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Tiberius Julius Cotys I

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T. J. Cotys I
Tetranummia, reign of Cotys I (50-54 AD). Obv: Curule chair surmounted by crown; a scepter surmounted by a head, leg.: T ΕΙΜΑΙ ΒΑΣ[ΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΚΟΥΤΟΣ]. Rev.: Shield on spear; horse's head (upper left); human head (upper right); helmet (down left); sword (down right); leg.: TOY A[ΣΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ] Κ Δ. Panticaeon, 23,5 mm, 7,45 g.
King of the Bosporan Kingdom
Reign45–63 AD
PredecessorT. J. Mithridates III
SuccessorT. J. Rhescuporis I
ConsortEunice (Bosporan queen)
IssueT. J. Rhescuporis I
HouseTiberian-Julian dynasty
FatherT. J. Aspurgus
ReligionGreek Polytheism

Tiberius Julius Cotys I Philocaesar Philoromaios Eusebes,[a]also known asCotys I of the Bosporus(fl.45–63 AD), was aRoman client kingof theBosporan Kingdom.


Cotys I was the second son of Roman client rulersAspurgusandGepaepyris.His eldest brother was prince and KingMithridates.He was a prince ofGreek,IranianandRoman ancestry.Cotys I was the second grandson of Bosporan monarchsAsanderandDynamis,and Roman client rulers ofThraceCotys VIIIandAntonia Tryphaena.

Through his maternal grandmother Antonia Tryphaena, he was a descendant of Roman triumvirMark Antony.Tryphaena was the first great granddaughter born to the triumvir. Through Tryphaena, Cotys I was also related to various members of theJulio-Claudian dynasty.Through Aspurgus, Cotys I was a descendant of theGreek Macedonian Kings:Antigonus I Monophthalmus,Seleucus I NicatorandRegent,Antipater.These three men served under KingAlexander the Great.Cotys I was named in honor of his late maternal grandfather, Roman client ruler of Thrace Cotys VIII.

Little is known on the life of Cotys I. Aspurgus headed the Bosporan domain until his death in 37 or 38.[1]Gepaepyris succeeded her husband as sole ruler.[2]In AD 39 Mithridates inherited the throne of his mother.[3]Sometime before 45, theRoman EmperorClaudiusgave his brother the whole Bosporan Kingdom to rule. Claudius recognised and appointed Mithridates as the legitimate Bosporan King. In 45, for unknown reasons, Claudius deposed Mithridates from the Bosporan throne and installed Cotys instead. Claudius had withdrawn the RomangarrisonunderAulus Didius Gallusfrom the Bosporan Kingdom and a few Romancohortswere left with the Roman knightGaius Julius Aquilain the Bosporan.

Cotys I's brother despised the situation and mistrusted him and Aquila. Mithridates attempted to regain his throne. Mithridates was able to entice the leaders of the local tribes and deserters into becoming his allies. He was able to seize control of the local tribes and collect an army to declare war on Cotys and Aquila.

When Cotys and Aquila heard news of this war, they feared that the invasion was imminent. Both men knew they had the support of Claudius. Mithridates with his army engaged in war with Cotys I's army and Aquila'sbattalions,in a three-day war, which Cotys I and Aquila won unscathed and triumphant at theDon River.

Mithridates was forced by Claudius to surrender. Mithridates was captured and taken toRomeas a prisoner. He was displayed as a public figure beside the platform in theRoman Forumalong with his guards and his expression remained undoubted. Mithridates appealed to the Emperor for mercy to be spared from a triumphal procession or capital punishment. Claudius was impressed with Mithridates’ mercy from his letter and allowed Mithridates to live. He was spared from any capital punishment and was exiled. Cotys I's brother lived as a destitute exiled monarch until his death.

From 45 until 63, Cotys I reigned as Roman client king of the Bosporan Kingdom. Sometime during his reign, Cotys married a Greek noblewoman calledEunice,through whom he had a son calledTiberius Julius Rhescuporis.Cotys named his son afterRhescuporis II,a Thracian prince and king, who was a paternal uncle of his maternal grandfather.

In 63, for unknown reasons, the Roman EmperorNerodeposed Cotys from his throne. The fate of Cotys is thereafter unknown. The Bosporan Kingdom was incorporated as a part of the Roman Province ofMoesia Inferiorfrom 63 to 68. In 68, the new Roman EmperorGalbarestored the Bosporan Kingdom to Rhescuporis, son of Cotys. Rhescuporis I reigned from 68 until at least 90. Rhescuporis was a contemporary of the rulingFlavian dynasty,in particular the reign ofDomitian.Through Rhescuporis, Cotys had descendants occupying the Bosporan throne until the mid-4th century. Among his descendants at least two kings bore his name.


  1. ^Bunson, Matthew (2014-05-14).Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire.Infobase Publishing. p. 372.ISBN978-1-4381-1027-1.
  2. ^American Philological Association (1974).Transactions of the American Philological Association.Vol. 107. For the Association by the Press of Case Western Reserve University. p. 5.
  3. ^Revue numismatique(in French). Vol. 157. Blois. 2001. p. 291.



  1. ^Greek:Τιβέριος Ἰούλιος Κότυς Α' Φιλόκαισαρ Φιλορωμαῖος Eὐσεβής
    Philocaesar Philoromaios Eusebesmeans "lover of Caesar, lover of Rome who is the pious one"
    Philopatrismeans "lover of his country"


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See also[edit]

Preceded by King of the Bosporus
Succeeded by