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Tattoo ink

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Bottles of tattoo ink

Tattoo inksconsist ofpigmentscombined with a carrier, used in theprocess of tattooingto create atattooin the skin. These inks are also used forpermanent makeup,a form of tattoo.

Professional tattoo inks are available in many colors and use a wide variety of pigments, includinginorganic pigments,such ascarbon black,and syntheticorganicpigments, such as brightly-coloredazo-chemicals. Commercial manufacturers combine pigments with carriers such asethyl alcoholordistilled waterto create liquid inks. They may include preservatives to reduce risk of contamination and other additives to adjust theviscosityof the ink.

Pigments and preservatives in tattoo ink can cause allergic reactions in skin. A portion of pigment applied in a tattoo may migrate to other places in the body, such aslymph nodes.Some common tattoo pigments are chemicals that may cause cancer, but longer-term studies would be needed to determine whether these chemicals increase risk of cancer if embedded in the skin.

The European Union has started to prohibit use of certain pigments in tattoo inks due to safety concerns. In the United States, tattoo inks are subject to regulation by theU.S. Food and Drug Administration,which generally does not investigate commercial inks unless it receives complaints about specific safety issues, such as contamination. The FDA has not specifically approved any pigments for cosmetic tattoos.

Tattooing is an ancient practice, and archeologists have found evidence of tattoos made withsootamong people in multiple continents thousands of years ago. Especially after the invention of the electrictattoo machinein the late 1800s, tattoo artists experimented with many chemicals to identify durable pigments that could produce a range of colors without causing bad reactions, often testing inks in their own skin.

Most tattoo inks are intended to be permanent, but there are commercial methods for creating semi-permanent tattoos. There are also traditions of temporary tattoos applied to the surface of the skin using pigments such asmehndi.

Components of professional inks


Tattoo inks are available in a range of colors that can be thinned or mixed together to produce other colors and shades. Most professionaltattoo artistspurchase inks pre-made (known as predispersed inks), while some artists mix their own using a dry pigment and a carrier.[1]

In the United States, tattoo ink manufacturers are not required to reveal their ingredients, or to prove that a voluntarily-published ingredients list is accurate.[2]Their recipes may beproprietary.Tattoo inks from different manufacturers vary widely in formulation, quality, and safety.[3]



Many tattoo inks contain pigments originally manufactured for industrial purposes, such as dyeingtextiles,[3]automotive paint,[4]or for printer's ink.[5]Many professional inks mostly contain organic colorants,[6]such asazo dyes and pigments.[3]Inks also often containheavy metalsas pigments, sometimes mixed in to adjust the shade of a color.[6]Pigments can be small bits of solids or discrete molecules, such astitanium dioxideoriron oxide.[2]

Color Pigments
Black May contain:
White May contain:

These have mostly replaced more toxic pigments such asbarium sulphateandwhite lead.[9]

Red May contain:
Orange Can be considered a shade of red[9]
Yellow May contain:
  • Cadmium sulphide[9]
  • Azo compounds[11]
  • Pigments used for white ink, to brighten the yellow color
Green May contain:
Blue May contain:
Purple May contain:
Brown May contain iron oxides,[2]such asochre[9]

Other elements found in trace amounts in some ink includeantimony,arsenic,beryllium,selenium,[14]andaluminium.[13]Titanium dioxide is slightly abrasive and can cause microscopic bits of nickel andchromiumto wear off tattoo needles and get into the skin.[15]

Tattoo ink manufacturers often blend metal pigments and/or use lightening agents (such as lead or titanium) to reduce production costs.[16]Tattoo inks contaminated with metal allergens have been known to causesevere allergenic reactions,sometimes years later, when the original ink is not available for testing.[17]

Blacklight ink


Blacklighttattoo ink does not glow in the dark, but reacts to non-visibleUV light,producing a visible glow byfluorescence.A typical blacklight ink formula includesmicrospheresofpolymethylmethacrylate(PMMA) containing fluorescent dye.[18]This ink may cause irritation and inflammation, and tattoo artists are divided on whether they consider it safe to use.[19][20]

Glow in the dark ink


Glow-in-the-dark tattoo ink absorbs and retains light, and then glows in darkened conditions by process ofphosphorescence.Thephosphorusin this type of ink may cause skin rashes and may be carcinogenic,[19][21]and many tattoo artists consider this ink unsafe to use.[20]



A carrier acts as a solvent for the pigment, to "carry" the pigment from the point of needle insertion (typically using atattoo machine) to the surroundingepidermisand sometimesdermis.Carriers keep the ink evenly mixed and free frompathogens,and aid application.

Solvents are oftenethyl alcoholordistilled water;methanol,propylene glycol,andglycerinare also used,[22]along withdenatured alcoholorisopropyl alcohol.[23][24]When an alcohol is used as part of the carrier base in tattoo ink or to disinfect the skin before application of the tattoo, it increases the skin's permeability, helping to transport more pigment into the skin.[22]



Preservatives such asbenzoic acidmay be added to tattoo ink to prevent contamination.[25]Some inks containformaldehydeas a preservative, which is a carcinogen[3]and may causedermatitisin the skin.[1]Other inks may usebenzoisothiazolinone,which is a skin irritant.[3]

To help the carrier serve as a vehicle for delivering pigment, commercial formulations may includewetting agents,pH-regulating chemicals,stabilizers,andthickening agents.[26]

Ink manufacturers may addwitch hazelto help the skin heal after the tattooing process.[2]

Vegan inks


Some tattoo ink manufacturers producevegan-friendlyinks that do not contain any animal by-products, such asbone char,glycerin,gelatin,andshellac.[27]

Traditional inks


The world's oldest tattoos known to date, those of the Tyrolean Iceman known as Ötzi, were applied 5300 years ago with soot and/or ground charcoal based pigments.[28]

Traditional Ainu tattoosused soot as pigment, which reflected significant beliefs related to thehearthof a home.[29]

Ink and tools used byWhang-odfor traditional Filipino tattoos (batok)

In traditional Filipino tattooing,batok,historical examples include inks made from a range of materials: pounded leaves of a nativetomatoplant mixed with soot and water; pigbileand soot; or soot made by burning resinous wood.[30]Some ink was made by combining soot andsugarcane juice,left to ferment for a short time to develop some alcohol.[31]Recent practices include combining soot with water in acoconuthalf-shell.[32]

Inuitwomen have a tradition ofkakiniit,tattoos historically made withqulliqlampblack[33]and sealsuet.[34]In the 21st century revival of this tradition, practitioners use manufactured tattoo inks.[35]

Japanesehorimonopractices includeteboritattoos made by hand usingsumiink.[36]This ink is made with soot from burning particular woods, bound withanimal glue,and the method of application results in a greenish black color in the skin.[36]

In theMāoritattoo practice,tā moko,tattoo experts have made ink from the ashes of resinous tree parts (such askauri gum) orcaterpillar fungus,mixed with oil from plants.[37][38]

Homemade inks


In amateur "stick and poke" tattoos done for amusement or as a hobby, people often use improvised ink, which adds risk of infection and scarring.[39][40]Prison tattooingalso typically uses improvised ink.[26]Pigments may be made fromballpoint penink, hobby ink such asIndia ink,or soot.[26]Homemade or amateur inks may useListerine,vodka,or isopropyl alcohol as carriers, with glycerin added to prevent the ink from drying out.[26]

Health effects


Components of tattoo ink may cause allergic reactions in skin, including red, green, yellow and blue pigments.[41]Colored inks, such as red, seem to cause allergic reactions more often than black ink,[7]likely due to small amounts ofmercury sulfidein some red pigments.[42][43]Some yellow pigments containcadmium sulfide,a light-sensitive compound, and upon exposure to sun this can causephotodermatitis,although rare.[42]

Inks may be contaminated withbacteria,such asMycobacterium chelonae,which can cause infection in the skin.[6]

Several commonly-used ingredients are potential carcinogens — for example, most black inks containcarbon black,which may containpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.[7]Many of the particles used in tattoo inks are less than 100 nanometers in diameter, making it easier for them to penetrate cells and possibly cause cancer.[2]Under UV light,azopigments may degrade intoprimary aromatic amines(PAAs), which may be carcinogenic.[3]However, areview articlein 2012 said "The number ofskin cancersarising in tattoos is seemingly low, and this association has to be considered thus far as coincidental. "[44]

After application of a tattoo, a portion of the ink is carried away byblood vesselsand thelymphatic system,and some of it may beexcretedor stored elsewhere in the body.[7]Tattoo pigments may migrate intolymph nodes,including toxic elements in ink such as chromium.[45]Long-term studies would be needed to determine if pigments in human lymph nodes have harmful effects.[46]

Inmedical imaging,such asmammography,[47]pigments inlymphnodes may be accidentally interpreted as abnormal results, givingfalse positiveresults for cancer.[48][49]Treatment of cancer may include using blue dye in the body to detect asentinel lymph node,so existing tattoo pigments in lymph nodes may cause difficulty in identifying and treating sentinel nodes.[50][51]

In rare cases, a person undergoing amagnetic resonance imaging(MRI) exam may feel temporary discomfort or irritation around tattoos made withiron oxidepigments.[52]Looping or circular patterns may contribute to this effect.[8]Large amounts of ink in the skin, such as inblackout tattoos,may also increase the risk of this side effect.[53]



European Union


The European Union requires tattoo ink makers to indicate any hazardous ingredients on product labels.[27]In 2021, the EU established rules requiring certain green and blue pigments, Blue 15:3 and Green 7, to be phased out of tattoo inks.[54]

United States

Tattoo inks recalled by the FDA in August 2015 due to bacterial contamination[55]

In the United States, tattoo inks are subject to regulation by theU.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA).[56]The inks are regulated ascosmetics(which do not require pre-market approval), and the pigments are regulated as color additives.[6]FDA regulations say that color additives intended for injection must show convincing evidence that they are safe to be injected, in order to be approved for this purpose.[6]The FDA has not yet approved any color additives for injection.[57]The FDA does not generally exercise this regulatory authority because of other higher priorities and insufficient evidence of specific color additives causing safety problems in tattoo ink.[56][6]

The FDA does investigate tattoo inks if they receive reports of safety concerns, such as bacterialcontamination,and they sometimes issueproduct recallsfor specific inks.[54]

Under theFair Packaging and Labeling Act,the FDA requires cosmetics manufacturers to disclose ingredients on products sold to retail customers, but not products used by professionals.[58]Tattoo ink manufacturers typically sell their products to professional tattoo artists, and they are not required to disclose ingredients.[2]

In California,Proposition 65requires that Californians be warned before exposure to certain harmful chemicals.[14]In 2004, an environmental nonprofit sued several tattoo ink manufacturers for violating this law.[14]A judge ordered two of the companies to put warning labels on their products and in their catalogs to tell California customers that tattoo inks containheavy metalsknown to causecancer,birth defects,and otherreproductive harm.[59]



Ancient tattooing practices typically used dark pigments derived from vegetable and animal materials.[16]Alongside the development of more complex technology for tattooing, such as electrictattoo machines,tattoo artists developed inks with pigments derived from colorful minerals, both natural and synthetic.[16]People who continue to practice traditional tattooing methods and styles may make their own pigments or purchase manufactured ink. The history of tattoo ink development is connected to thehistory of pigment development.



People throughoutancient historypracticed tattooing, as seen in tattooed human mummies found in many countries.[60]Many used carbon-based pigments, such as soot,bone char,andcharcoal.[16]Carbon continues to be a principal ingredient in modern tattoo ink.[60]

One of the oldest known examples of human tattooing is the 5,300-year-old ice mummy known asÖtzi,discovered in 1991 near the border betweenAustriaandItaly.[61]Researchers examined skin samples from several of Ötzi's tattoos and determined that his tattoos were created using carbon-based pigments derived from soot and ash.[62]Microscopic quartz crystals identified among the carbon particles may have originated from stones around the fireplace where the carbon was collected.[62]

Found in southernPeru,in theChiribaya cultural area,a 1000-year-old mummy of a woman showed decorative and symbolic tattoos made with soot and plant material.[63]

18th and 19th centuries


By the 1750s, and likely much before, Japanesehorimonoartists used a variety of colored inks for large, artistically complex tattoos.[16]In 1897,Gambier Boltonsaid that the Japanese tattoo artistHori Chyohad pioneered use of a brown ink, along with the usual black andvermilioninks.[26][64]

Insailor tattootraditions dating at least to 1700, English sailors usedgunpowderto create blue-black designs in their skin.[65][66]In 1897, Bolton noted that sailors had recently started to use India ink and cochineal red (carmine), and that English tattoo artistSutherland Macdonaldhad found anultramarine blueand a green ink.[64]Sutherland also experimented on himself to try to find durable lavender and yellow inks.[64]

20th century

Fred Harris working with tattoo ink in 1937,Sydney, Australia

The invention of electrictattoo machinesin the late 1800s supported the growing popularity of tattoos, linked to the development of new inks.[16]In the early 1900s, American tattoo artistAmund Dietzelused ink made withcarbon black,"China red" (vermilion), "Casali's green" (viridian),Prussian blue,and a yellow pigment that may have beenarylide yellow.[26]

Sailor Jerry,who started working as a tattoo artist in the 1930s, mixedD&Cdry color pigments (approved for use in drugs and cosmetics) with isopropyl alcohol andbenzalkonium chloride.[26]He worked with Bob Palm, a tattoo artist who had studied chemistry, to find pigments that would expand his color range, including by tattooing himself and seeing if he had a bad reaction.[26]He introduced use ofphthalo green,and he used a purple pigment that he kept secret from other artists.[26]

Around the 1950s, artists started more commonly using industrial organic colorants, includinganilinedyes (syntheticdyesoriginally made fromcoal tar) such as arylide yellow andMalachite green.[16]



Tattoo ink is generally permanent, in the sense that it fades very gradually over a lifetime. The reason for this permanence is that tattoo ink ishydrophobic.[67]Tattoo removalis difficult and painful, and the degree of success depends on the materials used.

Removable ink


R. Rox Andersondeveloped a tattoo ink to simplify tattoo removal, designed to be easier to remove by laser treatments than traditional inks, called "InfinitInk".[68][69]The ink is encapsulated in tiny plastic beads; the encapsulated ink is stable in normal light, but under the kind of laser light used in laser tattoo removal, the ink is released from the beads and is absorbed.[70]Anderson co-founded a company called Freedom-2 to bring the ink to market[71]with assistance from Edith Mathiowitz, Joshua Reineke and A. Peter Morello ofBrown University.[72]

Semi-permanent ink


A company inNew York City,Ephemeral,advertised its proprietary tattoo ink as fading 9–15 months after application.[73]Some customers complained that their tattoos were still strongly visible after 15 months or longer.[74]

Temporary tattoo pigments


Mehndibody art involves applyinghennadye externally to create atemporary tattooon the surface of the skin, typically producing a brown color that fades in a few weeks.Health Canadaand the US FDA have advised against the use of "black henna" pigment that containspara-phenylenediamine(PPD), an ingredient inhair dyes.[75][58]Allergic reactions to PPD include rashes,contact dermatitis,itching, blisters, open sores,scarringand other potentially harmful effects.[76]

Jagua tattoosare a form of temporary tattoo made with a fruit-based dye.[77]This dye is derived from a Central and South American fruit(Genipa americana)traditionally used for a variety of purposes including medicine and body art.[77]Jagua ink creates a blue-black color that fades in a couple weeks.[78]Jagua is sometimes promoted as a healthier alternative to black henna.[79][80]

See also



  1. ^abLiou, Yujie Linda; Voller, Lindsey M.; Liszewski, Walter; Ericson, Marna E.; Siegel, Paul D.; Warshaw, Erin M. (2021)."Formaldehyde Release From Predispersed Tattoo Inks: Analysis Using the Chromotropic Acid Method".Dermatitis.32(5): 327–332.doi:10.1097/DER.0000000000000663.ISSN1710-3568.PMC8500535.PMID33273225.
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Further reading
