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Talk:Gerhard Ritter

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This is one impressive Biography. But a bit too much of a wall of text. I tried some chapters, but i guess it could still need some more.— Precedingunsignedcomment added byHerr Lennartz(talkcontribs)16:43, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Add titles and subtitles[edit]

The above suggestion has been done, for better or for worse. By looking at the endnotes, it appears that much of the content was 'poured' into the text from sources. Thus, how to untangle the threads of the large paragraphs and break them down into smaller pieces was not always obvious. In doing so, I did clarify and modify the prose of the article, in many cases simplifying what appeared to be convoluted passages, or phrasing that seemed to imply a point of view, or passages with an overabudance of qualifiers that created a kind of fog obscuring the meaning of the text. Also, as a consequence, the sequential order of the text was changed in many places, large and small.

At one point, in moving text, a large chunk of it simply disappeared! Fortunately I was able to regain much of the work in jeopardy due to thissnafu,but the result was large text duplication in the article. Over several 'edits', this has finally been rectified. Unfortunately thissnafushows up in the edit history, which shows large contributions (which are duplications) and large deletions (of those duplicaitons); these can be misleading.

Herr Ritter is an interesting person, yet one with whom I would have much to disagree! Although unfortunately he seems potentially polarizing, he has courage. In his favor, he does present a more or less consistent point of view and shows a will to improve the situation; but whether or not his projected policies would work to the good is questionable. For example, he does not seem to be inclusive in his social policies, on purpose. This in itself causes much discord with the type of society I would like to live in.Elfelix(talk)23:41, 22 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Biography - Works[edit]

Please someone sort out the chapters giving 1. an account of his biography, 2. an account of his political, mehtodological etc. attitude and 3. an overview over the content of his major works!Streifenleopard(talk)11:57, 5 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Interesting person[edit]

Not heard much about him before. Glancing at available information there is little about his views on non-Germans within German Empire.

For example I found this:

dealing with Poland Ritter has remarkably little to say about the atrocious plans, discovered by Geiss

  • Gerhard Ritter and the First World War
  • Klaus Epstein
  • Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1914 (Jul., 1966), pp. 193-210 (article consists of * Published by: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Worth expanding.


I am Danny Orbach, PhD student in Harvard University, and an author of several publications (a book and several articles) on the German resistance to Hitler. Some parts of the article (under the headings "Freiburger Kreis" and "Advisor to Goerdeler" were flatly wrong, and were therefore erased. The Freiburger memoranda was described in a distorted way, based on a highly inaccurate secondary source. I do not have the memo before me, and therefore (for now) erased these sentences. As for "Goerdeler's advisor", the sentences quoted were written by Goerdeler, not by Ritter (and were also described in a very inaccurate way). Therefore they were erased.— Precedingunsignedcomment added by124.45.130.172(talk)11:21, 23 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

--, 12 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Work for Nazi propaganda[edit]

The article currently lacks information about Ritter's work for Nazi propaganda before the war. --MyMoloboaccount(talk)00:40, 27 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]