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Tectonics(fromLatintectonicus;fromAncient Greekτεκτονικός(tektonikós)'pertaining tobuilding')[1]are the processes that result in the structure and properties of theEarth's crustand its evolution through time.[2][3]

These processes include those ofmountain-building,the growth and behavior of the strong, old cores of continents known ascratons,and the ways in which the relatively rigidplatesthat constitute the Earth's outer shell interact with each other. Principles of tectonics also provide a framework for understanding theearthquakeandvolcanic beltsthat directly affect much of the global population.

Tectonic studies are important as guides foreconomic geologistssearching forfossil fuelsandore depositsof metallic and nonmetallic resources. An understanding of tectonic principles can helpgeomorphologiststo explainerosion patternsand other Earth-surface features.[4]

Main types of tectonic regime


Extensional tectonics


Extensional tectonics is associated with the stretching and thinning of the crust or thelithosphere.This type of tectonics is found at divergent plate boundaries, in continentalrifts,during and after a period ofcontinental collisioncaused by the lateral spreading of the thickened crust formed, at releasing bends instrike-slip faults,inback-arc basins,and on the continental end ofpassive marginsequences where adetachment layeris present.[5][6][7]

Thrust (contractional) tectonics


Thrust tectonics is associated with the shortening and thickening of the crust, or the lithosphere. This type of tectonics is found at zones ofcontinental collision,at restraining bends in strike-slip faults, and at the oceanward part of passive margin sequences where a detachment layer is present.[8]

Strike-slip tectonics

San Andreas transform faulton theCarrizo Plain

Strike-slip tectonics is associated with the relative lateral movement of parts of the crust or the lithosphere. This type of tectonics is found along oceanic and continentaltransform faultswhich connect offset segments ofmid-ocean ridges.Strike-slip tectonics also occurs at lateral offsets in extensional andthrust faultsystems. In areas involved withplate collisionsstrike-slip deformation occurs in the over-riding plate in zones of oblique collision and accommodates deformation in theforelandto a collisional belt.[9]

Plate tectonics

The Tectonic Network of the Earth. Legend: Brown: Terrane (microplate) boundaries in the continents and Mobile Belts, Cyan: Terranes of the Oceanic Plates, Blue: Oceanic transform faults; Red and orange: Fault zones in the Continental and Mountain belt domain; Purple: Main subduction zones and suture zones; Green: Continental margins

In plate tectonics, the outermost part of the Earth known as thelithosphere(thecrustand uppermostmantle) act as a single mechanical layer. The lithosphere is divided into separate "plates" that move relative to each other on the underlying, relatively weakasthenospherein a process ultimately driven by the continuous loss of heat from the Earth's interior. There are three main types of plate boundaries:divergent,where plates move apart from each other and new lithosphere is formed in the process ofsea-floor spreading;transform,where plates slide past each other, andconvergent,where plates converge and lithosphere is "consumed" by the process ofsubduction.Convergent and transform boundaries are responsible for most of the world's major (Mw> 7)earthquakes.Convergent and divergent boundaries are also the site of most of the world'svolcanoes,such as around thePacific Ring of Fire.Most of the deformation in the lithosphere is related to the interaction between plates at or near plate boundaries. The latest studies, based on the integration of available geological data, and satellite imagery and Gravimetric and magnetic anomaly datasets have shown that the crust of the Earth is dissected by thousands of different types of tectonic elements which define the subdivision into numerous smaller microplates which have amalgamated into the larger Plates.[10]

Other fields of tectonic studies


Salt tectonics


Salt tectonics is concerned with the structural geometries and deformation processes associated with the presence of significant thicknesses ofrock saltwithin a sequence of rocks. This is due both to the low density of salt, which does not increase with burial, and its low strength.[11]



Neotectonics is the study of the motions and deformations of theEarth's crust(geologicalandgeomorphologicalprocesses) that are current or recent ingeological time.The term may also refer to the motions and deformations themselves. The corresponding time frame is referred to as theneotectonic period.Accordingly, the preceding time is referred to aspalaeotectonic period.[12]



Tectonophysics is the study of the physical processes associated with deformation of the crust and mantle from the scale of individual mineral grains up to that of tectonic plates.[13]



Seismotectonics is the study of the relationship between earthquakes, active tectonics, and individualfaultsin a region. It seeks to understand which faults are responsible for seismic activity in an area by analysing a combination of regional tectonics, recent instrumentally recorded events, accounts of historical earthquakes, and geomorphological evidence. This information can then be used to quantify theseismic hazardof an area.[14]

Impact tectonics


Impact tectonics is the study of modification of the lithosphere through high velocity impact cratering events.[15]

Planetary tectonics


Techniques used in the analysis of tectonics on Earth have also been applied to the study of theplanetsand their moons.[3]

See also



  1. ^Harper, Douglas."tectonic".Online Etymology Dictionary.
  2. ^ Geologists (as distinct from architects) may definetectonicsas "the architecture of the Earth's crust" - O'Hara, Kieran D. (19 April 2018).A Brief History of Geology.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.ISBN9781107176188.Retrieved23 March2023.The words tectonics and architecture are derived from the same Greek root, and tectonics is defined as the architecture of the Earth's crust.
  3. ^ab The field of planetary tectonics extends the concept of tectonics to studying non-terrestrial bodies such as other planets and moons:Watters, Thomas R.; Schultz, Richard A. (2010). "Planetary tectonics: introduction". In Watters, Thomas R.; Schultz, Richard A. (eds.).Planetary Tectonics.Cambridge Planetary Science, ISSN 0265-3044 - Volume 11. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 2.ISBN9780521765732.Retrieved23 March2023.Since the 1960s, an armada of exploratory spacecraft have identified widespread evidence of tectonism on all the terrestrial planets, most of the satellites of the outer planets, and on a number of asteroids. Tectonic landforms on large and small bodies in the solar system are as ubiquitous as impact craters.
  4. ^ Anderson, Robert S.;Burbank, Douglas W. (2 November 2011) [2001]. "Rates of erosion and uplift".Tectonic Geomorphology(2 ed.). Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.ISBN9781444345049.Retrieved23 March2023.
  5. ^Armijo, R.; Meyer, B.; Navarro, S.; King, G.;Barka, A.(2002),"Asymmetric slip partitioning in the Sea of Marmara pull-apart: a clue to propagation processes of the North Anatolian Fault?"(PDF),Terra Nova,14(2),Wiley-Blackwell:80–86,Bibcode:2002TeNov..14...80A,CiteSeerX10.1.1.546.4111,doi:10.1046/j.1365-3121.2002.00397.x,S2CID49553634
  6. ^Sdrolias, M; Muller, R.D. (2006)."Controls on back-arc basin formations".Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.7(4): Q04016.Bibcode:2006GGG.....7.4016S.doi:10.1029/2005GC001090.S2CID129068818.
  7. ^Brun, J,-P.; Fort, X. (2011). "Salt tectonics at passive margins: Geology versus models".Marine and Petroleum Geology.28(6): 1123–1145.Bibcode:2011MarPG..28.1123B.doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.03.004.{{cite journal}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  8. ^Butler, R.; Bond, C. (2020). "Chapter 9 - Thrust systems and contractional tectonics". In Scarselli, N.; Adam, J.; Chiarella, D. (eds.).Principles of Geologic Analysis.Regional Geology and Tectonics. Vol. 1 (2 ed.). Elsevier. pp. 149–167.doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-64134-2.00008-0.ISBN9780444641359.
  9. ^Burg, J.-P. (2017)."Strike-slip and Oblique-slip tectonics"(PDF).Retrieved26 September2022.
  10. ^van Dijk, J.P. (2023); The New Global Tectonic Map - Analyses and Implications. Terra Nova, 2023, 27 pp.doi:10.1111/TER.12662
  11. ^Hudec, M.R.; Jackson, M.P.A. (2007). "Terra infirma: Understanding salt tectonics".Earth-Science Reviews.82(1–2): 1–28.doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2007.01.001.
  12. ^"Encyclopedia of Coastal Science" (2005), Springer,ISBN978-1-4020-1903-6,Chapter 1: "Tectonics and Neotectonics"doi:10.1007/1-4020-3880-1
  13. ^Foulger, Gillian R. (2021),"The Plate Theory for Volcanism",Encyclopedia of Geology,Elsevier, pp. 879–890,doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-102908-4.00105-3,ISBN978-0-08-102909-1,retrieved23 October2023
  14. ^E. Boschi, E.; Mantovani, E.; Morelli, A., eds. (2012)."A review of the Eastern Alps - Northern Dinarides Seismotectonics".Recent Evolution and Seismicity of the Mediterranean Region.Springer.ISBN9789401120166.
  15. ^Koeberl, C., Henkel, H., eds. (2005).Impact Tectonics.Impact Studies. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.doi:10.1007/3-540-27548-7.ISBN978-3-540-24181-2.

Further reading
