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Szeged Idea

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TheSzeged Idea(Hungarian:Szegedi gondolat), also informally known asSzeged fascism,refers to the proto-fascist ideology that developed amonganti-communistcounter-revolutionariesinSzeged,Hungary,in 1919 and later developed into an ideology resemblingNazism.[1]The Szeged Idea was based upon the claim that Hungary was stabbed in the back inWorld War Iby communists and Jews and promoted action to undo this evil by declaring holy war against such traitors.[2]Szeged militants promotedHungarian nationalism,an economic "third way",and advocated a" strong "state.[1]

Szegedists promotedirredentistclaims to territories belonging to Hungary prior to the end ofWorld War I.[1]The ideology claimed the existence of a "Judeo-Bolshevik"conspiracy in Hungary.[1]The principal leader of the Szegedists wasGyula Gömbös.[3]Gömbös declared violence to be "an acceptable means of statecraft... to shape the course of history, not in the interest of a narrow clique, but of an entire nation".[3]Upon being appointed Prime Minister, Gömbös adopted fascist positions, including the promotion ofcorporatistsolutions to national unity like that ofBenito Mussoliniand a racial policy like that ofAdolf Hitler.[3]

Gömbös declared that his government would "secure our national civilization based upon our own special racial peculiarities and uponChristianmoral principles ".[3]


  1. ^abcdMichael Mann.Fascists.New York, New York, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 240.
  2. ^Zsuzsanna Ozsváth, Miklós Radnóti.In the footsteps of Orpheus: the life and times of Miklós Radnóti.Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press, 2000. Pp. 8.
  3. ^abcdMichael Mann.Fascists.New York, New York, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 243.

See also
