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One of the tossols we can visita in theHayedo de Jordá,Garrotxa.

Tossolis aCatalánword (hillock) used to refer to protuberances that form inlava[1]flowsand that when the lava cools become small hills. In theJordà beech forest(in theGarrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park,inCatalonia,Spain) there are more than 50 tossols (spatter cones) formed by the interaction between lava flows and pre-existingwetlandsthat, when covered by lava at more than 1000 °C, boiled with large bubbles that raised and deformed the flow forming the tossols.[2]These in the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone are found in three lava flows, that of theCroscatvolcano (Jordà beech forest), that of the Puig Jordà volcano (Tosca Forest), that of the Montolivet volcano (Pla de Dalt) and the lava flow located in La Moixina and the Parc Nou inOlot.[3]


  • Francis, Pete & Oppenheymer, Clive. 2015. Volcanoes. Oxford University Press. 496 p. ISBN 9780199254699.


  1. ^Els tossols del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa. 2022. Olot. 65 pág.
  2. ^Itineraris pedestres 2: Sender Joan Maragall - La Fageda d'en Jordà». Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa, 16-01-1998.
  3. ^«tossol». Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l'IEC. Institut d'Estudis Catalans