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Steven Donziger

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Steven Donziger
Donziger in 2022
Born(1961-09-14)September 14, 1961(age 62)
Occupationlawyer (disbarred)
Criminal chargescriminialContempt of court
Criminal penalty6 months imprisonment

Steven Robert Donziger(born September 14, 1961)[1]is an American attorney known for his legal battles withChevron,particularlyAguinda v. Texaco, Inc.and other cases in which he represented over 30,000 farmers and indigenous people who suffered environmental damage and health problems caused by oil drilling in theLago Agrio oil fieldof Ecuador. The Ecuadorian court awarded the plaintiffs $9.5 billion ($12.7 billion in 2023 dollars[2]) in damages, which led Chevron to withdraw its assets from Ecuador and launch legal action against Donziger in the US. In 2011, Chevron filed aRICO(anti-corruption) suit against Donziger in New York City. The case was heard by US District JudgeLewis A. Kaplan,who determined that the ruling of the Ecuadorian court could not be enforced in the US because it was procured by fraud, bribery, and racketeering activities. As a result of this case, Donziger was disbarred from practicing law in New York in 2018.

Donziger was placed underhouse arrestin August 2019 while awaiting trial on charges of criminalcontempt of court,which arose during his appeal against Kaplan's RICO decision, when he refused to turn over electronic devices he owned to Chevron's forensics experts.[3][4]In July 2021, US District JudgeLoretta Preskafound him guilty, and Donziger was sentenced to 6 months in jail in October 2021.[3]While Donziger was under house arrest in 2020, twenty-nineNobel laureatesdescribed the actions taken by Chevron against him as "judicial harassment." Human rights campaigners called Chevron's actions an example of astrategic lawsuit against public participation(SLAPP).[5]In April 2021, six members of theCongressional Progressive Caucusdemanded that theDepartment of Justicereview Donziger's case.[6]In September 2021, theUnited Nations High Commissioner for Human Rightsstated that the pre-trial detention imposed on Donziger was illegal and called for his release.[7]Having spent 45 days in prison and a combined total of 993 days under house arrest, Donziger was released on April 25, 2022.[8][9]

In June 2022, a federal appeals court affirmed Donziger's criminal contempt conviction.[10]In March 2023 theSupreme Courtdeclined to hear further appeals.[11]

Early life and education[edit]

Donziger was born to Hester (née Koota) and Michael J. Donziger.[12]His maternal grandfather was Aaron E. Koota, theBrooklyn District Attorneyfrom 1964 to 1968 and later Justice of the New York State Supreme Court from 1968 to 1976.[13]His mother, a social activist, raised him in a Jewish community in the city ofJacksonville, Florida,[14][15][16]and he attendedThe Bolles School.[16]She took him to picket in support ofCésar Chávez'sSalad Bowl strike.[17]Donziger studied history atAmerican Universitywhere he also wrote for his college newspaper. He graduated fromHarvard Law Schoolin 1991.[18]


After graduating from college, Donziger worked as a journalist. His first job was in theUnited Press Internationalbureau inManagua,after which he freelanced inNicaraguaforThe Fort Lauderdale News,theToronto Star,andThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution.[18]He also founded Project Due Process which offered legal services to Cubans who arrived in the US in theMariel boatlift.[19]

After working as a journalist for three years, Donziger went toHarvard Law School.[15][18]He graduated from law school in 1991 and worked as a public defender in Washington, D.C. In 1991, he visited Iraq as part of a mission that produced a report on the impact of bombing on civilians during the firstGulf War.The report was adopted by theUnited Nations.[18]Donziger was the editor ofThe Real War on Crime: The Report of the National Criminal Justice Commission,published in 1996 byHarper Perennial.The book described the role of media in increasing fear of crime, racial injustice in the criminal justice system and argues againstmandatory minimum sentences.[20]

Class action lawsuit against Chevron[edit]

Oil pollution in Lago Agrio, November 2007
Oil pollution in Lago Agrio, November 2007

Starting in the 1970s,Texacoconducted oil drilling operations inthe Amazonin partnership with Ecuador's national oil company,Petroecuador.[15][21]In the 1990s Texaco came to a $40 million agreement with Ecuador to clean up some of the resultant pollution, and was released from liability.[22]

Donziger was asked byFrente de Defensa de la Amazonía(FDA) to help win compensation for the pollution and health effects caused by oil drilling in theLago Agrio oil field,a region that became known as the "Amazon Chernobyl".[19]He visited Ecuador in 1993, where he says he saw "what honestly looked like an apocalyptic disaster," including children walking barefoot down oil-covered roads and jungle lakes filled with oil.[15]In 1993, after he visited Ecuador, Donziger and other attorneys brought aclass-action lawsuitin New York against Texaco on behalf of over 30,000 farmers and Indigenous people from the Amazon region. Since the plaintiffs had no money, Donziger, with FDA support, funded the case by selling shares to investors, offering a small part of any eventual settlement.[19]The lawyers chose to file in New York because at the time Texaco's headquarters were in New York. The lawsuit charged that Texaco's oil drilling in the Amazon had resulted in massive contamination. Chevron bought Texaco in 2001 and argued that Texaco had cleaned up its area of operations and that its partner, Petroecuador, was responsible for any remaining pollution.[15][21][18]Chevron requested that the case be tried in Ecuador and, in 2002, the US court dismissed the plaintiffs case based onforum non conveniensand ruled that Ecuador had jurisdiction. The US court exacted a promise from Chevron that it would accept the decision of the Ecuadorian courts.[23][24]

When the case moved to Ecuador, Donziger conducted a public relations campaign to inform Ecuadoreans about the pollution of the Amazon. He said that "the indigenous people would never get a fair trial in Ecuador if they did not illuminate what had happened to them and get public support". Donziger appeared in the 2009 documentary filmCrudewhich explored a two-year period in the case.[18][15]A provincial Ecuadorean court found Chevron guilty in 2011 and awarded the plaintiffs $18 billion in damages. The decision was affirmed by three appellate courts including Ecuador's highest court, the National Court of Justice, although the damages were reduced to $9.5 billion.[23][21][18]

To avoid paying the damages awarded by the court in Ecuador, Chevron moved its assets out of the country,[21]leading the plaintiffs to seek enforcement actions in Canada, Brazil, and Argentina for confiscation of Chevron's assets.[15]An editorial inThe Wall Street Journalstated that appeals courts in Argentina andBrazil's Superior Court of Justicerejected Donziger's petitions to have the Ecuadorean judgment enforced.[25]In 2017, a Canadian court held that the Ecuadorean plaintiffs could not be awarded assets of Chevron's Canadian subsidiary as the subsidiary was legally distinct from its US parent. In 2019, the Ecuadorean plaintiffs ended their Canadian lawsuit against Chevron.[26]

In 2018, thePermanent Court of ArbitrationinThe Hagueruled that the $9.5 billion judgment in Ecuador was marked by fraud and corruption and "should not be recognised or enforced by the courts of other States."[27][28][29]The amount Ecuador must pay to Chevron to compensate for damages is yet to be determined. The award found that Ecuador violated its obligations under international treaties, investment agreements and international law. The Court of Arbitration's findings of fraudulent activities included that the evidence placed before the Court is "the most thorough documentary, video, and testimonial proof of fraud ever put before an arbitral tribunal", that the plaintiffs championed by the film actually were engaged in blackmail and bribery of Ecuadorian judges. Their efforts triggered an order to appoint an "expert" friendly to the plaintiffs, that Ecuadorian government prosecutors "actively cooperated" with the plaintiffs, that the plaintiffs bribed the "experts" and ghostwrote their report and that the plaintiffs paid a retired judge to draft the acting judge's orders—and that the same judge solicited bribes that Chevron refused to pay.[29]

Counter-litigation against Donziger[edit]

Chevron stated that a scene in the documentary filmCrudepresented at theSundance Film Festivalshowed an environmental scientist present at a legal strategy meeting of plaintiffs' lawyers; the same scientist was later appointed by the Ecuadorian court as an ostensibly impartial expert to write a report on technical issues, but the scene was cut from the theatrical release. Chevron lawyers wanted to know what other potentially compromising scenes were left out by the film's director,Joe Berlinger.On May 6, 2010, federal judgeLewis Kaplansided with a petition submitted by Chevron and ruled that Berlinger turn over more than 600 hours of original footage created during the film's production. Chevron had sought tosubpoenathe footage as part of the ongoing lawsuit discussed in the film. Berlinger's legal team has maintained that the footage is protected byreporters' privilegeand appealed the court's decision.[30]

In his appeal, Berlinger stated that he was a highly awarded and respected independent filmmaker, that he was independent of Donziger, and argued that he had in fact gone to great lengths to makeCrudea balanced portrayal.[31]Berlinger acknowledged that he had "tweaked" some scenes at Donziger's request.[32]The scene showing the environmental scientist at the legal strategy session had been cut from the theatrical release (but not the online version forNetflix) after one of the plaintiff lawyers objected to Berlinger that showing the scene was "so serious we could lose everything". TheUS 2nd Circuit Court of Appealsnarrowed the scope slightly (Berlinger had to turn over 500 hours of outtakes, rather than 600), but in 2011 upheld the lower court ruling against Berlinger, JudgePierre Levalwriting for the court: "Those who do not retain independence as to what they will publish but are subservient to the objectives of others who have a stake in what will be published have either a weaker privilege or none at all."[33]

In 2011, Chevron filed a civilRICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)suit against Donziger in New York City, accusing him of bribing an Ecuadorean judge, ghostwriting the damages judgment against it, and "fi xing" scientific studies.[34][21][25]Chevron's civil suit initially sought $60 billion in damages which would have required a trial by jury. Chevron removed the request for damages two weeks prior to trial, allowing the case to be tried by judge alone. Chevron stated that it wanted to focus "the RICO case on obtaining injunctive relief against the furtherance of Donziger's extortionate scheme against the company".US District JudgeLewis A. Kaplanwas assigned as the judge.[21]

In 2014, Donziger estimated that the legal fees Chevron was paying to appeal had already exceeded $2 billion.[35]In 2021, Chevron estimated its legal fees at nearly $1 billion.[22]

Kaplan's 2014 ruling in the RICO case[edit]

In 2014, Kaplan ruled that the judgment in Ecuador was invalid because Donziger had achieved it through offenses against legal ethics, including racketeering, extortion, wire fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice, judicial bribery, coercion, witness tampering, and arranging for expert's reports to be ghostwritten.[21][25]Kaplan said the process in Ecuador was "not fair or impartial and did not comport with the requirements of due process" and was "not entitled to recognition".[23]As a result of Kaplan's ruling, Chevron could not be forced to pay the Ecuadorian award in the United States.[36]In subsequent defenses of the ruling, Kaplan referred to the Ecuadorians involved in the class action suit as "so-called plaintiffs".[37]Kaplan described Donziger's conduct as "criminal" in his 2014 ruling, but the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York declined to prosecute him.[34]

Donziger said that because Judge Kaplan failed to disclose that he held shares in three mutual funds which in turn held shares in Chevron at the time of the ruling, he should have recused himself. ProfessorStephen Gillers,an expert on legal ethics atNew York University Law School,stated: "Kaplan’s ownership of shares in mutual funds that have shares of Chevron is not a ‘financial interest’ in Chevron. Mutual funds are, along with government securities, viewed as the surest way for a judge to invest without a risk of recusal."[38]

The case relied in large part on the testimony of Alberto Guerra, a former Ecuadorean judge whom Chevron had moved to the United States from Ecuador in 2013 for safety reasons. Chevron paid for immigration lawyers for Guerra and his family and provided him with a monthly salary of $12,000 for housing and living expenses.[39]In the RICO trial, Guerra alleged that Donziger had arranged for him to ghostwrite the verdict that was delivered against Chevron in Ecuador. Guerra stated that the judge who heard the case signed the verdict which Guerra had prepared and the two shared payment of $500,000 from the plaintiffs, led by Donziger. In Kaplan's conclusion to the RICO case, he highlighted this as primary evidence for the racketeering charge. In his judgment, Kaplan wrote that "Guerra on many occasions has acted deceitfully and broken the law... but that does not necessarily mean that it should be disregarded wholesale". He found that the "evidence leads to one conclusion: Guerra told the truth regarding the bribe and the essential fact as to who wrote the Judgment."[39]In 2015, Guerra testified to an international tribunal that he had lied and changed his story multiple times in the RICO trial. Guerra admitted that there was no evidence supporting the allegation that Donziger bribed him or paid him for delivering a ghostwritten judgment, and that large parts of Guerra's testimony in the RICO case were either exaggerated or untrue.[39]Kaplan also ordered Donziger to pay Chevron $800,000 on the RICO claim and barred Donziger from selling shares in the Ecuadorian judgment to investors.[40]

In 2016, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals declined to consider Guerra's admissions and unanimously upheld Kaplan's ruling.[21][25]

In March 2021, theSecond Circuit Court of Appealsheard an appeal against prior court orders made by Kaplan against Donziger in a civil contempt action brought by Chevron. The appeals court ruled that Kaplan's decision, which prevented Donziger from financing his court case by selling shares in any future award, was unenforceable. The appeals court also vacated Chevron's request for $4.1 million in damages and a $660,000 sanction against Donziger. Other aspects of Kaplan's original civil contempt ruling were upheld.[41][42]

Disbarment in New York and District of Columbia[edit]

Donziger was suspended from practicing law in New York in July 2018, based on rulings byUS District JudgeLewis A. Kaplanin the Chevron case. The state bar association appointed an independent referee to investigate. The referee recommended Donziger's reinstatement in February 2020, saying "The extent of [Donziger’s] pursuit by Chevron is so extravagant, and at this point so unnecessary and punitive, [that] while not a factor in my recommendation, [it] is nonetheless background to it".[36]A state appeals court ruled in August 2020 that the referee had been "too dismissive" of the misconduct that Kaplan had alleged, and disbarred Donziger in New York.Martin Garbus,Donziger's lawyer, said the decision deprives Ecuadorians represented by Donziger of their main advocate and singles Donziger out because he "threatens Chevron and the fossil fuel industry".[43]Based on the New York action, he was disbarred in the District of Columbia on July 21, 2022.[44]

Criminal contempt charge[edit]

Senior District Judge Loretta Preska
Senior District JudgeLoretta Preska

As part of the appeal process after the initial ruling, Kaplan ordered Donziger to submit his computer, phones, and other electronic devices to a neutral forensic expert to search for his assets and other evidence relating to the Ecuador judgment.[4]Donziger refused, arguing that doing so would violate theattorney–client privilegeof his clients, and appealed the order on constitutional grounds.[23]While Donziger's appeal against the order was pending, Kaplan charged him with six counts of criminal contempt of court. The contempt charges allege that Donziger failed to comply with Kaplan's orders to submit his electronic devices and passport and to drop attempts to collect on the award against Chevron.[18][34][45]In a move described as "virtually unprecedented" byThe Intercept,Kaplan appointed a private law firm,Seward & Kissel,to prosecute Donziger after theSouthern District Court of New Yorkdeclined to do so. InJacobinmagazine,David Sirotaand Walker Bragman wrote that Seward & Kissel has represented Chevron directly as recently as 2018.[46]Chris Hedgeswrote that neither Kaplan nor Seward & Kissel disclosed that Chevron had been a client.[18]

Rather than using the standard random assignment process for choosing a judge to preside over Donziger's trial for criminal contempt, Kaplan chose senior District JudgeLoretta Preska.Preska had served on the advisory board of theFederalist Society,to which Chevron (along with other large American companies likeVerizon,Google,Facebook,Time Warner,and others) had contributed at least $50,000 in 2012.[47][48]In August 2019, Preska sentenced Donziger to home detention while awaiting trial. He was required to wear a GPS-equipped ankle bracelet. Preska ordered Donziger to post a bail bond of $800,000, which is a record for a misdemeanor case in the US. In May 2020, Preska ruled that Donziger's case would not be heard by a jury, which Donziger had requested.[21][49][50][34]On May 18, 2020, Preska refused a request from Donziger's lawyer to allow Donziger to leave his apartment for three hours a day because she regarded him as a flight risk.[51]TheUS District courtdisqualified two of Donziger's attorneys from appearing for him in the contempt trial. In August 2020, after two other attorneys were unable to appear in the trial, Preska ordered Andrew Frisch, Donziger's former lead defense attorney, to represent him. Martin Garbus, who also represents Donziger but was unable to attend the trial, said a trial with Frisch would not be "a constitutionally protected case" and that "Donziger is being forced to go to trial with a lawyer who doesn't want to be in the case, who doesn't get along with Donziger, and claims that before Donziger goes ahead with the trial he should pay him additional moneys".[49]

The contempt case was scheduled to begin in September 2020.[21][49]Citingcoronavirusconcerns, Donziger's fourth lawyer, Lauren Regan, requested in late October that the civil trial be rescheduled for a third time. The trial was rescheduled to begin on November 9,[52]then delayed until January 2021 for Donziger to have legal representation.[53]In the face of objections to holding the trial virtually, Preska rescheduled the trial to take place in person on May 10, 2021.[54]Donziger asked Preska to allow his criminal contempt trial to belivestreamedviaZoombecause of restrictions on public attendance due to theCOVID-19 pandemicand significant public interest in the case. Preska rejected Donziger's request and Donziger then asked that proceedings be televised.[55]This request was also denied.[56]

On July 26, 2021, after almost two years of home detention, Donziger was found guilty by Judge Preska on all six contempt charges.[57][58]Judge Preska wrote that the contempt case had nothing to do with any responsibility Chevron might have for pollution in Ecuador's rainforest.[58][3]On October 1, 2021, Judge Preska sentenced Donziger to the maximum sentence of six months in prison. Preska said that Donziger had not shown contrition and "It seems that only the proverbial two-by-four between the eyes will instill in him any respect for the law".[36]Donziger appealed the sentence, which he described as "another example... of the punitive nature of what’s happening. It’s almost unheard of for someone convicted of a misdemeanor in the United States not to be let out pending his or her appeal".[3][59]A federal appellate court rejected Donziger's request for bail while his appeal was pending. He reported to prison on October 27, 2021.[60][61]

On December 9, 2021,[62]Donziger was released from prison to serve the rest of his sentence under house arrest per a pandemic-related early release program.[63]

In January 2022,The Nationwrote that it had obtained documents showing that Chevron, its law firmGibson, Dunn & Crutcher,and the private prosecutor appointed by Kaplan to prosecute Donziger, had collaborated in conducting the criminal contempt case. At least 32 meetings and numerous phone calls were held between the private prosecutor and lawyers from Gibson Dunn. Gibson Dunn said the time it spent consulting with the prosecution team was donated and not billed to Chevron. In discussing the cost of the criminal contempt prosecution against him, Donziger said "The total cost of my prosecution—for a misdemeanor—will be somewhere between $5 million and $10 million. A normal misdemeanor is like a $5,000 prosecution".[64]

On February 4, 2022, a petition was filed with the U.S. Supreme Court by Harvard Law School professorCharles Nesson,asking the court to review a 2020 New York state court ruling that faulted Donziger's "egregious" misconduct in winning the judgment against Chevron.[65]On March 27, 2023, the Supreme Court declined to review the case, letting it stand.[66]

On February 10, 2022, Donziger was forced to report to a halfway house after his ankle bracelet triggered an incident report, according to attorneyRon Kuby.[67]His house arrest ended on April 24.[68]


In 2014,Joe Nocerawrote that Notre Dame law professor and human rights attorney Doug Cassel stated that "Donziger disserved his clients and his cause” by his conduct during the Ecuadorian trial.[69]Nocera stated that an attorney who followed the rules might have been able to get a verdict enforceable in the United States, and an attorney with a realistic view of the case might have been able to get a settlement (and compensation) in a shorter timeframe than the 20 years it took Donziger to win his case in Ecuador (with his clients still having received no compensation).[69]Nocera also said that several reporters who have followed the case for years have come to see Donziger as "a rogue lawyer willing to do virtually anything to win."[69]

In 2018, an editorial inThe Wall Street Journalclaimed that "Donziger's attempted looting of Chevron for spurious environmental crimes in Ecuador ranks among the biggest legal scams in history". The editorial called Donziger's disbarment "a step toward reining in Mr. Donziger's marauding".[25]

Donziger's contempt charge and house arrest have been harshly condemned by some legal advocates. Lawyer's Rights Watch Canada points out that Donziger has been under house arrest for longer than the six-month maximum sentence that contempt of court carries.[50]Harvard Law SchoolprofessorCharles Nessoncriticized Chevron and Kaplan, stating that the corruption and bribery charges were a "means to protect the oil company from having to answer for its degradation of the Amazon".[70]In 2020, a group of twenty-nine Nobel laureates condemned "judicial harassment" by Chevron and urged the release of Donziger.[5]Human rights campaigners described the treatment of Donziger as an example of astrategic lawsuit against public participation(SLAPP), which are used tocensor,intimidate,and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of alegal defenseuntil they abandon their criticism or opposition.[5][37]

TheEuropean Parliamentrequested that the CongressionalSubcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Libertiesinvestigate Chevron's treatment of Donziger as "not consistent with what has traditionally been the strong support in the United States for the rule of law generally and for protection for human rights defenders in particular".[19][71]

In a March 2020 article inThe Nation,James North wrote that "[t]he mainstream press has largely ignored the legal attacks against Donziger, but Chevron's counteroffensive could endanger human rights and environmental work around the world".[37]In an August 2020 article entitled "How Corporate Tyranny Works",Chris Hedgesdetailed the measures taken by Chevron to pressure mainstream media outlets, includingFox News,GQ,andThe New York Times,to drop stories about the Chevron and Donziger litigation.[18]In an October 2021 article entitled "The Anonymous Executioners of the Corporate State", Hedges described the prosecution of Donziger as a "show trial"similar to those carried out by" tyrannies of the past ", and compared his case to that ofJulian Assange,saying "they are designed to send a message. All who defy corporate power and the national security state will be lynched."[47]

In July 2020, Simon Taylor, director ofGlobal Witnesssaid that the treatment of Donziger "is intended to intimidate the rest of us, tochillthe work of other environmental and corporate accountability advocates ".[19]

In February 2021, a law student boycott against Seward & Kissel began, involving around 300 law students from around 50 law schools. In a letter, the students state that the firm has a conflict of interest in prosecuting Donziger in the criminal contempt case, saying: "We, the undersigned law students, refuse to consider employment with the firm until it withdraws from its conflicted position as Chevron's private prosecutor".[72][73]The student group Law Students for Climate Accountability launched a similar boycott in April againstGibson Dunn,a law firm that has also lobbied to keep Donziger confined alongside other climate-related campaigns, including litigation and advocacy in support of theDakota Access PipelineandKoch Industries.[74]

On April 27, 2021, DemocratsJim McGovern,Cori Bush,Rashida Tlaib,Jamaal Bowman,Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,andJamie Raskinwrote a letter calling for oversight by Attorney GeneralMerrick Garlandout of "deep concerns that the unprecedented nature of Mr. Donziger's pending legal case is tied to his previous work against Chevron."[6]This was later followed by a letter addressed toRoslynn Mauskopffrom Massachusetts SenatorEd Markeyand Rhode Island SenatorSheldon Whitehouse.[75]

Fairness & Accuracy in Reportinghas been critical of the US media's coverage of Donziger's trial and house arrest. In July 2021, it wrote that theNew York Timeshad not published an article about Donziger since 2014 and that articles in the US corporate media largely favored Chevron. It quoted an interview given by Donziger toBreakthrough Newsin which he said, "No matter what you think of me or Judge Kaplan, isn't it newsworthy that an American lawyer is under house arrest for two years on a misdemeanor?"[76]

In October 2021, theUnited NationsWorking Group on Arbitrary Detentionwrote that Donziger's two years of house arrest was arbitrary, that his detainment was without legal basis, and that he had been denied a fair trial.[77]The Working Group criticized Kaplan and Preska for showing "a staggering lack of objectivity and impartiality".[36][77]Amnesty Internationalasked US authorities "to promptly implement the decision by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention" and release Donziger from detention.[78]

Writing inThe Guardiannewspaper in February2022,Erin Brockovichcontrasts her experiences to those of Donziger.[79]

Personal life[edit]

Donziger is married and has a son.[19]The family lives in a two-bedroom apartment on theUpper West SideofManhattan.[19][51]


  1. ^@SDonziger (September 14, 2021)."Still strong as I turn 60 tomorrow. My third consecutive birthday on house arrest; the third straight year my son started school with his father wearing an ankle bracelet. I am on Day 769 of detention for a 'crime' where longest sentence is three months. Hard to fathom"(Tweet).RetrievedSeptember 15,2021– viaTwitter.
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Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]