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Switch Laboratory

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TheVIBSwitch laboratory,Katholieke Universiteit Leuvenis a department ofVIBlocated at theKatholieke Universiteit LeuveninLeuven,Belgium.The laboratory is headed byFrederic RousseauandJoost Schymkowitz.

Its research focuses on functional regulation of cellular processes, which are governed byproteinconformational switches that have to be actively controlled to ensure cell viability. The laboratory combines in vitrobiophysicaltechniques and computationalstructural biologymethods with advanced cell biological studies.


  • Fernandez-Escamilla AM, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Serrano L., Nat Biotechnol. 2004 Oct;22(10):1302-6, Prediction of sequence-dependent and mutational effects on the aggregation of peptides and proteins.


  • J. Comijn, P. Raeymaekers, A. Van Gysel, M. Veugelers,Today = Tomorrow: a tribute to life sciences research and innovation: 10 years of VIB,Snoeck, 2006,ISBN978-90-5349-630-5
  • Switch laboratory(VIB)
  • Switch laboratory(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)