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Symplectic group

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Inmathematics,the namesymplectic groupcan refer to two different, but closely related, collections of mathematicalgroups,denotedSp(2n,F)andSp(n)for positive integernandfieldF(usuallyCorR). The latter is called thecompact symplectic groupand is also denoted by.Many authors prefer slightly different notations, usually differing by factors of2.The notation used here is consistent with the size of the most commonmatriceswhich represent the groups. InCartan's classification of thesimple Lie algebras,the Lie algebra of the complex groupSp(2n,C)is denotedCn,andSp(n)is thecompact real formofSp(2n,C).Note that when we refer tothe(compact) symplectic group it is implied that we are talking about the collection of (compact) symplectic groups, indexed by their dimensionn.

The name "symplecticgroup "was coined byHermann Weylas a replacement for the previous confusing names (line)complex groupandAbelian linear group,and is the Greek analog of "complex".

Themetaplectic groupis a double cover of the symplectic group overR;it has analogues over otherlocal fields,finite fields,andadele rings.


The symplectic group is aclassical groupdefined as the set oflinear transformationsof a2n-dimensionalvector spaceover the fieldFwhich preserve anon-degenerateskew-symmetricbilinear form.Such a vector space is called asymplectic vector space,and the symplectic group of an abstract symplectic vector spaceVis denotedSp(V).Upon fi xing a basis forV,the symplectic group becomes the group of2n× 2nsymplectic matrices,with entries inF,under the operation ofmatrix multiplication.This group is denoted eitherSp(2n,F)orSp(n,F).If the bilinear form is represented by thenonsingularskew-symmetric matrixΩ, then

whereMTis thetransposeofM.Often Ω is defined to be

whereInis the identity matrix. In this case,Sp(2n,F)can be expressed as those block matrices,where,satisfying the three equations:

Since all symplectic matrices havedeterminant1,the symplectic group is asubgroupof thespecial linear groupSL(2n,F).Whenn= 1,the symplectic condition on a matrix is satisfiedif and only ifthe determinant is one, so thatSp(2,F) = SL(2,F).Forn> 1,there are additional conditions, i.e.Sp(2n,F)is then a proper subgroup ofSL(2n,F).

Typically, the fieldFis the field ofreal numbersRorcomplex numbersC.In these casesSp(2n,F)is a real or complexLie groupof real or complex dimensionn(2n+ 1),respectively. These groups areconnectedbutnon-compact.

ThecenterofSp(2n,F)consists of the matricesI2nandI2nas long as thecharacteristic of the fieldis not2.[1]Since the center ofSp(2n,F)is discrete and its quotient modulo the center is asimple group,Sp(2n,F)is considered asimple Lie group.

The real rank of the corresponding Lie algebra, and hence of the Lie groupSp(2n,F),isn.

TheLie algebraofSp(2n,F)is the set

equipped with thecommutatoras its Lie bracket.[2]For the standard skew-symmetric bilinear form,this Lie algebra is the set of all block matricessubject to the conditions


The symplectic group over the field of complex numbers is anon-compact,simply connected,simple Lie group.


Sp(n,C)is thecomplexificationof the real groupSp(2n,R).Sp(2n,R)is a real,non-compact,connected,simple Lie group.[3]It has afundamental groupisomorphicto the group ofintegersunder addition. As thereal formof asimple Lie groupits Lie algebra is asplittable Lie algebra.

Some further properties ofSp(2n,R):

  • For allSinSp(2n,R):
The matrixDispositive-definiteanddiagonal.The set of suchZs forms a non-compact subgroup ofSp(2n,R)whereasU(n)forms a compact subgroup. This decomposition is known as 'Euler' or 'Bloch–Messiah' decomposition.[5]Furthersymplectic matrixproperties can be found on that Wikipedia page.

Infinitesimal generators[edit]

The members of the symplectic Lie algebrasp(2n,F)are theHamiltonian matrices.

These are matrices,such that

whereBandCaresymmetric matrices.Seeclassical groupfor a derivation.

Example of symplectic matrices[edit]

ForSp(2,R),the group of2 × 2matrices with determinant1,the three symplectic(0, 1)-matrices are:[7]

Sp(2n, R)[edit]

It turns out thatcan have a fairly explicit description using generators. If we letdenote the symmetricmatrices, thenis generated bywhere

are subgroups of[8]pg 173[9]pg 2.

Relationship with symplectic geometry[edit]

Symplectic geometryis the study ofsymplectic manifolds.Thetangent spaceat any point on a symplectic manifold is asymplectic vector space.[10]As noted earlier, structure preserving transformations of a symplectic vector space form agroupand this group isSp(2n,F),depending on the dimension of the space and thefieldover which it is defined.

A symplectic vector space is itself a symplectic manifold. A transformation under anactionof the symplectic group is thus, in a sense, a linearised version of asymplectomorphismwhich is a more general structure preserving transformation on a symplectic manifold.


Thecompact symplectic group[11]Sp(n)is the intersection ofSp(2n,C)with theunitary group:

It is sometimes written asUSp(2n).Alternatively,Sp(n)can be described as the subgroup ofGL(n,H)(invertiblequaternionicmatrices) that preserves the standardhermitian formonHn:

That is,Sp(n)is just thequaternionic unitary group,U(n,H).[12]Indeed, it is sometimes called thehyperunitary group.Also Sp(1) is the group of quaternions of norm1,equivalent toSU(2)and topologically a3-sphereS3.

Note thatSp(n)isnota symplectic group in the sense of the previous section—it does not preserve a non-degenerate skew-symmetricH-bilinear form onHn:there is no such form except the zero form. Rather, it is isomorphic to a subgroup ofSp(2n,C),and so does preserve a complexsymplectic formin a vector space of twice the dimension. As explained below, the Lie algebra ofSp(n)is the compactreal formof the complex symplectic Lie algebrasp(2n,C).

Sp(n)is a real Lie group with (real) dimensionn(2n+ 1).It iscompactandsimply connected.[13]

The Lie algebra ofSp(n)is given by the quaternionicskew-Hermitianmatrices, the set ofn-by-nquaternionic matrices that satisfy

whereAis theconjugate transposeofA(here one takes the quaternionic conjugate). The Lie bracket is given by the commutator.

Important subgroups[edit]

Some main subgroups are:

Conversely it is itself a subgroup of some other groups:

There are also theisomorphismsof theLie algebrassp(2) =so(5)andsp(1) =so(3) =su(2).

Relationship between the symplectic groups[edit]

Every complex,semisimple Lie algebrahas asplit real formand acompact real form;the former is called acomplexificationof the latter two.

The Lie algebra ofSp(2n,C)issemisimpleand is denotedsp(2n,C).Itssplit real formissp(2n,R)and itscompact real formissp(n).These correspond to the Lie groupsSp(2n,R)andSp(n)respectively.

The algebras,sp(p,np),which are the Lie algebras ofSp(p,np),are theindefinite signatureequivalent to the compact form.

Physical significance[edit]

Classical mechanics[edit]

The non-compact symplectic groupSp(2n,R)comes up in classical physics as the symmetries of canonical coordinates preserving the Poisson bracket.

Consider a system ofnparticles, evolving underHamilton's equationswhose position inphase spaceat a given time is denoted by the vector ofcanonical coordinates,

The elements of the groupSp(2n,R)are, in a certain sense,canonical transformationson this vector, i.e. they preserve the form ofHamilton's equations.[14][15]If

are new canonical coordinates, then, with a dot denoting time derivative,


for alltand allzin phase space.[16]

For the special case of aRiemannian manifold,Hamilton's equations describe thegeodesicson that manifold. The coordinateslive on the underlying manifold, and the momentalive in thecotangent bundle.This is the reason why these are conventionally written with upper and lower indexes; it is to distinguish their locations. The corresponding Hamiltonian consists purely of the kinetic energy: it iswhereis the inverse of themetric tensoron the Riemannian manifold.[17][15]In fact, the cotangent bundle ofanysmooth manifold can be a given asymplectic structurein a canonical way, with the symplectic form defined as theexterior derivativeof thetautological one-form.[18]

Quantum mechanics[edit]

Consider a system ofnparticles whosequantum stateencodes its position and momentum. These coordinates are continuous variables and hence theHilbert space,in which the state lives, is infinite-dimensional. This often makes the analysis of this situation tricky. An alternative approach is to consider the evolution of the position and momentum operators under theHeisenberg equationinphase space.

Construct a vector ofcanonical coordinates,

Thecanonical commutation relationcan be expressed simply as


andInis then×nidentity matrix.

Many physical situations only require quadraticHamiltonians,i.e.Hamiltoniansof the form

whereKis a2n× 2nreal,symmetric matrix.This turns out to be a useful restriction and allows us to rewrite theHeisenberg equationas

The solution to this equation must preserve thecanonical commutation relation.It can be shown that the time evolution of this system is equivalent to anactionofthe real symplectic group,Sp(2n,R),on the phase space.

See also[edit]


  1. ^"Symplectic group",Encyclopedia of MathematicsRetrieved on 13 December 2014.
  2. ^Hall 2015Prop. 3.25
  3. ^"Is the symplectic group Sp(2n,R) simple? ",Stack ExchangeRetrieved on 14 December 2014.
  4. ^"Is the exponential map for Sp(2n,R) surjective? ",Stack ExchangeRetrieved on 5 December 2014.
  5. ^"Standard forms and entanglement engineering of multimode Gaussian states under local operations – Serafini and Adesso",Retrieved on 30 January 2015.
  6. ^"Symplectic Geometry – Arnol'd and Givental",Retrieved on 30 January 2015.
  7. ^Symplectic Group,(source:Wolfram MathWorld), downloaded February 14, 2012
  8. ^Gerald B. Folland. (2016).Harmonic analysis in phase space.Princeton: Princeton Univ Press. p. 173.ISBN978-1-4008-8242-7.OCLC945482850.
  9. ^Habermann, Katharina, 1966- (2006).Introduction to symplectic Dirac operators.Springer.ISBN978-3-540-33421-7.OCLC262692314.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  10. ^"Lecture Notes – Lecture 2: Symplectic reduction",Retrieved on 30 January 2015.
  11. ^Hall 2015Section 1.2.8
  12. ^Hall 2015p. 14
  13. ^Hall 2015Prop. 13.12
  14. ^Arnold 1989gives an extensive mathematical overview of classical mechanics. See chapter 8 forsymplectic manifolds.
  15. ^abRalph AbrahamandJerrold E. Marsden,Foundations of Mechanics,(1978) Benjamin-Cummings, LondonISBN0-8053-0102-X
  16. ^Goldstein 1980,Section 9.3
  17. ^Jurgen Jost, (1992)Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis,Springer.
  18. ^da Silva, Ana Cannas (2008).Lectures on Symplectic Geometry.Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 1764. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 9.doi:10.1007/978-3-540-45330-7.ISBN978-3-540-42195-5.
