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Thespherindercan be seen as the volume between two parallel and equal solid 2-spheres(3-balls) in 4-dimensional space, here stereographically projected into 3D.

Infour-dimensional geometry,thespherinder,orspherical cylinderorspherical prism,is a geometric object, defined as theCartesian productof a 3-ball(or solid 2-sphere) of radiusr1and aline segmentof length 2r2:

Like theduocylinder,it is also analogous to acylinderin 3-space, which is the Cartesian product of a disk with aline segment.

It can be seen in 3-dimensional space bystereographic projectionas two concentric spheres, in a similar way that atesseract(cubic prism) can be projected as two concentric cubes, and how acircular cylindercan be projected into 2-dimensional space as two concentric circles.

Spherindrical coordinate system[edit]

One can define a "spherindrical" coordinate system(r,θ,φ,w),consisting ofspherical coordinateswith an extra coordinatew.This is analogous to howcylindrical coordinatesare defined:randφbeingpolar coordinateswith an elevation coordinatez.Spherindrical coordinates can be converted to Cartesian coordinates using the formulaswhereris the radius,θis the zenith angle,φis the azimuthal angle, andwis the height. Cartesian coordinates can be converted to spherindrical coordinates using the formulasThehypervolume elementfor spherindrical coordinates iswhich can be derived by computing theJacobian.



Given a spherinder with a spherical base of radiusrand a heighth,the hypervolume of the spherinder is given by

Surface volume[edit]

The surface volume of a spherinder, like the surface area of a cylinder, is made up of three parts:

  • the volume of the top base:
  • the volume of the bottom base:
  • the volume of the lateral 3D surface:,which is the surface area of the spherical base times the height

Therefore, the total surface volume is


The above formulas for hypervolume and surface volume can be proven using integration. The hypervolume of an arbitrary 4D region is given by the quadruple integral

The hypervolume of the spherinder can be integrated over spherindrical coordinates.

Related 4-polytopes[edit]

The relatedtruncated icosidodecahedral prismis constructed from twotruncated icosidodecahedraconnected byprisms,shown here instereographic projectionwith some prisms hidden.

The spherinder is related to theuniform prismatic polychora,which arecartesian productof a regular or semiregularpolyhedronand aline segment.There are eighteen convex uniform prisms based on thePlatonicandArchimedean solids(tetrahedral prism,truncated tetrahedral prism,cubic prism,cuboctahedral prism,octahedral prism,rhombicuboctahedral prism,truncated cubic prism,truncated octahedral prism,truncated cuboctahedral prism,snub cubic prism,dodecahedral prism,icosidodecahedral prism,icosahedral prism,truncated dodecahedral prism,rhombicosidodecahedral prism,truncated icosahedral prism,truncated icosidodecahedral prism,snub dodecahedral prism), plus an infinite family based onantiprisms,and another infinite family of uniformduoprisms,which are products of tworegular polygons.

See also[edit]


  • The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained,Henry P. Manning, Munn & Company, 1910, New York. Available from the University of Virginia library. Also accessible online:The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained—contains a description of duoprisms and duocylinders (double cylinders)
  • The Visual Guide To Extra Dimensions: Visualizing The Fourth Dimension, Higher-Dimensional Polytopes, And Curved Hypersurfaces,Chris McMullen, 2008,ISBN978-1438298924