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Trøndersk Norwegian
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Trøndersk(Urban East Norwegian:[ˈtrœ̀ndəʂk]), also known astrøndermål(Urban East Norwegian:[ˈtrœ̀ndərmoːɫ]) ortrøndsk(Urban East Norwegian:[ˈtrœndsk]), is aNorwegian dialect,or rather a group of several sub-dialects. As is the case with all Norwegian dialects, it has no standardisedorthography,and its users write eitherBokmålorNynorsk.

It is spoken in the regionTrøndelag,the districtNordmøreand the municipalityBindalinNorwayas well as inFrostvikenin northernJämtland,Sweden,which was colonized in the 18th century by settlers fromNord-Trøndelagand transferred to Sweden as late as 1751.[2]The dialect is, among other things, perhaps mostly characterized by the use ofapocope,palatalizationand the use ofvoiced retroflex flaps(thick L). Historically it also applied to contiguous regions of Jämtland andHärjedalen(which are sometimes, though rarely, referred to as "Øst-Trøndelag"by locals and Norwegians).

The wordtrønderskis anadjectivedescribing aTrønder(apersonfrom Trøndelag) or anything coming from or relating to Trøndelag (including the dialect).

Some of the more conspicuous variations of these dialects of Norwegian, in addition to the aforementioned apocope and palatalization, are that most of the personal pronouns are pronounced differently than in Standard Norwegian, e.g. Trondheim dialect: 1st person singular nominative/æː/,commonly rendered as "æ" (Standard Norwegian "eg" (Nynorsk) / "jeg" (Bokmål)), or 2nd person plural accusative/dɔkː/or/dɔkːɛr/,commonly spelled "dokker" or "dåkker" (Standard Norwegian "de/dokker" (Nynorsk) / "dere" (Bokmål)). Variation among personal pronouns are common in most Norwegian dialects. The 1st person singular has a particularly high variability in the Trønder dialects.


Trøndersk features phonemicpitch accentin monosyllabic words, namely those that were disyllabic inOld Norsebut later became monosyllabic due toapocope.This creates minimal pairs not found in most other varieties of Norwegian. In dialects with thedative case,an example of that would be the difference between the dative form of a neuter noun as compared with the nominative form. The latter is pronounced with Tone 1, whereas the former often has Tone 2. Outsiders are rarely able to hear the distinction between them as in most other varieties of Norwegian (and Swedish) pitch accent is phonemic only in non-final syllables of polysyllabic words.

TheMeldal subdialecthas a realization of/iː/as a syllabic, palatalizeddental approximant[ð̩ʲ˕ː].This sound is also found in some dialects of Swedish.[3][4]

In the subdialect of the traditional district ofNamdalen,Old Norse/aː/is often realized as a wide diphthong[ɑu].This is also the case in the interior dialectSogn,as well as inJamtlandic,the dialect ofVoss,and theIcelandic language.

Comparisons to other languages[edit]

Trøndersk Norwegian(Nynorsk) Norwegian(Bokmål) English French High German Swedish Icelandic
ka, kå, ke kva hva what que/quoi was vad hvað
kæmm, ken kven hvem who qui wer vem hver
kordan, kålles, koss korleis hvordan how comment wie hur hvernig
æ, æg, i, e, ej, je, jæ eg jeg I je ich jag ég

See also[edit]


  1. ^Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (2022-05-24)."Older Runic".Glottolog.Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.Archivedfrom the original on 2022-11-13.Retrieved2022-11-13.
  2. ^Jahr, Ernst Håkon, ed. (1990).Den store dialektboka.Oslo: Novus. p. 119.
  3. ^Vanvik (1979),p. 14.
  4. ^"dialekter i Sør-Trøndelag − Store norske leksikon".Retrieved21 July2015.
