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Timeline of Scottish history

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This is atimeline of Scottish history,comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Scotland and its predecessor states. See alsoTimeline of prehistoric Scotland.

To read about the background to many of these events, seeHistory of Scotland.More information can also be found in thelist of Scottish monarchs,list of British monarchs,list of First Ministers of Scotland,andlist of years in Scotland.[1]


1st century

Year Date Event
97 RomansdefeatCaledoniansat theBattle of Mons Graupius.

2nd century

Year Date Event
122 Romans constructHadrian's Wall.
143 Romans constructAntonine Wall.
163 Romans withdraw south toTrimontiumandHadrian's Wall.

3rd century

Year Date Event
300 The termPictis first recorded in describing the federated tribes invaded byConstantius Chlorus.

4th century

Year Date Event
397 Traditional date at whichSaint Ninianestablishes a Christian mission atWhithorn.

5th century

Year Date Event
470 Votadinipeoples form the kingdom ofGododdinin the region north of theRiver Tweed.

6th century

Year Date Event
547 Anglescapture the Northumbrian fortress atBamburghand found the kingdom ofBernicia.
563 Saint Columbafounds a monastery atIonaand begins his mission to the northern Picts.
574 Áedán mac Gabráinbegins reign over theGaelickingdom ofDál Riata.
575 Western Scotland is granted independence from the Irish Dalriada, after a convention at Drum Ceatt near Derry.
580 Riderch I of Alt Clutrules region later known as the kingdom ofStrathclyde.
584 Bruide, son of Maelchon,dies.

7th century

Year Date Event
604 ÆthelfrithunitesBerniciaandDeirato form the kingdom ofNorthumbria.
638 NorthumbrianscaptureEdinburghfrom Gododdin.
680 TrumwineBishop ofAbercorn.
681 Bruide mac Bili,King ofFortriu,campaigns against Orkney.
685 Pictish King Bruide mac Bili defeatsEcgfrith of Northumbriaat theBattle of Dun Nechtain,halting the northern expansion of Northumbria.
693 Bruide mac Bili dies.
697 Bruide mac Der-Ileiamong the signatories of theCáin Adomnáin.

8th century

Year Date Event
717 Nechtan mac Der-IleiexpelsIonanclergy from Pictland and adopts Roman usages with the aid of BishopCuretán;masons sent by AbbotCeolfridofMonkwearmouth-Jarrow Prioryhelp build stone churches atRestenneth,Rosemarkieand elsewhere in eastern Scotland.
724 Drustand Nechtan mac Der-Ilei fight civil war (to 729).
732 Death of Nechtan mac Der-Ilei;Óengus mac Fergusabecomes King of the Picts.
735 Óengus mac Fergusa, King of the Picts, campaigns against Dál Riata, and seizes and burns the royal centre ofDunadd.
736 Battle of Cnoc Coirpi between Fortriu and Dál Riata.
741 Battle of Druimm Cathmail between Fortriu and Dál Riata; the "smiting of Dál Riata", in which Dál Riata is subdued by Óengus mac Fergusa.
747 St Andrewsfounded by this time, death of AbbotTúathalán.
750 Picts defeated by Britons at the Battle of Catohic.
756 Óengus mac Fergusa allied with the English of Northumbria attacks the Britons; the English army is destroyed.
761 Death of Óengus mac Fergusa.
763 Battle takes place in Fortriu betweenCiniodandÁed Find;result unknown.
778 Death of Áed Find, King of Dál Riata.
794 Annals of Ulster report the "wasting" of "all the islands of Britain by gentiles [Vikings]".

9th century

Year Date Event
802 Iona burned byVikings.
806 The monasteries under Iona are attacked by Vikings, killing 68 monks.
820 Death ofCaustantín mac Fergusa.
829 AbbotDiarmait,abbot of Iona,goes toAlbawith relics of St Columba.
831 Diarmait of Iona goes to Ireland with relics of St Columba.
839 Eóganan mac Óengusaand his brother Bran killed in battle with Vikings, end of dominance ofFortriu.
858 Death ofKenneth mac Alpin,King of the Picts;"union of Picts and Scots" traditionally dated from his reign.
870 Alt Clut—Dumbarton Rock— captured by theNorse-GaelorVikingleadersAmlaíb ConungandÍmarafter a six-month of siege.
878 Kenneth mac Alpin's sonÁedkilled;Giricbecomes king.
889 Death of Giric;Domnall mac Causantín,grandson of Kenneth, becomes king.
890 The Strathclyde Britons are exiled to theGwyneddin Wales.

10th century

Year Date Event
900 Causantín mac Áedasucceeds Domnall mac Causantín.
937 Battle of BrunanburhEnglish victory in 937 by the army of Æthelstan, King of England, and his brother Edmund over the combined armies of Olaf III Guthfrithson, the Norse-Gael King of Dublin, Constantine II, King of Scots, and Owen I, King of Strathclyde.
940 SaintCatroe of Metzleaves Scotland.
943 Causantín mac Áeda abdicates to become aculdeeat St Andrews.
952 Death of Causantín mac Áeda.
954 Indulfcaptures Edinburgh from Northumbria.

11th century

Year Date Event
1058 After defeatingMac BethadandLulach,Máel Coluim IIIis proclaimed king.
1012 Battle of Cruden Bay

12th century

Year Date Event
1124 David Ibecomes king and introduces the feudal system of landholding to much of Scotland.
1128 David I foundsHolyrood Abbeyat Edinburgh.
1136 Glasgow Cathedral(St Kentigern's, begun 1123) consecrated in the presence of David I.
1153 Somerledsacks Glasgow and its vicinity.
1156 Somerled defeats the NorseKing of Mann and the Isles,establishing his own semi-independent rule asri Innse Gall-King of the Hebrides.
1164 Somerled is defeated byMalcolm IVin theBattle of Renfrew.
1174 William Isigns theTreaty of Falaisein which he swears allegiance toHenry II of England.

13th century

Year Date Event
1234 Galloway's independent existence ends with the death ofAlan, Lord of Galloway.
1237 Southern border of Scotland established in theTreaty of York.
1263 Scots defeat Norwegians in theBattle of Largs.
1266 Norwaycedes theHebridesandIsle of Manto Scotland in theTreaty of Perth.
1292 Edward I of Englandintervenes in Scottish affairs and grants the Scottish throne toJohn Balliol.
1297 Andrew de MoraviaandWilliam Wallacelead the Scots to victory over England atStirling Bridge.

14th century

Year Date Event
1305 William Wallaceis executed in London.
1314 Robert the Brucedefeats the English atBannockburn.
1320 Nobles assert Scottish independence in theDeclaration of Arbroath.
1328 Treaty of Northampton.England recognisesScottish independence.
1329 Death of Robert the Bruce. His 5-year-old son,David IIsucceeds him.
1371 Robert IIbecomes firstStewartking.

15th century

Year Date Event
1402 English defeat Scots in theBattle of Nesbit Moorand theBattle of Humbleton Hill.
1413 Foundation of theUniversity of St Andrews.
1451 Establishment of theUniversity of Glasgow.
1468 DenmarkcedesOrkneyandShetlandfromNorwayto Scotland.
1488 James IVcrowned after death of his fatherJames III of Scotlandin/after a rebellion—theBattle of Sauchieburn.
1493 Lordship of the Islesabolished. In 1540 the title was reserved to the crown.
1495 Creation of theUniversity of Aberdeen(King's College).
1496 Education Act 1496makes education compulsory forbaronsand wealthy landowners.

16th century

Year Date Event
1513 James IVand thousands of Scots are killed atBattle of Flodden.
1532 Creation of theCollege of Justiceand theCourt of Session.
1542 Death ofJames V.
1547 Battle of Pinkieduring the War of theRough Wooing.
1559 John Knoxreturns to Scotland fromGenevato promoteCalvinism.
1560 ParliamentlegislatesProtestant Reformationof theChurch of Scotland.
1561 Mary, Queen of Scotsreturns from France.
1566 Baptism of James VIat Stirling
1568 Mary, Queen of Scots flees to England following the defeat of her army at theBattle of Langside.
1579 James VItakes over government from his regent,James Douglas.
1582 Establishment of theUniversity of Edinburghby royal charter.
1587 Mary is beheaded by the order ofQueen Elizabeth I of England.
1589 James VI marriesAnne of Denmarkin Oslo.
1590 Entry and coronation of Anne of Denmarkin Edinburgh
1592 James VI enacts the "Golden Act" recognising the power ofPresbyterianismwithin the Scottish church.
1594 Masque at the baptism of Prince Henryin Stirling

17th century

Year Date Event
1603 TheUnion of the Crowns:James VIof Scotland becomesJames I of England.
1614 John Napierinventslogarithmsand publishes a book promoting their use in mathematics.
1618 James VIforcesepiscopacyon theChurch of Scotlandthrough theFive Articles of Perth.
1625 Charles I of England, Scotland and Irelandis crowned.
1633 Education Act 1633ordains a school in everyparish(partially successful).
1638 ScottishCovenantersrebel againstCharles I.
1639 TheFirst Bishops' War.
1640 TheSecond Bishops' War.
1642 TheFirst English Civil Warstarted.
1643 TheSolemn League and Covenantpromises Scots army to aid English parliamentarians against the king.
1646 TheFirst English Civil Warended.
1648 TheSecond English Civil Warstarted.
1649 TheSecond English Civil Warended. Charles I is executed—ending the monarchy until 1660.
1649 TheThird English Civil Warstarted.
1650 Southern Scotland occupied by theEnglish Commonwealth'sNew Model Armyfollowing Scottish defeats at theBattle of Dunbar 1650and theBattle of Hamiltonduring theThird English Civil War
1651 3 September Battle of Worcesterwas a victory for New Model Army over the last major Royalist field army. Most of the Royalist officers and men who fought at Worcester were Scottish. For the next ten years, apart from some mopping up operations and a few insurrections, (all of which were easily suppressed) there was not further military resistance to rule from London.
1651 TheThird English Civil Warended.
1654 5 May Oliver Cromwellissued a proclamation at theMercat Crossin Edinburgh. Oliver Cromwell was theProtector of England Ireland and Scotland,thatScotland was united with the Commonwealth of England(Tender of Union) and there was a general pardon with some exceptions for the people of Scotland for any actions taken during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (Cromwell's Act of Grace).
1660 14 May The monarchy is restoredin Scotland and Scotland resumes its status as a separate kingdom.
1661 May Four men were executed for high treason for their actions againstthe Crownduring the Wars of the Three Kingdoms.Archibald Campbell, 8th Earl of Argyll,James Guthrie,William Govanwere all executed in May 1661 (the fourthArchibald Johnston, Lord Warristonfled abroad but returned to Scotland and was executed on 22 July 1663).
1661 6 September The restoration of theEpiscopacywas proclaimed by the Privy Council of Scotland.
1662 During theparliamentarysession theChurch of Scotlandwas restored as the national Church and all office-holders were required to renounced theCovenant.
1662 9 September TheScottish parliamentpassed theAct of indemnity and oblivion.It was a general pardon for most types of crime that may have been committed by Scots, between 1 January 1637 and before 1 September 1660, during what the Act called "the late troubles" (the Wars of the Three Kingdoms and theInterregnum).
1679 James, Duke of Monmouthdefeats Covenanters at theBattle of Bothwell Brig.
1689 Jacobite rising of 1689Highlanders defeat army ofWilliam IIIatKilliecrankie,but are halted atBattle of Dunkeld.
TheClaim of Rightand the re-establishment of Presbyterianism.
1692 TheMassacre of Glencoe.
1695 TheBank of Scotlandis created by an Act of theParliament.
1696 Education Act 1696ordains a school in everyparish(successful; act governs education until the 1872 act).
1698 The Darien scheme was an unsuccessful attempt by the Kingdom of Scotland to establish a colony called "New Caledonia" on the Isthmus of Panama in the 1690s

18th century

Year Date Event
1707 The Union of the Parliaments: theActs of Unionare passed by both the Scottish and English parliaments.
1715 Jacobite rising of 1715.
1745 Jacobite rising of 1745.
1746 TheBattle of Cullodenends thelast Jacobite rising.
1748 David HumepublishesAn Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
1754 Joseph Blackdiscovers "fixed air" (carbon dioxide).
1768 TheEncyclopædia Britannica First Editioncommences publication.
1769 James Wattpatents idea for separate condensing chamber in thesteam engine.
1775 Passage of theColliers and Salters (Scotland) Act 1775commences the removal of life bondage of coal and salt workers.[2]
1776 Adam SmithpublishesThe Wealth of Nations.

19th century

Year Date Event
1802 John Playfairpublishes summary ofJames Hutton's theories of geology.
1805 The Glasgow Heraldnewspaper first published.
1817 The Scotsmannewspaper first published.
1820 The "Radical War".
1822 Visit of King George IV to Scotlandorganized by SirWalter Scott.
1832 TheReform Actenlarges the franchise.
1843 TheDisruptionin theChurch of Scotland(over the issue of patronage).
1846 Beginning of the ten-yearHighland Potato Famine.
1847 TheUnited Presbyterian Church of Scotlandis established.
1864 James Clerk Maxwellpresents equations describing electromagnetic fields.
1874 Patronage abolished in theChurch of Scotland.
1878 Collapse of theCity of Glasgow Bank.
1879 William Ewart Gladstoneconducts theMidlothian campaignas part of a political comeback.
TheTay Bridge disaster.
1885 Creation of theScottish Officeand the post of Secretary for Scotland, laterSecretary of State for Scotland.
1890 Opening of theForth Railway Bridge.
1896 Opening of theGlasgow Subway.

20th century

Year Date Event
1919 31 January TheBattle of George Square
1929 TheChurch of Scotlandand theUnited Free Church of Scotlandunite.
1934 Scottish National Partyfounded.
1938 TheEmpire Exhibition, Scotlandis held atBellahouston Park,Glasgow.
1941 TheClydebank Blitz(13–15 March).
1943 Creation of theNorth of Scotland Hydro-Electric Boardto bring electricity to all parts of the Highlands and Islands.
1945 FirstScottish NationalistMPis elected.
1947 Nationalisation of the railways – theScottish Region of British Railwaysis created.
The firstEdinburgh International Festivalis held.
1950 TheStone of Destinyis removed fromWestminster Abbey.
1957 Scottish Televisionstarts broadcasting.
1968 TheGeneral Assembly of the Church of Scotlandpermits the ordination of women as ministers.
1975 Local government reorganisation(replacing Counties and Burghs for administrative purposes with Regions and Districts).
1978 Launch ofBBC Radio Scotland.
1979 Referendumto create a Scottish Assembly wins a majority but fails to win 40% of electorate. Act is therefore repealed without being put into effect.
1988 Terrorists blow upPan Am Flight 103overLockerbiewith the loss of 270 lives, including 11 residents of the town.
1995 Local government reorganisation(replacing the Regions and Districts with single-tier councils).
1996 TheStone of Destinyis permanently returned to Scotland, to be housed inEdinburgh Castle.
1997 Newly electedLabourUK Governmentunder the leadership of Scots-born Prime MinisterTony Blairlegislates for a referendum on a devolvedScottish Parliamentwhich is passed by a large majority.
1999 AScottish Parliamentsits for the first time in 272 years.Donald Dewarof theScottish Labour Partyelected asFirst Ministerand formsScottish Executivein coalition with theScottish Liberal Democrats.

21st century

Year Date Event
2004 9 October Opening of the newScottish Parliament Building.
2007 TheScottish National Partybecome the largest party in the Scottish Parliament and forms a minority government.
2011 TheScottish National PartyunderAlex Salmondgain an overall majority of theScottish Parliament.
2013 TheChurch of Scotland's ruling General Assembly votes to allow actively gay men and women to become ministers.
2014 18 September Scotland has a referendum on national independence. Result is to remain part of the UK, by 55% to 45%.
2015 TheScottish National Partywins 4.7% of the popular vote in the UK General Election, securing 56 out of the 59 seats in Scotland out of 650 seats in total across the UK.
2022 8 September The longest reigning monarch of theUnited Kingdom,Elizabeth II,diesatBalmoral CastleinAberdeenshire.
2023 15 February Nicola Sturgeonannounces resignation asFirst Minister of Scotlandand leadership of theScottish National Party.
2023 28 March Humza Yousafis elected as theFirst Minister of Scotlandand new leader ofScottish National Partyin the first contested leadership election in the SNP in nearly twenty years.
2024 4 July TheScottish Labour Partywins 40% of the popular vote in Scotland in the UK General Election and became the largest party in theUK Parliamentin terms of Scottish seats.

See also



  1. ^David Ross,Chronology of Scottish History(2002) has details for every year.
  2. ^Mantoux, Paul (1964).The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century.Jonathan Cape. p. 74.ISBN9781136585593.