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Standard streams

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Incomputer programming,standard streamsare preconnected input and outputcommunication channels[1]between a computer program and its environment when it begins execution. The threeinput/output(I/O) connections are calledstandard input(stdin),standard output(stdout) andstandard error(stderr). Originally I/O happened via a physically connectedsystem console(input via keyboard, output via monitor), but standard streams abstract this. When a command is executed via an interactiveshell,the streams are typically connected to thetext terminalon which the shell is running, but can be changed withredirectionor apipeline.More generally, achild processinherits the standard streams of itsparent process.


The standard streams for input, output, and error in a common default configuration

Users generally know standard streams as input and output channels that handle data coming from an input device, or that write data from the application. The data may be text with any encoding, orbinary data. When a program is run as adaemon,its standard error stream is redirected into a log file, typically for error analysis purposes.

Streams may be used to chain applications, meaning that the output stream of one program can be redirected to be the input stream to another application. In many operating systems this is expressed by listing the application names, separated by the vertical bar character, for this reason often called thepipelinecharacter. A well-known example is the use of apaginationapplication, such asmore,providing the user control over the display of the output stream on the display.



In most operating systems predatingUnix,programs had to explicitly connect to the appropriate input and output devices. OS-specific intricacies caused this to be a tedious programming task. On many systems it was necessary to obtain control of environment settings, access a local file table, determine the intended data set, and handle hardware correctly in the case of apunch card reader,magnetic tape drive,disk drive,line printer,card punch, or interactive terminal.

One of Unix's several groundbreaking advances wasabstract devices,which removed the need for a program to know or care what kind of devices it was communicating with[citation needed].Older operating systems forced upon the programmer a record structure and frequentlynon-orthogonaldata semantics and device control. Unix eliminated this complexity with the concept of a data stream: an ordered sequence of data bytes which can be read until theend of file.A program may also write bytes as desired and need not, and cannot easily declare their count or grouping.

Another Unix breakthrough was to automatically associate input and output to terminal keyboard and terminal display, respectively, by default[citation needed]— the program (and programmer) did absolutely nothing to establish input and output for a typical input-process-output program (unless it chose a different paradigm). In contrast, previous operating systems usually required some—often complex—job control languageto establish connections, or the equivalent burden had to be orchestrated by the program.[citation needed]

Since Unix provided standard streams, the UnixCruntime environment was obliged to support it as well. As a result, most C runtime environments (andC's descendants), regardless of the operating system, provide equivalent functionality.

Standard input (stdin)


Standard input is a stream from which a program reads its input data. The program requests data transfers by use of thereadoperation. Not all programs require stream input. For example, thedirandlsprograms (which display file names contained in a directory) may takecommand-line arguments,but perform their operations without any stream data input.

Unlessredirected,standard input is inherited from the parent process. In the case of an interactive shell, that is usually associated with the input device of aterminal(orpseudo terminal) which is ultimately linked to a user'skeyboard.

OnPOSIXsystems, thefile descriptorfor standard input is 0 (zero); thePOSIX<unistd.h>definition isSTDIN_FILENO;the corresponding C<stdio.h>abstraction is provided via theFILE* stdinglobal variable. Similarly, the global C++std::cinvariable of type<iostream>provides an abstraction viaC++ streams.Similar abstractions exist in the standard I/O libraries of practically everyprogramming language.

Standard output (stdout)


Standard output is a stream to which a program writes its output data. The program requests data transfer with thewriteoperation. Not all programs generate output. For example, thefile renamecommand (variously calledmv,move,orren) is silent on success.

Unlessredirected,standard output is inherited from the parent process. In the case of an interactive shell, that is usually thetext terminalwhich initiated the program.

Thefile descriptorfor standard output is 1 (one); thePOSIX<unistd.h>definition isSTDOUT_FILENO;the corresponding C<stdio.h>variable isFILE* stdout;similarly, the C++<iostream>variable isstd::cout.

Standard error (stderr)


Standard error is another output stream typically used by programs to outputerror messagesor diagnostics. It is a stream independent of standard output and can be redirected separately.

This solves thesemi-predicate problem,allowing output and errors to be distinguished, and is analogous to a function returning a pair of values – seeSemi-predicate problem: Multi valued return.The usual destination is thetext terminalwhich started the program to provide the best chance of being seen even ifstandard outputis redirected (so not readily observed). For example, output of a program in apipelineis redirected to input of the next program or a text file, but errors from each program still go directly to the text terminal so they can be reviewed by the user in real time.[2]

It is acceptable and normal to directstandard outputandstandard errorto the same destination, such as the text terminal. Messages appear in the same order as the program writes them, unlessbufferingis involved. For example, in common situations the standard error stream is unbuffered but the standard output stream is line-buffered; in this case, text written to standard error later may appear on the terminal earlier, if the standard output stream buffer is not yet full.

Thefile descriptorfor standard error is defined byPOSIXas 2 (two); the<unistd.h>header file provides the symbolSTDERR_FILENO;[3]the corresponding C<stdio.h>variable isFILE* stderr.The C++<iostream>standard header provides two variables associated with this stream:std::cerrandstd::clog,the former being unbuffered and the latter using the same buffering mechanism as all other C++ streams.

Bourne-style shells allowstandard errorto be redirected to the same destination that standard output is directed to using


csh-style shells allowstandard errorto be redirected to the same destination that standard output is directed to using


Standard error was added to Unix in the 1970s after several wasted phototypesetting runs ended with error messages being typeset instead of displayed on the user's terminal.[4]



1950s: Fortran


Fortranhas the equivalent of Unix file descriptors: By convention, many Fortran implementations use unit numbersUNIT=5for stdin,UNIT=6for stdout andUNIT=0for stderr. In Fortran-2003, the intrinsicISO_FORTRAN_ENVmodule was standardized to include the named constantsINPUT_UNIT,OUTPUT_UNIT,andERROR_UNITto portably specify the unit numbers.

!FORTRAN 77 example
!Fortran 2003 example
implicit none
write(unit=OUTPUT_UNIT,'(a,i3)')'Number is: ',number
end program

1960: ALGOL 60


ALGOL 60was criticized for having no standard file access.[citation needed]

1968: ALGOL 68


ALGOL 68's input and output facilities were collectively referred to as the transput.[5]Kostercoordinated the definition of thetransputstandard. The model included three standard channels:stand in,stand out,andstand back.

# ALGOL 68 example #
REAL number;
getf(stand in,($g$,number));
printf(($ "Number is:" g(6,4) "OR" $,number)); # OR #
putf(stand out,($ "Number is:" g(6,4) "!" $,number));
newline(stand out)
Input: Output:
Number is: +3.142 OR Number is: +3.142!

1970s: C and Unix


In theC programming language,the standard input, output, and error streams are attached to the existing Unix file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 respectively.[6]In aPOSIXenvironment the<unistd.h>definitionsSTDIN_FILENO,STDOUT_FILENOorSTDERR_FILENOshould be used instead rather thanmagic numbers.File pointersstdin,stdout,andstderrare also provided.

Ken Thompson(designer and implementer of the original Unix operating system) modifiedsortinVersion 5 Unixto accept "-" as representing standard input, which spread to other utilities and became a part of the operating system as aspecial fileinVersion 8.Diagnostics were part of standard output throughVersion 6,after whichDennis M. Ritchiecreated the concept of standard error.[7]

1995: Java


InJava,the standard streams are referred to bySystem.in(for stdin),System.out(for stdout), andSystem.err(for stderr).[8]

System.out.println("Number is:"+number);



InC#and other.NETlanguages, the standard streams are referred to bySystem.Console.In(for stdin),System.Console.Out(for stdout) andSystem.Console.Error(for stderr).[9]Basic read and write capabilities for the stdin and stdout streams are also accessible directly through the classSystem.Console(e.g.System.Console.WriteLine()can be used instead ofSystem.Console.Out.WriteLine()).

System.Console.In,System.Console.OutandSystem.Console.ErrorareSystem.IO.TextReader(stdin) andSystem.IO.TextWriter(stdout, stderr) objects, which only allow access to the underlying standard streams on a text basis. Full binary access to the standard streams must be performed through theSystem.IO.Streamobjects returned bySystem.Console.OpenStandardInput(),System.Console.OpenStandardOutput()andSystem.Console.OpenStandardError()respectively.

// C# example
System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Number is: {0:F3}",number);

// If Parse() threw an exception
System.Console.Error.WriteLine("No number was entered!");
System.Console.Error.WriteLine("The specified value is not a valid number!");
System.Console.Error.WriteLine("The specified number is too big!");

' Visual Basic.NET example

System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Number is: {0:F3}",number)

' If Parse() threw an exception
System.Console.[Error].WriteLine("No number was entered!")
System.Console.[Error].WriteLine("The specified value is not a valid number!")
System.Console.[Error].WriteLine("The specified number is too big!")


When applying theSystem.Diagnostics.Processclassone can use the instancepropertiesStandardInput,StandardOutput,andStandardErrorof that class to access the standard streams of the process.

2000 -: Python (2 or 3)


The following example, written inPython,shows how to redirect the standard input both to the standard output and to a text file.

#!/usr/bin/env Python
# Save the current stdout so that we can revert sys.stdout
# after we complete our redirection
# Redirect sys.stdout to the file
# Prints to the redirected stdout ()
sys.stdout.write(ctrs+") this is to the redirected --->"+inps+"\n")
# Prints to the actual saved stdout handler
stdout_fileno.write(ctrs+") this is to the actual --->"+inps+"\n")
# Close the file
# Restore sys.stdout to our old saved file handler



Graphical user interfaces(GUIs) do not always make use of the standard streams; they do when GUIs are wrappers of underlying scripts and/or console programs, for instance theSynapticpackage manager GUI, which wraps apt commands in Debian and/or Ubuntu. GUIs created with scripting tools like Zenity and KDialog byKDEproject[10]make use of stdin, stdout, and stderr, and are based on simple scripts rather than a complete GUI programmed and compiled in C/C++ usingQt,GTK,or other equivalent proprietary widget framework.

TheServices menu,as implemented onNeXTSTEPandMac OS X,is also analogous to standard streams. On these operating systems, graphical applications can provide functionality through a system-wide menu that operates on the currentselectionin the GUI, no matter in what application.

Some GUI programs, primarily on Unix, still write debug information to standard error. Others (such as many Unix media players) may read files from standard input. Popular Windows programs that open a separate console window in addition to their GUI windows are the emulatorspSXandDOSBox.

GTK-servercan use stdin as a communication interface with an interpreted program to realize a GUI.

TheCommon Lisp Interface Managerparadigm "presents" GUI elements sent to an extended output stream.

See also



  1. ^D. M. Ritchie,"A Stream Input-Output System",AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, 68(8), October 1984.
  2. ^"What are stdin, stdout and stderr in Linux? | CodePre".2 December 2021.Retrieved8 April2022.
  3. ^"<unistd.h>".The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6—IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition.The Open Group. 2004.
  4. ^Johnson, Steve(2013-12-11)."[TUHS] Graphic Systems C/A/T phototypesetter"(Mailing list).Archivedfrom the original on 2020-09-25.Retrieved2020-11-07.
  5. ^"Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68",edited by A. van Wijngaarden, B.J. Mailloux, J.E.L. Peck, C.H.A. Koster, M. Sintzoff, C.H. Lindsey, L.G.L.T. Meertens and R.G. Fisker, Section 10.3.
  6. ^"Stdin(3): Standard I/O streams - Linux man page".die.net.Archivedfrom the original on Jun 8, 2023.
  7. ^McIlroy, M. D.(1987).A Research Unix reader: annotated excerpts from the Programmer's Manual, 1971–1986(PDF)(Technical report). CSTR. Bell Labs. 139.Archived(PDF)from the original on Dec 15, 2023.
  8. ^"System (Java Platform SE 7)".Oracle Help Center.Retrieved20 July2012.
  9. ^".NET Framework 4.7.1, mscorlib, console.cs".Reference Source - Microsoft.Archivedfrom the original on Dec 10, 2017.Retrieved2017-12-10.
  10. ^Kißling, Kristian (2009)."Adding graphic elements to your scripts with Zenity and KDialog".Linux Magazine.Retrieved2021-04-11.

