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Latvian National Theatredecorated with Soviet symbols (hammer and sickle,red star,red flagsand a double portrait ofVladimir LeninandJoseph Stalin) after theSoviet occupation in 1940.The text on top reads "Long live the USSR!"

Sovietization(Russian:советизация,romanized:sovyetizatsiya) is the adoption of a political system based on the model ofsoviets(workers' councils) or the adoption of a way of life, mentality, and culture modeled after theSoviet Union.This often included adopting theCyrillic scriptand sometimes also theRussian language.

A notable wave of Sovietization (in the second meaning) occurred during theRussian Civil Warin the territories captured by theRed Army.Later, the territories occupied by theRussian SFSRand the USSR were Sovietized.Mongoliawas conquered by the Soviet Union and Sovietized in the 1920s, and after the end of theSecond World War,Sovietization took place in the countries of theSoviet Bloc(EasternandCentral Europe:Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Baltic states, etc.).[1][2]In a broad sense, it included the involuntary creation of Soviet-style authorities, imitation of elections held under the control of the Bolsheviks with the removal of opposition candidates, nationalization of land and property, repression against representatives of "class enemies"(kulaks,orosadniks,for instance). Mass executions and imprisoning inGulaglabor campsandexile settlementsoften accompany that process. This was usually promoted and sped up bypropagandaaimed at creating a common way of life in all states within theSoviet sphere of influence.In modern history, Sovietization refers to the copying of models of Soviet life (the cult of the leader's personality, collectivist ideology, mandatory participation in propaganda activities, etc.).[3][4][5]

In a narrow sense, the termSovietizationis often applied to mental and social changes within the population of the Soviet Union and itssatellites,[6]which led to creation of thenew Soviet man(according to its supporters) orHomo Sovieticus(according to its critics).[7][8]

See also



  1. ^С. Кульчицький.Радянська влада // Політична енциклопедія. — p.620
  2. ^С. Кульчицький.Радянський комунізм // Політична енциклопедія. — p.621
  3. ^Myron Weiner,Sharon Stanton Russell, ed. (2001)."Stalinist Forced Relocation Policies".Demography and National Security.Berghahn Books. pp. 308–315.ISBN1-57181-339-X.
  4. ^Совєтизація // Українська мала енциклопедія: 16 кн.: у 8 т. / проф. Є. Онацький. — Накладом Адміністратури УАПЦ в Аргентині. — Буенос-Айрес, 1965. — Т. 7,кн. XIV: Літери Сен — Сті.— С. 1717—1844. —1000 екз.
  5. ^Про радянізацію[dead link]
  6. ^Józef Tischner(2005).Etyka solidarności oraz Homo sovieticus(in Polish). Kraków: Znak. p. 295.ISBN83-240-0588-9.
  7. ^Aleksandr Zinovyev(1986).Homo sovieticus.Grove/Atlantic.ISBN0-87113-080-7.
  8. ^Барташук ОлесяНаслідки запровадження радянської обрядовості (60–80-і рр. ХХ ст.): аналіз історико-етнографічних матеріалів календарного циклу Хмельницького Поділля//Мандрівець Науковий журнал.—2008, No. 7

Further reading
