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Thierry Maulnier

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Thierry Maulnier in 1952.

Thierry Maulnier(bornJacques Talagrand;[1]1 October 1909,Alès– 9 January 1988,Marnes-la-Coquette) was a French journalist, essayist, dramatist, and literary critic. He was married to theatre directorMarcelle Tassencourt.

Early years


A graduate of theÉcole Normale Supérieurein the same class asRoger Vailland,Robert Brasillach,andMaurice Bardèche.While still a student, Maulnier became active in theintegralistAction Française,and published inCharles Maurras' newspaper (L'Action française). He made a career in journalism and took part in the movement of theNon-conformists of the 1930s,inspired by thepersonalistgeneration of youngintellectualswho shared some of the ideals of the Action Française, holdingright-wingbeliefs as an answer to a "crisis of civilization"andmaterialism.He also campaigned against democracy and capitalism, advocating aunion of the right and leftto overthrow the two.[2]Thierry Maulnier associated with youth periodicals such asRéaction,La Revue du Siècle,andLa Revue française;he also wrote his first volume,La crise est dans l'homme( "Crisis Is in Man" ).

In 1934, he authored, withJean-Pierre Maxence,themanifestoDemain la France( "Tomorrow, France" ). Maxence and Maulnier also founded the weeklyL'Insurgéin 1936 lasting only a few months, the magazine circulatednationalisttenets, reviewed in Maulnier's 1938 essayAu-delà du nationalisme( "Beyond Nationalism" ). At the same time, he joinedJean de Fabrèguesin the creation of a more analytical paper,Combat,one which would be published until France's defeat inWorld War II.

World War II and after


A regular contributor toL'Action françaisesince 1938, Maulnier continued to publish afterNazi Germany'soccupation of France(from 1940); he also started writing forLe Figaro.He ceased writing for the paper after the start ofOperation Torchin 1942, and remained a journalist forLe Figarofrom 1945 until his death.

With the beginning of theFourth Republic,Maulnier no longer engaged in politics. He wrote plays (La Course des rois- 1947;Le Profanateur- 1950,La Ville au fond de la mer- 1953,Le Soir du conquérant- 1970) and essays (Violence et conscience- 1945,La Face de méduse du communisme- 1952,L'Europe a fait le monde- 1966,Le Sens des mots- 1976,Les Vaches sacrées- 1977), but also commented on social themes (with Maulnier as a staunchPro-European).

In 1964, he was elected to theAcadémie françaisein place of the deceasedHenry Bordeaux.In 1986 he was awarded thePrix mondial Cino Del Duca.


  • La crise est dans l'homme(1932)
  • Nietzsche(1933)
  • Racine(1934)
  • Miracle de la Monarchie(1935)
  • Mythes socialistes(1938)
  • Au-delà du nationalisme(1938)
  • Introduction à la poésie française(1939)
  • La France, la guerre et la paix(1942, Lyon)
  • Violence et conscience(1945)
  • Langages(1946)
  • Jeanne et ses juges(1952)
  • Le Sexe et le néant,directed byMarcelle Tassencourt,Théâtre de l'Athénée(1960)
  • Cette Grèce où nous sommes nés(1964)
  • La Défaite d'hannibal,followed byLa ville au fond de la mer,Gallimard (1968)
  • Dialogue inattendu,with Jean Elleinstein, Flammarion (1979)


  1. ^Dictionnaire des intellectuels français,Ed. Seuil, p. 768.
  2. ^Maulnier, Thierry (1936). "Le Seul Combat Possible".Combat.