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Thanksgiving Day
Observed byCountries

Sub-national entities

2024 dateOctober 6, 2024 (Germany);

October 14, 2024 (Canada);
November 7, 2024 (Liberia);
November 27, 2024 (Norfolk Island);

November 28, 2024 (U.S. and Brazil)
2025 dateOctober 5, 2025 (Germany);

October 13, 2025 (Canada);
November 6, 2025 (Liberia);
November 26, 2025 (Norfolk Island);

November 27, 2025 (U.S. and Brazil)

Thanksgivingis a nationalholidaycelebrated on various dates in October and November in the United States, Canada, Saint Lucia,Liberia,and unofficially in countries like Brazil, Germany and the Philippines. It is also observed in the Dutch town ofLeidenand the Australian territory ofNorfolk Island.It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of theharvestand of the preceding year. Various similarly namedharvest festivalholidays occur throughout the world during autumn. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as asecularholiday as well.


Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among most religions after harvests and at other times of the year.[1]The Thanksgiving holiday's history in North America is rooted in English traditions dating from the ProtestantReformation.It also has aspects of aharvest festival,even though the harvest inNew Englandoccurs well before the late-November date on which the modern Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated.[1][2]

In the English tradition, days of thanksgiving and special thanksgiving religious services became important during theEnglish Reformationin the reign ofHenry VIII.[3]Before 1536 there were 95 Church holidays, plus 52 Sundays, when people were required toattend churchand forego work. Though the 1536 reforms in theChurch of Englandreduced the number of holidays in theliturgical calendarto 27, thePuritanparty in the Anglican Church wished to eliminate all Church holidays apart from the weeklyLord's Day,including theevangelical feastsofChristmasandEaster(cf.Puritan Sabbatarianism).[3]The holidays were to be replaced by specially calledDays of FastingandDays of Thanksgiving,in response to events that the Puritans viewed as acts ofspecial providence.Unexpected disasters or threats of judgement from on high called for Days of Fasting.[4][3]

Special blessings, viewed as coming from God, called for Days of Thanksgiving, which were observed through Christianchurch servicesand other gatherings.[3]For example, Days of Thanksgiving were called following the victory over theSpanish Armadain 1588 and following the deliverance ofQueen Annein 1605.[4]An unusual annual Day of Thanksgiving began in 1606 following the failure of theGunpowder Plotin 1605 and developed intoGuy Fawkes Dayon November 5.[4]Days of Fasting were called on account of plagues in 1604 and 1622, drought in 1611, and floods in 1613. Annual Thanksgiving prayers were dictated by the charter of English settlers upon their safe landing in America in 1619 atBerkeley Hundredin Virginia.[5]

In Canada

According to some historians, the first celebration of Thanksgiving in North America occurred during the 1578 voyage ofMartin Frobisherfrom England in search of theNorthwest Passage.[6]Other researchers, however, state that "there is no compelling narrative of the origins of the Canadian Thanksgiving day."[7]

Antecedents for Canadian Thanksgiving are also sometimes traced to the French settlers who came toNew Francein the 17th century, who celebrated their successful harvests. The French settlers in the area typically had feasts at the end of the harvest season. They continued throughout the winter season, even sharing food with theindigenous peoplesof the area.[8]

As settlers arrived in Nova Scotia from New England after 1700, late autumn Thanksgiving celebrations became commonplace. New immigrants into the country—such as the Irish, Scottish, and Germans—also added their own traditions to the harvest celebrations. Most of the U.S. aspects of Thanksgiving (such as the turkey) were incorporated whenUnited Empire Loyalistsbegan toflee from the United Statesduring and after theAmerican Revolutionand settled in Canada.[8]

In 1859, the government of the Provinces of Canada declared a Thanksgiving Day in which "all Canadians [were asked] to spend the holiday in 'public and solemn' recognition of God's mercies."[9]On 9 October 1879, Canada's Governor General, theMarquis of Lorne,declared November 6 as "a day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed."[9]The Canadian Parliament on 31 January 1957 applied the same language in its proclamation for the modern holiday: "A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed—to be observed on the second Monday in October."[10]

In the United States

Jennie Augusta Brownscombe's 1914 portrait,The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth,now on display atPilgrim Hall MuseuminPlymouth, Massachusetts
Jennie Augusta Brownscombe's 1925 portrait,Thanksgiving at Plymouth,now on display at theNational Museum of Women in the ArtsinWashington, D.C.

An annual thanksgiving holiday tradition in North American colonies is documented for the first time in 1619, in what is now called the Commonwealth ofVirginia.Thirty-eight English settlers aboard the shipMargaretarrived by way of the James River atBerkeley HundredinCharles City County, Virginiaon December 4, 1619. The landing was immediately followed by a religious celebration, specifically dictated by the group's charter from theLondon Company.The charter declared, "that the day of our ships arrival at the place assigned for plantation in the land of Virginia shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God."[11][5]Since the mid 20th century, the original celebration has been commemorated there annually at present-dayBerkeley Plantation,ancestral home of theHarrison family of Virginia.[12]

The more familiar Thanksgiving precedent accompanied by feasting is traced to thePilgrimsandPuritanswho emigrated from England in the 1620s and 1630s. They brought their previous tradition of Days of Fasting and Days of Thanksgiving with them toNew England.The 1621Plymouth, Massachusettsthanksgiving was prompted by a good harvest. The Pilgrims celebrated this with theWampanoags,a tribe of Native Americans who, along with thelast surviving Patuxet,had helped them get through the previous winter by giving them food in that time of scarcity, in exchange for an alliance and protection against the rivalNarragansett tribe.[13]

Several days of Thanksgiving were held in early New England history that have been identified as the "First Thanksgiving", including Pilgrim holidays in Plymouth in 1621 and 1623, and a Puritan holiday inBostonin 1631.[14][15]According to historian Jeremy Bangs, director of theLeiden American Pilgrim Museum,the Pilgrims may have been influenced by watching the annual services of Thanksgiving for the relief of thesiege of Leidenin 1574, while they were staying in Leiden.[16]Now called3 Oktoberfeest,Leiden's autumn thanksgiving celebration in 1617 was the occasion for sectarian disturbance that appears to have accelerated the pilgrims' plans to emigrate to America.[17]

Later in New England, religious thanksgiving services were declared by civil leaders such asGovernor Bradford,who planned the Plymouth colony's thanksgiving celebration and feast in 1623.[18][19][20]Bradford issued a proclamation of Thanksgiving following victory in thePequot Warin the late 1630s to celebrate "the bloody victory, thanking God that the battle had been won."[21][22]The practice of holding an annual thanksgiving harvest festival did not become a regular affair in New England until the late 1660s.[23]

Thanksgiving proclamations were made mostly by church leaders in New England up until 1682, and then by both state and church leaders until after theAmerican Revolution.During the revolutionary period, political influences affected the issuance of Thanksgiving proclamations. Various proclamations were made byroyal governors,and conversely bypatriotleaders, such asJohn Hancock,GeneralGeorge Washington,and theContinental Congress,[24]each giving thanks to God for events favorable to their causes.[25]As President of the United States, George Washington proclaimed the first nationwide thanksgiving celebration in America marking November 26, 1789, "as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours of Almighty God",[26]and calling on Americans to "unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions."[27]

Debate over first celebrations

Shrine of the first U.S. Thanksgiving held at Berkeley Hundred inCharles City County, Virginiain 1619

Devotees inNew England,Virginiaand other places have maintained contradictory claims to having held the first Thanksgiving celebration in what became the United States. The question is complicated by the concept of Thanksgiving as either a holiday celebration or a religious service. James Baker maintains, "The American holiday's true origin was the New EnglandCalvinistThanksgiving. Never coupled with a Sabbath meeting, the Puritan observances were special days set aside during the week for thanksgiving and praise in response to God's providence. "[14]Baker calls the debate a "tempest in a beanpot" and "marvelous nonsense" based on regional claims.[14]

In 1963, PresidentJohn F. Kennedyacknowledged both the Virginia andMassachusettsclaims. Kennedy issued Proclamation 3560 on November 5, 1963, stating, "Over three centuries ago, our forefathers in Virginia and in Massachusetts, far from home in a lonely wilderness, set aside a time of thanksgiving. On the appointed day, they gave reverent thanks for their safety, for the health of their children, for the fertility of their fields, for the love which bound them together, and for the faith which united them with their God."[28]

Other claims include an earlier religious service by Spanish explorers atSan ElizarioinTexasin 1598.[29]Historians Robyn Gioia andMichael Gannonof theUniversity of Floridaargue that the earliest Thanksgiving service in what is now the United States was celebrated by theSpanish communityon September 8, 1565, in currentSaint Augustine,Florida.[30][31]

Fi xing a date


The earlier Thanksgiving celebrations in Canada has been attributed to the earlier onset of winter in the North, thus ending the harvest season earlier.[32]Thanksgiving in Canada did not have a fixed date until the late 19th century. Prior toCanadian Confederation,many of the individual colonial governors of the Canadian provinces had declared their own days of Thanksgiving. The first official Canadian Thanksgiving occurred on April 15, 1872, when the nation was celebrating thePrince of Wales' recovery from a serious illness.[32]

By the end of the 19th century, Thanksgiving Day was normally celebrated on November 6 (see alsoGuy Fawkes Nightdiscussed above). In the late 19th century, the militia staged "sham battles" for public entertainment on Thanksgiving Day. The militia agitated for an earlier date for the holiday, so they could use the warmer weather to draw bigger crowds.[33]However, when theFirst World Warended, theArmistice Dayholiday was usually held during the same week. To prevent the two holidays from clashing with one another, in 1957 theCanadian Parliamentproclaimed Thanksgiving to be observed on its present date on the second Monday of October.[8]

United States

Thanksgiving in the United States has been observed on differing dates. From the time of theFounding Fathersuntil the time of Lincoln, the date of observance varied from state to state. The final Thursday in November had become the customary date in most U.S. states by the beginning of the 19th century, coinciding with, and eventually superseding the holiday ofEvacuation Day(commemorating the day the British exited the United States after the Revolutionary War).[34]Modern Thanksgiving was proclaimed for all states in 1863 byAbraham Lincoln.Influenced by New EnglanderSarah Josepha Hale,who wrote letters to politicians for approximately 40 years advocating an official holiday, Lincoln set national Thanksgiving by proclamation for the final Thursday in November in celebration of the bounties that had continued to fall on the Union and for the military successes in the war, also calling on the American people, "with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience.. fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation..."[35]Because of the ongoingCivil War,a nationwide Thanksgiving celebration was not realized untilReconstructionwas completed in the 1870s.

On October 31, 1939, PresidentFranklin D. Rooseveltsigned apresidential proclamationchanging the holiday to the next to last Thursday in November in an effort to boost the economy.[36]The earlier date created an extra seven days forChristmas shoppingsince at that time retailers never began promoting the Christmas season until after Thanksgiving. But making the proclamation so close to the change wreaked havoc on the holiday schedules of many people, schools, and businesses, and most Americans were not in favor of the change. Some of those who opposed the change dubbed the holiday "Franksgiving"that year. Some state governors went along with the change while others stuck with the original November 30 date for the holiday, and three states — Colorado, Mississippi, and Texas — observed both dates.[37]The double Thanksgiving continued for two more years, and then on December 26, 1941, Roosevelt signed ajoint resolutionof Congress changing the official national Thanksgiving Day to the fourth Thursday in November starting in 1942 (there are usually four but sometimes five Thursdays in November, depending on the year).[38]

Since 1971, when the AmericanUniform Monday Holiday Acttook effect, the American observance ofColumbus Dayhas coincided with the Canadian observance of Thanksgiving.[39][40]



In theAustralian external territoryofNorfolk Island,Thanksgiving is celebrated on the last Wednesday of November, similar to the pre–World War IIAmerican observance on the last Thursday of the month. Due to the time difference of between 14 and 17 hours, this means the Norfolk Island observance is two days before or five days after the United States' observance. The holiday was brought to the island by visiting Americanwhalingships.[41]


In Brazil, National Thanksgiving Day was instituted byPresident Gaspar Dutra,through Law 781 of August 17, 1949, at the suggestion of AmbassadorJoaquim Nabuco,who was enthusiastic about the commemorations he saw in 1909 inSt. Patrick's Cathedralas an ambassador in Washington. In 1966, Law 5110 established that the Thanksgiving celebration would take place on the fourth Thursday of November.[42]This date is celebrated by many families of American origin, by some Protestant Christian denominations, such as theEvangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil(which is of American origin), thePresbyterian Church,theBaptist Church,theMethodist Church,and theChurch of the Nazarene,and Methodist denominational universities. The day is also celebrated byevangelical churchessuch as theFoursquare Gospel Churchin Brazil.


Pumpkin pie,commonly served at Thanksgiving inNorth America

Thanksgiving (French:l'Action de grâce), occurring on the second Monday in October, is an annual Canadianholidaytogive thanksat the close of the harvest season. Although the original act of Parliament referencesGodand the holiday is celebrated in churches, the holiday is mostly celebrated in asecularmanner. Thanksgiving is astatutory holidayin all provinces in Canada, except forNew BrunswickandNova Scotia.While businesses may remain open in these provinces, the holiday is nonetheless recognized and celebrated regardless of its status.[43][44][45][46][47]


A food decoration for Erntedankfest, aChristianThanksgiving harvest festival celebrated inGermany

The Harvest Thanksgiving Festival, Erntedankfest, is a popularChristianfestival in some German municipalities on the first Sunday of October. The festival has a significant religious component, and many churches are decorated with autumn crops. In some places, there arereligious processionsor parades.


In the West African country of Liberia, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the first Thursday of November.[48]In 1883, theLegislature of Liberiaenacted a statute declaring this day as a national holiday.[49]Thanksgiving is celebrated in the country in large part due to the nation's founding as a colony of theAmerican Colonization Societyin 1821 by former slaves andfree people of colorfrom the United States. However, the Liberian celebration of the holiday is notably different from the American celebration. While some Liberian families chose to celebrate with a feast or cook out, it is not considered a staple of the holiday and there is no specific food heavily associated with Thanksgiving. Some chose to celebrate the holiday by attending religious ceremonies, while others take it as a day for relaxation. Others view the holiday as an imposition from the American settlers of the country. In the years following thesecond civil war,some Liberians have taken the holiday as a time to be thankful for this new period peace and relative stability.[50][51]



Many of the Pilgrims who migrated to thePlymouth Plantationresided inLeidenfrom 1609 to 1620, and had recorded their births, marriages, and deaths at thePieterskerk.In commemoration, a non-denominational Thanksgiving Day service is held each year on the morning of the American Thanksgiving Day in the Pieterskerk, aGothicchurch in Leiden, noting the hospitality the Pilgrims received in Leiden on their way to theNew World.[52]

Thanksgiving is observed by orthodox Protestant churches in the Netherlands on the first Wednesday in November (Dankdag[nl]). It is not a public holiday. Those who observe the day either go to church in the evening or take the day off and go to church in the morning (and occasionally afternoon) too.


An American colony until the first half of the 20th century, thePhilippinescelebrated Thanksgiving as a special public holiday on the same day as the Americans.[53]During the Japanese occupation duringWorld War II,both the Americans and Filipinos celebrated Thanksgiving in secret. After Japanese withdrawal in 1945, the tradition continued until 1969. It was revived by PresidentFerdinand Marcos,but the date was changed to be on every September 21, when martial law was imposed in the country. AfterMarcos' ousterin 1986, the tradition was no longer continued, due to the controversial events that occurred during his long administration.[54]

As of 2022, Thanksgiving has been revived as a commercial and cultural holiday, albeit stripped of its official status.SM Supermallsled the way in the slow revival of Thanksgiving Day on the same day as in the U.S., as in the old days. Many malls and hotels offer special sales on this day, which is part of the long celebration ofChristmas in the Philippines,which begins in September (unlike on Black Friday in the United States).


InRwanda,Umuganura Day is celebrated as Thanksgiving festival to mark the start of the country's harvest on the first Friday of August.[55]

Saint Lucia

The nation of Saint Lucia celebrates Thanksgiving on the first Monday in October.[56]

United Kingdom

Harvest Festivalflowers at a church inShrewsbury,England

TheHarvest Festival of Thanksgivingdoes not have an official date in the United Kingdom; however, it is traditionally held on or near the Sunday of theharvest moonthat occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. Harvest Thanksgiving in Britain also has pre-Christian roots when the Saxons would offer the first sheaf of barley, oats, or wheat to fertility gods. When the harvest was finally collected, communities would come together for a harvest supper.[57]When Christianity arrived in Britain many traditions remained, and today the Harvest Festival is marked by churches and schools in late September/early October (same as Canada) with singing, praying and decorating with baskets of food and fruit to celebrate a successful harvest and to give thanks.[58]Collections of food are usually held which are then given to local charities which help the homeless and those in need.

United States

A family sayinggracebefore Thanksgiving dinner inNeffsville, Pennsylvaniain 1942

In theUnited States,Thanksgiving is an annual tradition that was federally formalized by an 1863 bypresidentialproclamation byAbraham Lincolnin 1863, but was implemented as state legislation since the nation's founding.

In 1941, federal legislation by theUnited States Congressformalized Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November.

The holiday traditionally has been a celebration of the blessings of the year, including the harvest.[59]On Thanksgiving Day, it is common for Americans to share a family meal, attendchurch services,and view special sporting events.[60]

Thanksgiving is celebrated in public places with parades such asMacy's Thanksgiving Parade[61]inNew York City,ABC Dunkin' Donuts Thanksgiving Day Parade[62]inPhiladelphia,America's Hometown Thanksgiving Parade inPlymouth, Massachusetts,McDonald's Thanksgiving Parade inChicago,and Bayou Classic Thanksgiving Parade[63]inNew Orleans.

What Americans call the "Holiday Season"generally begins with Thanksgiving.[64]The first day after Thanksgiving Day—Black Friday—marks the start of the Christmas shopping season.[65]

Thanksgiving is usually celebrated with a family meal. Beginning in the 2010s, a new tradition has emerged to also celebrate Thanksgiving with a meal with friends, as a separate event on a different day or an alternate event on Thanksgiving Day. This is referred to asFriendsgiving.[66]

Similarly named holidays


In the West Indian island ofGrenada,in theCaribbean,there is a national holiday known as Thanksgiving Day which is celebrated on October 25. Even though it bears the same name, and is celebrated at roughly the same time as the American and Canadian versions of Thanksgiving, this holiday is unrelated to either of those celebrations. Instead, the holiday marks the anniversary of the U.S.-ledinvasion of the islandin 1983, in response to thedepositionand execution of the socialist Grenadian Prime MinisterMaurice Bishop[67]by a military government from within his own party.


Labor Thanksgiving Day(Cần 労 cảm tạ の ngày,Kinrō Kansha no Hi)is anational holiday in Japan.It takes place annually on November 23. The law establishing the holiday, which was adopted during theAmerican occupationafter World War II, cites it as an occasion for commemoratinglaborand production and giving each other thanks. It has roots in the ancientShintoharvest ceremony (Niiname-sai(Tân nếm tế)).

See also


  1. ^abHodgson 2006,pp. 156–59.
  2. ^Baker 2009a,Chapter 1, esp. pp. 12–15.
  3. ^abcdForbes, Bruce David (October 27, 2015).America's Favorite Holidays: Candid Histories.University of California Press.p. 155.ISBN978-0-520-28472-2.
  4. ^abcBaker 2009a,pp. 1–14.
  5. ^abDowdy, Clifford(1957).The Great Plantation.Rinehart and Co. pp. 29–37.
  6. ^Mills, David; Neilson Bonikowsky, Laura; McIntosh, Andrew."Thanksgiving in Canada".Canadian Encyclopedia.Historica Canada.Archivedfrom the original on October 12, 2015.RetrievedOctober 6,2017.
  7. ^Kaufman, Jason Andrew (2009).The Origins of Canadian & American Political Differences.Harvard University Press. p. 29.ISBN978-0674031364.Archivedfrom the original on January 17, 2023.RetrievedNovember 17,2015.
  8. ^abcSolski, Ruth "Canada's Traditions and Celebrations" McGill-Queen's Press,ISBN1550356941p. 12
  9. ^abDuncan, Dorothy (September 16, 2006).Canadians at Table: Food, Fellowship, and Folklore: A Culinary History of Canada.Dundurn.ISBN978-1-77070-235-6.
  10. ^Kelch, Kalie (August 27, 2013).Grab Your Boarding Pass.Review & Herald Publishing Association.ISBN978-0-8127-5654-8.
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  15. ^Alvin J. Schmidt (2004).How Christianity Changed the World.Zondervan.ISBN9780310264491.Archivedfrom the original on January 17, 2023.RetrievedJanuary 30,2012.
  16. ^Jeremy Bangs."Influences".The Pilgrims' Leiden.Archived fromthe originalon January 13, 2012.RetrievedSeptember 11,2010.
  17. ^Bunker, Nick (2010).Making Haste From Babylon: the Mayflower Pilgrims and Their World.New York: Vintage Books. pp. 220–21.ISBN9780307386267.
  18. ^Bradford,Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620–1647,pp. 120–21.
  19. ^Bradford,History of Plymouth Plantation,pp. 135–42.
  20. ^The fast and thanksgiving days of New Englandby William DeLoss Love, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Cambridge, 1895
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  23. ^Kaufman, Jason Andrew (2009).The origins of Canadian and American political differences.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. p. 28.ISBN978-0674031364.
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  25. ^Hodgson 2006,pp. 159–66.
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  59. ^"Thanksgiving Day".Encyclopædia Britannica.Archivedfrom the original on November 17, 2010.RetrievedNovember 25,2011.
  60. ^Counihan, Carole (October 18, 2013).Food in the USA: A Reader.Routledge. p. 5.ISBN978-1-135-32359-2.
  61. ^"Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade".Archivedfrom the original on September 27, 2020.RetrievedApril 5,2019.
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  63. ^"Bayou Classic".Archivedfrom the original on September 15, 2018.RetrievedApril 5,2019.
  64. ^Hargis, Toni (November 4, 2013)."A Brit's Guide to the Holiday Season".BBC America.Archivedfrom the original on November 18, 2015.RetrievedNovember 10,2015.
  65. ^"When is Thanksgiving Day and why is it celebrated".November 22, 2018.Archivedfrom the original on March 28, 2019.RetrievedApril 5,2019.
  66. ^Fetters, Ashley (November 15, 2018)."How Friendsgiving Took Over Millennial Culture".The Atlantic.Archivedfrom the original on May 4, 2022.RetrievedMay 4,2022.
  67. ^"Public Holidays & Events 2017".GOV.gd.October 12, 2016.Archivedfrom the original on June 23, 2012.RetrievedApril 17,2017.


External links