Vol. 2. Yogyakarta: LKiS.ISBN9789791283571.
  • Mustoffa, Sumono, ed. (1986).Sukarni dalam Kenangan Teman-Temannya.Jakarta: Sinar Harapan.OCLC558086457.
  • Suhartono (2007).Kaigun, Angkatan Laut Jepang, Penentu Krisis Proklamasi.Yogyakarta: Kanisius.ISBN9789792117394.
  • Sukarni, Emalia Iragiliati (2013).Sukarni & Actie Rengasdengklok.Yogyakarta: Ombak.ISBN9786022580164.